2,622 research outputs found

    Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Microchannel Condensers Applied to Household Refrigerators

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    The aim of this work is to study, theoretically and experimentally, the impact of using forced-draft microchannel condensers in a specific model of household refrigerator. To this end, a mathematical model was developed to predict the condenser heat released rate and the air-side pressure drop as a function of geometry and operating conditions. This model was then added to an existing simulation platform of household refrigerators, in an attempt to study the effect of the heat exchanger on the appliance performance. Experiments were carried out in an open-type wind tunnel and in a climate-controlled test chamber, to validate both the condenser and the system mathematical models. It has been found that the predictions of the condenser model for the heat transfer rate and air-side pressure drop were kept within ±10% and ±20% error bands, respectively. It has also been found that the appliance energy consumption was predicted with maximum errors of ±3.5%. An extensive sensitivity analysis was also carried out revealing a potential drop of 13% in energy consumption with the use of a 20 passes, 200mm high, 180mm wide, 72mm deep, 200 fins/meter and 46 rectangular ports microchannel condenser

    Fatal disseminated cytomegalovirus infection with necrotizing oophoritis in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

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    Disseminated human cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease occurs mainly as a congenital infection and among immunocompromised hosts. Patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are at increased risk for CMV infection, and the most prevalent clinical manifestation is retinitis, followed by colitis, esophagitis, pneumonitis, and encephalitis. CMV oophoritis is poorly described in the literature with some cases reported in patients with hematological or solid malignancies, bone marrow or solid organ transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy, and advanced AIDS cases. We report the case of a 61-year-old woman with a recent diagnosis of AIDS, which was associated with a wasting syndrome. The patient presented with abdominal pain, headache, cutaneous vesicular lesions on the abdomen, anemia, lymphopenia, and hyponatremia; she died suddenly on the fourth day of hospitalization. The autopsy was performed and demonstrated disseminated CMV infection with hemorrhagic encephalitis as the immediate cause of death. Additionally, pneumonitis, extensive adrenalitis, ulcerated enteritis, focal hepatitis, and necrotizing oophoritis were found

    Underlying cause of infant mortality in Distrito Federal, Brazil : 1990 to 2000

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    OBJETIVOS: caracterizar a tendência da mortalidade infantil no Distrito Federal por causa básica de morte e segundo causas evitáveis entre 1990 e 2000. MÉTODOS: estudo ecológico a partir do total de óbitos infantis e nascimentos ocorridos, utilizando-se os sistemas de informação produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde. Para avaliação, segundo causa básica de morte, usou-se a Classificação Internacional de Doenças. Para a análise, segundo causas evitáveis, foi utilizado o critério estabelecido pela Fundação SEADE. RESULTADOS: predominaram os óbitos devido a afecções perinatais, seguidos das mortes em decorrência de anomalias congênitas, porém a maior redução ocorreu no coeficiente de mortalidade por doenças infecciosas e parasitárias. Quando se avalia cada coeficiente em separado, destacam-se, nos óbitos neonatais, aqueles redutíveis por meio de ações de diagnóstico e tratamento precoces e os não evitáveis. Entre as mortes pós-neonatais, destacam-se aquelas também redutíveis por ações precoces de diagnóstico e tratamento e por meio de parcerias com outros setores, como aqueles óbitos por diarréia e infecções respiratórias agudas. CONCLUSÕES: verifica-se a necessidade de intervenção efetiva nas causas de morte e componentes da mortalidade infantil, principalmente naquelas relacionadas ao cuidado durante a gravidez, parto e puerpério, além daquelas que implicam na ação conjunta de vários setores.Objectives: to characterize the tendency of infant mortality in Distrito Federal (DF) considering underlying causes of death and the avoidable causes criteria between 1990 and 2000. Methods: an ecological study using total infant deaths and births. Information systems of the Ministry of Health were used to obtain data. Assessment of underlying death causes was based on the International Classification of Disease. For avoidable causes analysis related to the criteria established by the SEADE foundation was used. Results: deaths from perinatal problems were predominant, followed by deaths related to congenital anomalies. However, greater reduction occurred in the mortality rate resulting from parasitic and infection diseases. When each coefficient was analyzed separately, neonatal deaths, avoidable deaths through early diagnosis and treatment and non-avoidable deaths are outstanding Conclusions: the need for effective interventions in the causes of death and child mortality, specially related with the care during pregnancy, delivery and after-birth in addition to intervention by civil society sectors was determined

