Revista Brasileira de Marketing
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    423 research outputs found

    Green Consumer Behavior: Evidence From the Brazil – Uruguay Border Region

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    Objetivo: Este artigo teve por objetivo analisar o comportamento de compra do consumidor ecologicamente consciente na fronteira Brasil-Uruguai, dando especial atenção a influência das características sociodemográficas e psicográficas no comportamento do consumidor.   Método: A pesquisa teve um caráter descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, por meio da utilização de um survey em uma amostra de 134 consumidores nos municípios de Santana do Livramento (Brasil) e Rivera (Uruguai). As técnicas de análise dos dados utilizadas foram estatística descritiva, teste de hipóteses e regressão linear.   Originalidade/Relevância: A preocupação ambiental e o impacto do consumo desordenado nas sociedades são temas de destaque na literatura atual. Neste contexto emerge uma tendência de um comportamento mais consciente pelo consumidor, direcionando as empresas para um mercado sustentável. O desafio dessa nova dinâmica de consumo é descobrir quais fatores levam o consumidor a optar por um produto específico.   Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram que os respondentes apresentam um comportamento ecologicamente consciente médio-elevado.  Para explicar o comportamento do consumidor verde, os parâmetros dos modelos de regressão indicaram uma maior relevância das características psicográficas em relação às sociodemográficas, com especial importância para a variável de eficácia percebida.  Ainda, as estimações apontaram que quanto mais elevada a consciência ecológica do consumidor, maior será sua intenção de compra por produtos sustentáveis.   Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Os resultados do estudo podem subsidiar profissionais de marketing no planejamento de campanhas a fim de alcançar o consumidor verde de forma mais efetiva, além de ampliar os esforços de investigação na área do Marketing Ambiental.Objective: The objective of this article was to analyze the ecologically conscious consumer buying behavior in the Brazil-Uruguay border region, paying particular attention to the influence of sociodemographic and psychographic characteristics on consumer behavior.   Method: The research was a descriptive, quantitative approach, using a survey in a sample of 134 consumers in the municipalities of Santana do Livramento (Brazil) and Rivera (Uruguay). The data analysis techniques used were descriptive statistics, hypothesis test and linear regression.   Originality/Relevance: Environmental concerns and the impact of disordered consumption in today’s society are prominent themes in the consumer behavior literature. In this context emerges a trend of more conscious behavior, encouraging companies to seek sustainability practices. One challenge in this new consumer dynamic is to find out what factors lead consumers to opt for a specific product.   Results: The results showed that the respondents present an ecologically conscious medium-high behavior. To explain the behavior of the green consumer, the parameters of the regression models indicated a greater relevance of the psychographic characteristics in relation to the sociodemographic ones, with the variable of perceived efficacy playing an important role. Results suggest that the higher the consumer's ecological awareness, the greater their intentions to purchase sustainable products.   Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: The results of the study can inform marketing professionals in the planning of campaigns in order to reach the green consumer more effectively, in addition to expanding research efforts in the area of Environmental Marketing

    Is there no integrity or competence? Effects of co-production of service recovery according to type of failure

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    Objetivo: Falhas de serviços são comuns e, por isso, diversos estudos investigam táticas de recuperação de serviços. Uma tática que passou a ser recentemente investigada e que carece de mais estudos refere-se à coprodução da recuperação (i.e., participação do consumidor). Este estudo investiga os efeitos da coprodução da recuperação de serviços após situações de falhas de integridade e de competência.Método: Estudo experimental com 131 participantes, com desenho fatorial 2 (coprodução: com, sem) x 2 (tipo de falha: integridade, competência).  Originalidade: Estudos recentes adotam a coprodução como uma estratégia de recuperação de serviços após uma falha. No entanto, não se sabe se o tipo de falha (integridade ou competência) influencia os efeitos da coprodução da recuperação de serviços.Resultados: Consumidores que coproduzem a recuperação de serviço após uma falha de integridade sentem mais raiva que os consumidores que não coproduzem. Além disso, consumidores que coproduzem a recuperação após uma falha de integridade apresentam menor intenção de retorno e de boca-a-boca positivo que aqueles que coproduzem após uma falha de competência. Contribuições teóricas: Este estudo amplia o conhecimento sobre a coprodução na recuperação de serviços ao abordar seus efeitos no comportamento do consumidor de acordo com o tipo de falha, algo até então não estudado. Contribuições gerenciais: Este estudo mostra que a coprodução na recuperação de serviços funciona melhor para recuperar falhas de competência do que de integridade. Ou seja, as empresas somente devem convidar o consumidor a coproduzir se falha for causada por falta de competência, e não de integridade.Objective: Service failures are common and, therefore, several studies investigate service recovery tactics. A recently investigated tactic which requires further studies is the co-production of recovery (i.e., consumer participation). This study investigates the effects of co-production of service recovery after situations involving integrity and competence failures.Method: Experimental study with 131 participants, with factorial design 2 (co-production: with; without) x 2 (type of failure: integrity, competence).Originality: Recent studies adopt co-production as a service recovery strategy after a failure. However, it is not known whether the type of failure (integrity or competence) influences the co-production effects of service recovery.Results: Consumers who co-produce service recovery after an integrity failure experience more anger than consumers who do not co-produce. In addition, consumers who co-produce recovery after an integrity failure have less intention to return and are less likely to have a positive word-of-mouth than those who do not co-produce after a competence failure.Theoretical contributions: This study expands knowledge regarding co-production in service recovery by addressing its effects on consumer behavior according to the type of failure, which is something that has not been studied before.Managerial contributions: This study shows that co-production in service recovery works best to recover competence rather than integrity failures. That is, companies should only invite the consumer to co-produce if failure is caused by lack of competence, not integrity.&nbsp

