725 research outputs found

    Morphological analysis of stylolites for paleostress estimation in limestones surrounding the Andra Underground Research Laboratory site

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    We develop and test a methodology to infer paleostress from the morphology of stylolites within borehole cores. This non-destructive method is based on the analysis of the stylolite trace along the outer cylindrical surface of the cores. It relies on an automatic digitization of high-resolution photographs and on the spatial Fourier spectrum analysis of the stylolite traces. We test and show, on both synthetic and natural examples, that the information from this outer cylindrical surface is equivalent to the one obtained from the destructive planar sections traditionally used. The assessment of paleostress from the stylolite morphology analysis is made using a recent theoretical model, which links the morphological properties to the physical processes acting during stylolite evolution. This model shows that two scaling regimes are to be expected for the stylolite height power spectrum, separated by a cross-over length that depends on the magnitude of the paleostress during formation. We develop a non linear fit method to automatically extract the cross-over lengths from the digitized stylolite profiles. Results on cores from boreholes drilled in the surroundings of the Andra Underground Research Laboratory located at Bure, France, show that different groups of sedimentary stylolites can be distinguished, and correspond to different estimated vertical paleostress values. For the Oxfordian formation, one group of stylolites indicate a paleostress of around 10 MPa, while another group yields 15 MPa. For the Dogger formation, two stylolites indicate a paleostress of around 10 MPa, while others appear to have stopped growing at paleostresses between 30 and 22 MPa, starting at an erosion phase that initiated in the late Cretaceous and continues today. This method has a high potential for further applications on reservoirs or other geological contexts where stylolites are present.Comment: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (2013) online firs

    Interplay between Local Anisotropies in Binuclear Complexes

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    A systematic study has been undertaken to determine how local distortions affect the overall (molecular) magnetic anisotropies in binuclear complexes. For this purpose we have applied a series of distortions to two binuclear Ni(II) model complexes and extracted the magnetic anisotropy parameters of multispin and giant-spin model Hamiltonians. Furthermore, local and molecular magnetic axes frames have been determined. It is shown that certain combinations of local distortions can lead to constructive interference of the local anisotropies and that the largest contribution to the anisotropic exchange does not arise from the second-rank tensor normally included in the multispin Hamiltonian, but rather from a fourth-rank tensor. From the comparison of the extracted parameters, simple rules are obtained to maximize the molecular anisotropy by controlling the local magnetic anisotropy, which opens the way to tune the anisotropy in binuclear or polynuclear complexes

    What is marine biodiversity? Towards common concepts and their implications for assessing biodiversity status

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    Biodiversity' is one of the most common keywords used in environmental sciences, spanning from research to management, nature conservation, and consultancy. Despite this, our understanding of the underlying concepts varies greatly, between and within disciplines as well as among the scientists themselves. Biodiversity can refer to descriptions or assessments of the status and condition of all or selected groups of organisms, from the genetic variability, to the species, populations, communities, and ecosystems. However, a concept of biodiversity also must encompass understanding the interactions and functions on all levels from individuals up to the whole ecosystem, including changes related to natural and anthropogenic environmental pressures. While biodiversity as such is an abstract and relative concept rooted in the spatial domain, it is central to most international, European, and national governance initiatives aimed at protecting the marine environment. These rely on status assessments of biodiversity which typically require numerical targets and specific reference values, to allow comparison in space and/or time, often in association with some external structuring factors such as physical and biogeochemical conditions. Given that our ability to apply and interpret such assessments requires a solid conceptual understanding of marine biodiversity, here we define this and show how the abstract concept can and needs to be interpreted and subsequently applied in biodiversity assessments

    Dopage en entreprises : une réalité à éclaircir

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    Le recours aux substances psychoactives a gagné le monde professionnel. Entretien avec Gladys Lutz, docteur en Psychologie du travail, présidente de l'association Addictologie et travail (Additra) et Renaud Crespin, docteur en science politique et chargé de recherche CNRS au Centre de sociologie des organisations

    Swiss Science Concentrates

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    Swiss Science Concentrates

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    Swiss Science Concentrates

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    Swiss Science Concentrates

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    SWISS Science Concentrates

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