12 research outputs found

    Poziom wiedzy pielęgniarek oddziałów chirurgicznych na temat występowania udaru u pacjentów w okresie pooperacyjnym

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    Introduction. Each year 80 000 Poles are suffering from stroke. The most common risk factors are hypertension, diabetes and complications, hyperlipidemia, obesity, atrial fibrillation. Lifestyle modification, such as diseases controlling, diet changing, exercises, stop smoking and limiting alcohol consumption are known as stroke prevention. Thrombectomy and thrombolytic therapy definitely increase long-term survival and prognosis.Aim. Objective of the work is assessment of surgical nurses knowledge level about postoperative stroke.Material and Methods. The research was conducted on a group of 55 randomly chosen surgical nurses. The diagnostic survey method with a proprietary questionnaire was used for the research.Results. Nurses knowledge was poor. Education and age affect to answers. Higher education qualification nurses have higher knowledge level relative to less educated nurses. Younger nurses have higher knowledge level than older nurses.Conclusions. Cardiosurgery and vascular surgery are charged as the most risk onset postoperative stroke. Knowledge of surgical nurses about risk factors, prevention, symptom, complications and procedures in case of stroke onset have particular meaning in postoperative caring. (JNNN 2020;9(4):138–144)Wstęp. Każdego roku na udar mózgu choruje 80 tysięcy Polaków. Jako najczęstsze czynniki ryzyka podkreśla się nadciśnienie tętnicze, cukrzycę i jej powikłania, hiperlipidemię, otyłość oraz występowanie migotania przedsionków. Jako działania profilaktyczne uznaje się modyfikację stylu życia z uwzględnieniem kontroli chorób podstawowych, zmianę diety, ćwiczenia fizyczne, ograniczenie nałogu tytoniowego oraz spożywania alkoholu. Wprowadzenie trombektomii mechanicznej oraz terapii trombolitycznej pozwoliło na zwiększenie przeżywalności i poprawę rokowania w tej grupie chorych.Cel. Celem pracy była ocena poziomu wiedzy pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach chirurgicznych, na temat udaru mózgu w okresie pooperacyjnym.Materiały i metody. Badaniem objęto 55 pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach chirurgicznych. W pracy zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i analizy piśmiennictwa. Posłużono się autorskim kwestionariuszem ankiety.Wyniki. Wiedza badanych osób jest na niskim poziomie. Dowiedziono, iż wykształcenie oraz wiek ma wpływ na deklarowane przez respondentki odpowiedzi. Osoby z wykształceniem wyższym wykazały się wyższym poziomem wiedzy w stosunku od osób z wykształceniem średnim. Pielęgniarki młodsze posiadają większy zasób wiedzy od pielęgniarek starszych.Wnioski. Procedurami operacyjnymi, które obciążone są największym ryzykiem wystąpienia udaru w okresie pooperacyjnym, są operacje kardiochirurgiczne i naczyniowe. Wiedza pielęgniarek na temat czynników ryzyka, profilaktyki, objawów, powikłań i wdrożenia postępowania w przypadku wystąpienia udaru mózgu, ma szczególne znaczenie w pielęgnowaniu pacjenta w kluczowym okresie po operacji. (PNN 2020;9(4):138–144

    Physio-Genetic Dissection of Dark-Induced Leaf Senescence and Timing Its Reversal in Barley.

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    Barley crop model was analyzed for early and late events during the dark-induced leaf senescence (DILS) as well as for deciphering critical time limit for reversal of the senescence process. Chlorophyll fluorescence vitality index Rfd was determined as the earliest parameter that correlated well with the cessation of photosynthesis prior to microautophagy symptoms, initiation of DNA degradation, and severalfold increase in the endonuclease BNUC1. DILS was found characterized by up-regulation of processes that enable recycling of degraded macromolecules and metabolites, including increased NH4+ remobilization, gluconeogenesis, glycolysis, and partial up-regulation of glyoxylate and tricarboxylate acid cycles. The most evident differences in gene medleys between DILS and developmental senescence included hormone-activated signaling pathways, lipid catabolic processes, carbohydrate metabolic processes, low-affinity ammonia remobilization, and RNA methylation. The mega-autophagy symptoms were apparent much later, specifically on day 10 of DILS, when disruption of organelles—nucleus and mitochondria —became evident. Also, during this latter-stage programmed cell death processes, namely, shrinking of the protoplast, tonoplast interruption, and vacuole breakdown, chromatin condensation, more DNA fragmentation, and disintegration of the cell membrane were prominent. Reversal of DILS by re-exposure of the plants from dark to light was possible until but not later than day 7 of dark exposure and was accompanied by regained photosynthesis, increase in chlorophyll, and reversal of Rfd, despite activation of macro-autophagy-related genes


