17 research outputs found
INGO Sebagai Agent of Aid: Peran dan Kontribusi Oxfam Internasional dalam Penyaluran Bantuan untuk Pengentasan Kemiskinan
International Non-Government Organizations (INGOs) is an important actor of the most influential in the distribution of foreign aid and global philanthropy. The role and contribution of INGOs has been increased post-Cold War 1991. INGOs have given a lot of help in distributing aid to development and poverty reduction in Medium Income Countries (MICs) and Low Income Countries (LICs). Therefore, the INGOs are often referred to as Agent of Aid. This paper is to describe how the role and contribution of INGOs as an Agent of Aid post-Cold War, with Oxfam as the case study especially its role and contribution to the alleviation of poverty.
Keywords: INGOs, Agent of Aid, Role and Contribution, Oxfam, Povert
Perbandingan Corporate Governance dengan Sistem One-Tier Board di Inggris dan AS Terkait Efektififas Pencegahan Terjadinya Fraud dalam Korporasi
In general, there are two types of corporate governance systems that are used by countries in
the world, the one-tier board system and two-tier board system. The United Kingdom (UK)
and The United States (US) are countries that are equally embraced the one-tier board system.
However, despite using the same system, there are differences in the results achieved by both
countries. When compared with the US that has many cases of corporate fraud to cause a
crisis, the UK tends to be quite experienced cases of fraud. This paper is intended to find out
why these differences occur. The author states that the factors causing such differences include
the type of board structure that is used as well as fraud reporting system.
Keyword: Corporate governance, one-tier board system, type of board structure, fraud
reporting system.
Secara umum, terdapat dua tipe sistem corporate governance yang digunakan oleh negaranegara
di dunia, yakni one-tier board system dan two-tier board system. Amerika Serikat
(AS) dan Inggris merupakan dua negara dengan perekonomian yang kuat dan sama-sama
menggunakan one-tier board system sebagai sistem corporate governance yang berlaku di
negara-negara tersebut. Namun meskipun menggunakan sistem yang sama, terdapat
perbedaan dalam hasil yang dicapai oleh kedua negara tersebut. AS lebih banyak mengalami
kasus corporate fraud yang menyebabkan terjadinya krisis ekonomi negara, sedangkan
Inggris cenderung lebih jarang mengalami kasus serupa. Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk
mengetahui mengapa perbedaan itu dapat terjadi. Penulis berpendapat bahwa faktor-faktor
yang menyebabkan perbedaan tersebut meliputi struktur organisasi yang digunakan serta
fraud reporting system.
Kata-Kata Kunci: corporate governance, one-tier board system, type of board structure,
fraud reporting system
Strategi Pariwisata 4.0: Peran Milenial dalam Nation Branding Wonderful Indonesia 2016-2019
ABSTRACTGlobalization has had a significant impact on the development of world tourism. Technological developments in globalization have caused a shift in the industry paradigm from conventional industries to industry 4.0. From industry 4.0, the concept of tourism 4.0 emerged. Today, more and more countries are beginning to follow the concept of tourism 4.0 to develop their tourism industry to the international level. Indonesia is one of the countries implementing the 4.0 tourism concept as a strategy to develop its tourism industry through the Wonderful Indonesia nation branding. The tourism strategy 4.0 undertaken by Indonesia seeks to engage millennial to contribute to developing the Wonderful Indonesia branding nation. The aim is to increase the tourism market at both the domestic and international level. This article reviews more about Indonesia's tourism strategy 4.0 and the role of millennial in the Wonderful Indonesia nation branding 2016-2019.Keywords: Tourism 4.0 Strategy, the Role of Millennial, Nation Branding DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/jgp.v7i02.182
Perbandingan Corporate Governance dengan Sistem One-Tier Board di Inggris dan AS Terkait Efektififas Pencegahan Terjadinya Fraud dalam Korporasi
ABSTRACTIn general, there are two types of corporate governance systems that are used by countries in the world, the one-tier board system and two-tier board system. The United Kingdom (UK) and The United States (US) are countries that are equally embraced the one-tier board system. However, despite using the same system, there are differences in the results achieved by both countries. When compared with the US that has many cases of corporate fraud to cause a crisis, the UK tends to be quite experienced cases of fraud. This paper is intended to find out why these differences occur. The author states that the factors causing such differences include the type of board structure that is used as well as fraud reporting system.Keyword: Corporate governance, one-tier board system, type of board structure, fraud reporting system
INGO Sebagai Agent of Aid: Peran dan Kontribusi Oxfam Internasional dalam Penyaluran Bantuan untuk Pengentasan Kemiskinan
