39 research outputs found

    Hegel on Property and Recognition

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    Propiedad y derechos subjetivos

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    Nedelsky and Kelse

    Hacia una democracia sin miedo: Conversación con Renato Cristi

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    During a period of four decades the academic work of Renato Cristi has been illuminating, theoretically and historically, the foundations and intellectual development of Pinochet's civic-military dictatorship, as well as the influence and implications the conservative thought had in the institutional design of Chile’s democracy. The interview, conducted between October and November of 2018, in person and by e-mail, discusses Cristi’s contributions in perspective, including the biographical, methodological, conceptual and political aspects that helped shaped Cristi’s academic work.El trabajo desarrollado por Renato Cristi durante más de cuatro décadas se ha destacado por iluminar teórica e históricamente los fundamentos y desarrollo intelectual de la dictadura cívico-militar de Pinochet, así como la influencia e implicancias del pensamiento conservador en el diseño institucional de la democracia chilena. La entrevista, realizada entre octubre y noviembre de 2018, en persona y vía correo electrónico, busca discutir estas contribuciones en perspectiva, abordando los aspectos biográficos, metodológicos, conceptuales y políticos que han marcado eltrabajo de Cristi. &nbsp

    Friedrich Hayek and his visits to Chile

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    F. A. Hayek took two trips to Chile, the first in 1977, the second in 1981. The visits were controversial. On the first trip he met with General Augusto Pinochet, who had led a coup that overthrew Salvador Allende in 1973. During his 1981 visit, Hayek gave interviews that were published in the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and in which he discussed authoritarian regimes and the problem of unlimited democracy. After each trip, he complained that the western press had painted an unfair picture of the economic situation under the Pinochet regime. Drawing on archival material, interviews, and past research, we provide a full account of this controversial episode in Hayek’s life

    Autoridad, libertad y republicanismo

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    This essay analyzes the conjunction freedom/authority defended by classical republicanism. As a modern thinker, Machiavelli retrieves this classical synthesis and defines the authority of law as the condition of possibility for freedom. But, as Eric Neson shows, Machiavelli's republicanism is more Athenian than Roman. Michael Sandel's democratic republicanism has a similar orientation. Besed on the social ontology developed by Arendt and Taylor, Sandel postulates the intrinsic value of the notions of participation and popular sovereignty. In this way he can refute Rorty's objections and his idiosyncratic interpretation of Dewey. According to Sandel, Dewey criticizes liberalism's rejection of authority and is able organically to articulate democratic authority and freedom.Este ensayo analiza la conjunción libertad/autoridad defendida por el republicanismo clásico. Como pensador moderno, Maquiavelo recupera esta síntesis clásica y define la autoridad como la condición de posibilidad de la libertad. Pero, como muestra Eric Nelson, el republicanismo de Maquiavelo es más ateniense que romano. El republicanismo de Michael Sandel tiene una orientación similar. Basado en la ontología social desarrollada por Arendt y Taylor, Sandel postula el valor intrínseco de las nociones de participación y soberanía popular. De este modo, él puede refutar la objeción de Rorty y su interpretación idiosincrática de Dewey. Según Sandel, Dewey critica el rechazo liberal de la autoridad y es capaz de articular orgánicamente la autoridad democrática y la libertad

    Familia y autoridad política en Hobbes y Locke.

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    El gesto filosófico de Lastarria

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    Familia y autoridad política en Hobbes y Locke.

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