1,975 research outputs found

    Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome and a set of polymorphic microsatellite markers through next-generation sequencing for the brown brocket deer Mazama gouazoubira

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    The complete mitochondrial genome of the brown brocket deer Mazama gouazoubira and a set of polymorphic microsatellite markers were identified by 454-pyrosequencing. De novo genome assembly recovered 98% of the mitochondrial genome with a mean coverage of 9-fold. The mitogenome consisted of 16,356 base pairs that included 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal subunit genes, 22 transfer RNAs and the control region, as found in other deer. The genetic divergence between the mitogenome described here and a previously published report was ∼0.5%, with the control region and ND5 gene showing the highest intraspecific variation. Seven polymorphic loci were characterized using 15 unrelated individuals; there was moderate genetic variation across most loci (mean of 5.6 alleles/locus, mean expected heterozygosity = 0.70), with only one locus deviating significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, probably because of null alleles. Marker independence was confirmed with tests for linkage disequilibrium. The genetic variation of the mitogenome and characterization of microsatellite markers will provide useful tools for assessing the phylogeography and population genetic patterns in M. gouazoubira, particularly in the context of habitat fragmentation in South America

    Mosquitoes infected with dengue viruses in Brazil

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    Dengue epidemics have been reported in Brazil since 1985. The scenery has worsened in the last decade because several serotypes are circulating and producing a hyper-endemic situation, with an increase of DHF/DSS cases as well as the number of fatalities. Herein, we report dengue virus surveillance in mosquitoes using a Flavivirus genus-specific RT-Hemi-Nested-PCR assay. The mosquitoes (Culicidae, n = 1700) collected in the Northeast, Southeast and South of Brazil, between 1999 and 2005, were grouped into 154 pools. Putative genomes of DENV-1, -2 and -3 were detected in 6 mosquito pools (3.8%). One amplicon of putative DENV-1 was detected in a pool of Haemagogus leucocelaenus suggesting that this virus could be involved in a sylvatic cycle. DENV-3 was found infecting 3 pools of larvae of Aedes albopictus and the nucleotide sequence of one of these viruses was identified as DENV-3 of genotype III, phylogenetically related to other DENV-3 isolated in Brazil. This is the first report of a nucleotide sequence of DENV-3 from larvae of Aedes albopictus

    Caracterización de los patrones cinesiológicos de la patada frontal, mae­-geri, en practicantes expertos de kárate y en sujetos no practicantes

