487 research outputs found

    Where the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann cell model fails: (I) spurious phase separation in charged colloidal suspensions

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    We perform a linearization of the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) density functional for spherical Wigner-Seitz cells that yields Debye-H\"uckel-like equations agreeing asymptotically with the PB results in the weak-coupling (high-temperature) limit. Both the canonical (fixed number of microions) as well as the semi-grand-canonical (in contact with an infinite salt reservoir) cases are considered and discussed in a unified linearized framework. In the canonical case, for sufficiently large colloidal charges the linearized theory predicts the occurrence of a thermodynamical instability with an associated phase separation of the homogeneous suspension into dilute (gas) and dense (liquid) phases. In the semi-grand-canonical case it is predicted that the isothermal compressibility and the osmotic-pressure difference between the colloidal suspension and the salt reservoir become negative in the low-temperature, high-surface charge or infinite-dilution (of polyions) limits. As already pointed out in the literature for the latter case, these features are in disagreement with the exact nonlinear PB solution inside a Wigner-Seitz cell and are thus artifacts of the linearization. By using explicitly gauge-invariant forms of the electrostatic potential we show that these artifacts, although thermodynamically consistent with quadratic expansions of the nonlinear functional and osmotic pressure, may be traced back to the non-fulfillment of the underlying assumptions of the linearization.Comment: 32 pages, 3 PostScript figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Increased incidence of entanglements and ingested marine debris in Dutch seals from 2010 to 2020

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    In recent decades, the amount of marine debris has increased in our oceans. As wildlife interactions with debris increase, so does the number of entangled animals, impairing normal behavior and potentially affecting the survival of these individuals. The current study summarizes data on two phocid species, harbor (Phoca vitulina) and gray seals (Halichoerus grypus), affected by marine debris in Dutch waters from 2010 to 2020. The findings indicate that the annual entanglement rate (13.2 entanglements/year) has quadrupled compared with previous studies. Young seals, particularly gray seals, are the most affected individuals, with most animals found or sighted with fishing nets wrapped around their necks. Interestingly, harbor seals showed a higher incidence of ingested debris. Species differences with regard to behavior, foraging strategies, and habitat preferences may explain these findings. The lack of consistency across reports suggests that it is important to standardize data collection from now on. Despite increased public awareness about the adverse environmental effects of marine debris, more initiatives and policies are needed to ensure the protection of the marine environment in the Netherlands

    Effective Interactions and Volume Energies in Charged Colloids: Linear Response Theory

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    Interparticle interactions in charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions, of arbitrary salt concentration, are described at the level of effective interactions in an equivalent one-component system. Integrating out from the partition function the degrees of freedom of all microions, and assuming linear response to the macroion charges, general expressions are obtained for both an effective electrostatic pair interaction and an associated microion volume energy. For macroions with hard-sphere cores, the effective interaction is of the DLVO screened-Coulomb form, but with a modified screening constant that incorporates excluded volume effects. The volume energy -- a natural consequence of the one-component reduction -- contributes to the total free energy and can significantly influence thermodynamic properties in the limit of low-salt concentration. As illustrations, the osmotic pressure and bulk modulus are computed and compared with recent experimental measurements for deionized suspensions. For macroions of sufficient charge and concentration, it is shown that the counterions can act to soften or destabilize colloidal crystals.Comment: 14 pages, including 3 figure

    Progression Detection of Glaucoma from Polarimetric Images

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    Detecting glaucoma progression is crucial for assessing the effectivity of the treatment. This paper describes three methods for detecting progression related changes in polarimetric images of the retinal nerve fiber layer (NFL), both on a global and on a local scale. Detecting global changes proved not to be feasible due to poor reproducibility of the measurements at the pixel level. Local progression on the other hand could be detected. A distribution based approach did not work, but locating specific areas with minimum size and minimum NFL decrease did give relevant results. The described algorithm yielded a TPR of 0.42 and an FPR of 0.095 on our datasets. It proved to be able to outline suspect areas that show NFL reductio

