78 research outputs found

    Quality of Life in Patients With Cushing's Disease

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    Cushing's disease (and by extension, Cushing's syndrome) is a rare disease due to a chronic cortisol excess, which usually has an important impact on quality of life (QoL). It can lead to numerous comorbidities that can interfere with daily life, as fatigability, myopathy, bone loss and fragility, increased cardiovascular risk, depression, and cognitive alterations. Of note, psychological alterations (including depression and anxiety) occur often, and are an important determinant of impaired quality QoL. QoL scores using different questionnaires are poorer in comparison to healthy controls, other pituitary adenomas and some chronic diseases. Even if some improvements can be observed after successful treatment, recovery does not seem to be complete, and comorbidities persist. This persistent QoL impairment has been found using both generic and disease-specific QoL questionnaires, and is also reported by the patients themselves, when asked directly. Multidisciplinary teams are essential to improve patients' well-being. Clinicians should take into account the whole scope of clinical problems and address the different comorbidites associated with the disease. Screening in the psychological sphere, with further intervention if necessary, can be helpful in the management of these patients. Interventions and programs have shown promising results, although there is a need for further development of new strategies for the benefit of these patients

    Quality of life in patients with Cushing's disease

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    Cushing's disease (and by extension, Cushing's syndrome) is a rare disease due to a chronic cortisol excess, which usually has an important impact on quality of life (QoL). It can lead to numerous comorbidities that can interfere with daily life, as fatigability, myopathy, bone loss and fragility, increased cardiovascular risk, depression, and cognitive alterations. Of note, psychological alterations (including depression and anxiety) occur often, and are an important determinant of impaired quality QoL. QoL scores using different questionnaires are poorer in comparison to healthy controls, other pituitary adenomas and some chronic diseases. Even if some improvements can be observed after successful treatment, recovery does not seem to be complete, and comorbidities persist. This persistent QoL impairment has been found using both generic and disease-specific QoL questionnaires, and is also reported by the patients themselves, when asked directly. Multidisciplinary teams are essential to improve patients' well-being. Clinicians should take into account the whole scope of clinical problems and address the different comorbidites associated with the disease. Screening in the psychological sphere, with further intervention if necessary, can be helpful in the management of these patients. Interventions and programs have shown promising results, although there is a need for further development of new strategies for the benefit of these patients

    Improving quality of life in patients with pituitary tumours

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    Evaluation of health-related quality of life (QoL) in people with pituitary tumours has received much attention over the last 10-15 years. Most of them show impaired QoL, but little is known about how to prevent impairment or how to improve QoL. Our aim is to review what is known about QoL in pituitary tumours patients and to highlight the areas worth improving, for the patient's well being. The article has four sections: acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, prolactinomas and non-functioning adenomas. Control of comorbidities is usually an important factor to prevent QoL impairment; however, each disease has specific characteristics that should be properly addressed in order to obtain full patient recovery after successful therapy

    Quality of life in Cushing's disease: a long term issue?

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    The purpose of this review is to describe how quality of life (QoL) is impaired in patients with hypercortisolism due to Cushing's syndrome of any aetiology, including pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease. It is worse in active disease, but improvement after successful therapy is often incomplete, due to persistent physical and psychological co-morbidities, even years after endocrine "cure". Physical symptoms like extreme fatigability, central obesity with limb atrophy, hypertension, fractures, and different skin abnormalities severely impair the affected patients' everyday life. Psychological and cognitive problems like bad memory, difficulties to concentrate and emotional distress, often associated with anxiety and depression, make it difficult for many patients to overcome the aftermath of treated Cushing's syndrome. Recent studies have shown diffuse structural abnormalities in the central nervous system during active hyper-cortisolism, thought to be related to the wide distribution of glucocorticoid receptors throughout the brain. Even though they improve after treatment, normalization is often not complete. Shortening the exposure to active Cushing's syndrome by reducing the often long delay to diagnosis and promptly receiving effective treatment is highly desirable, together with preparing the patient for the difficult periods, especially after surgery. In this way they are prepared for the impairments they perceive in every day life, and live with the hope of later improvement, which can be therapeutic in many instances

