26 research outputs found


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    Long history of woman movement in Indonesia showing what woman has given special nuance to democratization learning in Indonesia. Indonesian woman movement dynamic in last two year show that they courageous to express issues about their interest. However, in reality, still much homework to enhance woman access and control in decision making at public sphere that influencing individual life at family. We have to acknowledge that, woman movement still urban bias and only enjoyed by educated ones. Suburban or village woman that became largest part of Indonesian people not yet having access and control to became part of democratization process, so woman have room to own autonomy of herself on public sphere that impendent from other domination. At this point, empowerment and struggle to bring village woman software they can develop themselves, is an urgent agend

    Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) untuk Kebangkitan Ekonomi Kelompok Pekerja Migran pada Masa Pandemic Covid-19

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    Salah satu bentuk resiliensi masyarakat dalam menghadapi situasi sulit seperti pandemic covid19 adalah mereka berupaya untuk bangkit dan mencari peluang yang dapat mendatangkan manfaat untuk mereka. Beberapa dari masyarakat membentuk kelompok usaha untuk mencermati peluang dan kesempatan yang dapat digunakan untuk bertahan atau bahkan meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka. Salah satunya adalah kelompok mantan pekerja migran perempuan dan keluarga. Merespon situasi ini, Kuliah Kerja Nyata/KKN untuk pemberdayaan kelompok mantan pekerja migran perempuan dan keluarga berupaya untuk membantu dan membangkitkan perekonomian kelompok ini. Melalui model pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KKN di Desa Cihonje (Kabupaten Banyumas), Desa Jatisawit (Kabupaten Brebes) dan Desa Kebon ( Kabupaten Serang), pelaksanaan KKN menunjukkan hasil yang menggembirakan. Lokasi KKN pertama menjukkan bahwa KKN telah menghidupkan kembali unit usaha makanan ringan kelompok mantan pekerja migran Ikatan Perempuan Keluarga Buruh Migran Indonesia/IPAKARUMI. Pada lokasi kedua, KKN telah berhasil membuat kelompok tani MAKMUR yang beranggotakan warga Dukuh Purbanala dan keluarga pekerja migran yang berdomisili di dukuh tersebut. Kelompok tani MAKMUR memiliki lahan yang digarap bersama-sama dan hasilnya untuk anggota. Pada lokasi ketiga, KKN berhasil membuat kelompok usaha makanan ringan STIKONG yang beranggotakan mantan pekerja migran perempuan. Para mantan pekerja migran perempuan yang sebelumnya tidak memiliki kegiatan, sekarang mereka memiliki sebuah usaha untuk dikelola bersama dan hasilnya dinikmati bersama. Sebagai agent of change, mahasiswa KKN telah memberikan perubahan terhadap masyarakat sehingga masyarakat dapat mandiri secara ekonomi.


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    Although regulations regarding child-friendly school policies have been made by the government since 2014. However, the reality is that we often find cases of violence against children in educational institutions covered by social media. Cases of violence that often occur in educational institutions include physical violence, sexual violence, and psychological violence. In this study, researchers were very interested and wanted to research teacher strategies for preventing acts of violence through child-friendly school programs. This aims to map teacher strategies from the results of research on child-friendly schools that have been conducted by several previous researchers. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of a literature review or literature study. It is hoped that the results of this strategy mapping can be put to good use in the future by educational institutions in Indonesia to implement a child-friendly school program. The results of the study show that educational institutions that have implemented a child-friendly school program have tried to follow the rules by the six standard indicators set by the government. Teachers are required to carry out fun learning, invite students to actively participate, also provide more educational punishments if students make mistakes. Several educational institutions are also innovating by creating literacy activities, clean Fridays, strengthening character education, creating educational content for children through social media, and providing counseling services that students and parents can access

