79 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intensitas penggunaan instagram terhadap eksistensi diri pada siswa siswi SMK

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    Instagram merupakan media sosial yang banyak diminati para remaja. Hal ini dikarenakan instagram lebih fokus pada foto dan video dibandingkan dengan media sosial lainnya. Hal ini memuncukan eksistensi pada setiap pengguna akun instagram lewat foto dan video yang menarik. Terdapat dalah satu faktor eksistensi diri yaitu angka pada akun instagram pengguna. Oleh karena itu hal ini menjadi latar belakang peneliti untuk meneliti. Pada penelitian ini teori yang digunakan yaitu sirkular teori. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas penggunaan instagram terhadap eksistensi diri pada siswa-siswi SMK Telkom Jakarta. Variabel Independen penelitian ini yaitu intensitas penggunaan instagram, variabel dependen penelitian ini adalah eksistensi diri. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa-siswi di SMK Telkom Jakarta yang aktif menggunakan aplikasi instagram. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 90 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu Formula Slovin. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei dengan menggunakan teknik Analisis Regresi Linear Sederhana. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intensitas penggunaan instagram berpengaruh secara positif dan kurang signifikan terhadap eksistensi diri, hal ini dapat dilihat dari pengolahan data, angka signifikansi menunjukkan sebesar 0,000 yang berarti < 0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa intensitas penggunaan instagram berpengaruh terhadap eksistensi diri. Atau Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Untuk nilai koefisien determinasi (RSquare) sebesar 0,253 yang mengandung pengertian bahwa pengaruh Intensitas penggunaan instagram terhadap Eksistensi diri adalah sebesar 25,3%, yang berarti termasuk dalam pengaruh kategori rendah


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    Social media is the result of the development of technological advances. Instagram is one form of social media. Instagram is the right platform to promote a product, one of which is makeup products that are favored by Indonesian women to support their appearance. Local products innovate and promote to introduce their products to the public and compete with global-scale beauty products to take advantage of beauty influencers on Instagram social media so that the promotional reach can be right on target. One of the most influential beauty influencers for consumers is Tasya Farasya. Tasya Farasya is a beauty influencer who is quite well known on Instagram with strong and attractive personal branding, which can be seen from her always glamorous appearance and honesty in conducting product reviews. Tasya Farasya officially launched her beauty brand "Mother of Pearl" with her first three products. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Tasya Farasya\u27s personal branding on Instagram on purchasing decisions for Mother of Pearl products. This study uses the grand theory of S-O-R (Stimulus, Organism, Response). The research method uses a descriptive correlational quantitative approach with a survey method. The population used was 100 respondents with the criteria of Instagram followers Tasya Farasya, women aged 18-34 years, and interested in Mother of Pearl products. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with correlation coefficient and regression analysis techniques. The results of the t-count 3.854 > 1.984, indicate that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of Tasya Farasya\u27s personal branding on Instagram on the purchase decision of Mother of Pearl products.  Media sosial adalah hasil dari perkembangan kemajuan teknologi. Instagram merupakan salah satu wujud dari media sosial. Instagram menjadi platform yang tepat untuk mempromosikan suatu produk salah satunya produk makeup yang digemari wanita Indonesia untuk untuk menunjang penampilan. Produk-produk local melakukan inovasi serta promosi untuk memperkenalkan produknya kepada masyarakat dan bersaing dengan produk kecantikan berskala global hingga memanfaatkan beauty influencer pada media social Instagram agar jangkauan promosi bisa tepat sasaran. Salah satu beauty influencer yang berpengaruh bagi konsumennya adalah Tasya Farasya. Tasya Farasya merupakan beauty influencer yang cukup terkenal di Instagram dengan personal branding kuat dan menarik terlihat dari penampilannya yang selalu glamour dan kejujurannya dalam melakukan review produk. Tasya Farasya resmi meluncurkan brand kecantikannya bernama “Mother of Pearl” dengan tiga produk pertamanya Primer, Loose Powder, dan Concealer. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh personal branding Tasya Farasya di Instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Mother of Pearl. Variable X dalam penelitian ini adalah Personal Branding Tasya Farasya dan Variabel Y yaitu Keputusan Pembelian produk Mother of Pearl. Penelitian ini menggunakan grand teori S-O-R (Stimulus, Organism, Response). Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif korelasional dengan metode survey. Populasi yang digunakan sebanyak 100 responden dengan kriteria followers Instagram Tasya Farasya, perempuan berumur 18-34 tahun, dan tertarik dengan produk Mother of Pearl. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan teknik analisis koefisien korelasi dan regresi. Didapatkan hasil t hitung 3,854 >1,984, menunjukkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima, artinya terdapat pengaruh personal branding Tasya Farasya di Instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Mother of Pearl. &nbsp

