100 research outputs found

    Informes sôbre o programa de erradicação da malária do Estado de São Paulo

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    The experience and the results obtained in the Malaria Eradication Program by the Serviço de Erradicação da Malária e Profilaxia da Doença de Chagas (SEMPDC) in the State of São Paulo (Brasil) show that the measures of attack adopted, initially and during the whole attack phase, were adequate and according to the extension and epidemiologic situation of the malariogenic area. With reference to the consolidation phase, the problems originated by imported cases and in several occasions, re-establishment of transmission in small foci, were solved. At present the foci follow-up is being continued, even if considered inactive. The future of the Malaria Erradication Program in the State of São Paulo is favorable due to the progress in the total coverage of the Federal Malaria Eradication Program. The three anual spraying cycle of DDT as well as the adoption of the treatment of radical cure "Families" in the islands, situated on the Rio Paraná and Rio Grande, boderline with the state of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais, much will contribute to accelarate the disappearance of malaria cases. Considering the possibilities of the Program to be transferred to the maintenance phase, and the Malaria Eradication Certificate beasked to the WHO in the year 1971, the years of 1969 and 1970 will be used for an intensification of cases detection, coordination with Health Services, the establishing of areas of demonstration to the integration of these Services of Malaria, and in improvement of vigilance operations.A experiência e os resultados obtidos em erradicação da malária pelo SEMPDC do Estado de São Paulo demonstraram que as medidas adotadas inicialmente e durante tôda a fase de ataque, foram adequadas de acôrdo com a extensão e situação epidemiológica de sua área malárica. No referente a fase de consolidação, foram sempre solucionados os problemas originados pela importação de casos e em algumas ocasiões, o restabelecimento da transmissão em pequenos focos. Atualmente, continua-se com o seguimento dos focos embora sejam inativos. O futuro do programa de erradicação da malária do Estado de São Paulo é favorável em virtude do progresso na cobertura total do programa de erradicação da malária federal. Também contribuirão para acelerar o desaparecimento dos casos de malária a cobertura com DDT em três ciclos anuais e a adoção do tratamento de cura radical "familiar" nas Ilhas situadas nos Rios Paraná e Grande, fronteiras com os Estados de Mato Grosso e Minas Gerais. Tendo em conta as possibilidades do Programa entrar em manutenção e solicitar à OMS em 1971 o Certificado de Malária Erradicada, serão aproveitados os anos de 1969 e 1970 para intensificar a busca de casos, a coordenação com os serviços de saúde, o estabelecimento de áreas de demonstração para integração desses serviços e a malária, e um aprimoramento das operações

    Chagas' disease: activities entomological surveillance on a certain area of the State of São Paulo (Brazil)