ABSTRACTInternational Non-Government Organizations (INGOs) is an important actor of the most influential in the distribution of foreign aid and global philanthropy. The role and contribution of INGOs has been increased post-Cold War 1991. INGOs have given a lot of help in distributing aid to development and poverty reduction in Medium Income Countries (MICs) and Low Income Countries (LICs). Therefore, the INGOs are often referred to as Agent of Aid. This paper is to describe how the role and contribution of INGOs as an Agent of Aid post-Cold War, with Oxfam as the case study especially its role and contribution to the alleviation of poverty.Keywords: INGOs, Agent of Aid, Role and Contribution, Oxfam, Povert
ABSTRAKSektor usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam membangkitkan perekonomian di daerah, tidak terkecuali Jawa Timur. Kontribusi UMKM dalam peningkatan perekonomian provinsi Jawa Timur merupakan yang terbesar dibandingkan sektor lainnya. Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa pada acara Briliant Preneur 2021 bahwa kontribusi UMKM terhadap produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB) di Jawa Timur bahkan mencapai 57,25 persen. Agar pasar UMKM dapat lebih luas hingga ke luar negeri, maka pelatihan ekspor kepada para pelaku UMKM di Jawa Timur perlu diadakan. Kegiatan “Workshop Peluang Ekspor UMKM Melalui Pasar Digital” dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi para pelaku UMKM dalam memulai ekspor produk mereka. Kegiatan yang ini diikuti kurang lebih 50 perwakilan UMKM di Jawa Timur ini terdiri dari 3 tahap kegiatan, tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap monitoring evaluasi. Pada tahap persiapan, panitia melakukan koordinasi internal juga memberikan lembar untuk diisi dengan data usaha pelaku UMKM. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, workshop dilakukan melalui dua (2) sesi. Sesi pertama merupakan pemberian materi terkait pemanfaatan pasar digital untuk ekspor produk-produk UMKM Jawa Timur. Pada sesi kedua, para peserta dapat langsung melakukan praktek atas materi yang diberikan, dan dapat melaporkan hasilnya. Monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan mengisi lembar evaluasi kegiatan, baik yang dilakukan oleh narasumber terhadap pelaksanaan acara maupun para pelaku UMKM terhadap pelaksanaan acara. Seluruh peserta workshop dapat mengikuti dengan baik walaupun ada beberapa kendala saat sesi praktek seperti banyaknya penggunaan bahasa asing dalam praktek pembuatan akun website e-commerce maupun pembuatan deskripsi produk. Kata kunci: ekspor; pasar digital; UMKM. ABSTRACTThe micro, small and medium enterprise (MSMEs) sector has a very important role in generating the economy in the region. East Java is no exception. The contribution of MSMEs in improving the economy of East Java province is the largest compared to other sectors. East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa at the Briliant Preneur 2021 event that the contribution of MSMEs to gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in East Java even reached 57.25 percent. So that the MSME market can be wider overseas, then export training for MSME actors in East Java needs to be held. The activity "Workshop on MSME Export Opportunities Through Digital Markets" was carried out to facilitate MSMEs players in exporting their products. This activity, attended by approximately 50 representatives of MSMEs in East Java, consisted of 3 stages of activity, the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation monitoring stage. The committee carried out internal coordination at the preparation stage and provided a sheet filled with business data for MSME actors. The workshop was conducted in two (2) sessions at the implementation stage. The first session was the provision of material related to the use of the digital market to export East Java MSME products. In the second session, the participants could immediately practice the provided material and report the results. Monitoring and evaluation of implementation are carried out by filling out activity evaluation sheets, both those carried out by resource persons on the implementation of the event and MSME actors on the implementation of the event. All workshop participants were able to follow well. However, there were several obstacles during the practice session, such as using foreign languages to create e-commerce website accounts and making product descriptions. Keywords: exports; digital market; MSMEs