    Patient-centred outcomes with pituitary and parasellar disease

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    Over the last 2 decades advances in the diagnosis and management of pituitary diseases have made it possible to attain an endocrine 'cure' in a large proportion of patients. In other words, tumors can be excised or controlled with drugs, and mass effect of the lesion on surrounding structures be solved, and pituitary deficiencies can be substituted with all relevant hormones. While this is considered a satisfactory outcome for health care providers, patients often suffer from an aftermath of prior endocrine dysfunction exposure, with irreversible effects both physically and psychologically, which have a great impact on their everyday life. Diagnostic delay, often of several years, adds a negative impact on health perception. This affects their social, professional and family domains and determines their future life. Understanding that this may occur is important and health care providers should offer information to prepare the patient for this difficult journey, especially in the case of acromegaly, Cushing disease or hypopituitarism. In order to maintain in the long-term a good quality of life, patients need to adapt to this new situation, something that may be difficult, since they often cannot continue with all the activities and rhythm they used to do. Depression is often the consequence of maladaptation to the new situation, leading to impaired quality of life

    Prevalence of acromegaly in patients with symptoms of sleep apnea

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    Acromegaly is a rare disease with nonspecific symptoms with acral enlargement being almost universally present at diagnosis. The estimated prevalence is 40–125 cases/million but targeted universal screening studies have found a higher prevalence (about 10 fold). The aim of the ACROSAHS study was to investigate the prevalence of acromegaly and acromegaly comorbidities in patients with sleep apnea symptoms and acral enlargement. ACROSAHS was a Spanish prospective non-interventional epidemiological study in 13 Hospital sleep referral units. Facial and acral enlargement symptoms including: ring size and shoe size increase, tongue, lips and jaws enlargement, paresthesia or carpal tunnel syndrome and widening of tooth spaces, as well as other typical acromegaly comorbidities were recorded with a self-administered questionnaire of patients who attended a first visit for sleep apnea symptoms between 09/2013 and 07/2014. Serum insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF1) was measured in patients with ≥1 acral symptom to determine the prevalence of acromegaly. Of the 1557 patients enrolled, 1477 with complete data (72% male) were analyzed. 530 patients (36%) reported at least 1 acral enlargement symptom and were tested for IGF-1, 41 were above range, persisted in 7, and among those, 2 cases of acromegaly were diagnosed (prevalence of at least 1.35 cases/1000). Overall, 1019 patients (69%) had ≥2 acromegaly symptoms and should have been screened according to guidelines; moreover 373 patients (25%) had ≥1 symptom of acral enlargement plus ≥3 other acromegaly symptoms. In conclusion, in patients with sleep apnea symptoms and acral enlargement, we found an acromegaly prevalence of at least 1.35 cases per 1000 and a high prevalence of typical acromegaly symptoms. It is important that sleep specialists are aware of acromegaly symptoms to aid with acromegaly diagnosis.The study was investigator initiated and was partially sponsored by Ipsen Pharma, S.A., Spai

    Hipercortisolisme endogen associat a dany neuronal i pèrdua de memòria

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    Un recent estudi clínic en pacients amb síndrome de Cushing curat ha detectat nivells alterats de metabòlits cerebrals, associats a dany neuronal i problemes de memòria, fet que indicaria que el dany cerebral no és totalment reversible després de la curació. Aquests resultats tindran implicacions no només per als pacients amb hipercortisolisme, sinó també per a aquells que prenen dosis altes de glucocorticoides, perquè aquests fàrmacs podrien tenir els mateixos efectes negatius sobre el cervell.Un reciente estudio clínico en pacientes con síndrome de Cushing curado ha detectado niveles alterados de metabolitos cerebrales, asociados con daño neuronal y problemas de memoria, lo que indicaría que el daño cerebral no es totalmente reversible tras la curación. Estos resultados tendrán implicaciones no sólo para los mismos pacientes con hipercortisolismo, sino también para aquéllos que toman dosis altas de glucocorticoides, porque estos fármacos podrían tener los mismos efectos negativos sobre el cerebro