    Model Ekologi Sosial Problem Solving Anak Korban COVID 19

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    This article explains the social ecological model of problem solving for child victims of COVID 19 as an effort to handle a sensitive and comprehensive approach to help them overcome the various social problems they face. Action or intervention plans must be tailored to existing needs and resources. The aim of this research is to examine the social ecological model of problem solving for child victims of COVID 19. The theory used is the sociological theory of Tancolt Parsons Adaptation, Goal Attainments, Integration and Latency. The research method used is qualitative with a literature study approach. The research results found that the social system has an important role as a comprehensive multilevel analysis and the central concept is collaboration and involvement of related parties in handling child victims of COVID 19. The conclusion of this research is that the social ecological model of problem solving for child victims of COVID 19 requires several comprehensive approaches that where social handling does not only focus on the individual himself but involves several aspects, including family, group, community, surrounding environment or society from various stakeholders by identifying existing problems, making action/intervention plans, implementing actions/interventions and necessary there is also an evaluation. This research can be useful in the field of sociology of community empowerment. This research can provide benefits to readers regarding the social ecological model of problem solving for children who are victims of COVID 1

    Representasi Diri dalam Media Sosial TikTok (Studi Panggung Depan dan Panggung Belakang Seleb TikTok Mahasiswa Universitas Jenderal Soedirman)

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    Kepopuleran TikTok membuat banyak orang memilih untuk merepresentasikan dirinya di platform ini. Berbagai upaya dilakukan agar menjadi populer di TikTok. Biasanya orang yang populer di TikTok disebut sebagai Seleb TikTok. Kehidupan Seleb TikTok ini memiliki dua versi yaitu satu yang mereka perlihatkan di panggung depan dan satu yang tersembunyi pada panggung belakang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana panggung depan dan panggung belakang Seleb TikTok mahasiswa Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka. Informan penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Jenderal Soedirman yang memiliki akun TikTok dengan minimal 10.000 pengikut dan aktif membuat konten di TikTok. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada panggung depan Seleb TikTok mahasiswa Universitas Jenderal Soedirman memperhatikan penampilan diri dan pembawaan diri sedangkan pada panggung belakang menjelaskan motivasi penggunaan TikTok, cara mempertahankan popularitas, proses pembuatan konten TikTok dan dampak TikTok pada kehidupan mereka

    Persepsi Orang Tua Di Desa Kandangserang, Kecamatan Kandangserang, Kabupaten Pekalongan Terhadap Konten LGBT Di Media Sosial Tik-Tok

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    ABSTRAK Kemajuan teknologi informasi dan semakin canggihnya perangkat-perangkat informasi yang diproduksi oleh industri seolah-olah menghadirkan “dunia dalam genggaman”. Media sosial hadir dan mengubah paradigma berkomunikasi dimasyarakat saat ini. Komunikasi tak terbatas jarak, waktu, ruang. Bisa terjadi dimana saja, kapan saja, tanpa harus bertatap muka. Tik-Tok menjadi salah satu jejaring media sosial yang saat ini sangat digemari oleh seluruh masyarakat. Dalam penyajian kontenya Tik-Tok ini, kurang dapat memfilter isi video dari para konten kreator yang ada. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan banyaknya konten-konten LGBT yang bermunculan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi orang tua terhadap konten LGBT di media sosial Tik-Tok. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, menggunakan observasi, wawancara semi terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Pemilihan subyek penelitian menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Orang tua mempunyai persepsi yang berbeda-beda terhadap konten LGBT di media sosial Tik-Tok, di antara persepsinya yaitu menganggap tidak baik jika konten-konten LGBT ada di media sosial terutama Tik-Tok, dimana para orang tua menghawatirkan jika hal tersebut dilihat dan ditiru oleh anak-anaknya serta bertentangan dengan agama, budaya dan negara. Pada intinya orang tua tidak mendukung adanya aktivitas LGBT berupa konten di Tik Tok ataupun di media sosial lainnya, karena memang seluruh aktivitas yang mengandung nilai LGBT sangat tidak bisa dibenarkan dalam sudut pandang apa pun. (2) Orang tua mempunyai langkah-langkah yang berbeda-beda dalam menyikapi konten LGBT di media sosial Tik-Tok, di antaranya mereka memilih untuk mengabaikan konten yang indikasinya mengandung nilai LGBT dan tidak membagikan konten tersebut ke media sosial yang lain. Beberapa orang tua memilih melakukan tindakan dengan langsung memblokir, mereport, melaporkan akun pemilik konten LGBT tersebut. Tidak sedikit juga orang tua yang memberikan pemahaman kepada keluarga mereka jika konten-konten seperti LGBT tidak layak untuk diakses.   Kata Kunci: Persepsi, Tik-Tok, LGBT   ABSTRACT (Bahasa inggris. Gunakan Grammarly) The advancement of information technology and the increasingly sophisticated information devices produced by the industry seem to present the "world in the palm". Social media is present and changes the paradigm of communicating in today's society. Communication is not limited to distance, time, or space. It can happen anywhere, anytime, without having to meet face to face. TikTok is one of the most popular social media networks today. In presenting this Tik-Tok content, it is less able to filter video content from existing content creators. This can be proven by the number of LGBT content that has sprung up. This study aims to describe parents' perceptions of LGBT content on TikTok social media. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, using observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The selection of research subjects using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that: (1) Parents have different perceptions of LGBT content on Tik-Tok social media, among their perceptions is that they think it is not good if LGBT content is on social media, especially Tik-Tok, where the parents worry if it is seen and imitated by their children and is against religion, culture, and country. In essence, parents do not support LGBT activities in the form of content on Tik Tok or other social media, because indeed all activities that contain LGBT values cannot be justified from any point of view. (2) Parents have different steps in responding to LGBT content on Tik-Tok social media, including they choose to ignore content that indicates that it contains LGBT values and not sharing the content on other social media. Some parents choose to take action by directly blocking, reporting, and reporting the account of the owner of the LGBT content. Not a few parents also provide understanding to their families if content such as LGBT is not worth accessing.   Keywords : : Perseption, Tik-Tok, LGB

