13 research outputs found


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    Futures Studies are one valuable tool to help businesses develop their Strategic Planning, in their ability to point out environment-induced changes in company policies, goals and actions. Companies and their leaders may discover energies and resources when they achieve a holistic, long range worldview, which helps them foresee, plan for and deal with the changes that will affect their future. The aim of this article is to examine the currentness of two exemplars of Futures Studies with distinct methods: a quantitative study analyzed by Mario Henrique Simonsen, and a qualitative futurology essay by Alvin Toffler based on the analysis of social, economic, technological and political trends and phenomena. A bibliographical research on secondary macroeconomic and sociocultural data supplied evidences for the projected trends. Based on this, the limitations of projection-based methods are discussed, as well as the advantages of using a qualitative or mixed approach when forecasts are made for the long term. It is worth reinforcing that the purpose of Futures Studies is not to predict with absolute precision how tomorrow will be like, but to produce indications so that adequate strategic decisions can be made today in an uncertain and turbulent environment.</p

    Social business in multinational corporations: an analysis of marketing practices

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    Social business (SB) as a category of organization that seeks to create long-term economic and social value for the majority of the people has attracted the attention of policy-makers, practitioners, and scholars. Some authors highlight the role that multinational corporations (MNCs) have in mitigating social and environmental problems by offering products and services to meet the demands of lower-income populations. Based on a discussion of social business and such initiatives inside MNCs, this article investigates how the Brazilian subsidiaries of two large MNCs (Coca-Cola and Danone) are performing SB in a developing country. More specifically, we focused on how they are using their marketing know-how to achieve the desired results. The cases were chosen based on their global relevance, reach, and representativeness in SB efforts. Our study has shown that their social initiatives are linked to the corporate mission, values and strategies, and that they aim to achieve social transformation in connection to their core business. Our goal is to contribute both to academic research and to future initiatives in Brazil and other developing countries

    Attitudes, emotions and behavior of purchase: a study with consumers of sophisticated products of luxury

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    Poucas categorias de produtos e serviços são tão interessantes para os profissionais de marketing como os produtos de luxo. Esse interesse deriva da sua capacidade de corporificar significados sociais e individuais, bem como de sua carga simbólica e emocional. Admitindo que os objetos luxuosos expressem os desejos e emoções humanos, por meio deles pode-se conhecer um pouco dos valores, crenças e atitudes dos consumidores. Este trabalho tem por objetivo descrever aspectos do comportamento de consumidores brasileiros de produtos e/ou serviços de luxo ou sofisticados, em termos de atitudes, emoções e comportamento de consumo. Para atingir tal objetivo, partiu-se de um resumo dos conhecimentos teóricos já desenvolvidos sobre o tema, passando por aspectos de marketing específicos ao segmento e pelas descobertas de estudos empíricos sobre o comportamento dos consumidores com relação a produtos e serviços de luxo. Terminou-se com uma discussão sobre a proposta de valor das empresas atuantes no mercado do Novo Luxo. A segunda parte da dissertação compreende um estudo empírico quantitativo descritivo, com 290 consumidores brasileiros de marcas sofisticadas, visando a descrever suas atitudes, emoções e comportamento de consumo. O estudo de campo revelou a existência de três grupos com perfis diferenciados em termos de atitudes e crenças com respeito ao luxo. Os resultados também indicam que o consumo do luxo pode ser relacionado à tradição social, imagem ou expressão pessoal ou a um mecanismo de premiação. Buscou-se como contribuição acadêmica o enriquecimento dos conhecimentos teóricos sobre o assunto. As descobertas da pesquisa empírica podem também contribuir com as empresas para suas estratégias e programas de marketing.Very few product and services categories are as interesting for marketing professionals as luxury products. Such interest derives from luxury\'s capacity of embodying both social and individual meanings, as well as symbolic and emotional content. Admitting that luxurious objects can express human wishes and emotions, they are able to reveal aspects of consumers´ values, attitudes and beliefs. The goal of this dissertation is to describe behavioral aspects of Brazilian consumers of luxury and upscale product and/or services, in terms of their attitudes, emotions and buying behavior. With this in mind, the work begins with a summary of the extant theoretical literature, including specific marketing aspects and the findings of empirical studies on luxury consumers´ behavior. It ends with a discussion of the value proposition of the New Luxury segment. The second part of this dissertation comprises a quantitative descriptive empirical study, with 290 Brazilian consumers of upscale brands, to describe their attitudes, emotions and consumption behavior. The field study revealed the existence of three groups differentiated according to their attitudes and beliefs toward luxury. The results also indicate that luxury consumption can be related to social tradition, personal image or expression or to compensation mechanisms. In terms of academic contribution, this dissertation seeks to enrich the extant knowledge on the theme. The findings of the empirical study can also help firms with their marketing strategy and programs