    Dyslipidemia and chronic inflammation markers are correlated with telomere length shortening in Cushing's syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: Cushing's syndrome (CS) increases cardiovascular risk (CVR) and adipocytokine imbalance, associated with an increased inflammatory state. Telomere length (TL) shortening is a novel CVR marker, associated with inflammation biomarkers. We hypothesized that inflammatory state and higher CVR in CS might be related to TL shortening, as observed in premature aging. - AIM: to evaluate relationships between TL, CVR and inflammation markers in CS. - METHODS: in a cross-sectional study, 77 patients with CS (14 males, 59 pituitary-, 17 adrenal- and 1 ectopic-origin; 21 active disease) and 77 age-, gender-, smoking-matched controls were included. Total white blood cell TL was measured by TRF-Southern technique. Clinical data and blood samples were collected (lipids, adrenal function, glucose). Adiponectin, interleukin-6 (IL6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were available in a subgroup of patients (n=32). Correlations between TL and clinical features were examined and multiple linear regression analysis was performed to investigate potential predictors of TL. - RESULTS: dyslipidemic CS had shorter TL than non-dyslipidemic subjects (7328±1274 vs 7957±1137 bp, p<0.05). After adjustment for age and body mass index, cured and active CS dyslipidemic patients had shorter TL than non-dyslipidemic CS (cured: 7187±1309 vs 7868±1104; active: 7203±1262 vs 8615±1056, respectively, p<0.05). Total cholesterol and triglycerides negatively correlated with TL (r-0.279 and -0.259, respectively, p<0.05), as well as CRP and IL6 (r-0.412 and -0.441, respectively, p<0.05). No difference in TL according the presence of other individual CVR factors (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity) were observed in CS or in the control group. Additional TL shortening was observed in dyslipidemic obese patients who were also hypertensive, compared to those with two or less CVR factors (6956±1280 vs 7860±1180, respectively, p<0.001). Age and dyslipidemia were independent negative predictors of TL. -CONCLUSION :TL is shortened in dyslipidemic CS patients, further worse if hypertension and/or obesity coexist and is negatively correlated with increased inflammation markers. Increased lipids and a "low" grade inflammation may contribute to TL shortening and consequently to premature ageing and increased morbidity in CS

    Uso de lanreotida en combinación con cabergolina o pegvisomant en la práctica clínica en pacientes con acromegalia: el estudio ACROCOMB