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    In a previous paper, the Vector Control Division of the Department of Health of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, presented the adopted criteria for transference of cleaned Triatoma infestans areas, the main vector of Chagas' disease in the region to a more advanced phase of its control program, called "Entomological Surveillance Phase". Among the areas where T. infestans was not found any longer there is a region of 2007 km², with an estimated population of 51000 people including six counties located in Region 7 - Bauru (São Paulo. State - Brazil), where the Pilot Area of Entomological Surveillance was installed. In this area, between May 1969 and June 1970, the following activities were performed: installation and functioning of a network of information Posts for Triatominae foci; investigation of Triatominae foci; estimation of the infestation in mud cottages, through special boxes for Triatominae (Gomez-Nuñez method); RIF (immunofluorescence reaction) serological survey in blood drop caught in filtering paper, carried through less than 8 years old children; research and capture of Triatominae bugs. As results there was not found T. infestans bugs in the area. Beside this, only few isolated specimens or small foci of other species (R. neglectus and T. sordida) that were not found infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. So, it was concluded that the changing of this area to the Entomological Surveillance Phase was correct, and that the methods used were satisfactory. By there this area was considered in condition to transfering the Chagas' disease control to the local Sanitary Units.A Divisão de Combate a Vetores, da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em trabalho anterior, apresentou os critérios que adota na passagem de áreas limpas do T. infestans, principal vetor da doença de Chagas na região, para uma fase mais adiantada do seu programa de contrôle, denominada de Fase de Vigilância Entomológica. Entre as áreas onde não se encontram mais exemplares de T. infestans, situa-se uma região de 2.007 km², com população estimada em 51.000 habitantes, compreendida por 6 municípios, situados na Região 7 - Bauru (Estado de São Paulo), onde foi instalada a "Área Piloto de Vigilância Entomológica". Nessa área, entre maio de 1969 e junho de 1970, foram desenvolvidas as seguintes atividades: Instalação e funcionamento de uma rêde de Postos de Informação de focos de triatomíneos; investigação de focos de triatomíneos; avaliação da infestação nas casas de barro, através das caixas-abrigo de triatomíneos (método de Gómez-Nuñez); levantamento sorológico RIF (imunofluorescência), em gôta de sangue colhida em papel de filtro, realizado entre menores de 8 anos; pesquisa e captura de triatomíneos realizada por uma equipe especial. Os resultados conseguidos mostram a inexistência de achados de exemplares do T. infestans na área e, por outro lado, assinalam o encontro esporádico de exemplares isolados ou de pequenos focos de outras espécies (R. neglectus e T. sordida) não infectados pelo T. cruzi. Conclui-se que foi correta a passagem dessa área para a Fase de Vigilância Entomológica e que os métodos empregados funcionaram satisfatòriamente. A vista dos resultados alcançados, essa área apresenta condições para transferir às Unidades Sanitárias locais, parte do contrôle da transmissão da doença de Chagas

    Infestação domiciliar por Triatoma infestans e alguns aspectos epidemiológicos da tripanossomose americana em área do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Epidemiological investigations about American trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) in the area of Bairro da Ilha, County of Salto de Pirapora, S. Paulo State, Brazil, are reported. Twenty eight houses submited to the selective technique of insecticide spraying (BHC), was tested by Gómez-Núñez method. The results obtained showed that several houses still retains with infestations in a proportion not significatively different to the before the one noticed insecticide treatment. Only a reduction of the general infestation index was obtained. Beside this some evidence showed the possibility of the occurrence of natural foci of the infection. The rodents Akodon arviculoides and Oryzomys nigripes were found naturally infected by the use of xenodiagnosis technique. In the house environment, infections was found to persist, through the examination of new born or new introduced dogs and cats, little after the houses selective desinsetization. Two cats were found infected, one of them suggest to have adquired the infection by congenital way. The other positive animal, was introduced from another area. So we conclude by the necessity of a thorough revision of the prophylactic methods of Chagas' disease based only on the control of triatomids by insecticide use.São relatados os resultados das investigações sôbre epidemiologia da tripanossomose americana, levadas a efeito no Bairro da Ilha, município de Salto de Pirapora, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Em conjunto de 28 edifícios submetidos ao expurgo seletivo pela aplicação de BHC, procurou-se pesquisar a infestação por Triatoma infestans, através o método das caixas de Gómez-Núñez. O resultado revelou a persistência de edifícios infestados, em proporção semelhante àquela observada antes do expurgo. Contudo, houve redução da intensidade, revelada pela queda do índice geral de infestação. A pesquisa de focos naturais do parasito mostrou a possível existência da infecção em roedores Akodon arviculoides e Oryzomys nigripes. Levando-se a efeito xenodiagnósticos em cães e gatos, nascidos ou introduzidos logo depois do rociado seletivo, pôde-se evidenciar a persistência da transmissão, pelo menos por via congênita. Ao lado disso, observou-se a introdução precoce de animais infectados, procedentes de outras áreas. Conclui-se pela necessidade de revisão na profilaxia da doença de Chagas, baseada no simples combate aos triatomíneos pelo uso de inseticidas