    Customer perceived value of luxury products: proposition of a theoretical framework

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    O luxo é um setor que tem cada vez mais despertado o interesse de acadêmicos e profissionais de marketing, não só pela importância econômica que representa para alguns países, mas também pela sua tendência de crescimento em mercados emergentes, favorecida pelo aumento da renda disponível e do tamanho da clientela potencial. Especificamente no Brasil, o mercado do luxo tem experimentado um incremento anual significativo e superior ao da economia como um todo. A gestão das empresas atuantes nesse mercado apresenta desafios de particular interesse para os estudiosos e praticantes do marketing, pois os produtos luxuosos possuem elevado grau de valores intangíveis, subjetivos e sociais agregados, que são determinantes para a formação de sua demanda e de uma parcela considerável do preço final. O cenário de crescente competição e internacionalização exige processos gerenciais cada vez mais orientados para o mercado, nos quais análises da concorrência e do perfil dos consumidores são formas de gerar um maior valor percebido pelo cliente. Não obstante, criar e entregar esse valor exige uma clara compreensão de sua natureza e dimensões. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve por objetivo propor e testar um modelo conceitual integrador para o Valor Percebido pelo Cliente dos produtos de luxo, buscando ampliar o corpo teórico sobre o constructo e fundamentar o desenvolvimento de estratégias de marketing. A partir da análise crítica de modelos propostos por diferentes autores, de reflexões teóricas sobre o conceito do luxo, e com base na opinião de consumidores do setor, foram desenvolvidos o modelo teórico e seus respectivos itens de mensuração, testados e refinados pela técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais PLS-SEM em termos de sua confiabilidade e validade. Os resultados mostraram haver um impacto considerável das duas dimensões dos sacrifícios percebidos (não monetários e monetários) sobre o valor percebido total dos produtos prestigiosos, bem como efeitos menores, porém significativos, das dimensões dos benefícios psicológicos, sociais e intangíveis. Os benefícios tangíveis também demonstraram impacto sobre o valor percebido final, porém em menor grau. Tais resultados contribuem para a ampliação do corpo teórico de marketing sobre esse tema, ao propor e validar um modelo mais abrangente que integra os existentes e, ao mesmo tempo, preenche lacunas observadas. Em termos gerenciais, o conhecimento dos aspectos mais relevantes da percepção dos consumidores sobre o valor entregue pelos bens luxuosos é fundamental para gerenciar as marcas, direcionar os esforços de comunicação de marketing e desenvolver estratégias de mercado eficazes, levando em conta as diferentes dimensões de benefícios e sacrifícios propostos pelo estudo.The luxury industry has been raising greater interest among marketing scholars and professionals, not only due to its economic relevance in some countries, but also because of its growth trend in emerging markets, spurred by increases in disposable income and a greater diversity of its target audiences. Specifically in Brazil, the luxury market has experienced significant annual growth rates, well above those of the total economy. The management of luxury companies presents challenges that are particularly interesting for marketing scholars and practitioners, as prestige products possess high levels of intangible, subjective and social added value, which are determinant for their demand and final price formation. In the present scenario, where growing competition and internationalization demand increasingly market-oriented managerial processes, competition and consumer behavior analysis is a necessary tool to create higher customer perceived value. Nevertheless, creating and delivering value demands a clear understanding of its nature and dimensions. Thus the purpose of this study: to propose and test an integrative conceptual framework for luxury products Customer Perceived Value, aiming to increase the construct\'s theoretical understanding and to serve as a basis for developing marketing strategies. Building upon a critical analysis of models proposed by various authors, the theory on the luxury concept, and luxury consumers\' opinions, the conceptual model and its measurement items were developed, tested and refined in terms of validity and reliability through the structural equation modeling technique PLS-SEM. The findings revealed a considerable impact of the two perceived sacrifice dimensions (non-monetary and monetary) on luxury products total perceived value, as well as smaller, though significant, effects of the psychological, social and intangible benefits dimensions. Tangible benefits have also shown an impact on the final perceived value, but to a lesser extent. Those findings contribute to the marketing theory on the subject by proposing and validating a more comprehensive framework that synthetizes preexisting ones and, at the same time, fills out gaps found in the literature. In terms of managerial practice, a better understanding of the most relevant aspects of luxury customer perceived value is vital for brand management, marketing communications and the development of effective marketing strategies that build upon the various benefit and sacrifice dimensions proposed in this study

