212 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Surgical Site Infections and Hand Hygiene Discharge Teaching

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    Problem: In the span of a nine-month period, the incidence of surgical site infections (SSIs) in a singular perioperative unit reached 13. SSIs have been linked with negative consequences for both the patient and healthcare system, decreasing quality of life and increasing costs. Context: The 20-bed post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) primarily serves adult patients in the East Bay Area, where a variety of surgeries including elective and emergent procedures are performed. This facility specializes in general surgeries, where laparoscopic excisions and hernia repairs were the most commonly observed. Intervention: The Standardized 3-Step Hand Hygiene Discharge Teaching is aimed to improve and standardize the hand hygiene education process in the PACU. It is anticipated to promote increased adherence in handwashing for patients and ultimately decrease SSIs in the long run. Measures: The proposed outcome measure is the rate of occurrence of SSI per 1,000 patient days. The process measure is the percent of staff compliance in completing the Standardized 3-Step Hand Hygiene Discharge Teaching procedure. The balancing measure is ensuring that the intervention does not prolong the discharge process. Results: The expected results are a significant decrease in SSIs and 70% staff compliance in intervention implementation. Conclusion: Literature maintains that hand hygiene is a significant intervention in reducing infection. It was observed that on this unit, there were inconsistencies in hand hygiene teaching. Though, further observation on other days and shifts may be indicated to determine the validity of the data. Due to the inability to implement the intervention and inadequate time, future directions may include implementing the Standardized 3-Step Hand Hygiene Discharge Teaching and audits to define a clearer relationship between consistent hand hygiene discharge teaching and the incidence of SSIs

    Designing Participation: Current Approaches and Future Directions

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    The "Designing Participation: Current Approaches and Future Directions" 2017 conference, held at the Royal Society of Arts in London on 26th May 2017, was a research-generative event that followed up on recommendations made in the most recent Arts Council England (2010) report to focus exclusively on adult participatory arts. Those recommendations were fundamental to the design of a set of six research questions used to encourage a series of lively research workshops during the conference. The London Doctoral Design Centre organising researchers have collated the research generated by a diverse selection of conference attendees - including members from the participatory arts field, the wider arts community and academic institutions. Grassroots-initiated and somewhat provocative, The Designing Participation: Current Approaches and Future Directions 2017 report makes an exciting contribution to this dynamic research area and defines the principles for further conferences. The video of the conference includes keynote speakers: renowned photographer, psychological therapist and workshop leader Rosy Martin and Access All Areas Cian Binchy, as well as presentations from the organising LDoc researchers’ Julia Johnson, Jack Champ and Will Renel. The video and the conference report can be accessed here: http://ldoc-cdt.ac.uk/designing-participation-conference For further conference and research enquiries, please contact Julia Johnson at: [email protected]

    Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation During Hand-off in a Mental Health Nursing Unit

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    AbstractCommunication failures, especially inadequate hand-off communication, in U.S. hospitals has accounted for 30% of malpractice claims, resulting in 1,744 deaths over 5 years. This prompted the Joint Commission to recommend utilizing standardized communication tools to reduce the number of medical errors related to miscommunication. The Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR) Communication Tool has been used to improve the effectiveness of communication among health care providers. The partner organization noted failures to communicate patient-care-related information between psychiatric mental health nurses (PMHN) during hand-off, given the absence of standardized communication. This project aimed to develop a program to educate PMHNs on the SBAR Communication Tool. Five experts used the Lynn model to evaluate the project’s educational program, learning materials, and pre-and post-test. The experts determined that the educational program and related materials met the validation criteria. The theoretical framework applied to this project was Malcolm Knowles’s adult learning theory. Five PMHN participants completed the educational activity. The pretest findings indicated that the PMHNs had insufficient knowledge of the course content, and the posttest data suggested that the educational activity met the lesson objectives and the PMHNs had increased knowledge and confidence in using the tool. The project has the potential to impact nursing practice given the improvement in communication during hand-off and reduce miscommunication patient care incidents

    Problematika Dakwah di Kalangan Minoritas Muslim Desa Poka Kota Ambon

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    This paper provides an in-depth analysis of proselytizing problems and strategies among the Muslim minority in Poka Village, Ambon City. Using qualitative des–criptive method, this research concludes that many da'is in Poka village have faced two main problems both internal and external issues. The former related to the number of da'i, the role of da'wah institutions which is not optimal, and the lack of community solidarity in propagating Islam. In addtion, many da’is do not possess a high Islamic intellectual quality and a good quality of education. The latter problems related to the lack of government attention on Islam as well as the dominant influence of non-Muslim environments. While da’wah strategies conducted by da'is are da’wah bi al-lisan and da'wah bi al-hal


