48 research outputs found

    Reliable Detection of Rotor Bars Breakage in Induction Motors via MUSIC and ZSC Methods

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    "(c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works"[EN] Induction motors are used in a variety of industrial applications where frequent startup cycles are required. In those cases, it is necessary to apply sophisticated signal processing analysis methods in order to reliably follow the time evolution of fault-related harmonics in the signal. In this paper, the zero-sequence current (ZSC) is analyzed using the high-resolution spectral method of multiple signal classification. The analysis of the ZSC signal has proved to have several advantages over the analysis of a single-phase current waveform. The method is validated through simulation and experimental results. The simulations are carried out for a 1.1-MW and a 4-kW induction motors under finite element analysis. Experimentation is performed on a healthy motor, a motor with one broken rotor bar, and a motor with two broken rotor bars. The analysis results are satisfactory since the proposed methodology reliably detects the broken rotor bar fault and its severity, both during transient and steady-state operation of the induction motor.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and in part by the FEDER program in the framework of the Proyectos I+D del Subprograma de Generacion de Conocimiento, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia under Grant DPI2014-52842-P.Morinigo-Sotelo, D.; Romero-Troncoso, R.; Panagiotou, P.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Gyftakis, KN. (2018). Reliable Detection of Rotor Bars Breakage in Induction Motors via MUSIC and ZSC Methods. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 54(2):1224-1234. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2017.2764846S1224123454

    Robotic repair of vesicovaginal fistulae with the transperitoneal-transvaginal approach: A case series

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    ABSTRACT ARTICLE INFO ______________________________________________________________ ______________________ Objective: To describe a novel technique of repairing the VVF using the transperitoneal-transvaginal approach. Materials and Methods: From June 2011 to October 2013, four patients with symptoms of urine leakage in the vagina underwent robotic repair of VVF with the transperitoneal-transvaginal approach. Cystoscopy revealed the fistula opening on the bladder. A ureteral stent was placed through the fistulous tract. After trocar placement, the omental flap was prepared and mobilized robotically. The vagina was identified and incised. The fistulous tract was excised. Cystorrhaphy was performed in two layers in an interrupted fashion. The vaginal opening was closed with running stitches. The omentum was interposed and anchored between the bladder and vagina. Finally, the ureteral catheters were removed in case they have been placed, and an 18 Fr urethral catheter was removed on the 14th postoperative day. Results: The mean age was 46 years (range: 41 to 52 years). The mean fistula diameter was 1.5 cm (range 0.3 to 2 cm). The mean operative time was 117.5 min (range: 100 to 150 min). The estimated blood loss was 100 mL (range: 50 to 150 mL). The mean hospital stay was 1.75 days (range: 1 to 3 days). The mean Foley catheter duration was 15.75 days (range: 10 to 25 days). There was no evidence of recurrence in any of the cases. Conclusions: The robot-assisted laparoscopic transperitoneal transvaginal approach for VVF is a feasible procedure when the fistula tract is identified by first intentionally opening the vagina, thereby minimizing the bladder incision and with low morbidity

    Evaluación del plan de alta por enfermería en el hospital San José, Popayán 2017

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    Abstract: When the patients are going to be discharged from the hospital, the nurses must execute the discharge plan based on their specific needs. It is essential to promote self-care in patients to prevent future medical complications and readmissions. Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the discharge plan by the nursing professionals in the internal medicine and surgical services at the San José hospital in Popayán, Colombia, in 2017. Materials and methods: This quantitative study has a descriptive and transversal design. The research population is composed of nurses from the internal medicine and surgical services from the San José Hospital and patients that are going to be discharged from the clinic in 24 hours or less. Results: The information was collected by using an instrument that was designed for the participants to confirm if they fit the inclusion criteria. According to collected data, 94.7% of the patients had scheduled discharges, 58.6% of them had received indications in the last 48 hours before the discharge on how the self-care routines must be followed at home. Additionally, 100% of people said they understood the recommendations given by the nurses. Finally, 100% of the nursing professionals claimed that they did not know any methodology to prepare the discharge plan, and about 80% of them did not know about the existence of a patient's exit procedure and patient's medical follow-up in the institution. Conclusions: The patient discharge plan is not standardized, so it is not evaluated in the institution. The nursing staff is focused only on explaining the medical indications, but they are not focused on creating their discharge plans.Introducción: Durante el alta hospitalaria es importante que el enfermero identifique los cuidados que requiere el paciente, permitiéndole guiar intervenciones mediante el plan de alta que fomenta el autocuidado, enfocado a necesidades específicas de cada persona, para prevenir complicaciones y disminuir reingresos. Objetivo: Evaluar la ejecución del plan de alta por los profesionales de enfermería en los servicios de medicina interna y quirúrgicas del Hospital San José, Popayán durante el año 2017. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo, diseño descriptivo y transversal. La población conformada por los enfermeros de los servicios de medicina interna y quirúrgicas del Hospital San José y pacientes con alta programada de 24 horas o menos antes del egreso hospitalario. Resultados: La información se recolectó por medio de un instrumento de valoración realizado a participantes que cumplen con criterios de inclusión. El 94,7% de los pacientes tenían egreso programado, de estos 58,6% recibieron indicaciones en las últimas 48 horas sobre los cuidados en casa y el 100% manifestaron entender las recomendaciones brindadas por el enfermero. Respecto al profesional de enfermería el 100% refiere no conocer alguna metodología para elaborar el plan de alta y el 80% no conoce si en la institución existe un procedimiento de egreso y seguimiento al paciente. Conclusiones: El plan de alta es un proceso que no se encuentra estandarizado y por lo tanto no es evaluado en la institución, el personal de Enfermería se limita a brindar educación sobre las indicaciones médicas de egreso y no sobre un plan de alta propio de Enfermería

