28 research outputs found

    Australian Education Joins the OECD : Federalism, Regionalization, and the Role of Education in a Time of Transition

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    This chapter argues that Australian interactions with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the field of education in the mid- to late-1970s pointed in two separate but not yet incompatible directions—one equity-oriented and the other more in line with the standardization and accountability regime typically identified with the OECD’s current policies—both of which favored a shift of authority toward the national level in educational policy-making. In the process, the chapter highlights the importance of considering movements between different spatial levels of analysis when tracing the ability of international organizations to get their ideas and visions “out of house.” The chapter first outlines the international and domestic contexts for Australia’s early involvement in the OECD, followed by a discussion of the negotiations of state and federal interests on the Australian Commonwealth Department of Education’s advisory committee on OECD matters. This discussion, in turn, frames the last three analytical sections of the chapter, on interactions between the OECD and the Australian education authorities at different levels on initiatives negotiating both the location of authority between these levels and the role of education at a time when the relation between its social and economic potential was up for revision.Non peer reviewe

    Setting and meeting priorities in Indigenous health research in Australia and its application in the Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health

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    Priority setting is about making decisions. Key issues faced during priority setting processes include identifying who makes these decisions, who sets the criteria, and who benefits. The paper reviews the literature and history around priority setting in research, particularly in Aboriginal health research. We explore these issues through a case study of the Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health (CRCAH)'s experience in setting and meeting priorities

    Does Patent Strategy Shape the Long-Run Supply of Public Knowledge? Evidence from Human Genetics

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