    Amor à marca no marketing esportivo: proposição de um modelo relacional dos vínculos emocionais e afetivos nos programas sócio torcedor

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    Objective: The present study aims to identify how loyalty programs of the Socio Fans type, act as fosters of stronger emotional and affective ties between fans and their teams, from the point of view of the concepts of value, brand love, satisfaction and loyalty. Method/approach: A descriptive quantitative research was carried out from an online questionnaire that addressed the constructs of the research problem. The sample was statistically treated using multivariate techniques, with emphasis on exploratory factorial analysis and the modeling of structural equations. Main Results: The data indicated that the fans who perceive more benefits in the program are more satisfied with their experience and thus tend to participate more actively in various activities associated with the team. Theoretical contributions: Among the various managerial measures adopted recently in teams national, we have the growing professionalism and the tendency to treat the team as a brand, seeking to increase the loyalty of its fans. In this sense, the study contributes by showing that a higher perceived value determines the growth of the intention to acquire or associate with the PST and the satisfaction with the experience positively impacts the positive communication about the program. Relevance/Originality: The study brought contributions to academics and managers about the benefits of offering relationship programs in the context of football. It is also characterized as relevant research for Sports Marketing, presenting significant information for academics of the sports field.Objetivo do estudo: O presente estudo objetiva identificar como os programas de fidelização do tipo sócio torcedor, atuam como fomentadores de vínculos emocionais e afetivos mais fortes entre torcedores e seus times, sob a ótica dos conceitos de valor, amor à marca, satisfação e lealdade.Metodologia/abordagem: Foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa descritiva a partir de um questionário online que abordou os construtos do problema de pesquisa. A amostra foi tratada estatisticamente usando-se técnicas multivariadas, com destaque a analise fatorial exploratória e a modelagem de equações estruturais.Principais resultados: Os dados indicaram que os torcedores que percebem mais benefícios no programa ficam mais satisfeitos com sua experiência e com isso tendem a participar mais ativamente de várias atividades associadas ao time.Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Dentre as várias medidas gerenciais recentes adotadas em times nacionais temos a crescente profissionalização e a tendência de tratar o time como uma marca, buscando incrementar a lealdade de seus torcedores. Nesse sentido o estudo contribui demonstrando que um maior valor percebido determina o crescimento da intenção de adquirir ou se associar ao PST e a satisfação com a experiência impacta positivamente a comunicação positiva sobre o programa.Relevância/originalidade: O estudo trouxe contribuições para acadêmicos e gestores sobre os benefícios de oferecer programas de relacionamento no contexto do futebol. Caracteriza-se também como uma pesquisa relevante para o Marketing Esportivo, apresentando informações significativas para acadêmicos do campo esportivo

    Quando a Potência do Time Necessita da Autoeficácia e da Venda Adaptativa

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     Objetivo: Sugerimos que o efeito da potência do time no desempenho não é somente direto, mas também mediado pelos mecanismos de autoeficácia e venda adaptativa. A Teoria Social Cognitiva explica essa mediação em série, pois o indivíduo que possui crenças nas suas habilidades de vendas (autoeficácia), molda seu comportamento congruente ao do cliente (venda adaptativa). Como consequência, os resultados de vendas são melhores.   Método: Foram coletados dados com funcionários da linha de frente do segmento bancário, que, por meio de análises multivariadas, confirmam as expectativas dos autores, para o desempenho individual e do time.   Originalidade/Relevância: A Teoria da Efetividade do Time tem mostrado que a potência do time aumenta positivamente o desempenho individual, contudo pouco se sabe sobre sua influência no desempenho do grupo. Em complemento, ainda é necessário compreender o poder explicativo do efeito da potência no desempenho.   Resultados: A potência influencia o desempenho tanto individual quanto do time por meio da autoeficácia e da venda adaptativa.   Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Este trabalho apresenta um avanço na literatura ao relacionar construtos do time com elementos individuais para a obtenção de desempenho individual e do time. Em complemento, contribui com a Teoria Social Cognitiva e com a Teoria da Efetividade do Time, ao elevar o poder de explicação da potência do time na determinação do desempenho de vendas.&nbsp