    Observações sôbre a infestação domiciliar residual por Triatoma infestans

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    The Gómez-Núñez method was used for testing houses considered free of the Triatoma infestans infestation at the routine inspection made before the selective insecticide spraying (BHC). The test was made in the Bairro da Ilha area, County of Salto de Pirapora, São Paulo State, Brazil, and includes fifteen human houses and six domestic animals dwellings. After nine weeks, the results showed that four houses and two animal dwellings were infested by triatomids bugs. Besides this, the observation of an artificial ecotope (chicken house) constructed for atractting triatomids, was concluded after one and a half years. This last inspection was made by its complete destruction and two hundred bugs (two adults and one hundred ninety eight nymphs) were collected. So the defficiency of the house routine inspection for the selective insecticide spraying is concluded. Nevertheless, the Triatoma infestans seems to have an active dispersion power which must not be overlooked.Na região do Bairro da Ilha, município de Salto de Pirapora, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, procurou-se observar a utilidade do método de Gómez-Núñez, no selecionamento das casas a serem submetidas ao expurgo seletivo pela aplicação de BHC. Dos edifícios considerados como negativos à inspeção rotineira, foram selecionados 21 nos quais foram instaladas as caixas-abrigo. O resultado revelou a presença de Triatoma infestans em 4 casas e 2 anexos. Além disso, concluiu-se a observação do ecótopo artificial para atração de triatomíneo, e o seu exame, após demolição completa, revelou a presença de 2 adultos e 198 ninfas daquela espécie. Conclui-se pela deficiência da inspeção manual, com ou sem a utilização de substância desalojante, na seleção dos edifícios para o rociado. O método de Gómez-Núñez poderá trazer valiosa contribuição para a melhoria do critério de seleção. Chama-se ainda a atenção do possível poder de dispersão ativa do T. infestans que poderá atingir valores ponderáveis

    Dispersão de Biomphalaria straminea, hospedeira intermediária do Schistosoma mansoni, através da distribuição de peixes

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    Up the present, the works of collecting planorbids done in 226 municipalities for the elaboration of the geographical distribution chart in the State of São Paulo (Brazil), showed the presence of two intermediate host species of Schistosoma mansoni: Biomphalaria tenagophila and Biompralaria glabrata. Although the technicians from the Psiculture Stations, have not found snails in the water inside the containers used for the transportation of fishes, the ecological conditions of B. straminea in the latest researches are such as to indicate that they have been introduced, in our State through fish transportation imported from areas where it occurs, such as the State of Amazonas and Ceará (Brazil). The aim of the importation of these fishes is its adaptation to local waters. The occurrence was noticed in the Psiculture Stations of the towns of Barra Bonita and Americana, and in an aquarium of a private house in the city of São Paulo. This shows the danger that the distribution of fishes represents and the way it is being done. The seriousness of the problem originates not only from the importation of the said species but also from its dissemination in the State, through the redistribution to the private Psiculture Stations. It should be remembered that this dissemination can be also done through rivers in which banks are located tanks for the breeding of fishes as mentioned before. This facts was communicated to the National Department of Rural Endemies for the necessary measures. One of the steps to be taken should be the quarentine for fishes from zones infested with species of planorbids hosts of S. mansoni. The passive scattering of B. straminea by the transportation of fishes, will enlarge the geographical distribution of these planorbids,which have already been found in Venezuela, Guianas and Brazil. In this last country it is found in all its States with the exception of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro and Federal Territories. Two hundred and seventeen specimens of B. straminea were examined and all of them were negative to cercaries of Shistosoma mansoni.Foi focalizado, pela primeira vez o encontro de B. straminea no Estado de São Paulo. Esta espécie vem juntar-se aos planorbídeos já assinalados em nosso Estado. Foram descritos os criadouros, onde a B. straminea foi coletada, localizados em tanques de criação de peixes nas Estações de Piscicultura de Barra Bonita e Americana, Estado de São Paulo, e em um aquário particular na capital dêsse Estado. Fêz-se referência ao transporte de peixes oriundos de zonas do país onde ocorre aquela espécie, Amazonas e Ceará, como responsável pela introdução daquele molusco no Estado. Destacou-se êsse achado pelo perigo que representa a distribuição de peixes da maneira como vem sendo feita atualmente em nosso país, tendo sido julgado necessário o estabelecimento de quarentena para aquêles vindos de zonas infestadas por espécies hospedeiras intermediárias do S. mansoni. Foram relatadas as medidas de combate aos caramujos efetuadas imediatamente após aquela descoberta e os resultados obtidos. Conclui-se que a dispersão passiva da B. straminea pelo transporte de peixes, deve ampliar a distribuição geográfica dêsse planorbídeo, já assinalado na Venezuela, Guianas e no Brasil, sendo que neste último ocorre em tôdas as Unidades Federativas, exceto, no Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro e Territórios

    Molecular epidemiological investigation of Mayaro virus in febrile patients from Goiania City, 2017-2018.