    Posicionamento da marca-país Brasil: uma proposta de estratégia do Oceano Azul

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    In their book Blue Ocean Strategy, Kim and Mauborgne (2005) propose a new vision of business strategy: radically change the value proposition offered consumers, reinventing markets in order to turn the current competition irrelevant. This article aims first to discuss the model contribution, focusing on identifying and delivering consumers completely new value sources. Secondly, their strategy is applied on a theoretical exercise. The article proposes the creation of a Blue Ocean for the Brazil country brand, using the concepts forwarded by the authors. The purpose of this exercise is to understand the advantages and complexities involved in the model and, at the same time, explore, albeit theoretically, the potential for this country offered by opportunities generated by one of the trends of international tourism : the medical tourism

    The influence of corporate global mindset on international franchising A study about Brazilian franchisors

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    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the influence of a corporate global mindset and international&nbsp;experience on the internationalization process of Brazilian franchisors. The purpose is to study the role played&nbsp;by global mindset in the internationalization process of franchisors from an emerging country by answering&nbsp;the question: What is the impact of a global mindset on the level of internationalization? Design/methodology/approach – A survey of 104 companies was conducted with franchise&nbsp;managers to compare Brazilian (domestic-only and internationalized) franchisors to foreign franchisorswith operations in Brazil. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, ANOVA and&nbsp;regression analysis. Findings – Results showed that the firm’s experience in international markets (measured as the&nbsp;number of years in foreign countries) has a positive relation to corporate global mindset. Developing acorporate global mindset should help Brazilian franchises to grow internationally. The findings indicate&nbsp;that Brazilian franchisors fall behind their foreign counterparts in international experience, which affectthe skills, knowledge, disposition and organizational structure needed to be successful outside their&nbsp;home market. Practical implications – Franchisors who decide to internationalize should carefully consider the need&nbsp;for developing a global mindset, especially in terms of investing in communication technologies, adequatehuman resources and an organizational structure to support international operations. Originality/value – This research contributes to the international franchising literature by exploring&nbsp;the role of a global mindset in the context of franchises from an emerging market. Using amultidimensional concept of corporate global mindset, comprised of global orientation, global&nbsp;knowledge and global skills, this study adds an aspect of international franchising beyond institutionaland economic explanations


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    Futures Studies are one valuable tool to help businesses develop their Strategic Planning, in their ability to point out environment-induced changes in company policies, goals and actions. Companies and their leaders may discover energies and resources when they achieve a holistic, long range worldview, which helps them foresee, plan for and deal with the changes that will affect their future. The aim of this article is to examine the currentness of two exemplars of Futures Studies with distinct methods: a quantitative study analyzed by Mario Henrique Simonsen, and a qualitative futurology essay by Alvin Toffler based on the analysis of social, economic, technological and political trends and phenomena. A bibliographical research on secondary macroeconomic and sociocultural data supplied evidences for the projected trends. Based on this, the limitations of projection-based methods are discussed, as well as the advantages of using a qualitative or mixed approach when forecasts are made for the long term. It is worth reinforcing that the purpose of Futures Studies is not to predict with absolute precision how tomorrow will be like, but to produce indications so that adequate strategic decisions can be made today in an uncertain and turbulent environment.No campo da Administra&ccedil;&atilde;o de Empresas, os Estudos do Futuro figuram como instrumento valioso para auxiliar a desenvolver o Planejamento Estrat&eacute;gico, ao apontar as mudan&ccedil;as induzidas pelo meio ambiente nas pol&iacute;ticas, metas e a&ccedil;&otilde;es das empresas. As empresas e suas lideran&ccedil;as podem descobrir recursos e energias quando adquirem uma vis&atilde;o de mundo hol&iacute;stica e de longo prazo, o que lhes permite prognosticar, planejar e lidar com as mudan&ccedil;as que afetar&atilde;o o futuro. Neste trabalho objetiva-se examinar a atualidade de dois exemplares de Estudos do Futuro, comparando as tend&ecirc;ncias previstas e suas evid&ecirc;ncias atuais. Na an&aacute;lise foram focalizados dois estudos com abordagens metodol&oacute;gicas distintas: um estudo quantitativo, analisado por Mario Henrique Simonsen, e outro, qualitativo, de Alvin Toffler, apoiado na an&aacute;lise de tend&ecirc;ncias e fen&ocirc;menos sociais, econ&ocirc;micos, tecnol&oacute;gicos e pol&iacute;ticos. Evid&ecirc;ncias relativas &agrave;s tend&ecirc;ncias projetadas foram levantadas por meio de pesquisa bibliogr&aacute;fica de dados secund&aacute;rios macroecon&ocirc;micos e socioculturais. Com base nessa an&aacute;lise, discutem-se as limita&ccedil;&otilde;es dos m&eacute;todos baseados em proje&ccedil;&otilde;es e as vantagens de utilizar abordagens qualitativas ou mistas quando o horizonte de previs&atilde;o envolve o longo prazo. Vale sinalizar que o prop&oacute;sito dos Estudos do Futuro n&atilde;o &eacute; vaticinar com absoluta precis&atilde;o como ser&aacute; o amanh&atilde;, mas fornecer indicadores para que decis&otilde;es estrat&eacute;gicas adequadas, em ambientes incertos e turbulentos, possam ser tomadas hoje