    Invasive disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae in Sweden 1997–2009; evidence of increasing incidence and clinical burden of non‐type b strains

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    Introduction of a conjugated vaccine against encapsulated Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) has led to a dramatic reduction of invasive Hib disease. However, an increasing incidence of invasive disease by H. influenzae non‐type b has recently been reported. Non‐type b strains have been suggested to be opportunists in an invasive context, but information on clinical consequences and related medical conditions is scarce. In this retrospective study, all H. influenzae isolates ( n  =   410) from blood and cerebrospinal fluid in three metropolitan Swedish regions between 1997 and 2009 from a population of approximately 3 million individuals were identified. All available isolates were serotyped by PCR ( n  =   250). We observed a statistically significant increase in the incidence of invasive H. influenzae disease, ascribed to non‐typeable H. influenzae (NTHi) and encapsulated strains type f (Hif) in mainly individuals >60 years of age. The medical reports from a subset of 136 cases of invasive Haemophilus disease revealed that 48% of invasive NTHi cases and 59% of invasive Hif cases, respectively, met the criteria of severe sepsis or septic shock according to the ACCP/SCCM classification of sepsis grading. One‐fifth of invasive NTHi cases and more than one‐third of invasive Hif cases were admitted to intensive care units. Only 37% of patients with invasive non‐type b disease had evidence of immunocompromise, of which conditions related to impaired humoral immunity was the most common. The clinical burden of invasive non‐type b H. influenzae disease, measured as days of hospitalization/100 000 individuals at risk and year, increased significantly throughout the study period.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87052/1/j.1469-0691.2010.03417.x.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87052/2/CLM_3417_sm_FigS1.pd

    Morphine activates neuroinflammation in a manner parallel to endotoxin

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    Opioids create a neuroinflammatory response within the CNS, compromising opioid-induced analgesia and contributing to various unwanted actions. How this occurs is unknown but has been assumed to be via classic opioid receptors. Herein, we provide direct evidence that morphine creates neuroinflammation via the activation of an innate immune receptor and not via classic opioid receptors. We demonstrate that morphine binds to an accessory protein of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), myeloid differentiation protein 2 (MD-2), thereby inducing TLR4 oligomerization and triggering proinflammation. Small-molecule inhibitors, RNA interference, and genetic knockout validate the TLR4/MD-2 complex as a feasible target for beneficially modifying morphine actions. Disrupting TLR4/MD-2 protein–protein association potentiated morphine analgesia in vivo and abolished morphine-induced proinflammation in vitro, the latter demonstrating that morphine-induced proinflammation only depends on TLR4, despite the presence of opioid receptors. These results provide an exciting, nonconventional avenue to improving the clinical efficacy of opioids.Xiaohui Wang, Lisa C. Loram, Khara Ramos, Armando J. de Jesus, Jacob Thomas, Kui Cheng, Anireddy Reddy, Andrew A. Somogyi, Mark R. Hutchinson, Linda R. Watkins and Hang Yi

    Short Day–Mediated Cessation of Growth Requires the Downregulation of AINTEGUMENTALIKE1 Transcription Factor in Hybrid Aspen