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    Instytucja kultury pod nazwą Pałac Lubostroń została utworzona w klasycystycznym pałacu z 1800 roku w Lubostroniu. Strategia instytucji w oparciu o posiadane zasoby historyczne, architektoniczne i artystyczne ukierunkowana jest na prowadzenie działalności kulturalnej, która stała się przedmiotem tej pracy. Misją instytucji jest rewitalizacja pałacu i promowanie dziedzictwa polskiego. Przeprowadzone badania monograficzne i ankietowe wskazują na duże znaczenie zabytku w rozwoju kultury w regionie. Odbiorcy oferty kulturalnej pochodzą z większych miast i mają sprecyzowane wymagania kulturalne oscylujące wokół sztuki klasycznej. Propozycje artystyczne instytucji nie cieszą się powodzeniem wśród mieszkańców wsi Lubostroń i nie trafiają do osób młodych. Na podstawie wyników badań zaprezentowano kilka propozycji, takich jak wprowadzanie zajęć animacyjnych, rozwinięcie marketingu i wykorzystywanie portali społecznościowych mogących pozytywnie wpłynąć na wizerunek instytucji i zwiększyć atrakcyjność działań kulturalnych.A cultural institution called Lubostroń Palace has been established in the classicist palace from 1800 in Lubostroń. The institution's strategy based on owned historical, architectural and artistic resources is focused on a cultural activity which has become the subject of this thesis. The mission of the institution is revitalisation of the palace and promotion of Polish heritage. The conducted monographic and questionnaire survey showed a great significance of the historical building in relation to the development of culture in the region. The receivers of the cultural offer come from cities and have their cultural requirements, oscillating around classical art, specified. The artistic proposals of the institution are not popular among Lubostroń residents and do not appeal to young people's taste. On the basis of research results, several proposals were presented; for instance, introduction of animation activities, marketing development and use of social media that can have a positive influence on the institution's image and increase attractiveness of cultural actions

    Cadmium-induced changes in antioxidant enzymes in suspension culture of soybean cells.

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    Cadmium (Cd), similarly to other heavy metals, inhibits plant growth. We have recently showed that Cd2+ either stimulates (1-4 μM) or inhibits (ł 6 μM) growth of soybean (Glycine max L.) cells in suspension culture (Sobkowiak & Deckert, 2003, Plant Physiol Biochem. 41: 767-72). Here, soybean cell suspension cultures were treated with various concentrations of Cd2+ (1-10 μM) and the following enzymes were analyzed by native electrophoresis: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APOX). We found a significant correlation between the cadmium-induced changes of soybean cell culture growth and the isoenzyme pattern of the antioxidant enzymes. The results suggest that inhibition of growth and modification of antioxidant defense reactions appear in soybean cells when Cd2+ concentration in culture medium increases only slightly, from 4 to 6 μM

    The Role of Heavy Metals in Plant Response to Biotic Stress

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    The present review discusses the impact of heavy metals on the growth of plants at different concentrations, paying particular attention to the hormesis effect. Within the past decade, study of the hormesis phenomenon has generated considerable interest because it was considered not only in the framework of plant growth stimulation but also as an adaptive response of plants to a low level of stress which in turn can play an important role in their responses to other stress factors. In this review, we focused on the defence mechanisms of plants as a response to different metal ion doses and during the crosstalk between metal ions and biotic stressors such as insects and pathogenic fungi. Issues relating to metal ion acquisition and ion homeostasis that may be essential for the survival of plants, pathogens and herbivores competing in the same environment were highlighted. Besides, the influence of heavy metals on insects, especially aphids and pathogenic fungi, was shown. Our intention was also to shed light on the relationship between heavy metals deposition in the environment and ecological communities formed under a strong selective pressure

    Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Their Tissue Inhibitors in Peripheral Blood Leukocytes and Plasma of Children with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Gene expression profiles of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) were evaluated in peripheral blood leukocytes of children with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Gene expression patterns were correlated with their plasma protein counterparts, systemic parameters of liver injury, and selected markers of inflammation. The MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-12, MMP-14, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, TGF-β, and IL-6 transcripts levels were tested by the real-time PCR. Plasma concentrations of MMP-9, TIMP-1, MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio, MMP-2/TIMP-2 ratio, sCD14, leptin, resistin, IL-1 beta, and IL-6 and serum markers of liver injury were estimated by ELISA. The MMP-9, TIMP-2 expression levels, plasma amounts of MMP-9, TIMP-1, and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio were increased in children with NAFLD. Concentrations of AST, ALT, GGT, and leptin were elevated in serum patients with NAFLD, while concentration of other inflammatory or liver injury markers was unchanged. The MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels correlated with serum liver injury parameters (ALT and GGT concentrations, respectively); there were no other correlations between MMP/TIMP gene expression profiles, their plasma counterparts, and serum inflammatory markers. Association of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression with serum liver injury parameters (ALT, GGT) may suggest leukocyte engagement in the early stages of NAFLD development which possibly precedes subsequent systemic inflammatory responses

    Pathway‑level mutation analysis in primary high‑grade serous ovarian cancer and matched brain metastases

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    Brain metastases (BMs) in ovarian cancer (OC) are a rare event. BMs occur most frequently in high-grade serous (HGS) OC. The molecular features of BMs in HGSOC are poorly understood. We performed a whole-exome sequencing analysis of ten matched pairs of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples from primary HGSOC and corresponding BMs. Enrichment significance (p value; false discovery rate) was computed using the Reactome, the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway collections, and the Gene Ontology Biological Processes. Germline DNA damage repair variants were found in seven cases (70%) and involved the BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, RAD50, ERCC4, RPA1, MLHI, and ATR genes. Somatic mutations of TP53 were found in nine cases (90%) and were the only stable mutations between the primary tumor and BMs. Disturbed pathways in BMs versus primary HGSOC constituted a complex network and included the cell cycle, the degradation of the extracellular matrix, cell junction organization, nucleotide metabolism, lipid metabolism, the immune system, G-protein-coupled receptors, intracellular vesicular transport, and reaction to chemical stimuli (Golgi vesicle transport and olfactory signaling). Pathway analysis approaches allow for a more intuitive interpretation of the data as compared to considering single-gene aberrations and provide an opportunity to identify clinically informative alterations in HGSOC BM.publishedVersio