    Mortalidade infantil no Distrito Federal, Brasil : tendência temporal e desigualdades sócio-econômicas

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    O objetivo deste estudo é verificar a tendência da mortalidade infantil no Distrito Federal, Brasil, no período de 1990 a 2000 e descrevê-la, entre 1996 e 2000, nas cinco áreas do Distrito Federal estratificadas de acordo com a renda familiar média. Foi realizado um estudo ecológico de série temporal utilizando-se os Sistemas de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos e Mortalidade produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde. O coeficiente de mortalidade infantil (CMI) reduziu 45,2% entre 1990 e 2000, passando de 26,3 para 14,4 por mil nascidos vivos, sendo a taxa anual de decréscimo de 5,34% (R2 = 0,9397; p < 0,0001). Ocorreu no período maior proporção de óbitos no período neonatal, porém, o maior decréscimo ocorreu no componente pós-neonatal (-59%, R2 = 0,8452; p < 0,0001). Quando avaliado o CMI nas diversas áreas do Distrito Federal, observa-se que houve uma redução na diferença entre as regiões no que diz respeito a seus componentes, porém foram mantidas distorções importantes quanto à variável renda. Os resultados sugerem que há necessidade de intervenção efetiva nos determinantes da mortalidade infantil e seus componentes que resulte na melhoria da saúde materno-infantil em todos os grupos sócio-econômicos do Distrito Federal.This study examined the trend in the infant mortality rate in the Federal District of Brazil (or Greater Metropolitan Brasilia, the national capital) from 1990 to 2000, analyzing the rate according to 5 administrative areas stratified by mean family income, from 1996 to 2000. An ecological time-series study was conducted using the Information Systems on Live Births and Mortality, produced by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The infant mortality rate (IMR) decreased by 45.2% from 1990 to 2000, from 26.3 per 1000 live births to 14.4, or a mean annual reduction of 5.34% (R2 = 0.9397; p < 0.0001). During this period there was a higher proportion of neonatal deaths. However, a higher percentage change occurred in the post-neonatal period (-59.0%, R2 = 0.8452, p < 0.0001). Investigation of the IMR in the various areas of the Federal District showed a reduction in differences among the regions with respect to the component rates; however, substantial disparities persisted in relation to the income variable. The results suggest the need for effective interventions in the determinants of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in order to improve maternal and infant health in all socioeconomic groups in the Federal District

    Diagnostic Criteria For Temporomandibular Disorders: Self-instruction Or Formal Training And Calibration?

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Background: To investigate the difference in diagnostic reliability between self-instructed examiners and examiners taught in a Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD) course and if the reliability of self-instructed examiners improves after the course. Methods: Six examiners were divided into three groups: (1) formal two-day training and calibration course at a DC/TMD training center (Course group), (2) self-teaching through documents and movie (Self group) with three examiners on each and the Self group later participated in the course (Self + course group). Each group examined sixteen subjects, total of 48 volunteers (36 patients with TMD and 12 asymptomatic) and the reliabilities in relation to the diagnoses derived by a Reference Standard Examiner were compared by Cohen's Kappa coefficient. Results: The reliability was good to excellent in all three groups of examiners for all DC/TMD diagnoses, except for Myofascial pain with referral in the Self + course group. The course seemed to improve the reliability regarding Myalgia and Arthralgia at the same time as the examiners experienced the course to be valuable for self-perceived ability and confidence. Conclusions: This study shows that the diagnostic reliability of formal DC/TMD training and calibration and DC/TMD self-instruction are similar, except for subgroups of Myalgia. Thus, self-instruction seems to be possible to use to diagnose the most common TMDs in general dental practice. The course further improves the reliability regarding Myalgia and Arthralgia at the same time as the examiners experienced the course to be valuable for self-perceived ability and confidence.16Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)CAPES [10225/13-7

    Fatores relacionados ao insucesso na cessação tabágica: um estudo de coorte prospectivo

