464 research outputs found

    The Lipid Mediator Resolvin D1 Reduces the Skin Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Induced by UV Irradiation in Hairless Mice

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    UV irradiation-induced oxidative stress and inflammation contribute to the development of skin diseases. Therefore, targeting oxidative stress and inflammation might contribute to reduce skin diseases. Resolvin D1 (RvD1) is a bioactive metabolite generated during inflammation to actively orchestrate the resolution of inflammation. However, the therapeutic potential of RvD1 in UVB skin inflammation remains undetermined, which was, therefore, the aim of the present study. The intraperitoneal treatment with RvD1 (3-100 ng/mouse) reduced UVB irradiation-induced skin edema, myeloperoxidase activity, matrix metalloproteinase 9 activity, and reduced glutathione depletion with consistent effects observed with the dose of 30 ng/mouse, which was selected to the following experiments. RvD1 inhibited UVB reduction of catalase activity, and hydroperoxide formation, superoxide anion production, and gp91phox mRNA expression. RvD1 also increased the Nrf2 and its downstream targets NQO1 and HO-1 mRNA expression. Regarding cytokines, RvD1 inhibited UVB-induced production of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-33, TNF-α, TGF-β, and IL-10. These immuno-biochemical alterations by RvD1 treatment had as consequence the reduction of UVB-induced epidermal thickness, sunburn and mast cell counts, and collagen degradation. Therefore, RvD1 inhibited UVB-induced skin oxidative stress and inflammation, rendering this resolving lipid mediator as a promising therapeutic agent

    La actividad peroxidasa en caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp): evolución temporal de la reacción y su posible rol en la resistencia a la roya marrón (Puccinia melanocephala, H & P Sydow)

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    La roya marrón de la caña de azúcar, causada por Puccinia melanocephala, es una enfermedad foliar de preocupación en casi todos los países donde se cultiva la caña de azúcar. Los programas de mejoramiento del cultivo se encuentran en la búsqueda de fuentes de resistencia de la planta al patógeno. Debido a que se demostró que las peroxidasas vegetales participan en la defensa contra los fitopatógenos, el objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la actividad peroxidasa basal de dos cultivares con respuestas contrastantes a la roya, la evolución de la actividad peroxidasa en el tiempo después de la inoculación con el patógeno y su posible relación con la resistencia o la susceptibilidad de los cultivares de caña de azúcar a la roya. La actividad de la peroxidasa se midió a 24, 48, 72 y 120 horas después de la inoculación. Dos cultivares de caña de azúcar fueron utilizados, R570 (muy resistente) y NA86-2280 (altamente susceptible). La actividad de la peroxidasa aumentó después de la inoculación en ambos cultivares pero aumentó, con mayor velocidad, en R570 hasta alcanzar un máximo a las 48 hs después de la inoculación. La actividad más alta se detectó en R570 durante todo el experimento. Las diferencias en la actividad de la peroxidasa se encontraron entre cultivares y también entre plantas inoculadas y plantas control. Se postula que tanto la actividad basal de la peroxidasa como su incremento después de la inoculación, podrían ser mecanismos complementarios que favorecen la resistencia a la roya en la caña de azúcar.Sugarcane brown rust, caused by Puccinia melanocephala, is a foliar disease of concern in almost all countries where sugarcane is grown. The sugarcane breeding programs are in the search for sources of plant resistance to this pathogen. Since it has been shown that plant peroxidases are involved in defence against phytopathogens, the objective of this study was to compare basal peroxidase activity of two cultivars with contrasting responses to rust, the time course of the peroxidase activity after inoculation with the pathogen and its possible relation to resistance or susceptibility of sugarcane cultivars to rust. Peroxidase activity was measured at 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours after inoculation. Two sugarcane cultivars were used, R570 (highly resistant) and NA86-2280 (highly susceptible). The peroxidase activity increased after inoculation in both cultivars, but increased more rapidly in R570 reaching a maximum at 48 hours after inoculation. A higher activity was detected in R570 throughout the experiment. The differences in the peroxidase activity were found between cultivars and also between inoculated plants and control plants. It is postulated that both basal peroxidase activity and the rate of growth after inoculation, may be complementary mechanisms that promote resistance to rust in sugarcane.EEA FamailláFil: Machado Assefh, C.R. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Marcadores Moleculares; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Collavino, Norma Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Marcadores Moleculares; ArgentinaFil: Daz, M. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Laboratorio de Biocatálisi ArgentinaFil: Pocovi, Mariana Ines. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Marcadores Moleculares; ArgentinaFil: Mariotti Martinez, Jorge Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Famaillá; Argentin

    Confirmation of the utility of the International Staging System and identification of a unique pattern of disease in Brazilian patients with multiple myeloma

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    Santa Casa São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilHEMOPE, Recife, PE, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Bahia, BR-41170290 Salvador, BA, BrazilHosp Brigadeiro São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio Grande do Sul, BR-90046900 Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilSch Med, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilUniv Fed Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Parana, BR-80060000 Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, BR-13081970 Campinas, SP, BrazilInst Nacl Canc Rio Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilCanc Res & Biostat, Seattle, WA USACedars Sinai Outpatient Canc Ctr, Aptium Oncol Inc, Los Angeles, CA USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Does Forced Voting Result in Political Polarization?