    The Role of Non-Government Organizations in the Education of Migrant Workers' Children in Sabah Malaysia

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    The number of Indonesian Migrant Workers (IMWs) in Malaysia is at the highest compared to other countries. Most IMWs in the states of Sabah and Sarawak are illegal migrants though they have lived in Malaysia for decades, some for up to three generations. Thus, many of their children have also been born and raised in Malaysia. There is a serious problem regarding the education of their children. The Malaysian government does not acknowledge this because the children are not citizens. The Indonesian government is also very limited in its ability to facilitate aid to these children because there are over 50 thousand of them. This article aimed to determine whether non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are concerned and what their role is in helping to overcome the education problems of IMWs children, especially those in the Sabah region of Malaysia. The method used in this study is qualitative. Data collection by interview method, focus group discussion offline and online via zoom, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out interactively. The results indicate that NGOs play a significant role in the education of IMW’s children. There are 2 NGOs play a role: the first NGO, Humana, at the elementary school level in Sabah, Malaysia. Humana NGO resources are various stakeholders in Sabah Malaysia. Second, the NGO Sabah Bridge plays a part from junior high school level education to Senior high school level. The NGO Sabah Bridge’s resources are teachers sent from Indonesia to Malaysia and former teachers who have returned to Indonesia. Keywords: Non-governmental organizations, children, education, Saba

    Scholarship as a Method to Enhance the Identity of Undocumented Children of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Sabah, Malaysia

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    The undocumented children of Indonesian migrant workers born and raised in Sabah have an identity problem. This is due to the absence of documents and the values, culture, customs, and experiences acquired in the receiving country. Furthermore, an emotional and physical link to the recipient country is built, which causes neglect towards their original identity. The Indonesian Government enacted a policy to revive the identity of undocumented children through the provision of repatriation scholarships. This study aimed to determine the influence of scholarships on the re-emergence of Indonesian identity. It involved a mixed method that combines quantitative and qualitative. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires, interviews, and FGD. The results showed that repatriation scholarships foster the identity of migrant workers’ children as Indonesians. Keywords: identity, scholarships, undocumented childre