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Considering the difficulties in stopping smoking, this article aimed to identify factors relating to failure of attempts to quit smoking among smokers who sought care at an outpatient clinic in a general university hospital. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective cohort study evaluating 100 smokers who sought treatment at the Psychoactive Substances Outpatient Clinic. METHODS: The variables gathered were sociodemographic factors; degree of dependence (Fagerström questionnaire); stage of motivation for change (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale); and presence of depression and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). The patients were followed up after 4, 8, 12 and 24 weeks to identify factors relating to failure to quit smoking. RESULTS: The patients were mostly women (75%), between 40 and 59 years of age (67%); with incomplete elementary education (60%); with leisure activities (57%); suffering from tobacco-related disease (53%); with previous attempts to quit smoking (70%); with a medical recommendation to stop (51%); with encouragement to stop (66%); and with a high degree of dependence (78%). The main motivational stage was contemplation/action (43%); the anxiety rate was 64% and the depression rate was 39%. The quitting rate was 66% among adherents and 17% among non-adherents (P < 0.001). Lack of success was correlated with absence of leisure, higher education and absence of tobacco-related disease. CONCLUSION: The variables of lack of leisure activities, higher education and/or lack of tobacco-related disease correlated with failure to quit smoking among smokers who sought treatment at an outpatient clinic in a tertiary general hospital.CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Considerando as dificuldades na cessação do tabagismo, este artigo objetiva identificar fatores relacionados ao insucesso na tentativa de cessação tabágica de fumantes que procuraram atendimento em ambulatório de um hospital geral universitário. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo de coorte prospectivo, que avaliou 100 fumantes que procuraram tratamento no Ambulatório de Substâncias Psicoativas. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se variáveis sociodemográficas, grau de dependência (Questionário de Fagerström), estágio de motivação para a mudança (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment), presença de depressão e ansiedade (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Os pacientes foram acompanhados em 4, 8, 12 e 24 semanas para identificar fatores relacionados ao insucesso na cessação do tabagismo. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes eram, na maioria, mulheres (75%), entre 40 e 59 anos de idade (67%), com ensino fundamental incompleto (60%), com atividades de lazer (57%), portadores de doença tabaco-relacionada (DTR) (53%), com tentativas anteriores de parar de fumar (70%), que receberam recomendação médica (51%) e incentivo para a cessação (66%) e com elevado grau de dependência (78%). O estágio de motivação principal foi contemplação/ação (43%), a taxa de ansiedade foi de 64% e de depressão, 39%. A taxa de cessação foi de 66% entre os que aderiram e de 17% entre aqueles que não aderiram (P < 0,001). O insucesso foi relacionado à ausência de lazer, maior escolaridade e ausência de DTR. CONCLUSÃO: Falta de atividades de lazer, maior nível educacional e/ou não ter DTR foram variáveis relacionadas ao insucesso na cessação tabágica para tabagistas que procuram tratamento em ambulatório inserido em hospital geral terciário.38038

    Corrosion resistance of rolled and rerolled super martensitic steel in media containing chlorides and hydrogen sulfide

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    In the oil and gas industry, super matensitic steels have been used primarily in the manufacture of seamless steel pipe for use in drilling oil and gas. The objective of this work is to evaluate the corrosion resistance of rolled and rerolled super martensitic steels in electrolytes of aqueous solution of NaCl 35 g/L, and aqueous solution of NaCl 120 g/L, sodium acetate 0.4 g/L, with pH 4.5 (standard solution), saturated and unsaturated with H2S, simulating the service conditions of petroleum industry in the pre-salt operation. For this evaluation, the electrochemical tests used are electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic polarization test. The characterization techniques used are optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The effect of H2S saturation of the solutions studied on the corrosion resistance of steels was detrimental. The super martensitic steel in the rerolled condition showed a higher corrosion resistance than the rolled steel in an aqueous solution of 35 g/L NaCl and in a standard solution saturated with H2S. In the 35 g/L NaCl aqueous solution saturated with H2S and in the standard solution, the rolled steel showed a higher corrosion resistance than the rerolled steel. In an aqueous solution of 35 g/L NaCl, the rolled and rerolled steels showed pitting diameter of 140μm and 100μm, respectively.Keywords: polarization, rolled super martensitic steel, rerolled super martensitic steel

    Literatura e outras artes ”“ uma retrospectiva ou brevíssima viagem pela história da literatura portuguesa

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