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    [Abstract] PURPOSE: To describe real-world use of lanreotide combination therapy for acromegaly. PATIENTS AND METHODS: ACROCOMB is a retrospective observational Spanish study of patients with active acromegaly treated with lanreotide combination therapy between 2006 and 2011. 108 patients treated at 44 Spanish Endocrinology Departments were analyzed separately: 61 patients received lanreotide/cabergoline (cabergoline cohort) and 47 lanreotide/pegvisomant (pegvisomant cohort). RESULTS: Patient median age was 50.8 years in the cabergoline cohort and 42.7 years in the pegvisomant cohort. Prior medical treatments were somatostatin analogue (SSA) monotherapy (40 [66%] patients) or dopamine agonists (7 [11%] patients) in the cabergoline cohort and SSA (29 [62%] patients) or pegvisomant monotherapy (16 [34%] patients) in the pegvisomant cohort. Across both cohorts 12 patients were previously untreated, and prior therapy was unknown/missing in 4 patients. Median duration of combined treatment was 1.6 years (0.1-6) and 2.1 years (0.4-6.3) in the cabergoline and pegvisomant cohorts, respectively. At baseline, median insulin growth factor (IGF)-I values were 149% upper limit of normal (ULN) (15-505%) in the cabergoline cohort and 156% ULN (15-534%) in the pegvisomant cohort, and decreased to 104% ULN (13-557%) p<0.001 and 86% ULN (23-345%) p<0.0001, respectively, at end of study (EOS). Normal age-adjusted values of IGF-I were obtained in 48% of lanreotide/cabergoline-treated patients and 70% of lanreotide/pegvisomant-treated patients at EOS. There were no significant changes in hepatic, cardiac or glycaemic parameters in either cohort. CONCLUSION: In clinical practice lanreotide treatment combinations are useful options for patients with acromegaly when monotherapy is insufficient; particularly, the combination of lanreotide and pegvisomant in patients not controlled with either SSA or pegvisomant alone has high efficacy and is well-tolerated.[Resumen] Propósito: Describir el uso de lanreotida en combinación terapéutica en acromegalia en la práctica clínica. Pacientes y métodos: ACROCOMB es un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, de pacientes con acromegalia activa tratados en centros hospitalarios españoles con lanreotida en combinación con cabergolina o pegvisomant entre 2006 y 2011. Se revisaron los datos clínicos de 108 pacientes tratados en 44 departamentos de endocrinología: 61 pacientes recibieron lanreótido/cabergolina (cohorte cabergolina) y 47 lanreotida/pegvisomant (cohorte pegvisomant). Resultados: La edad mediana de los pacientes fue de 50,8 años en la cohorte de cabergolina y 42,7 años en la de pegvisomant. Los tratamientos médicos previos a la combinación con lanreótido fueron análogos de somatostatina (SSA) en monoterapia (40 [66%] pacientes) o agonistas de la dopamina (7 [11%] pacientes) en la cohorte de cabergolina y SSA (29 [62%] pacientes) y pegvisomant en monoterapia (16 [34%] pacientes) en la de pegvisomant. Doce pacientes no habían recibido tratamiento previo y en 4 pacientes se desconocía la terapia previa. La mediana de duración del tratamiento fue de 1,6 años (0,1-6) y 2,1 años (rango 0,4 a 6,3) en las cohortes de cabergolina y pegvisomant, respectivamente. Al inicio del estudio el valor mediano del factor de crecimiento de insulina-I era 149% el límite superior normal (LSN) (15-505%) en la cohorte de cabergolina y 156% LSN (15-534%) en la de pegvisomant. Al final del estudio se redujeron a 104% LSN (13-557%) p < 0,001 y 86% LSN (23-345%) p < 0,0001, respectivamente. Al final del estudio, se reportaron valores normales de factor de crecimiento de insulina-I ajustados por edad en el 48% de los pacientes tratados con lanreotida/cabergolina y 70% de los tratados con lanreotida/pegvisomant. No hubo cambios significativos en los parámetros hepáticos, cardíacos o glucémicos. Conclusión: En la práctica clínica las combinaciones con lanreotida son una opción útil en el tratamiento de pacientes con acromegalia que no está bien controlada en monoterapia, ya sea con SSA carbegolina o pegvisomant; particularmente, la combinación de lanreotida y pegvisomant tiene una alta eficacia y se tolera bien

    Depression and Anxiety Scores Are Associated with Amygdala Volume in Cushing's Syndrome : Preliminary Study

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    Cushing's syndrome (CS) has repeatedly been associated with hippocampal volume reductions, while little information is available on the amygdala, another structure rich in glucocorticoid receptors. The aim of the study was to analyze amygdala volume in patients with CS and its relationship with anxiety, depression, and hormone levels. 39 CS patients (16 active and 23 patients in remission) and 39 healthy controls matched for age, sex, and education level completed anxiety (STAI) and depression tests (BDI-II) and underwent a 3 Tesla brain MRI and endocrine testing. Amygdala volumes were analysed with FreeSurfer software. Active CS patients had smaller right (but not left) amygdala volumes when compared to controls (P = 0.045). Left amygdala volumes negatively correlated with depression scores (r = −0.692, P = 0.003) and current anxiety state scores (r = −0.617, P = 0.011) in active CS patients and with anxiety trait scores (r = −0.440, P = 0.036) in patients in remission. No correlations were found between current ACTH, urinary free cortisol or blood cortisol levels, and amygdala volumes in either patient group. Patients with active CS have a smaller right amygdala volume in comparison to controls, while left amygdala volumes are associated with mood state in both patient groups