115 research outputs found

    Internationale RechtshÀngigkeit im Zivilprozess

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    Concept for Predicting Vibrations in Machine Tools Using Machine Learning

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    Vibrations have a significant influence on quality and costs in metal cutting processes. Existing methods for predicting vibrations in machine tools enable an informed choice of process settings, however they rely on costly equipment and specialised staff. Therefore, this contribution proposes to reduce the modelling effort required by using machine learning based on data gathered during production. The approach relies on two sub-models, representing the machine structure and machining process respectively. A method is proposed for initialising and updating the models in production

    The Bacillus subtilis Minimal Genome Compendium

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    To better understand cellular life, it is essential to decipher the contribution of individual components and their interactions. Minimal genomes are an important tool to investigate these interactions. Here, we provide a database of 105 fully annotated genomes of a series of strains with sequential deletion steps of the industrially relevant model bacterium Bacillus subtilis starting with the laboratory wild type strain B. subtilis 168 and ending with B. subtilis PG38, which lacks approximately 40% of the original genome. The annotation is supported by sequencing of key intermediate strains as well as integration of literature knowledge for the annotation of the deletion scars and their potential effects. The strain compendium presented here represents a comprehensive genome library of the entire MiniBacillus project. This resource will facilitate the more effective application of the different strains in basic science as well as in biotechnology

    The role of parental investments for cognitive and noncognitive skill formation : evidence for the first 11 years of life

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    This paper examines the impact of parental investments on the development of cognitive, mental and emotional skills during childhood using data from a longitudinal study, the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk, starting at birth. Our work offers three important innovations. First, we use reliable measures of the child’s cognitive, mental and emotional skills as well as accurate measures of parental investment. Second, we estimate latent factor models to account for unobserved characteristics of children. Third, we examine the skill development for girls and boys separately, as well as for children who were born with either organic or psychosocial risk. We find a decreasing impact of parental investments on cognitive and mental skills, while emotional skills seem to be unaffected by parental investment throughout childhood. Thus, initial inequality persists during childhood. Since families are the main sources of education during the first years of life, our results have important implications for the quality of the parent-child relationship

    Theorie eines Elternschaftsrechts

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    Das Abstammungsrecht steht heute vor neuen Herausforderungen. FamilienverhĂ€ltnisse werden in vielgestaltigen Formen gelebt. Kinder werden immer hĂ€ufiger in gleichgeschlechtlichen Familien, Stief- und Reproduktionsfamilien sowie in Familien nicht miteinander verheirateter Eltern oder in Ein-Elternfamilien groß. Vermehrt kommt es zu Pluralisierung von Elternschaft, d.h. einem Auseinanderfallen genetischer, biologischer, sozialer und rechtlicher Elternschaft. Es fragt sich, wer in diesem Fall als rechtlicher Elternteil angesehen werden sollte. Die Fragestellungen werden im internationalen Kontext noch komplexer. Streben Paare ins Ausland, um sich den Kinderwunsch zu erfĂŒllen (Reproduktions- bzw. Leihmutterschaftstourismus), stellen sich bei deren RĂŒckkehr schwierige Anerkennungsfragen. Philipp Reuß widmet sich den genannten Fragestellungen und entwickelt auf intra- und interdisziplinĂ€rer sowie auf rechtsvergleichender Grundlage die normativen Elemente eines modernen Abstammungsrechts.Die Habilitationschrift wurde ausgezeichnet mit dem mit dem Stiftungspreis 2019 des Instituts fĂŒr familienrechtliche Grundlagenforschung.»A Theory of Parentage Law«The frequent appearance of alternative family forms, an increased emergence of pluralised forms of parentage and phenomena like reproductive tourism or surrogate motherhood nowadays challenge parentage laws. Philipp Reuß develops the normative elements of a modern law of parentage. He is dealing with the said questions on intra- and interdisciplinary basis and from a comparative law perspective