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    [ES] Actualmente, los entrenadores e investigadores necesitan comprender bien los parámetros cinesiológicos del movimiento ya que son una herramienta importante de soporte de las metodologías de entrenamiento y enseñanza, y para mejorar el rendimiento de los gestos motores. El objetivo de este estudio fue (i) identificar los patrones cinemáticos y del control neuromuscular de ejecución de la patada frontal (mae­geri) en un objetivo fijo, realizada por 14 karatecas cinturón negro, (ii) y comparar con la ejecución del mismo gesto técnico realizada por 16 participantes sin práctica o experiencia en kárate, siendo posible el uso de esos datos en análisis del entrenamiento y del proceso de aprendizaje del kárate. Se verificó que la actividad cinemática y neuromuscular de ejecución de esta patada sucede en un espacio temporal de 600ms. La actividad muscular y cinemática evidencia la existencia de una norma secuencial temporal de intervención segmentar con un sentido próximo‐distal, donde los músculos estudiados tienen dos momentos distintos de actividad (períodos 1, 2). En el análisis electromiográfico (EMG), el grupo de karatekas presenta una mayor intensidad de activación (root mean square – RMS) y de pico de actividad en el músculo RectusFemoris (RF1) y VastusLateralis (VL1), y menor tiempo de contracción en ambos períodos en las relaciones entre los músculos RectusFemoris‐BicepsFemoris e VastusLateralis‐BicepsFemoris.En la realización de esta acción motora, los movimientos segmentares de flexión de muslo, de extensión de la pierna y de flexión plantar del tobillo fueron realizados con menor amplitud angular (range of action – ROA) por los karatekas, reflejando diferentes posicionamientos de los segmentos entre grupos. En conclusión, existe un patrón cinesiológico general, semejante entre practicantes y no practicantes de kárate. En el grupo de karatecas el entrenamiento induce una especialización de la actividad muscular, reflejada en los resultados del EMG y de la cinemática de movimiento, produciendo una mejor acción balística en la ejecución del mae­geri, que en asociación con una velocidad máxima de los segmentos distales, alcanzada cerca del momento del impacto, puede traducirse en un impacto más potente.[EN] Presently, coaches and researchers need to have a better comprehension of the kinesiological parameters that should be an important tool to support teaching methodologies and to improve skills performance in sports. The aim of this study was to (i) identify the kinematic and neuromuscular control patterns of the front kick (mae­geri) to a fixed target performed by 14 experienced karate practitioners, and (ii) compare it with the execution of 16 participants without any karate experience, allowing the use of those references in the analysis of the training and learning process. Results showed that the kinematic and neuromuscular activity during the kick performance occurs within 600 ms. Muscle activity and kinematic analysis demonstrated a sequence of activation bracing a proximal‐to‐distal direction, with the muscles presenting two distinct periods of activity (1, 2), where the karateka group has a greater intensity of activation – root mean square (RMS) and electromyography (EMG) peak – in the first period on RectusFemoris (RF1) and VastusLateralis(VL1) and a lower duration of co‐contraction in both periods onRectusFemoris‐BicepsFemoris and VastusLateralis‐BicepsFemoris (RF‐BF; VL‐BF). In the skill performance, the hip flexion, the knee extension and the ankle plantar flexion movements were executed with smaller difference in the range of action (ROA) in the karateka group, reflecting different positions of the segments. In conclusion, it was observed a general kinesiological pattern, which was similar in karateka and non‐karateka practitioners. However, in the karateka group, the training induces a specialization in the muscle activity reflected in EMG and kinematic data, which leads to a better ballistic performance in the execution of the mae­gerikick, associated with a maximum speed of the distal segments, reached closer to the impact moment, possibly representing more power in the contact.[PT] Actualmente, treinadores e investigadores necessitam de compreender bem os parâmetros cinesiológicos do movimento porque são uma ferramenta importante de suporte das metodologias de treino e ensino, e para melhorar a performance dos gestos motores. O objective deste estudo foi (i) identificar os padrões cinemáticos e de controlo neuromuscular da execução do pontapé frontal (mae­geri) num alvo fixo e realizado por 14 karatecas cinto negro, (ii) e comparar com a execução do mesmo gesto técnico realizada por 16 participantes sem qualquer prática ou experiência de karate, tornando possível o uso desses dados na analise do treino e do processo de aprendizagem do karate. Verificou‐se que a actividade cinemática e neuromuscular na execução deste pontapé acontece num espaço temporal de 600ms. A actividade muscular e cinemática evidencia a existência de um padrão sequencial temporal de intervenção segmentar com um sentido próximo‐distal, onde os músculos estudados têm dois distintos momentos de actividade (períodos 1, 2). Na análise electromiografia (EMG), o grupo de karatecas apresenta uma maior intensidade de activação (rootmeansquare– RMS) e de pico de actividade no musculo RectusFemoris (RF1) eVastusLateralis (VL1), e menor tempo de cocontração em ambos os períodos nas relações entre os músculos RectusFemoris‐ BicepsFemorise VastusLateralis‐ BicepsFemoris.Na realização desta acção motora, os movimentos segmentares de flexão da coxa, de extensão da perna e de flexão plantar do tornozelo foram realizados com menor amplitude angular (range of action – ROA) pelos karatecas, reflectindo diferentes posicionamentos dos segmentos entre grupos. Em conclusão, existe um padrão cinesiológico geral, semelhante entre praticantes de karate e não praticantes de karate. Todavia, no grupo de karatecas o treino induz uma especialização da actividade muscular, reflectida pelos resultados do EMG e da cinemática do movimento, o que conduz a uma melhor acção balística na execução do mae­geri, em associação com um máximo de velocidade dos segmentos distais, alcançado próximo do instante do impacto, o que poderá traduzir‐se num impacto mais potente

    Characterization of kinesiological patterns of the frontal kick, mae-geri, in karate experts and non-karate practitioners