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    Mayaro virus (MAYV) has historically been associated with sylvatic transmission; however, urban outbreaks have been reported in Brazil, including cases of co-detection with dengue virus (DENV). Therefore, we performed a molecular survey to investigate MAYV circulation and cocirculation with DENV within Goiania, a major city in Central-West Brazil. Among 375 subjects with arbovirus-like symptoms, 259 were positive for DENV and 26 for MAYV. Of these, 17 were coinfected with DENV-2, suggesting co-transmission of the viruses. The most common complaints at the time of inclusion were myalgia, headache, fever, arthralgia, retro-orbital pain, and skin rash. No specific symptoms were associated with MAYV when either detected alone or co-detected with DENV, compared to that when DENV was detected alone. Most MAYV-infected subjects were women with no recent travel history to rural/sylvatic areas. Phylogenetic reconstruction indicated that the MAYV identified in this study is closely related with a lineage observed in Peru, belonging to genotype D. Our results corroborate the growing circulation of MAYV in urban environments in Brazil and reinforce the need to implement laboratory diagnosis in the Unified Health System, considering that the clinical manifestations of Mayaro fever are similar to those of other arboviruses, particularly dengue. Furthermore, most cases occurred in association with DENV-2. Further phylogenetic studies are needed to evaluate MAYV, which has not been widely examined

    Draft genome sequence of Wickerhamomyces anomalus LBCM1105, isolated from cachaça fermentation

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    Wickerhamomyces anomalus LBCM1105 is a yeast isolated from cachaça distillery fermentation vats, notable for exceptional glycerol consumption ability. We report its draft genome with 20.5x in-depth coverage and around 90% extension and completeness. It harbors the sequences of proteins involved in glycerol transport and metabolism.The authors gratefully acknowledge Laboratorio Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia do Bioetanol (CTBE) and the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM) for support with the sequencing of LBCM1105. This work was supported by CAPES/Brazil (PNPD 2755/2011; PCF-PVE 021/2012), by CNPq (Brazil), processes 304815/2012 (research grant) and 305135/2015-5, and by AUXPE-PVES 1801/2012 (Process 23038.015294/2016-18) from Brazilian Government and by UFOP. C.L. is supported by the strategic program UID/BIA/04050/2013 [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569] funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. and by the ERDF through the COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional de Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI). DMRP is a fellow from the CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico) - Brazil (310080/2018-5)

    The Role of bZIP Transcription Factors in Green Plant Evolution: Adaptive Features Emerging from Four Founder Genes

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    BACKGROUND: Transcription factors of the basic leucine zipper (bZIP) family control important processes in all eukaryotes. In plants, bZIPs are regulators of many central developmental and physiological processes including photomorphogenesis, leaf and seed formation, energy homeostasis, and abiotic and biotic stress responses. Here we performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of bZIP genes from algae, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We identified 13 groups of bZIP homologues in angiosperms, three more than known before, that represent 34 Possible Groups of Orthologues (PoGOs). The 34 PoGOs may correspond to the complete set of ancestral angiosperm bZIP genes that participated in the diversification of flowering plants. Homologous genes dedicated to seed-related processes and ABA-mediated stress responses originated in the common ancestor of seed plants, and three groups of homologues emerged in the angiosperm lineage, of which one group plays a role in optimizing the use of energy. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest that the ancestor of green plants possessed four bZIP genes functionally involved in oxidative stress and unfolded protein responses that are bZIP-mediated processes in all eukaryotes, but also in light-dependent regulations. The four founder genes amplified and diverged significantly, generating traits that benefited the colonization of new environments