154 research outputs found

    Imaging Tests for Predicting the Presence of Difficult Airway in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Otorhinolaryngological Surgery

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    Patients with head and neck cancers represent a challenge for the surgical team from many points of view, but, especially, the surgical moment where greater stress generated corresponds to the perioperative management of the airway, because in many occasions we can face unexpected situations, most of the time, incidental findings can hinder ventilation and endotracheal intubation. Gutierrez et al., in 2018, decided to study four tomography measures and their correlation in anesthesia records with airway management difficulties. Material and methods: A retrospective, observational study was carried out in 104 patients operated by head and neck cancers over a period of 36 months, only in those with access to tomographic records. Four tomographic measurements were considered and were statistically related to the extreme degrees of visualization of the glottis (Cormack III–IV) and the presence of the physical examination of Mallampati III–IV. Results: After performing a multivariate model in the group of extreme degrees of visualization of the glottis, the results were not statistically significant (p > 0.05; 95% CI: 0.030–2.31: EPI/PPW, 0.018–1.37 TB/PPW). In the Mallampati III–IV group, in the multivariate model only the VC/PPW showed clinically significant results (p < 0.05; 95% CI: 0.104–8.53). Conclusions: Tomographic measurements and the physical examination predictors could represent a useful guide in the prediction of the difficult airway in these patients

    Círculos de calidad como experiencia de adaptación al EEES de la asignatura de "Tecnología de Computadores"

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    La estructuración de un único Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) dentro del proceso de Convergencia Europea es una necesidad que actúa como denominador común en numerosos eventos de carácter internacional que han tenido lugar desde la conocida declaración de la Sorbona. Lógicamente, es en el marco universitario donde se ha abordado con mayor intensidad, y en la actualidad se hace ya necesaria la implicación de la comunidad universitaria en su totalidad. La experiencia docente aquí descrita nace desde el convencimiento y la necesidad de adaptarse al nuevo sistema educativo superior, donde el papel del alumno pasa a un primer plano y es el alumno quien se convierte en el motor de su propio aprendizaje. El ámbito de aplicación de la experiencia docente ha sido el de la asignatura de “Tecnología de Computadores”. Esta asignatura corresponde al primer curso de la titulación conducente al título de Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión. De acuerdo con el sistema actual, la asignatura comprende 4,5 créditos teóricos y 4,5 créditos prácticos. En el desarrollo de la asignatura se han seguido tres vías simultáneas: una vía, llamémosla, tradicional, una vía enfocada a la filosofía de convergencia europea, y una vía mixta. Todas ellas aplicadas a un mismo grupo de alumnos. Como consecuencia de este procedimiento, no ha sido necesario disponer de dos o tres grupos distintos de alumnos para llevar a cabo la experiencia, sino que se ha podido aplicar al total de alumnos matriculados en la asignatura dentro del sistema actual. De esta forma, se ha podido probar de forma no traumática un modelo de enseñanza enfocado al EEES, y además se ha obtenido información acerca de la tendencia natural del alumno a la hora de escoger su propio camino de aprendizaje

    ¿Son las universidades socialmente responsables? Una iniciativa a través de los Proyectos Fin de Carrera

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    La presente comunicación propone la posibilidad de realizar parte de los proyectos final de carrera de las titulaciones con un fin social para que la Universidad pueda incluirse en las empresas o entidades socialmente responsables. Se presentan las ideas de dos experiencias como indicadores de esta línea que pueden ser fácilmente trasladables, adaptadas o simplemente como punto de partida desde la reflexión de las mismas

    Are sciences essential and humanities elective? Disentangling competing claims for humanities research public value

