66 research outputs found

    Transplacental transmission of Human Papillomavirus

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    This paper aimed at studying the transplacental transmission of HPV and looking at the epidemiological factors involved in maternal viral infection. The following sampling methods were used: (1) in the pregnant woman, (a) genital; (b) peripheral blood; (2) in the newborn, (a) oral cavity, axillary and inguinal regions; (b) nasopharyngeal aspirate, and (c) cord blood; (3) in the placenta. The HPV DNA was identified using two methods: multiplex PCR of human β-globin and of HPV using the PGMY09 and PGMY11 primers; and nested-PCR, which combines degenerated primers of the E6/E7 regions of the HPV virus, that allowed the identification of genotypes 6/11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 42, 52 and 58. Transplacental transmission was considered when type-specific HPV concordance was found between the mother, the placenta and the newborn or the mother and cord blood. The study included 49 HPV DNA-positive pregnant women at delivery. Twelve placentas (24.5%, n = 12/49) had a positive result for HPV DNA. Eleven newborn were HPV DNA positive in samples from the nasopharyngeal or buccal and body or cord blood. In 5 cases (10.2%, n = 5/49) there was HPV type-specific agreement between genital/placenta/newborn samples. In one case (2%, n = 1/49) there was type specific HPV concordance between genital/cord blood and also suggested transplacental transmission. A positive and significant correlation was observed between transplacental transmission of HPV infection and the maternal variables of immunodepression history (HIV, p = 0.011). In conclusion the study suggests placental infection in 23.3% of the cases studied and transplacental transmission in 12.2%. It is suggested that in future HPV DNA be researched in the normal endometrium of women of reproductive age. The possible consequence of fetal exposure to HPV should be observed

    Perinatal transmission of human papilomavirus DNA

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    The purpose was to study the perinatal transmission of human papillomavirus DNA (HPV-DNA) in 63 mother-newborn pairs, besides looking at the epidemiological factors involved in the viral DNA transmission. The following sampling methods were used: (1) in the pregnant woman, when was recruited, in cervix and clinical lesions of the vagina, vulva and perineal region; (2) in the newborn, (a) buccal, axillary and inguinal regions; (b) nasopharyngeal aspirate, and (c) cord blood; (3) in the children, buccal was repeated in the 4th week and 6th and 12th month of life. HPV-DNA was identified using two methodologies: multiplex PCR (PGMY09 and MY11 primers) and nested-PCR (genotypes 6/11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 42, 52 and 58). Perinatal transmission was considered when concordance was found in type-specific HPV between mother/newborn or mother/child. HPV-DNA genital was detected in 49 pregnant women submitted to delivery. Eleven newborns (22.4%, n = 11/49) were HPV-DNA positive. In 8 cases (16.3%, n = 8/49) there was type specific HPV concordance between mother/newborn samples. At the end of the first month of life three children (6.1%, n = 3/49) became HPV-DNA positive, while two remained positive from birth. In 3 cases (100%, n = 3/3) there was type specific HPV concordance between mother/newborn samples. In the 6th month, a child (2%, n = 1/49) had become HPV-DNA positive between the 1st and 6th month of life, and there was type specific HPV concordance of mother/newborn samples. All the HPV-DNA positive children (22.4%, n = 11/49) at birth and at the end first month of life (6.1%, n = 3/49) became HPV-DNA negative at the age of 6 months. The HPV-DNA positive child (2%, n = 1/49) from 1st to the 6th month of life became HPV-DNA negative between the 6th and 12th month of life and one child had anogenital warts. In the twelfth month all (100%, n = 49/49) the children studied were HPV-DNA negative. A positive and significant correlation was observed between perinatal transmission of HPV-DNA and the immunodepression of maternal variables (HIV, p = 0.007). Finally, the study suggests that perinatal transmission of HPV-DNA occurred in 24.5% (n = 12/49) of the cases studied

    Fatores associados ao consumo regular de refrigerante não dietético em adultos de Pelotas, RS

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados ao consumo regular de refrigerantes não dietéticos por adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 972 adultos (20 a 69 anos) do município de Pelotas, RS, realizado em 2006. A freqüência de consumo nos 12 meses anteriores à pesquisa foi medida por meio da pergunta: "em geral desde oOBJETIVO: Analizar factores asociados al consumo regular de gaseosas no dietéticas por adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base poblacional con 972 adultos (20 a 69 años) del municipio de Pelotas, Sur de Brasil, realizado en 2006. La frecuencia de consumo en los 12 meses anteriores a la investigación fue medida por medio de la pregunta: "en general desde elOBJECTIVE: To assess factors associated with regular intake of non-diet soft drinks among adults. METHODS: Population-based cross-sectional study including 972 adults (aged 20 to 69) in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, conducted in 2006. The frequency of non-diet soft drink intake in the 12 months prior to the study was evaluated by the question: "In general since las

    Prevalence of toxoplasmosis, HIV, syphilis and rubella in a population of puerperal women using Whatman 903® filter paper