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    Sadržaj rada sa temom „Malvazije Mediterana“ uključuje istraživanje vinskih kultivara koje u svojem imenu nose naziv malvazija, a kultiviraju se vinogorijima zemalja koje pripadaju priobalju Sredozemnog mora. U radu su istražene povijesne činjenice i zapisi vezani uz podrijetlo naziva malvazija, te njegovo širenje Mediteranskim bazenom. Utvrđena je podjela unutar vinskih sorti malvazija obzirom na boju plodova, te aromatske i senzorne karakteristike. Navedene su sorte vinskih kultivara Vitis vinifera L. koje se smatraju dijelom obitelji Malvazija, a kultiviraju se u Grčkoj, Hrvatskoj, Italiji, Španjolskoj, te Portugalu uključujući sinonime svake sorte na temelju recentnih zaključaka najnovijih istraživanja genetskih identifikacija. Uz opis sorte naglašen je njezin enološki potencijal, rasprostranjenost, te mogućnost proizvodnje određene tipologije vina obzirom na karakteristike i kvalitetu grožđa svake navedene sorte. Zaključno je navedena potreba za daljnjom identifikacijom kultivara i utvrđivanja rodbinskih veza unutar obitelji s ciljem utvrđivanja predaka nekih od navedenih sorti za koje je do danas to pitanje ostalo nerazjašnjeno, a time i pitanje njihovog podrijetla


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    Sadržaj rada sa temom „Malvazije Mediterana“ uključuje istraživanje vinskih kultivara koje u svojem imenu nose naziv malvazija, a kultiviraju se vinogorijima zemalja koje pripadaju priobalju Sredozemnog mora. U radu su istražene povijesne činjenice i zapisi vezani uz podrijetlo naziva malvazija, te njegovo širenje Mediteranskim bazenom. Utvrđena je podjela unutar vinskih sorti malvazija obzirom na boju plodova, te aromatske i senzorne karakteristike. Navedene su sorte vinskih kultivara Vitis vinifera L. koje se smatraju dijelom obitelji Malvazija, a kultiviraju se u Grčkoj, Hrvatskoj, Italiji, Španjolskoj, te Portugalu uključujući sinonime svake sorte na temelju recentnih zaključaka najnovijih istraživanja genetskih identifikacija. Uz opis sorte naglašen je njezin enološki potencijal, rasprostranjenost, te mogućnost proizvodnje određene tipologije vina obzirom na karakteristike i kvalitetu grožđa svake navedene sorte. Zaključno je navedena potreba za daljnjom identifikacijom kultivara i utvrđivanja rodbinskih veza unutar obitelji s ciljem utvrđivanja predaka nekih od navedenih sorti za koje je do danas to pitanje ostalo nerazjašnjeno, a time i pitanje njihovog podrijetla

    Materi Dakwah dan Kebutuhan Mad’u (Studi Kasus pada Majelis Taklim Nurul Qulub di Kecamatan Baguala Kota Ambon)

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Penyajian materi dengan isi pesan dakwah yang berbeda-beda, memunculkan respon mad’u terhadap yang cukup signifikan. Secara universal untuk materi-materi yang disajikan, dengan keaktifan dan keseriusan diikuti oleh mad’u setiap waktu penyajian materi tersebut dilakukan. Sisi lain yang muncul karena respon mad’u terhadap materi-materi dakwah tersebut, terdapat penonjolan perubahan nuansa islami berupa kehidupan sosial keagamaan yang berlangsung dengan baik. Penonjolan itu ditandai dengan adanya budaya silaturrahmi, keaktifan menunaikan ibadah, dan mewaspadai hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan ajaran agama

    Julie Monchamp, Céramiques des murailles du Caire (fin xe-début xvie s.)

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    Julie Monchamp offre, par cette importante publication (625 pages), une synthèse du matériel céramique produit et importé en Égypte et, plus particulièrement, au Caire, durant les périodes fatimide, ayyoubide et mamelouke. Cette synthèse est organisée en trois parties et deux volumes (texte et planches) permettant une lecture et un usage aisés. L’appareil critique – glossaire et bibliographie – est en fin du premier volume. Cet ouvrage marque l’aboutissement d’un travail de recherche universi..