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    [EN] Recent policy discourse suggests that arts and humanities research is seen as being less useful to society than other disciplines, notably in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The paper explores how this assumption s construction has been built and whether it is based upon an unfair prejudice: we argue for a prima facie case to answer in assuming that arts and humanities research s lower societal value. We identify a set of claims circulating in policy circles regarding science, technology, engineering and math- ematics research and arts and humanities research s differences. We find two groups: arts and humanities research is less useful than science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and arts and humanities research is merely differently useful. We argue that empirical analysis is necessary to disentangle which ones are true to assess whether policy-making is being based on rational and evidence-based claims. We argue that debates about public research value should recognise that humanities have different (but equally valid) kinds of societal value.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, which funded the PhD research fellowship of Julia Olmos Peñuela through the F.P.U program [AP2007- 01850]. The research fellowship took place in the framework of the HERAVALUE project, Measuring the public value of arts and humanities research, financially supported by the HERA Joint Research Programme, cofunded by AHRC, AKA, DASTI, ETF, FNR, FWF, HAZU, IRCHSS, MHEST, NWO, RANNIS, RCN, VR and The European Community FP7 2007-2013, under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities programme. The authors would like to thank the editors and two anonymous referees for their invaluable comments. Any errors or omissions remain the authors’ responsibilitieOlmos-Peñuela, J.; Benneworth, P.; Castro-Martínez, E. (2015). Are sciences essential and humanities elective? Disentangling competing claims for humanities research public value. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. 14(1):61-78. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474022214534081S617814

    Intracellular chloride concentration influences the GABAA receptor subunit composition

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    GABAA receptors (GABAARs) exist as different subtype variants showing unique functional properties and defined spatio-temporal expression pattern. The molecular mechanisms underlying the developmental expression of different GABAAR are largely unknown. The intracellular concentration of chloride ([Cl−]i), the main ion permeating through GABAARs, also undergoes considerable changes during maturation, being higher at early neuronal stages with respect to adult neurons. Here we investigate the possibility that [Cl−]i could modulate the sequential expression of specific GABAARs subtypes in primary cerebellar neurons. We show that [Cl−]i regulates the expression of α3-1 and δ-containing GABAA receptors, responsible for phasic and tonic inhibition, respectively. Our findings highlight the role of [Cl−]i in tuning the strength of GABAergic responses by acting as an intracellular messenger

    Kainate Receptor-Mediated Modulation of Hippocampal Fast Spiking Interneurons in a Rat Model of Schizophrenia

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    Kainate receptor (KAR) subunits are believed to be involved in abnormal GABAergic neurotransmission in the hippocampus (HIPP) in schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder. Postmortem studies have shown changes in the expression of the GluR5/6 subunits of KARs in the stratum oriens (SO) of sectors CA2/3, where the basolateral amygdala (BLA) sends a robust projection. Previous work using a rat model of SZ demonstrated that BLA activation leads to electrophysiological changes in fast-spiking interneurons in SO of CA2/3. The present study explores KAR modulation of interneurons in CA2/3 in response to BLA activation. Intrinsic firing properties of these interneurons through KAR-mediated activity were measured with patch-clamp recordings from rats that received 15 days of picrotoxin infusion into the BLA. Chronic BLA activation induced changes in the firing properties of CA2/3 interneurons associated with modifications in the function of KARs. Specifically, the responsiveness of these interneurons to activation of KARs was diminished in picrotoxin-treated rats, while the after-hyperpolarization (AHP) amplitude was increased. In addition, we tested blockers of KAR subunits which have been shown to have altered gene expression in SO sector CA2/3 of SZ subjects. The GluR5 antagonist UBP296 further decreased AP frequency and increased AHP amplitude in picrotoxin-treated rats. Application of the GluR6/7 antagonist NS102 suggested that activation of GluR6/7 KARs may be required to maintain the high firing rates in SO interneurons in the presence of KA. Moreover, the GluR6/7 KAR-mediated signaling may be suppressed in PICRO-treated rats. Our findings indicate that glutamatergic activity from the BLA may modulate the firing properties of CA2/3 interneurons through GluR5 and GluR6/7 KARs. These receptors are expressed in GABAergic interneurons and play a key role in the synchronization of gamma oscillations. Modulation of interneuronal activity through KARs in response to amygdala activation may lead to abnormal oscillatory rhythms reported in SZ subjects