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    This paper estimates the effects of the compulsory voting laws on individuals´ political orientations though a regression discontinuity framework. The identification comes from Brazil´s dual voting system – voluntary and compulsory – whose exposure is determined based on citizens’ dates of birth. Using self-collected data, we find that compulsory voting has sizable effects on individuals´ political preferences, making them more likely to identify with a political party and to become oriented towards ideological extremes


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    Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex, or Trichophyton spp. are the main etiologic agents of dermatophytosis, whose treatment is limited by the high cost of antifungal treatments, their various side effects, and the emergence of resistance amongst these species. This study evaluated the in vitro antidermatophytic activity of 23 crude extracts from nine plant species of semiarid vegetation (caatinga) found in Brazil. The extracts were tested at concentrations ranging from 1.95 to 1,000.0 mg/mL by broth microdilution assay against the reference strains T. rubrum ATCC 28189 and T. mentagrophytesATCC 11481, and 33 clinical isolates of dermatophytes. All plants showed a fungicidal effect against both fungal species, with MIC/MFC values of the active extracts ranging from 15.6 to 250.0 µg/mL. Selected extracts of Eugenia uniflora (AcE), Libidibia ferrea (AE), and Persea americana (AcE) also exhibited a fungicidal effect against all clinical isolates of T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes complex. This is the first report of the antifungal activity of Schinus terebinthifolius, Piptadenia colubrina, Parapiptadenia rigida, Mimosa ophthalmocentra, and Persea americana against both dermatophyte species

    Asthma prevalence and risk factors in schoolchildren of the city of São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de asma e possíveis fatores de risco associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, integrante do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Participaram 561 escolares de seis a sete anos de idade, provenientes de 35 escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo, escolhidas por sorteio, em 2002. A amostra incluiu 168 asmáticos e 393 não asmáticos, que responderam questionário constituído por 33 questões referentes a dados pessoais, familiares e ambientais. A associação entre asma e fatores de risco foi avaliada pela análise de regressão logística, considerando-se nível de significância estatística de 5%. RESULTADOS: Entre os escolares, 31,2% referiam sibilos nos 12 meses anteriores à entrevista. Os fatores de risco significativamente associados à asma foram: sexo masculino (OR=2,4;IC 95%: 1,4;4,2), mãe fumante no primeiro ano de vida (OR=2,0; IC 95%: 1,1;3,8), presença de eczema em locais característicos (OR=3,0; IC 95%:1,2; 7,6) e rinoconjuntivite (OR=2,4;IC 95%: 1,2; 4,8). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma na região estudada foi elevada e os fatores de risco relacionados foram: sexo masculino, sintomas de rinoconjuntivite no último ano, mãe fumante no primeiro ano de vida e presença de eczema em locais característicos.OBJECTIVE: To assess asthma prevalence and potential risk factors associated. METHODS: Cross-sectional study part of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. A total of 561 schoolchildren aged 6-7 years from 35 public schools in the city of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil) were drawn to participate in the study, in 2002. The sample consisted of 168 asthmatic and 393 non-asthmatic children who answered a questionnaire comprising 33 questions on personal, family and environmental information. The association between asthma and the risk factors studied was assessed by logistic regression analysis at a 5% statistical significance. RESULTS: Among the schoolchildren studied, 31.2% reported wheezing in the 12 months preceding the interview. The following risk factors were significantly associated with asthma: male gender (OR=2.4; 95% CI: 1.4;4.2), maternal smoking in the child's first year of life (OR=2.0; 95% CI: 1.1;3.8), eczema on characteristic body areas (OR=3.0; 95% CI: 1.2;7.6) and rhinoconjunctivitis (OR=2.4; 95% CI: 1.2;4.8). CONCLUSIONS: Asthma prevalence in the study area was high and the risk factors identified were male gender, rhinoconjunctivitis in last year, maternal smoking in the child's first year of life and eczema on characteristic body areas

    Circulating miRNAs as Potential Biomarkers for Celiac Disease Development

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Celiac disease (CeD), an immune-mediated disease with enteropathy triggered by gluten, affects ~1% of the general European population. Currently, there are no biomarkers to predict CeD development. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNAs involved in post-transcriptional gene regulation, and certain disease- and stage-specific miRNA profiles have been found previously. We aimed to investigate whether circulating miRNAs can predict the development of CeD. METHODS: Using next-generation miRNA-sequencing, we determined miRNAs in >200 serum samples from 53 participants of the PreventCD study, of whom 33 developed CeD during follow-up. Following study inclusion at 3 months of age, samples were drawn at predefined ages, diagnosis (first anti-transglutaminase antibody (TGA) positivity or diagnostic biopsy) and after the start of a gluten-free diet (GFD). This allowed identification of circulating miRNAs that are deregulated before TGA positivity. For validation of the biomarkers for CeD and GFD response, two additional cohorts were included in subsequent meta-analyses. Additionally, miRNAs were measured in duodenal biopsies in a case-control cohort. RESULTS: 53 circulating miRNAs were increased (27) or decreased (26) in CeD versus controls. We assessed specific trends in these individual miRNAs in the PreventCD cohort by grouping the pre-diagnostic samples of the CeD patients (all had negative TGA) by how close to seroconversion (first sample positive TGA) the samples were taken. 8/53 miRNAs differed significantly between controls and samples taken <1 year before TGA positivity: miR-21-3p, miR-374a-5p, 144-3p, miR-500a-3p, miR-486-3p let-7d-3p, let-7e-5p and miR-3605-3p. 6/26 downregulated miRNAs reconstituted upon GFD, including miR-150-5p/-3p, whereas no upregulated miRNAs were downregulated upon GFD. 15/53 biomarker candidates also differed between CeD biopsies and controls, with a concordant direction, indicating that these circulating miRNAs might originate from the intestine. CONCLUSIONS: We identified 53 circulating miRNAs that are potential early biomarkers for CeD, of which several can be detected more than a year before TGA positivity and some start to normalize upon GFD