17 research outputs found

    Physicochemical quality of bottled butter/ Qualidade físico-química da manteiga de garrafa

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    Bottled butter also called butter of the backwoods and earth butter, has peculiar sensory characteristics and is a product widely consumed in northeastern Brazil. The artisanal processing takes place by small farmers who sell their products at free fairs. Butters are usually filled in inappropriate containers, reused plastic or glass bottles and devoid of labeling. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical quality of bottle butter marketed at a free fair of Vitória da Conquista – Bahia, Brazil. We analyzed 12 samples of bottled butter from four different sites, with 3 replicates in the period of one month at different weeks. The characteristics evaluated were humidity content, acidity, amount of fat and solids-not-fat (SNF), recommended by Normative Instruction nº 68 of December 12, 2006. All samples presented humidity content outside the standard provided for by legislation, with values ranging from 0.4 to 1.3g. On the other hand, the acidity index, amount of fat and solids-not-fat presented values within the normal range. In the evaluation of physicochemical parameters, it was evident the lack of standardization in the processing of bottle butter and the necessity of adapting it to the service recommended by normative instruction

    Use of emergency contraception among women users of Basic Health Units in three brazilian capitals

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    Introdução: A anticoncepção de emergência (pílula de levonorgestrel) é a única opção contraceptiva para prevenir a gravidez não desejada após relações sexuais desprotegidas, seja por falha ou não uso de métodos contraceptivos, ou em casos de violência sexual. Por essa razão, o acesso a este método é considerado parte dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos de mulheres e casais. Seu uso é relativamente frequente, principalmente no grupo mais favorecido socialmente. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre o perfil de uso entre jovens e mulheres adultas, residentes em diferentes regiões do país, o que justifica a condução deste estudo. Objetivo: Analisar o uso da anticoncepção de emergência entre mulheres usuárias de Unidades Básicas de Saúde dos municípios de São Paulo/SP, Aracaju/SE e Cuiabá/MT. Método: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo, do tipo transversal, com amostra probabilística de 2052 mulheres de 18 a 49 anos, usuárias das Unidades Básicas de Saúde de São Paulo/SP, Aracaju/SE e Cuiabá/MT, entrevistadas por meio de um instrumento estruturado com questões sobre características sóciodemográficas, história reprodutiva e uso da anticoncepção de emergência. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas por meio de números absolutos, proporções, teste de diferença entre duas proporções pelo qui-quadrado e regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: Pouco mais da metade das mulheres (56,8%) relatou ter usado anteriormente a anticoncepção de emergência. Os fatores associados ao uso anterior da anticoncepção de emergência foram a idade, entre 25 e 34 anos (OR=0,59; IC95%: 0,44-0,79), maior escolaridade (OR=2,63; IC95%: 1,76-3,94), mulheres que pertenciam ao grupo socioeconômico A e B (OR=1,92; IC95%: 1,27-2,90), que trabalhavam (OR=1,25; IC95%:1,00-1,57), e que tiveram mais parceiros sexuais (OR= 1,95; IC95%: 1,48-2,57). A maioria das mulheres que usava anteriormente pílula oral, injetável e preservativo masculino continuou usando o mesmo método após o uso da anticoncepção de emergência. Conclusão: O uso da anticoncepção de emergência foi frequente, mas não contribuiu para que as mulheres interrompessem ou trocassem o seu método contraceptivo regular.Introduction: Emergency contraception is considered the only existing contraceptive option to prevent unwanted pregnancies after having unprotected sex, due to failure to use contraceptive methods or sexual violence. For this reason, access to this method is considered part of the sexual and reproductive rights of women and couples. Its use is relatively frequent among young people and adolescents, especially in the most economic favorable group. However, little is known about the profile of contraception use among adult women from different regions of the country of Brazil Objective: To analyze the use of emergency contraception among women users of Basic Units of Health of three cities, São Paulo city, São Paulo state, Aracaju city, Sergipe state and Cuiabá city, Mato Grosso State. Methods: A quantitative study, descriptive, cross-sectional, with a random sample of 2052 women aged 18 to 49 years, users of basic health units in São Paulo, Aracaju and Cuiabá, interviewed through a structured document with questions about sociodemographic data and reproductive history and use of emergency contraception. Statistical analyzes were performed in the Stata 14.2, using absolute numbers, proportions, chi-square difference test and multiple logistic regression. Results: Just over half (56.8%) reported having used emergency contraception and 53.3% used some contraceptive method when they used it. In the multiple logistic regression analysis, the factors associated with the previous use of emergency contraception were: age (OR = 0.59, 95% CI: 0.44-0.79), schooling (OR = 1.75, 95% CI (OR = 1.26, 95% CI: 1.07-1.84), perform paid work (OR = 1.26, 95% CI: 1.01- (OR = 1.34, 95% CI: 1.00-1.80), the number of sexual partners (OR = 1.95, 95% CI: 1.48-2,57). The majority of women who previously used oral pill, injectable and male condom continued to the same method after using emergency contraception. Conclusion: The use of emergency contraception did not contribute to the interruption of women or their regular contraceptive method

    Knowledge about the intrauterine device and interest in using it among women users of primary care services

