332 research outputs found

    Évolution des anticorps chez les bovins après immunisation contre la brucellose par le vaccin tué H. 38.

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    Au cours de 5 expériences portant sur 164 bovins et durant de 3 mois à 2 ans, la cinétique des agglutinines et sensibilisatrices induites chez les bovins, âgés de 7 à 18 mois selon l’expérience, par le vaccin antibrucellique tué, souche Br. melitensis 53 H. 38 a été étudiée seule ou comparée aux effets similaires d’autres vaccins. Les anticorps post-vaccinaux créés chez les bovins par le vaccin H. 38 disparaissent plus vite que ceux dus au vaccin B. 19. On constate l’absence de taux diagnostique (normes F. A. O./O. M. S.) d’agglutinine (100 U. I.) ou de sensibilisatrice (titre 1/4) 2 à 3 mois après la vaccination par H. 38. L’absence de taux de suspicion aux normes de la C. E. E. et françaises se note 5 à 6 mois après la vacci nation par 53 H. 38. Les réactions d’agglutination et de Fixation du Complément sont négatives un an après la vaccination, bien avant que les vaches aient 30 mois. Le vaccin tué, souche Br. melitensis 53 H. 58 ne ris que donc pas d’interférer avec des programmes de prophylaxie anti brucellique mettant en jeu la recherche des anticorps spécifiques.In five experiments on 164 cattle, each of a duration from 3 months to 2 years, the behaviour of agglutinating and C. F. antibodies created on bovine 7 to 18 months old, depending on the experiment, bv Br. melitensis strain 53 H. 38 killed vaccine is studied alone or in comparison with similar effects of other antibrucellosis vaccines. Post vaccinal antibodies due to H. 38 vaccine disapear more quickely than those induced on bovine by strain 19 vaccine. There stand no specific agglutininins at the F. A. O./W. H. 0. diagnostic level (100 I. U.) or C. F. antibodies (titer 1/4) 2 to 3 months after H. 38 vaccination. Five to 0 months after such a vaccination, there are no brucella antibodies at the suspicous titer (30 I. V.) retained by European and French authorities. The are no remains of either antibodies one year after H. 38 vac cination, long before cattle has reached 30 months of age. Thus, the killed in adjuvant, Br. melitensis strain H. 38, vaccine will not interfer with campagns of animal brucellosis control using a test policy

    Un cas de brucellose canine Ă  Brucella abortus

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    Une chienne, Berger des Pyrénées, vivant dans un élevage bovin, est trouvée porteuse de B. abortus, biotype I, sept mois après avoir avorté. L’infection de cette chienne et celle d’un taureau sont concomitantes. Cette observation permet de rappeler et résumer les principales publications qui montrent la grande importance des chiens comme vecteurs de la brucellose.A Berger des Pyrenees bitch, living in a farm, was found harboring B. abortus , biotype I, in a lymph node, seven months after abortion. The canine Brucella infection was coincidental to a bull brucellosis. This observation together with a summary of the available littérature help to recall the great importance of dogs as vectors of brucella infection

    Immunisation des génisses contre la brucellose par l’association du vaccin antibrucellique tué, en excipient et de vaccin anti-aphteux

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    Quinze génisses de race limousine, âgées de 7 à 9 mois, indemnes de brucellose et de tuberculose sont vaccinées par un mélange de vaccin antibrucellique Br. melitensis H. 38 formolé en excipient et d’un vaccin anti-aphteux polyvalent du commerce. Trois mois plus tard, ces animaux vaccinés sont infectés par l’inoculation conjonctivale de 15 x 10 6 Br. abortus souche 544, en même temps qu’un lot témoin de 20 génisses non vaccinées. Tous ces bovins sont sacrifiés et autopsiés 6 à 8 semaines plus tard. La culture en masse des échantillons prélevés (ganglions lymphatiques, rate et foie) donne les résultats suivants : 20 génisses témoins = 20 infectées, 0 protégées. 15 génisses vaccinées = 2 infectées, 13 protégées. La protection étant vérifiée par l’absence de culture de Brucella. Les deux génisses qui, quoique vaccinées, sont infectées ont donné un total de 10 colonies de Br. abortus ; cependant le nombre moyen de colonies de Br. abortus par génisse témoin est de 200. Ainsi, la protection relative est considérable. On peut conclure que l’association de vaccin antibrucellique, Br. melitensis H. 38 formolé en excipient, au vaccin anti-aphteux protège les génisses aussi bien que ce vaccin antibrucellique seul

    Transmission congénitale de la brucellose bovine d’une génération à l’autre

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    Plommet M., Renoux G., Philippon Alain, Gestin J., Fenster-Bank R. Transmission congénitale de la brucellose bovine d’une génération à l’autre. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 124 n°1, 1971. pp. 53-59

    Evaluating Prevalence and Patterns of Prescribing Medications for Depression for Patients With Obesity Using Large Primary Care Data (Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network)

