3,512 research outputs found

    Impact of Cosmic Variance on the Galaxy-Halo Connection for Lyman-α\alpha Emitters

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    In this paper we study the impact of cosmic variance and observational uncertainties in constraining the mass and occupation fraction, foccf_{\rm occ}, of dark matter halos hosting Ly-α\alpha Emitting Galaxies (LAEs) at high redshift. To this end, we construct mock catalogs from an N-body simulation to match the typical size of observed fields at z=3.1z=3.1 (∌1deg2\sim 1 {\rm deg^2}). In our model a dark matter halo with mass in the range Mmin<Mh<MmaxM_{\rm min}<M_{\mathrm h}<M_{\rm max} can only host one detectable LAE at most. We proceed to explore the parameter space determined by MminM_{\rm min},MmaxM_{\rm max} and foccf_{\rm occ} with a Markov Chain Monte-Carlo algorithm using the angular correlation function (ACF) and the LAEs number density as observational constraints. We find that the preferred minimum and maximum masses in our model span a wide range 1010.0h−1M⊙≀Mmin≀1011.1h−1M⊙10^{10.0}h^{-1}{\rm{M_{\odot}}}\leq M_{\rm min} \leq 10^{11.1}h^{-1}{\rm{M_{\odot}}} , 1011.0h−1M⊙≀Mmax≀1013.0h−1M⊙10^{11.0}h^{-1}{\rm{M_{\odot}}}\leq M_{\rm max} \leq 10^{13.0}h^{-1}{\rm{M_{\odot}}}; followed by a wide range in the occupation fraction 0.02≀focc≀0.300.02\leq f_{\rm occ} \leq 0.30. As a consequence the median mass, M50M_{50}, of all the consistent models has a large uncertainty M50=3.16−2.37+9.34×1010M_{50} = 3.16^{+9.34}_{-2.37}\times 10^{10}h−1M⊙h^{-1}{\rm{M_{\odot}}}. However, we find that the same individual models have a relatively tight 1σ1\sigma scatter around the median mass ΔM1σ=0.55−0.31+0.11\Delta M_{1\sigma} = 0.55^{+0.11}_{-0.31} dex. We are also able to show that \focc\ is uniquely determined by MminM_{\rm min}, regardless of MmaxM_{\rm max}. We argue that upcoming large surveys covering at least 2525 deg2^{2} should be able to put tighter constraints on MminM_{\rm min} and foccf_{\rm occ} through the LAE number density distribution width constructed over several fields of ∌1\sim 1 deg2^{2}.Comment: 7 Pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Identifying Fiscal Policy Shocks in Chile and Colombia

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    Structural VAR and Structural VEC models were estimated for Chile and Colombia, aiming at identifying fiscal policy shocks in both countries between 1990 and 2005. The impulse responses obtained allow the calculation of a peso-for-peso (//) effect on output of a shock to public spending and to the government's net tax revenues, providing a good notion of the incidence of fiscal policy shocks in both countries. When public finances are under control, as they are in Chile, fiscal policy seems to be more effective than when they lack stability and credibility, as seems to be the case of Colombia since the mid nineties.

    From old wars to new wars and global terrorism

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    Even before 9/11 there were claims that the nature of war had changed fundamentally. The 9/11 attacks created an urgent need to understand contemporary wars and their relationship to older conventional and terrorist wars, both of which exhibit remarkable regularities. The frequency-intensity distribution of fatalities in "old wars", 1816-1980, is a power-law with exponent 1.80. Global terrorist attacks, 1968-present, also follow a power-law with exponent 1.71 for G7 countries and 2.5 for non-G7 countries. Here we analyze two ongoing, high-profile wars on opposite sides of the globe - Colombia and Iraq. Our analysis uses our own unique dataset for killings and injuries in Colombia, plus publicly available data for civilians killed in Iraq. We show strong evidence for power-law behavior within each war. Despite substantial differences in contexts and data coverage, the power-law coefficients for both wars are tending toward 2.5, which is a value characteristic of non-G7 terrorism as opposed to old wars. We propose a plausible yet analytically-solvable model of modern insurgent warfare, which can explain these observations.Comment: For more information, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]


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    Structural VAR and Structural VEC models were estimated for Chile and Colombia, aiming at identifying fiscal policy shocks in both countries between 1990 and 2005. The impulse responses obtained allow the calculation of a pesofor- peso (//) effect on output of a shock to public spending and to the government's net tax revenues, providing a good notion of the incidence of fiscal policy shocks in both countries. When public finances are under control, as they are in Chile, fiscal policy seems to be more effective than when they lack stability and credibility, as seems to be the case of Colombia since the mid nineties.Identification, Fiscal Policy, SVAR, SVEC