Kawasan Lingkungan Masyarakat Sadar Administrasi Kependudukan (KALIMASADA) merupakan inovasi dari Pemerintah Kota Surabaya yang bertujuan memudahkan masyarakat dalam pengurusan dokumen kependudukan, dengan melibatkan ketua RT sebagai RT rintisan KALIMASADA dengan jangkauan yang paling dekat dengan warga. Program KALIMASADA di Kecamatan Gayungan dinilai kurang optimal, ini karena jumlah RT rintisan tidak memenuhi kuota jumlah yang ditargetkan oleh Dispendukcapil Kota Surabaya. Padahal, inovasi ini dapat membantu warga dalam mempermudah pengurusan dokumen kependudukan. Kurangnya informasi dan sosialisasi membuat warga jadi ragu untuk mencoba hal baru. Selain itu, kesejahteraan masyarakat juga harus menjadi perhatian yang serius untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat di Kecamatan Gayungan, Kota Surabaya. Peningkatan kualitas hidup ini diantaranya program pembinaan ibu dan anak dalam pencegahan stunting, serta pembinaan Usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) yang ada di Kecamatan Gayungan sebagai bekal untuk memperbaiki ekonomi pasca Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis berupa Metode Observasi dan Metode Wawancara, dimana penulis akan terjun langsung ke lapangan dan melakukan pengamatan serta wawancara kepada pihak terkait, yang kemudian hasil wawancara tersebut akan penulis jadikan sumber acuan dalam pengambilan resolusi dan monitoring lanjutan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa sosialisasi dan pembinaan yang dilakukan akan mampu mengoptimalisasi program KALIMASADA dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang ada di Kecamatan Gayungan, sehingga kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat akan menjadikan Kecamatan Gayungan dan Kota Surabaya menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya
Diplomasi Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia-Turki Sub-Sektor Fashion Muslim Melalui Kerjasama IT-CEPA Tahun 2016-2020
ABSTRACTBilateral relations between Turkey and Indonesia have been established for a long time since 1957. This cooperation began when Indonesia joined Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and Australia (MIKTA) economic forum until the formation of the Indonesian-Turkey Comprehensive Partnership Economic Agreement (IT-CEPA). From the existence of this cooperative relationship, there are more investment opportunities and various collaborations that have the potential to continue to increase export figures and investment in the creative economy between Indonesia and Turkey. This study aimed to analyze Indonesia's creative economy diplomacy efforts with Turkey in increasing Muslim fashion investment through IT-CEPA in 2016-2020. This study uses qualitative analysis methods through literature analysis and an in-depth literature review of several previous studies. The study results show that economic diplomacy relates to how a country makes and takes decisions by using economic instruments to realize economic interests through the spread of influence on situational and economic policies in other countries or certain international organizations. In addition, Turkey sees the potential for the Muslim fashion industry in Indonesia, while Indonesia is collaborating with Turkey through the IT CEPA agenda. Each country does this to optimize bilateral cooperation because the two countries have privileges and potential in the Muslim fashion industry on a global scale.Keywords: IT-CEPA; Economic Diplomacy; Muslim Fashion
Pembangunan Kembali Desa Wisata dengan Penanaman Bunga Telang di Dusun Sirat, Kabupaten Bantul, D.I Yogyakarta
Pariwisata ditetapkan sebagai sektor utama ekonomi nasional dan dianggap sebagai sektor yang menjanjikan untuk menjadi penghasil devisa terbesar nantinya. Salah satu jenis atraksi pariwisata unggulan Indonesia adalah desa wisata. Desa Wisata menjadi salah satu potensi untuk mengembangkan potensi wisata desa sekaligus dapat membantu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memaksimalkan potensi desa wisata yang berada di Dusun Sirat. Dusun Kecil di Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta yang berjarak 22 KM dari pusat kota Yogyakarta ini menjadi Kampung dengan potensi bunga telang. Desa ini memiliki potensi olahan bunga telang buatan UMKM setempat. Berbagai olahan bunga telang dibuat warga desa kemudian dipasarkan, namun pasca pandemic adanya penurunan harga beli bunga telang yang membuat petani telang beralih profesi. Untuk mengoptimalkan pengembangan kembali desa wisata dilakukan penanaman bunga telang bersama pemuda desa. Hasil penanaman nantinya bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai ekowisata dan bahan baku olahan bunga telang oleh UMKM setempat
Gastro-tourism is recreational travel undertaken solely or primarily to experience the food of a region. This also called food tourism or culinary tourism that explores the food as the purpose of tourism. It has become a big business now days. A country that has food culture and its variegated use it as an attraction to increase foreign tourist arrivals. Indonesia, which is a multicultural country, was one of them. Each area in Indonesia has its own traditional food and custom that can be used for gastro-tourism attraction. However, Indonesia is not yet being able to use the excess of those to draw the arrival of foreign tourists. At the other side, Malaysia apparently managed to take advantage of gastro-tourism as a lure for foreign tourists. This paper discusses about how to develop gastro-tourism in Indonesia by means of what has been done by Malaysia. This paper also discusses the promoting strategy of gastro-tourism to increase Indonesia’s foreign tourist arrivals.
Key Words: gastro-tourism, promoting strategy, foreign tourist arrivals
Theme: Entrepreneurship, Economic and Developmen