    On the fluid-fluid phase separation in charged-stabilized colloidal suspensions

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    We develop a thermodynamic description of particles held at a fixed surface potential. This system is of particular interest in view of the continuing controversy over the possibility of a fluid-fluid phase separation in aqueous colloidal suspensions with monovalent counterions. The condition of fixed surface potential allows in a natural way to account for the colloidal charge renormalization. In a first approach, we assess the importance of the so called ``volume terms'', and find that in the absence of salt, charge renormalization is sufficient to stabilize suspension against a fluid-fluid phase separation. Presence of salt, on the other hand, is found to lead to an instability. A very strong dependence on the approximations used, however, puts the reality of this phase transition in a serious doubt. To further understand the nature of the instability we next study a Jellium-like approximation, which does not lead to a phase separation and produces a relatively accurate analytical equation of state for a deionized suspensions of highly charged colloidal spheres. A critical analysis of various theories of strongly asymmetric electrolytes is presented to asses their reliability as compared to the Monte Carlo simulations

    Engineering <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> for co-utilization of D-galacturonic acid and D-glucose from citrus peel waste

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    Pectin-rich agricultural byproducts are ideal feedstocks for biobased chemicals production. Here, the authors engineer the yeast, S. cerevisiae, in several steps to co-utilize d-galacturonic acid and d-glucose and demonstrate the potential of producing meso-galactaric acid from industrial orange peel

    The osmotic pressure of charged colloidal suspensions: A unified approach to linearized Poisson-Boltzmann theory

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    We study theoretically the osmotic pressure of a suspension of charged objects (e.g., colloids, polyelectrolytes, clay platelets, etc.) dialyzed against an electrolyte solution using the cell model and linear Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. From the volume derivative of the grand potential functional of linear theory we obtain two novel expressions for the osmotic pressure in terms of the potential- or ion-profiles, neither of which coincides with the expression known from nonlinear PB theory, namely, the density of microions at the cell boundary. We show that the range of validity of linearization depends strongly on the linearization point and proof that expansion about the selfconsistently determined average potential is optimal in several respects. For instance, screening inside the suspension is automatically described by the actual ionic strength, resulting in the correct asymptotics at high colloid concentration. Together with the analytical solution of the linear PB equation for cell models of arbitrary dimension and electrolyte composition explicit and very general formulas for the osmotic pressure ensue. A comparison with nonlinear PB theory is provided. Our analysis also shows that whether or not linear theory predicts a phase separation depends crucially on the precise definition of the pressure, showing that an improper choice could predict an artificial phase separation in systems as important as DNA in physiological salt solution.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, REVTeX4 styl

    Theory of Mind and social functioning among neuropsychiatric disorders:A transdiagnostic study

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    Social dysfunction is commonly present in neuropsychiatric disorders of schizophrenia (SZ) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits have been linked to social dysfunction in disease-specific studies. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how ToM is related to social functioning across these disorders, and which factors contribute to this relationship. We investigated transdiagnostic associations between ToM and social functioning among SZ/AD patients and healthy controls, and explored to what extent these associations relate to information processing speed or facial emotion recognition capacity. A total of 163 participants were included (SZ: n=56, AD: n=50 and age-matched controls: n=57). Social functioning was assessed with the Social Functioning Scale (SFS) and the De Jong-Gierveld Loneliness Scale (LON). ToM was measured with the Hinting Task. Information processing speed was measured by the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) and facial emotion recognition capacity by the facial emotion recognition task (FERT). Case-control deficits in Hinting Task performance were larger in AD (rrb = -0.57) compared to SZ (rrb = -0.35). Poorer Hinting Task performance was transdiagnostically associated with the SFS (βHinting-Task = 1.20, p<0.01) and LON (βHinting-Task = -0.27, p<0.05). DSST, but not FERT, reduced the association between the SFS and Hinting Task performance, however the association remained significant (βHinting-Task = 0.95, p<0.05). DSST and FERT performances did not change the association between LON and Hinting Task performance. Taken together, ToM deficits are transdiagnostically associated with social dysfunction and this is partly related to reduced information processing speed