    Turismo de lujo e Internet: Oportunidades para las Agencias de Viajes

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    Social business in multinational corporations: an analysis of marketing practices

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    Social business (SB) as a category of organization that seeks to create long-term economic and social value for the majority of the people has attracted the attention of policy-makers, practitioners, and scholars. Some authors highlight the role that multinational corporations (MNCs) have in mitigating social and environmental problems by offering products and services to meet the demands of lower-income populations. Based on a discussion of social business and such initiatives inside MNCs, this article investigates how the Brazilian subsidiaries of two large MNCs (Coca-Cola and Danone) are performing SB in a developing country. More specifically, we focused on how they are using their marketing know-how to achieve the desired results. The cases were chosen based on their global relevance, reach, and representativeness in SB efforts. Our study has shown that their social initiatives are linked to the corporate mission, values and strategies, and that they aim to achieve social transformation in connection to their core business. Our goal is to contribute both to academic research and to future initiatives in Brazil and other developing countries

    Estratégias de marketing internacional adotadas no processo de internacionalização de franquias: um estudo de caso múltiplo no setor de vestuário

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    Objective: This study investigates the antecedents of three Brazilian franchisors&rsquo; internationalization processes in relation to their international marketing strategies. The literature review discusses the theme focusing on adaptation versus standardization of the marketing strategy.Method: A theoretical model is proposed for the empirical investigation including the internal and external internationalization antecedents, the international marketing strategy, and the firm&acute;s degree of internationalization. A qualitative, exploratory, empirical investigation based on a multiple-case study was conducted with three large Brazilian franchisors in the fashion industry.&nbsp;Relevance: The study highlights the relevance of international branding for the internationalization process as well as the role partners/franchisees play in building and managing brand image abroad.Results: The results show that the most important antecedents in the franchisors&rsquo; internationalization process were at the firm level (company size, resources, and capabilities; brand strength; international orientation, and experience), with special emphasis on the brand as a crucial asset. The international marketing strategies were to both adapt the marketing elements to the needs and characteristics of the host market and centralize strategic decisions to maintain a consistent brand image. This posture follows the semi-global marketing strategy.&nbsp;Theoretical contribution: This study contributes to the knowledge about the factors that influence the decision to internationalize and the international marketing strategies used by Brazilian franchisors abroad. Managerial recommendations are presented for franchisors seeking internationalization.&nbsp;Objetivo: Este estudo investiga os antecedentes do processo de internacionaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o de franquias brasileiras, relacionando-os com a estrat&eacute;gia de marketing internacional, com base na adapta&ccedil;&atilde;o ou padroniza&ccedil;&atilde;o do composto de marketing.&nbsp;M&eacute;todo: A partir da revis&atilde;o te&oacute;rica, um modelo &eacute; proposto, englobando os antecedentes da internacionaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o internos e externos &agrave; empresa, a estrat&eacute;gia de marketing internacional e o grau de internacionaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o da empresa. A investiga&ccedil;&atilde;o emp&iacute;rica baseou-se em estudo de caso m&uacute;ltiplo com tr&ecirc;s grandes empresas do setor de vestu&aacute;rio.&nbsp;Relev&acirc;ncia: Ressalta-se a import&acirc;ncia da gest&atilde;o internacional da marca como ativo que pode ajudar o processo de internacionaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o, bem como o papel dos parceiros/franqueados na constru&ccedil;&atilde;o e gest&atilde;o da imagem da marca no exterior.Resultados: Os resultados mostram que os antecedentes mais importantes no processo de internacionaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o das franquias pesquisadas pertencem ao n&iacute;vel da empresa (tamanho, recursos e capacita&ccedil;&otilde;es, marca forte, orienta&ccedil;&atilde;o e experi&ecirc;ncia internacional), com destaque para a marca como importante ativo. As estrat&eacute;gias de marketing internacional empregadas buscam manter o posicionamento da marca padronizado, com adapta&ccedil;&atilde;o de alguns elementos do composto de marketing &agrave;s caracter&iacute;sticas e necessidades dos mercados-destino e centralizar as decis&otilde;es estrat&eacute;gicas para manter uma imagem de marca consistente, o que se designa como estrat&eacute;gia de marketing semiglobal.&nbsp;Contribui&ccedil;&otilde;es te&oacute;ricas: Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento sobre os fatores que influenciam a decis&atilde;o de internacionalizar e as estrat&eacute;gias de marketing internacional utilizadas por redes de franquias brasileiras no exterior, contemplando tamb&eacute;m recomenda&ccedil;&otilde;es para redes que desejam se internacionalizar.&nbsp