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    Day length is a key environmental cue regulating the timing of major developmental transitions in plants. For example, in perennial plants such as the long-lived trees of the boreal forest, exposure to short days (SD) leads to the termination of meristem activity and bud set (referred to as growth cessation). The mechanism underlying SD–mediated induction of growth cessation is poorly understood. Here we show that the AIL1-AIL4 (AINTEGUMENTALIKE) transcription factors of the AP2 family are the downstream targets of the SD signal in the regulation of growth cessation response in hybrid aspen trees. AIL1 is expressed in the shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia, and exposure to SD signal downregulates AIL1 expression. Downregulation of AIL gene expression by SDs is altered in transgenic hybrid aspen plants that are defective in SD perception and/or response, e.g. PHYA or FT overexpressors. Importantly, SD–mediated regulation of growth cessation response is also affected by overexpression or downregulation of AIL gene expression. AIL1 protein can interact with the promoter of the key cell cycle genes, e.g. CYCD3.2, and downregulation of the expression of D-type cyclins after SD treatment is prevented by AIL1 overexpression. These data reveal that execution of SD–mediated growth cessation response requires the downregulation of AIL gene expression. Thus, while early acting components like PHYA and the CO/FT regulon are conserved in day-length regulation of flowering time and growth cessation between annual and perennial plants, signaling pathways downstream of SD perception diverge, with AIL transcription factors being novel targets of the CO/FT regulon connecting the perception of SD signal to the regulation of meristem activity

    The Lipopolysaccharide from Capnocytophaga canimorsus Reveals an Unexpected Role of the Core-Oligosaccharide in MD-2 Binding

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    Capnocytophaga canimorsus is a usual member of dog's mouths flora that causes rare but dramatic human infections after dog bites. We determined the structure of C. canimorsus lipid A. The main features are that it is penta-acylated and composed of a “hybrid backbone” lacking the 4′ phosphate and having a 1 phosphoethanolamine (P-Etn) at 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucose (GlcN). C. canimorsus LPS was 100 fold less endotoxic than Escherichia coli LPS. Surprisingly, C. canimorsus lipid A was 20,000 fold less endotoxic than the C. canimorsus lipid A-core. This represents the first example in which the core-oligosaccharide dramatically increases endotoxicity of a low endotoxic lipid A. The binding to human myeloid differentiation factor 2 (MD-2) was dramatically increased upon presence of the LPS core on the lipid A, explaining the difference in endotoxicity. Interaction of MD-2, cluster of differentiation antigen 14 (CD14) or LPS-binding protein (LBP) with the negative charge in the 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo) of the core might be needed to form the MD-2 – lipid A complex in case the 4′ phosphate is not present


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    Salah satu industri yang sedang berkembang yakni industri financial technology. Pada iklan terdapat pesan tersembunyi di luar dari pesan yang nyata disampaikan dalam iklan termasuk iklan Kredivo versi “Kerokan Seflekfibel Itu”.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tanda berdasarkan ikon, indeks dan simbol dan makna kerokan dalam iklan Kredivo versi “Kerokan Sefleksibel Itu”. Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce di mana peneliti memfokuskan padatanda berdasarkan objek yang terdiri dari ikon, indeks dan simbol.Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dengan jenis data menggunakan pendekatankualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ikonnya adalah potongan-potongan gambar terlampir yang mewakili keadaan sebenarnya di mana terdapat seorang pria yang hendak melakukan kerokan. Indeksnya merupakan potongan-potongan gambar terlampir yang menjadi tanda bahwa ada sesuatu yang memengaruhi terciptanya gambar tersebut. Simbol yang terkandung yaitu persiapan kerokan, fleksibilitas, simplisitas, futuristis, kemudahan pemakaian Kredivo, dan solusi dari masalah. Beberapa makna kerokan yang digunakan Kredivo untuk menyampaikan pesan pemasaran melalui iklan Kredivo versi “Kerokan Sefleksibel Itu” antara lain menggambarkan kemudahan penggunaan Kredivo, proses yang cepat, fleksibilitas Kredivo, kepercayaan konsumen terhadap Kredivo, dan Kredivo sebagai solusi dari masalah pembayaran. Diperoleh kesimpulan yakni ikon, indeks, simbol menandakan seorang pria kerokan dengan tubuh fleksibel melalui proses penyuntingan dan perekaman sehingga menciptakan simbol-simbol berupa makna kerokan yang menggambarkan fleksibilitas, simplisitas, futuristis, kemudahan pemakaian Kredivo, dan solusi dari masalah.ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA PEMAKNAAN KEROKAN PADA IKLAN KREDIVO VERSI “KEROKAN SEFLEKSIBEL ITU