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    AbstractObjectivesTo determine the seroprevalence rate of toxoplasmosis, HIV, syphilis and rubella in a population of puerperal women.MethodsA prospective, cross-sectional study was performed from February 2007 to April 2008 at Hospital Geral, Universidade de Caxias do Sul in a population of 1,510 puerperal women. Women that gave birth to live born or stillborn infants were included in the study; maternal and perinatal variables were analyzed. Descriptive statistics and Pearson's chi-square with occasional Fisher's correction were used for comparisons. Alpha was set in 5%.ResultsA total of 148 cases of congenital infection (9.8%) were identified: 66 cases of syphilis (4.4%), 40 cases of HIV (2.7%), 27 cases of toxoplasmosis (1.8%) and 15 cases of rubella (1.0%). In ten cases there was co-infection (four cases of HIV and syphilis, two cases of HIV and rubella, one case of HIV and toxoplasmosis, two cases of rubella and syphilis, and one case of toxoplasmosis and rubella). In a comparison between puerperal women with and without infection there was no statistical significance in relation to incidence of abortions, small for gestational age, prematurity, live births and stillbirths, and prenatal care. Need of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), maternal schooling, maternal age higher than 35 years and drug use (alcohol, cocaine and crack) had statistical significance.ConclusionThe prevalence rate of infections was 9.8%. Need of NICU, maternal schooling lower than eight years, maternal age higher than 35 years and drug use were significantly associated with occurrence of congenital infection

    Estado nutricional e consumo alimentar de mulheres com câncer de mama atendidas em um serviço de mastologia no interior do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    RESUMOIntrodução: O câncer de mama (CM) é uma neoplasia de grande incidência entre as mulheres, sendo que, tanto seu aparecimento como sua evolução, pode estar relacionado a fatores dietéticos e antropométricos.Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional e o consumo alimentar de pacientes com CM, atendidas em um serviço de mastologia no interior do Rio Grande do Sul.Métodos: Estudo transversal em 50 mulheres com diagnóstico de CM sendo analisados: dados reprodutivos, tempo de diagnóstico, estilo de vida, dados antropométricos e consumo alimentar, com análise estatística do software SPSS e do Teste Exato de Fischer.Resultados: Observou-se que 90% da população estudada apresentavam idade >40 anos, 68% encontravam-se na pós-menopausa, 70% estavam em etapa pós-tratamento e que 84% nunca ingeriam bebidas alcoólicas. A análise estatística demonstrou freqüência elevada de sobrepeso/obesidade (72%) com IMC médio de 28,6±5,6Kg/m² e alta prevalência de sedentarismo (72%). A média diária de consumo energético foi de 1413,7Kcal/dia; sendo 27,3% de lipídeos totais e 8% de gorduras saturadas. O consumo de fibras, vitamina A, C e E e selênio apresentaram-se abaixo das recomendações nutricionais. Foi encontrada preferência por leite integral e carne vermelha, consumo diminuído de frutas e pouca variedade na ingestão de verduras. Conclusão: Houve alta prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade em mulheres na pós-menopausa, alto índice de sedentarismo e baixo consumo de micronutrientes. Também foi encontrado grande número de mulheres sobreviventes de CM. Estes achados são importantes para o estabelecimento de ações de intervenção nutricional que ajude no prognóstico e na prevenção de recorrência tumoral

    Atividade física de pais e filhos: um estudo de base populacional

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a associação entre a prática de atividade física no lazer dos pais e a participação de seus filhos em esportes ou prática de exercícios orientados. Foram avaliadas ainda as associações entre os indicadores de atividade física e variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, de base populacional, na cidade de Pelotas-RS. Um total de 972 indivíduos de 20 a 69 anos foi entrevistado. A prevalência da prática suficiente de atividades físicas no lazer entre os adultos foi de 30,2% (IC95% 27,3; 33,1). Os homens foram significativamente mais ativos do que as mulheres (p < 0,001). Entre os entrevistados, 384 indivíduos relataram ter ao menos um filho com idade entre seis e 18 anos. A prática de esportes e atividades físicas orientadas entre crianças e adolescentes (N = 675) foi de 25,6% (IC95% 22,3; 28,9). Evidenciou-se associação direta e significativa entre o nível econômico e prática de atividades físicas dos pais e dos filhos. Nas análises de associação entre a prática de atividades físicas organizadas dos filhos e o nível de atividades físicas dos pais, as diferenças encontradas não apresentaram significância estatística, embora para a análise geral o valor P encontrado tenha sido limítrofe (p = 0,053). Apesar de este estudo não encontrar uma clara associação entre a prática de atividades físicas de pais e filhos, o estímulo à prática de atividade física entre crianças, jovens e adultos deve ser ampliado, e mais estudos sobre o efeito das relações sociais na adoção de comportamentos saudáveis devem ser priorizados.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between leisure-time physical activity practice of parents and the participation of their children in sports and structured exercise. We also studied the association between physical activity indicators and socio-demographic variables. A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out in Pelotas, Brazil. A total of 972 individuals aged 20 to 69 years were interviewed. The prevalence of sufficient physical activity practice among adults was 30.2% (95%CI 27.3; 33.1). Adult males were significantly more active than adult females (p < 0.001). Out of the 972 subjects included, 384 reported to have at least one child aged 6 to 18 years. The prevalence of sports or structured exercise practice among the children (N = 675) was 25.6% (95%CI 22.3; 28.9). We observed a significant and direct association between socioeconomic level and physical activity levels of both adults and youth. The association between parents and children activity levels almost reached significance (p = 0.053). In spite of the non-significant association observed in our study between parents' and children's activity levels, physical activity promotion is essential for all age groups. Further studies are warranted in order to deepen the understanding of social relationships and behaviors
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