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    Introduction: Depression is a serious disorder that brings a tremendous health and economic burden. Many antidepressants (AD) have obesogenic effects, increasing the population of obese patients at increased risk for a more severe disease course and poor treatment response. In addition, obese patients with depression may not be receiving the recommended standard of care due to “obesity bias.” It is important to evaluate prescribing pharmacological treatment of depression in patients with obesity. Objectives: To describe the prevalence and patterns of AD prescribing for patients with depression and comorbid obesity compared with normal weight patients, and to examine the association of prescribing prevalence with obesity class. Methods: Study sample of adult patients (>18 years old) with depression was extracted from the national Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN) Electronic Medical Records database for 2011–2016. Measures were prescribing of at least one AD (outcome) and body mass index (BMI) to categorize patients into weight categories (exposure). Data were analyzed cross-sectionally using descriptive statistics and mixed effects logistic regression model with clustering on CPCSSN networks and adjusting for age, sex, and the comorbidities. Results: Of 120,381 patients with depression, 63,830 patients had complete data on studied variables (complete cases analysis). Compared with normal weight patients, obese patients were more likely to receive an AD prescription (adjusted Odds Ratio [aOR] = 1.17; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.12–1.22). Patients with obesity classes II and III were 8% (95% CI: 1.00, 1.16) and 6% (95% CI: 0.98, 1.16) more likely, respectively, to receive AD. After imputing missing data using Multiple Imputations by Chained Equations, the results remained unchanged. The prevalence of prescribing >3 AD types was higher in obese category (7.27%, [95% CI: 6.84, 7.73]) than in normal weight category (5.6%; [95% CI: 5.24, 5.99]). Conclusion: The association between obesity and high prevalence of AD prescribing and prescribing high number of different AD to obese patients, consistent across geographical regions, raises a public health concern. Study results warrant qualitative studies to explore reasons behind the difference in prescribing, and quantitative longitudinal studies evaluating the association of AD prescribing patterns for obese patients with health outcomes.</p

    Medida de la independencia funcional con escala FIM en los pacientes con evento cerebro vascular del Hospital Central Militar de Bogotá en el periodo octubre 2010 - mayo 2011

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    El evento cerebro vascular es la enfermedad neurológica más prevalente en el adulto. Causa un gran índice de discapacidad en nuestro medio. Se clasifica en isquémico, embolico o hemorrágico de acuerdo con su origen. Con la medición del nivel de discapacidad se puede determinar el impacto que tiene el evento cerebro vascular en nuestros pacientes y de acuerdo a esto se fijan las metas en rehabilitación, individualizando las prioridades que se requieran de acuerdo a los hallazgos en la valoración clínica

    Selection of Medical Diagnostic Codes for Analysis of Electronic Patient Records. Application to Stroke in a Primary Care Database

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    BACKGROUND: Electronic patient records from primary care databases are increasingly used in public health and health services research but methods used to identify cases with disease are not well described. This study aimed to evaluate the relevance of different codes for the identification of acute stroke in a primary care database, and to evaluate trends in the use of different codes over time.METHODS: Data were obtained from the General Practice Research Database from 1997 to 2006. All subjects had a minimum of 24 months of up-to-standard record before the first recorded stroke diagnosis. Initially, we identified stroke cases using a supplemented version of the set of codes for prevalent stroke used by the Office for National Statistics in Key health statistics from general practice 1998 (ONS codes). The ONS codes were then independently reviewed by four raters and a restricted set of 121 codes for 'acute stroke' was identified but the kappa statistic was low at 0.23.RESULTS: Initial extraction of data using the ONS codes gave 48,239 cases of stroke from 1997 to 2006. Application of the restricted set of codes reduced this to 39,424 cases. There were 2,288 cases whose index medical codes were for 'stroke annual review' and 3,112 for 'stroke monitoring'. The frequency of stroke review and monitoring codes as index codes increased from 9 per year in 1997 to 1,612 in 2004, 1,530 in 2005 and 1,424 in 2006. The one year mortality of cases with the restricted set of codes was 29.1% but for 'stroke annual review,' 4.6% and for 'stroke monitoring codes', 5.7%.CONCLUSION: In the analysis of electronic patient records, different medical codes for a single condition may have varying clinical and prognostic significance; utilisation of different medical codes may change over time; researchers with differing clinical or epidemiological experience may have differing interpretations of the relevance of particular codes. There is a need for greater transparency in the selection of sets of codes for different conditions, for the reporting of sensitivity analyses using different sets of codes, as well as sharing of code sets among researchers

    Coracoid impingement syndrome: a literature review

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    Coracoid impingement syndrome is a less common cause of shoulder pain. Symptoms are presumed to occur when the subscapularis tendon impinges between the coracoid and lesser tuberosity of the humerus. Coracoid impingement should be included in the differential diagnosis when evaluating a patient with activity-related anterior shoulder pain. It is not thought to be as common as subacromial impingement, and the possibility of the coexistence of the two conditions must be taken into consideration before treatment of either as an isolated process. If nonoperative treatment fails to relieve symptoms, surgical decompression can be offered as an option
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