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    Presently, coaches and researchers need to have a better comprehension of the kinesiological parameters that should be an important tool to support teaching methodologies and to improve skills performance in sports. The aim of this study was to (i) identify the kinematic and neuromuscular control patterns of the front kick (mae-geri) to a fixed target performed by 14 experienced karate practitioners, and (ii) compare it with the execution of 16 participants without any karate experience, allowing the use of those references in the analysis of the training and learning process. Results showed that the kinematic and neuromuscular activity during the kick performance occurs within 600 ms. Muscle activity and kinematic analysis demonstrated a sequence of activation bracing a proximal-to-distal direction, with the muscles presenting two distinct periods of activity (1, 2), where the karateka group has a greater intensity of activation – root mean square (RMS) and electromyography (EMG) peak – in the first period on Rectus Femoris (RF1) and  Vastus Lateralis (VL1) and a lower duration of co-contraction in both periods on Rectus Femoris-Biceps Femoris and Vastus Lateralis-Biceps Femoris (RF-BF; VL-BF). In the skill performance, the hip flexion, the knee extension and the ankle plantar flexion movements were executed with smaller difference in the range of action (ROA) in the karateka group, reflecting different positions of the segments. In conclusion, it was observed a general kinesiological pattern, which was similar in karateka and non-karateka practitioners. However, in the karateka group, the training induces a specialization in the muscle activity reflected in EMG and kinematic data, which leads to a better ballistic performance in the execution of the mae-geri kick, associated with a maximum speed of the distal segments, reached closer to the impact moment, possibly representing more power in the contact

    Contemporary practices of physical trainers in professional soccer: A qualitative study

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    Introduction: Physical trainers (PTs) are integral for managing load, reducing injury and optimizing performance in professional soccer. However, little is known about how this practitioners operate in the applied setting and how some of the nuances experienced influence practice. Methods: This study explored the contemporary practices of PTs in professional soccer. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with eight PTs from different professional teams in European and South American leagues. Interview questions were designed to extract information on the evaluation of physical abilities, monitoring and control of training and injury prevention. Subsequently, the interviews were video-recorded, transcribed, translated and analyzed using a content analysis approach. Results: The results suggest that the evaluation of physical capacities is carried out by PTs at the beginning of the preseason. It also appears that it is attempted that this process of regular testing is applied during the competitive period, with most participants conducting partial physiological and physical evaluations at different stages throughout the competitive season. In relation to the monitoring and control of training, subjective feedback scales are used to estimate the internal load, and the use of GPS devices is common to quantify external loads. Injury prevention programmes were implemented by all participants and were generally in a multi-component format focused on preventing or optimizing physical capabilities. Discussion: These insights can be used as a scientific reference point to inform applied practice in professional soccer, especially for practitioners that are inexperienced and aspiring to enhance how they operate in the field. Future investigations should explore the practices of PTs in detail and across a wider network in order to gain deeper and comprehensive insights into the applied soccer environment

    Contemporary practices of physical trainers in professional soccer: A qualitative study

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    IntroductionPhysical trainers (PTs) are integral for managing load, reducing injury and optimizing performance in professional soccer. However, little is known about how this practitioners operate in the applied setting and how some of the nuances experienced influence practice.MethodsThis study explored the contemporary practices of PTs in professional soccer. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with eight PTs from different professional teams in European and South American leagues. Interview questions were designed to extract information on the evaluation of physical abilities, monitoring and control of training and injury prevention. Subsequently, the interviews were video-recorded, transcribed, translated and analyzed using a content analysis approach.ResultsThe results suggest that the evaluation of physical capacities is carried out by PTs at the beginning of the preseason. It also appears that it is attempted that this process of regular testing is applied during the competitive period, with most participants conducting partial physiological and physical evaluations at different stages throughout the competitive season. In relation to the monitoring and control of training, subjective feedback scales are used to estimate the internal load, and the use of GPS devices is common to quantify external loads. Injury prevention programmes were implemented by all participants and were generally in a multi-component format focused on preventing or optimizing physical capabilities.DiscussionThese insights can be used as a scientific reference point to inform applied practice in professional soccer, especially for practitioners that are inexperienced and aspiring to enhance how they operate in the field. Future investigations should explore the practices of PTs in detail and across a wider network in order to gain deeper and comprehensive insights into the applied soccer environment