4 research outputs found

    Massive Open Online Courses para la educación continua en profesionales de enfermería en Perú

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    Objective: to determine the global offer of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in health and nursing, and to know the characteristics of its content, for continuing education in nursing professionals in Peru. Method: exploratory study was carried out on the websites: Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, XuetangX and Udacity, Class Central and MOOC List. The courses were classified according to the five nursing areas recognized by the Peruvian College of Nurses (Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú, CEP). From each course, data was collected on institution and country of origin, hours per week and total duration in weeks, audio and subtitle language. Results: a total of 654 courses in this modality are offered in health were found, covering the five areas contemplated by the Peruvian College of Nurses. Fourteen courses were specifically developed for nursing with an average duration of five weeks (3.2 hours per week of activities). Eleven came from Anglo-Saxon institutions, with content in English. Only two courses were offered in Spanish and one in Turkish. Conclusion: Massive Open Online Courses would be a useful tool for the continuing education of the Peruvian nurse given the wide offer, including some specifically for nurses, in the different areas of nursing. The content of the course is mostly in English. Expanding the range of languages or subtitles would facilitate the participation of a larger audience.Objetivo: determinar la oferta global de Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) en salud y enfermería, y conocer las características de su contenido, para la educación continua de profesionales de enfermería en Perú. Método: estudio exploratorio se llevó a cabo en sitios web Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, XuetangX y Udacity, Class Central y MOOC List. Los cursos se clasificaron según las cinco áreas de enfermería reconocidas por el Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú (CEP). De cada curso se recopilaron datos sobre institución y país de origen, horas por semana y duración total en semanas, idioma de audio y de subtítulos. Resultados: se encontró un total de 654 cursos en esta modalidad en salud, que abarcaron las cinco áreas contempladas por el Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú. Catorce cursos fueron elaborados específicamente para enfermería con una duración promedio de cinco semanas (3,2 horas semanales de actividades). Once procedían de instituciones anglosajonas, con contenido en inglés. Solo dos se ofrecieron en español y uno en turco. Conclusión: Massive Open Online Courses es una herramienta útil para la educación continua del enfermero peruano dada la amplia oferta, incluyendo algunos específicamente para enfermeros, en las distintas áreas de la enfermería. El contenido de los cursos se ofrecen mayoritariamente en inglés. Ampliar la oferta de idiomas o subtítulos facilitaría la participación de un mayor público.Objetivo: determinar a oferta global de Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) em saúde e enfermagem e conhecer as características de seu conteúdo para a educação continuada em profissionais de enfermagem. Método: estudo exploratório realizado nos sites Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, XuetangX e Udacity, Class Central e MOOC List. Os cursos foram classificados de acordo com as cinco áreas de enfermagem reconhecidas pelo Colégio Peruano de Enfermeiros (Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú, CEP). Para cada curso foram coletadas as variáveis instituição e país de origem, horas semanais e duração total em semanas, idioma do áudio e das legendas. Resultados: foram encontrados 654 cursos nessa modalidade em saúde, cobrindo as cinco áreas contempladas pelo Colégio Peruano de Enfermeiros. Quatorze cursos foram desenvolvidos especificamente para enfermagem, com duração média de cinco semanas (3,2 horas por semana de atividades). Onze procediam de instituições anglo-saxônicas, com conteúdo em inglês. Apenas dois cursos foram oferecidos em espanhol e um em turco. Conclusão: Massive Open Online Courses é uma ferramenta útil para a educação continuada do enfermeiro peruano, dada a ampla oferta, incluindo alguns especificamente para enfermeiros, nas diferentes áreas da enfermagem. O seu conteúdo é oferecido principalmente em inglês. Expandir a variedade de idiomas ou incluir legendas facilitaria a participação de um público maior

    Massive Open Online Courses for continuing education for nursing professionals in Peru

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    Objective: to determine the global offer of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in health and nursing, and to know the characteristics of its content, for continuing education in nursing professionals in Peru. Method: exploratory study was carried out on the websites: Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, XuetangX and Udacity, Class Central and MOOC List. The courses were classified according to the five nursing areas recognized by the Peruvian College of Nurses (Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú, CEP). From each course, data was collected on institution and country of origin, hours per week and total duration in weeks, audio and subtitle language. Results: a total of 654 courses in this modality are offered in health were found, covering the five areas contemplated by the Peruvian College of Nurses. Fourteen courses were specifically developed for nursing with an average duration of five weeks (3.2 hours per week of activities). Eleven came from Anglo-Saxon institutions, with content in English. Only two courses were offered in Spanish and one in Turkish. Conclusion: Massive Open Online Courses would be a useful tool for the continuing education of the Peruvian nurse given the wide offer, including some specifically for nurses, in the different areas of nursing. The content of the course is mostly in English. Expanding the range of languages or subtitles would facilitate the participation of a larger audience. Descriptors: Education, Nursing; Nurses Instruction; Education, Nursing,Continuing; Specialties, Nursing; Education, Nursing, Graduate; Nurse Specialists

    Participación femenina en los comités editoriales de revistas médicas en Latinoamérica

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    Introduction: Female participation in the field of medicine and research has increased in recent years; however, there are still inequities in the proportion of men and women in medical leadership, especially in management positions and editorial committees of scientific journals.Objective: To identify female participation in the editorial committees of medical journals in Latin America and explore the association with editorial positions and impact indicators.Materials and methods: We conducted a descriptive bibliometric study to determine female participation in the editorial committees of medical  & journals in Latin America. We included 113 medical journals published in Latin America and indexed in Scopus, updated and current in 2020, selected from the Scimago Journal  Country Rank portal. The gender of editorial committee members was identified on the web pages of each magazine. Results: Regarding editorial leadership in the 113 journals included, women represented 12.9% of 264 members; as for the functions within the editorial committee, of 1,449 members, 28.9% were women while in advisory committees, of 4,575 members 19.0% were women. The presence of women in editorial committees was higher in journals from Chile, Brazil, and Venezuela in specialties such as public health, pediatrics, and anesthesiology.Conclusions: Female participation in the editorial committees of medical journals in Latin America is low.Introducción. La participación femenina en el campo de la medicina y la investigación se ha incrementado en los últimos años; sin embargo, aún existen inequidades en la proporción de hombres y mujeres, especialmente en los cargos directivos y la participación en los comités editoriales de revistas científicas.Objetivo. Establecer la participación femenina en los comités editoriales de revistas médicas en Latinoamérica, y explorar su asociación con los cargos editoriales y los indicadores de impacto.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio descriptivo de tipo bibliométrico de revistas médicas de Latinoamérica indizadas en Scopus, actualizadas y vigentes en el 2020, las cuales se seleccionaron del portal de Scimago & Journal  Country Rank. Los equipos editoriales se categorizaron en tres grupos según sus funciones y, posteriormente, se registró el sexo de sus miembros a partir de sus nombres.Resultados. Se incluyeron 113 revistas. En cuanto al liderazgo editorial, entre los 264 directores de comités editoriales, las mujeres representaban el 12,9 %. En lo concerniente a las diferentes funciones, de 1.449 miembros, las mujeres eran el 28,9 %, en tanto que, de los 4.575 miembros de comités consultivos, el 19,0 % correspondía a mujeres. Se observó una mayor presencia de mujeres en los comités editoriales de revistas de Chile, Brasil y Venezuela, y en las especialidades de salud pública, pediatría y anestesiología.Conclusiones. La participación femenina en los comités editoriales de revistas médicas de Latinoamérica es escasa