    Keadaan Sosial Ekonomi Pekerja Migran Perempuan Single Parent setelah Cerai Gugat di Kecamatan Kesugihan Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Abstrak Kecamatan Kesugihan menempati posisi ketiga Kecamatan dengan jumlah pekerja migran tertinggi di Kabupaten Cilacap dengan jumlah pekerja migran laki-laki sebanyak  157 orang dan pekerja migran perempuan berjumlah 397 orang. Hal ini berimplikasi pada tingginya angka perceraian di Kecamatan Kesugihan Kabupaten Cilacap terutama cerai gugat. Kecamatan Kesugihan menempati posisi pertama Kecamatan dengan jumlah cerai gugat terbanyak pada tahun 2018 di Kabupaten Cilacap dengan jumlah 311 kasus. Dari beberapa hal diatas penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui keadaan sosial ekonomi pekerja migran perempuan single parent setelah cerai gugat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi pra dan paska cerai gugat yang dialami oleh pekerja migran perempuan single parent beragam mulai dari bekerja dengan kondisi ekonomi baik,sedang, hingga tidak bekerja dengan kondisi ekonomi yang baik. Kondisi pra dan paska migrasi dan cerai gugat mengungkapkan perubahan keadaan ekonomi yang akhirnya turut menentukan keadaan sosial berupa posisi tawar dan akses pengambilan keputusan dalam pertukaran sosial dengan suami, lebih rendah, lebih tinggi, atau setara. Hal ini sejalan dengan premis Blau yang menyatakan bahwa pada pertukaran sosial kekuasaan lahir dari situasi ketika individu tergantung pada sesuatu yang diberikan oleh individu lain, dan nilai tersebut menjadi lebih tinggi dari nilai pertukaran yang dia tawarkan. Pertukaran sumber daya ini terjadi antara pekerja migran perempuan single parent dengan anggota keluarga dan mantan suami. Sumber daya yang dipertukarkan dalam hal ini adalah sumber daya ekstrinsik (uang) dengan sumber daya alternatif (rasa kasih sayang). Kata Kunci: Keadaan sosial ekonomi, pekerja migran perempuan single parent, cerai gugat   Abstract Kesugihan sub-district occupies the third position with the highest number of migrant workers in Cilacap Regency with 157 male migrant workers and 397 female migrant workers. This has implications for the high divorce rate in Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency, especially divorced cases. Kesugihan District occupies the first position in the District with the highest number of divorces in 2018 in Cilacap Regency with a total of 311 cases. From some of the things above, this research was conducted with the aim of knowing the socio-economic conditions of single parent female migrant workers after a divorce. The results showed that the pre- and post-divorce conditions experienced by single parent female migrant workers varied from working with good, moderate economic conditions, to not working with good economic conditions. Pre- and post-migration conditions and divorce cases reveal changes in economic conditions which ultimately determine social conditions in the form of bargaining position and access to decision-making in social exchanges with their husbands, lower, higher, or equal. This is in line with Blau's premise which states that in social exchange power is born from a situation when an individual depends on something given by another individual, and the value becomes higher than the exchange value he offers. This exchange of resources occurs between female migrant workers. single parent with family members and ex-husband. The resources exchanged in this case are extrinsic resources (money) with alternative resources (affection). Keywords: Socio-economic conditions, single parent female migrant workers, divorc

    Representasi kelompok lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender (LGBT) dalam pemberitaan Detik.com

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    The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) group is a group that is marginalized due to issues of gender and sexuality. The LGBT community is often stigmatized as immoral and deviant, considered the source of HIV/AIDS, contrary to religion, as a disease, and not by state ideology. Society's knowledge of heteronormative gender and sexuality makes the LGBT group abnormal. The media can construct or deconstruct what people believe to be true. This study intends to explain how the representation of LGBT groups in news coverage in the mass media. In particular, the news in the online media Detik.com. Detik.com was chosen because it is one of the pioneers of internet-based mass media and always occupies Indonesia's top ten most popular websites. This research used Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method, focusing on social structure, class, and social relations. Norman Fairclough presents three dimensions of analysis: text analysis, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. The study results show Detik.com reporting on LGBT issues dominates in putting LGBT groups in a corner. The LGBT group is still represented as "deviant" and prone to discrimination