    Evaluación del plan de alta por enfermería en el hospital San José, Popayán 2017

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    Abstract: When the patients are going to be discharged from the hospital, the nurses must execute the discharge plan based on their specific needs. It is essential to promote self-care in patients to prevent future medical complications and readmissions. Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the discharge plan by the nursing professionals in the internal medicine and surgical services at the San José hospital in Popayán, Colombia, in 2017. Materials and methods: This quantitative study has a descriptive and transversal design. The research population is composed of nurses from the internal medicine and surgical services from the San José Hospital and patients that are going to be discharged from the clinic in 24 hours or less. Results: The information was collected by using an instrument that was designed for the participants to confirm if they fit the inclusion criteria. According to collected data, 94.7% of the patients had scheduled discharges, 58.6% of them had received indications in the last 48 hours before the discharge on how the self-care routines must be followed at home. Additionally, 100% of people said they understood the recommendations given by the nurses. Finally, 100% of the nursing professionals claimed that they did not know any methodology to prepare the discharge plan, and about 80% of them did not know about the existence of a patient's exit procedure and patient's medical follow-up in the institution. Conclusions: The patient discharge plan is not standardized, so it is not evaluated in the institution. The nursing staff is focused only on explaining the medical indications, but they are not focused on creating their discharge plans.Introducción: Durante el alta hospitalaria es importante que el enfermero identifique los cuidados que requiere el paciente, permitiéndole guiar intervenciones mediante el plan de alta que fomenta el autocuidado, enfocado a necesidades específicas de cada persona, para prevenir complicaciones y disminuir reingresos. Objetivo: Evaluar la ejecución del plan de alta por los profesionales de enfermería en los servicios de medicina interna y quirúrgicas del Hospital San José, Popayán durante el año 2017. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo, diseño descriptivo y transversal. La población conformada por los enfermeros de los servicios de medicina interna y quirúrgicas del Hospital San José y pacientes con alta programada de 24 horas o menos antes del egreso hospitalario. Resultados: La información se recolectó por medio de un instrumento de valoración realizado a participantes que cumplen con criterios de inclusión. El 94,7% de los pacientes tenían egreso programado, de estos 58,6% recibieron indicaciones en las últimas 48 horas sobre los cuidados en casa y el 100% manifestaron entender las recomendaciones brindadas por el enfermero. Respecto al profesional de enfermería el 100% refiere no conocer alguna metodología para elaborar el plan de alta y el 80% no conoce si en la institución existe un procedimiento de egreso y seguimiento al paciente. Conclusiones: El plan de alta es un proceso que no se encuentra estandarizado y por lo tanto no es evaluado en la institución, el personal de Enfermería se limita a brindar educación sobre las indicaciones médicas de egreso y no sobre un plan de alta propio de Enfermería

    Bibliometric Analysis of Academic Journal Recommendations and Requirements for Surgical and Anesthesiologic Adverse Events Reporting

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    BACKGROUND: Standards for reporting surgical adverse events (AEs) vary widely within the scientific literature. Failure to adequately capture AEs hinders efforts to measure the safety of healthcare delivery and improve the quality of care. The aim of the present study is to assess the prevalence and typology of perioperative AE reporting guidelines among surgery and anesthesiology journals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In November 2021, three independent reviewers queried journal lists from the SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) portal (www.scimagojr.com), a bibliometric indicator database for surgery and anesthesiology academic journals. Journal characteristics were summarized using SCImago, a bibliometric indicator database extracted from Scopus journal data. Quartile 1 (Q1) was considered the top quartile and Q4 bottom quartile based on the journal impact factor. Journal author guidelines were collected to determine whether AE reporting recommendations were included and, if so, the preferred reporting procedures. RESULTS: Of 1409 journals queried, 655 (46.5%) recommended surgical AE reporting. Journals most likely to recommend AE reporting were: by category surgery (59.1%), urology (53.3%), and anesthesia (52.3%); in top SJR quartiles (i.e. more influential); by region, based in Western Europe (49.8%), North America (49.3%), and the Middle East (48.3%). CONCLUSIONS: Surgery and anesthesiology journals do not consistently require or provide recommendations on perioperative AE reporting. Journal guidelines regarding AE reporting should be standardized and are needed to improve the quality of surgical AE reporting with the ultimate goal of improving patient morbidity and mortality

    Laparoendoscopic single site in pelvic surgery

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    Laparoendoscopic single site (LESS) has recently gained momentum as feasible techniques for minimal access surgery. Our aim is to describe the current status of laparoendoscopic single site (LESS) in pelvic surgery. A comprehensive revision of the literature in LESS pelvic surgery was performed. References for this manuscript were obtained by performing a review of the available literature in PubMed from 01-01-01 to 30-11-11. References outside the search period were obtained selected manuscript΄s bibliography. Search terms included: pelvic anatomy, less in gynecology, single port colectomy, urological less, single port, single site, NOTES, LESS and single incision. 314 manuscripts were initially identified. Out of these, 46 manuscripts were selected based in their pelvic anatomy or surgical content; including experimental experience, clinical series and literature reviews. LESS drastically limit the surgeon′s ability to perform in the operative field and the latter becomes hardened by the lack of space in anatomical location like the pelvis. Potential advantages of LESS are gained with the understanding that the surgical procedure is more technically challenging. Pelvic surgical procedures related to colorectal surgery, gynecology and urology have been performed with LESS technique and information available is mostly represented by case reports and short case series. Comparative series remain few. LESS pelvic surgery remain in its very beginning and due to the very specific anatomical conditions further development of LESS surgery in the mentioned area can be clearly be facilitated by using robotic technology. Standardization ad reproducibility of techniques are mandatory to further develop LESS in the surgical arena.