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    Objetivo: analizar el nivel de conocimiento sobre el dispositivo intrauterino, el interés en usarlo y la relación de estos eventos entre las mujeres en edad reproductiva. Método: estudio transversal realizado con 1858 mujeres entre 18 y 49 años, usuarias de Unidades Básicas de Salud. Los datos se obtuvieron a través de entrevistas personales. El nivel de conocimiento se evaluó mediante ítems que permitieron respuestas del tipo de acuerdo, en desacuerdo y no sé, cuyo puntaje se clasificó como inferior/igual y superior a la mediana. Se utilizaron chicuadrado y regresión logística múltiple, calculados en el Stata 14.2 (nivel de confianza del 95%). Resultados: el uso actual del dispositivo intrauterino fue poco frecuente (1,7%; n=32) y el nivel de conocimiento fue mayor entre las mujeres blancas de 25 a 34 años, más educadas, que ya usaban o habían usado el dispositivo intrauterino y residentes en Aracaju, Sergipe. El interés en usar el dispositivo intrauterino (38,0%; n=634) fue mayor entre las mujeres más jóvenes, con mayor nivel educativo, con seguro médico, solteras, sin hijos y con un mayor nivel de conocimiento sobre el dispositivo intrauterino. Conclusión: el nivel de conocimiento sobre el dispositivo intrauterino se asoció con el interés en usarlo.Objetivo: analisar o nível de conhecimento sobre o dispositivo intrauterino, o interesse em usá-lo e a relação desses eventos entre mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Método: estudo transversal conduzido com 1858 mulheres de 18-49 anos de idade, usuárias de Unidades Básicas de Saúde. Os dados foram obtidos por entrevistas face a face. Avaliou-se o nível de conhecimento por meio de itens que admitiam repostas do tipo concordo, não concordo e não sei, cujo escore foi categorizado em abaixo/igual e acima da mediana. Utilizaramse qui-quadrado e regressão logística múltipla, calculados no Stata 14.2 (nível de confiança igual a 95%). Resultados: o uso atual do dispositivo intrauterino foi pouco frequente (1,7%; n=32), sendo o nível de conhecimento maior entre mulheres com 25-34 anos de idade, mais escolarizadas, brancas, que usavam/já tinham usado o dispositivo intrauterino e residentes em Aracaju, Sergipe. O interesse em usar o dispositivo intrauterino (38,0%; n=634) foi maior entre as mulheres mais jovens, com maior escolaridade, com plano de saúde, solteiras, sem filhos e com maior nível de conhecimento sobre o dispositivo intrauterino. Conclusão: o nível de conhecimento sobre o dispositivo intrauterino foi associado ao interesse em usá-lo.Objective: to analyze the level of knowledge about the intrauterine device, the interest in using it and the relationship between these events among women in reproductive age. Method: cross-sectional study conducted with 1858 women between 18 and 49 years old, attending Primary Health Care Facilities. Data were obtained in face-to-face interviews. The level of knowledge was evaluated by items with answers options “agree”, “disagree” and “I don’t know”. Knowledge was categorized as below/equal and above the median. Chi-square and multiple logistic regression were used in Stata 14.2 (95% confidence level). Results: intrauterine device current use was not frequent (1.7%; n=32) and the level of knowledge was higher among women between 25 and 34 years old, white, living in Aracaju (Sergipe), who were more educated, and who were currently using or had already used the intrauterine device. Interest in using the intrauterine device (38.0%; n=634) was higher among younger women, single, more educated, had health insurance, no children and with higher level of knowledge about the intrauterine device. Conclusion: the level of knowledge about the intrauterine device was associated with the interest in using it

    Satisfaction with the use of contraceptive methods among women from primary health care services in the city of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Abstract Objectives: to assess satisfaction with the use of contraceptive methods among women attending primary health care services in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: crosssectional study conducted with a sample of 668 women aged 1849 years, who were enrolled in 38 primary health care facilities in São Paulo city, Brazil, in 2015. Exclusion criteria were no sexual initiation, use of irreversible contraceptive methods for more than five years, pregnancy and no contraceptive method use. Data were analyzed using chisquare and multivariate logistic regression. Results: in general, women were satisfied with current contraceptive method (78.7%). The higher percentage of satisfaction was observed among IUD users (94.7%), and female and male sterilization users (93.5% and 91.7%, respectively). Withdrawal users were less satisfied (52.9%). Contraceptive method itself was the only factor associated with satisfaction. Barrier or traditional method users were less likely to be satisfied with their contraceptive methods than irreversible method users. Conclusions: long acting contraceptive method and irreversible method users were more satisfied with their contraceptive methods. Efforts should be undertaken in order to make these contraceptives available and accessible in primary health care facilities in Brazil

    Satisfaction with the use of contraceptive methods among women from primary health care services in the city of São Paulo, Brazil

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    <div><p>Abstract Objectives: to assess satisfaction with the use of contraceptive methods among women attending primary health care services in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: crosssectional study conducted with a sample of 668 women aged 1849 years, who were enrolled in 38 primary health care facilities in São Paulo city, Brazil, in 2015. Exclusion criteria were no sexual initiation, use of irreversible contraceptive methods for more than five years, pregnancy and no contraceptive method use. Data were analyzed using chisquare and multivariate logistic regression. Results: in general, women were satisfied with current contraceptive method (78.7%). The higher percentage of satisfaction was observed among IUD users (94.7%), and female and male sterilization users (93.5% and 91.7%, respectively). Withdrawal users were less satisfied (52.9%). Contraceptive method itself was the only factor associated with satisfaction. Barrier or traditional method users were less likely to be satisfied with their contraceptive methods than irreversible method users. Conclusions: long acting contraceptive method and irreversible method users were more satisfied with their contraceptive methods. Efforts should be undertaken in order to make these contraceptives available and accessible in primary health care facilities in Brazil.</p></div