    Maximum approximate entropy and r threshold: A new approach for regularity changes detection

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    Approximate entropy (ApEn) has been widely used as an estimator of regularity in many scientific fields. It has proved to be a useful tool because of its ability to distinguish different system's dynamics when there is only available short-length noisy data. Incorrect parameter selection (embedding dimension mm, threshold rr and data length NN) and the presence of noise in the signal can undermine the ApEn discrimination capacity. In this work we show that rmaxr_{max} (ApEn(m,rmax,N)=ApEnmaxApEn(m,r_{max},N)=ApEn_{max}) can also be used as a feature to discern between dynamics. Moreover, the combined use of ApEnmaxApEn_{max} and rmaxr_{max} allows a better discrimination capacity to be accomplished, even in the presence of noise. We conducted our studies using real physiological time series and simulated signals corresponding to both low- and high-dimensional systems. When ApEnmaxApEn_{max} is incapable of discerning between different dynamics because of the noise presence, our results suggest that rmaxr_{max} provides additional information that can be useful for classification purposes. Based on cross-validation tests, we conclude that, for short length noisy signals, the joint use of ApEnmaxApEn_{max} and rmaxr_{max} can significantly decrease the misclassification rate of a linear classifier in comparison with their isolated use

    Indirect detection of gravitino dark matter including its three-body decays

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    It was recently pointed out that in supersymmetric scenarios with gravitino dark matter and bilinear R-parity violation, gravitinos with masses below Mw typically decay with a sizable branching ratio into the 3-body final states W^*+lepton and Z^*+neutrino. In this paper we study the indirect detection signatures of gravitino dark matter including such final states. First, we obtain the gamma ray spectrum from gravitino decays, which features a monochromatic contribution from the decay into photon+neutrino and a continuum contribution from the three-body decays. After studying its dependence on supersymmetric parameters, we compute the expected gamma ray fluxes and derive new constraints, from recent FERMI data, on the R-parity breaking parameter and on the gravitino lifetime. Indirect detection via antimatter searches, a new possibility brought about by the three-body final states, is also analyzed. For models compatible with the gamma ray observations, the positron signal is found to be negligible whereas the antiproton one can be significant.Comment: 21 pages,16 figures v2: one numerical error corrected, one figure added, main results unchange

    Critical behavior of ferromagnetic pure and random diluted nanoparticles with competing interactions: variational and Monte Carlo approaches

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    The magnetic properties and critical behavior of both ferromagnetic pure and metallic nanoparticles having concurrently atomic disorder, dilution and competing interactions, are studied in the framework of an Ising model. We have used both the free energy variational principle based on the Bogoliubov inequality and Monte Carlo simulation. As a case of study for random diluted nanoparticles we have considered the Fe0.5_{0.5}Mn0.1_{0.1}Al0.4_{0.4} alloy characterized for exhibiting, under bulk conditions, low temperature reentrant spin glass (RSG) behavior and for which experimental and simulation results are available. Our results allow concluding that the variational model is successful in reproducing features of the particle size dependence of the Curie temperature for both pure and random diluted particles. In this last case, low temperature magnetization reduction was consistent with the same type of RSG behavior observed in bulk in accordance with the Almeida-Thouless line at low fields and a linear dependence of the freezing temperature with the reciprocal of the particle diameter was also obtained. Computation of the correlation length critical exponent yielded the values Μ=0.926±0.004\nu=0.926\pm 0.004 via Bogoliubov andΜ=0.71±0.04 \nu =0.71\pm 0.04 via Monte Carlo. This fact indicates that even though thermodynamical models can be indeed used in the study of nanostructures and they can reproduce experimental features, special attention must be paid regarding critical behavior. From both approaches, differences in the Μ\nu exponent with respect to the pure Ising model agree with Harris and Fisher arguments.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Novel Higgs decay signals in R-parity violating models

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    In supersymmetric models the lightest Higgs boson may decay with a sizable branching ratio into a pair of light neutralinos. We analyze such decays within the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with R-parity violation, where the neutralino itself is unstable and decays into Standard Model fermions. We show that the R-parity violating couplings induce novel Higgs decay signals that might facilitate the discovery of the Higgs boson at colliders. At the LHC, the Higgs may be observed, for instance, through its decay -via two neutralinos- into final states containing missing energy and isolated charged leptons such as l±l∓,l±l±,3ll^\pm l^\mp, l^\pm l^\pm, 3l, and 4l4l. Another promising possibility is the search for the displaced vertices associated with the neutralino decay. We also point out that Higgs searches at the LHC might additionally provide the first evidence of R-parity violation.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. Corrected affiliation
