3,935 research outputs found

    Cosmic-ray acceleration and gamma-ray signals from radio supernovae

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    In this work the efficiency of particle acceleration at the forward shock right after the SN outburst for the particular case of the well-known SN 1993J is analyzed. Plasma instabilities driven by the energetic particles accelerated at the shock front grow over intraday timescales and drive a fast amplification of the magnetic field at the shock, that can explain the magnetic field strengths deduced from the radio monitoring of the source. The maximum particle energy is found to reach 1-10 PeV depending on the instability dominating the amplification process. We derive the time dependent particle spectra and the associated hadronic signatures of secondary particles arising from proton proton interactions. We find that the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) should easily detect objects like SN 1993J in particular above 1 TeV, while current generation of Cherenkov telescopes such as H.E.S.S. could only marginally detect such events. The gamma-ray signal is found to be heavily absorbed by pair production process during the first week after the outburst. We predict a low neutrino flux above 10 TeV, implying a detectability horizon with a KM3NeT-type telescope of 1 Mpc only. We finally discuss the essential parameters that control the particle acceleration and gamma-ray emission in other type of SNe.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures (Note: conflict of .sty file version explains the problems with journal title and the abstract, apologies for any inconvenience). Appears as Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement 2014 Proceedings of the workshop "Cosmic Ray Origin beyond the standard models", San Vito (2014), ed. by O.Tibolla, L. Drur

    Inflationary spectra and violations of Bell inequalities

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    In spite of the macroscopic character of the primordial fluctuations, the standard inflationary distribution (that obtained using linear mode equations) exhibits inherently quantum properties, that is, properties which cannot be mimicked by any stochastic distribution. This is demonstrated by a Gedanken experiment for which certain Bell inequalities are violated. These violations are {\it in principle} measurable because, unlike for Hawking radiation from black holes, in inflationary cosmology we can have access to both members of correlated pairs of modes delivered in the same state. We then compute the effect of decoherence and show that the violations persist provided the decoherence level (and thus the entropy) lies below a certain non-vanishing threshold. Moreover, there exists a higher threshold above which no violation of any Bell inequality can occur. In this regime, the distributions are ``separable'' and can be interpreted as stochastic ensembles of fluctuations. Unfortunately, the precision which is required to have access to the quantum properties is so high that, {\it in practice}, an observational verification seems excluded.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; new presentation and extended discussio

    Strains Induced by Point Defects in Graphene on a Metal

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    Strains strongly affect the properties of low-dimensional materials, such as graphene. By combining in situ, in operando, reflection high energy electron diffraction experiments with first-principles calculations, we show that large strains, above 2%, are present in graphene during its growth by chemical vapor deposition on Ir(111) and when it is subjected to oxygen etching and ion bombardment. Our results unravel the microscopic relationship between point defects and strains in epitaxial graphene and suggest new avenues for graphene nanostructuring and engineering its properties through introduction of defects and intercalation of atoms and molecules between graphene and its metal substrate

    Universal design for website authentication:views and experiences of senior citizens

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    Using digital devices and online products and services requires users to regularly authenticate themselves. Given that the vast majority of websites use passwords to authenticate users, this study focuses on the accessibility and inclusivity of this mechanism, using Universal Design Principles as a lens. Collecting and analysing autobiographical narrative data from 50 respondents, we use a qualitative approach to explore the views and experiences of senior citizens across various phases of website authentication. Our analysis uncovers barriers and challenges, leading to several undesirable consequences, when authentication is not accessible and inclusive. Our findings also show how users, many of whom have cognitive and other age-related infirmities which are seldom accommodated in authentication design, try to cope with these issues. Our findings show how authentication may fail to align with the principles of universal design and highlight considerations in making authentication more accessible and inclusive for all users

    Des systemes simplifies aux combustibles modeles etude in situ du frittage d'oxydes d'actinides et de lanthanides

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    International audienceresume JSM 201

    Evolution of the mass, size, and star formation rate in high-redshift merging galaxies MIRAGE - A new sample of simulations with detailed stellar feedback

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    We aim at addressing the questions related to galaxy mass assembly through major and minor wet merging processes in the redshift range 1<z<2. A consequent fraction of Milky Way like galaxies are thought to have undergone an unstable clumpy phase at this early stage. Using the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES, with a recent physically-motivated implementation of stellar feedback, we build the Merging and Isolated high-Redshift Adaptive mesh refinement Galaxies (MIRAGE) sample. It is composed of 20 mergers and 3 isolated idealized disks simulations with global physical properties in accordance with the 1<z<2 mass complete sample MASSIV. The numerical hydrodynamical resolution reaches 7 parsecs in the smallest Eulerian cells. Our simulations include: star formation, metal line cooling, metallicity advection, and a recent implementation of stellar feedback which encompasses OB-type stars radiative pressure, photo-ionization heating, and supernovae. The initial conditions are set to match the z~2 observations, thanks to a new public code DICE. The numerical resolution allows us to follow the formation and evolution of giant clumps formed in-situ from Jeans instabilities triggered by high initial gas fraction. The star formation history of isolated disks shows stochastic star formation rate, which proceeds from the complex behavior of the giant clumps. Our minor and major gas-rich merger simulations do not trigger starbursts, suggesting a saturation of the star formation in a turbulent and clumpy interstellar medium fed by substantial accretion from the circum-galactic medium. Our simulations are close to the normal regime of the disk-like star formation on a Schmidt-Kennicutt diagram. The mass-size relation and its rate of evolution matches observations, suggesting that the inside-out growth mechanisms of the stellar disk do not necessarily require to be achieved through a cold accretion.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures. Accepted in A&

    The Stabilized Poincare-Heisenberg algebra: a Clifford algebra viewpoint

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    The stabilized Poincare-Heisenberg algebra (SPHA) is the Lie algebra of quantum relativistic kinematics generated by fifteen generators. It is obtained from imposing stability conditions after attempting to combine the Lie algebras of quantum mechanics and relativity which by themselves are stable, however not when combined. In this paper we show how the sixteen dimensional Clifford algebra CL(1,3) can be used to generate the SPHA. The Clifford algebra path to the SPHA avoids the traditional stability considerations, relying instead on the fact that CL(1,3) is a semi-simple algebra and therefore stable. It is therefore conceptually easier and more straightforward to work with a Clifford algebra. The Clifford algebra path suggests the next evolutionary step toward a theory of physics at the interface of GR and QM might be to depart from working in space-time and instead to work in space-time-momentum.Comment: 14 page