    The Effect of Groups on Trust Violation and Recovery

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    This study fills an important gap in the literature by exploring the effect of groups in client trust violation and consequent recovery. Moreover, the group polarization effect is the mechanism to explain this effect. Two experimental studies were used to test four hypotheses. Each experiment used a different context. Study 1 was based on hotel service, while Study 2 was based on taxi service. We used ANOVA to test the main effects and a mediation analysis to test the role of group polarization. The presence of a group will enhance the erosion of a client’s trust in cases of failure and increase the effectiveness of the trust recovery attempt. Moreover, these relationships are mediated by a group polarization effect. In the case of client groups, service failure have a greater impact on client trust and can be more decisive in creating negative behaviors. To restore trust, it was found that client groups have a higher positive variation of trust than when they are alone, which influences in the efficacy of recovery tactics. Most trust violation and recovery studies have addressed individual subjects. However, in consumption situations, clients are frequently found to be in groups. Thus, this study highlights how the presence of a group can influence trust violation and recovery

    Consumer-Based Brand Equity: Benchmarking the Perceived Performance of Brands

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    Objective: Competitive performance between brands can be gauged by perceptual consumer indicators. The lack of a reference regarding this performance can hinder the establishment of real goals by marketing managers. This study aimed to compare product and service brand performance measured by consumer-based brand equity, thus revealing patterns for benchmarking. Specifically, the research detected the most differentiating metrics, validating a general indicator, showing the performance patterns, and comparing international with national brands.Method: In a cross-sectional study, 1,710 consumers evaluated six metrics of a consumer-based brand equity scale (awareness, associated image, perceived quality, loyalty, willingness to pay a premium price, and exclusivity) revalidated using confirmatory factor analysis. The study used 61 brands of 11 products and services to measure performance with univariate and multivariate analyses of variance.Results: The results for the consumers show that: (1) brands varied more strongly in the awareness and perceived quality metrics, (2) few brands exceed one standard deviation above the category’s average performance, (3) some categories do not have brands that exceed one standard deviation above the category’s average performance, and (4) international brands are generally perceived as having greater value than national brands.Theoretical/methodological contributions: The research gauges brand performance in the absence of accounting and market indicators using a research instrument. Relevance/Originality: The article offers the factorial revalidation of a consumer-based brand equity scale and a benchmark of perceived brand performance using that scale. Implications for management: The research helps in setting goals in marketing and their monitoring.&nbsp

    Applicability of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology In Music Streaming Services For Young Users

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    Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a aplicabilidade do modelo Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), desenvolvido por Venkatesh, Thong e Xu (2012), sobre aceitação e utilização de serviço de streaming musical por estudantes universitários. Método: Assim, este estudo não se propõe a realizar uma replicação de pesquisa, mas sim a utilização de um modelo teórico consagrado. A pesquisa, do tipo survey, contemplou uma amostra final de 419 indivíduos, cujos dados foram analisados por meio da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE), com estimação por Partial Least Square (PLS), para verificar as relações diretas e indiretas do modelo original. Resultados: A variável latente Condições Facilitadoras não se sustentou no modelo na fase de ajustamento, pois o perfil analisado demonstra facilidade e uso intuitivo no acesso a esse tipo de infraestrutura. Ademais, os resultados demonstraram que a maior parte do modelo é válida para o serviço de streaming musical, com exceção da Expectativa de Esforço para Intenção de Uso e Motivação Hedônica para Intenção de Uso. Contribuições teóricas: Verificou-se que o construto Hábito é altamente relevante para o consumo desses serviços, possibilitando que as empresas busquem alternativas para a geração de maior motivação e engajamento com os aplicativos e sites que estimulem o consumidor. Originalidade/Relevância: O uso do modelo UTAUT 2, para analisar o fenômeno da tecnologia streaming, é relevante para a compreensão dos seus efeitos.Purpose: Our main purpose with this study was to analyze the applicability of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) model, developed by Venkatesh, Thong and Xu (2012), on the acceptance and use of music streaming service by college students.   Method: In this study, we do not intend to perform a replication of research, but rather the use of a well-established theoretical model.  For this, we used a survey with a final sample of 419 individuals, whose data were analyzed through the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), with estimation by Partial Least Square (PLS), in order to verify both the direct and indirect relationships of the original model.   Results: The latent variable Facilitating Conditions was not sustained in the adjustment phase, since the analyzed sample demonstrates ease and intuitive use in the access to this type of technology.  In addition, the results demonstrate that most of the model is valid for music streaming services, except the Effort Expectation to Intention to Use and Hedonic Motivation to Intention to Use.   Theoretical contributions: We verified that the Habit construct is highly relevant for the consumption of these services, enabling companies to seek alternatives to generate greater motivation and engagement with applications and websites that stimulate the consumers.   Originality/relevance: The use of the UTAUT2 model on the phenomenon of streaming technology is relevant and allows the understanding of its effects

    The Influence of Market Orientation on Exploration and Exploitation Innovation Strategies ans Organizational Performance

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    Objective: The present study aimed to verify the influence of market orientation (MO) on exploration and exploitation of innovation strategies and also organizational performance.   Method: The survey was conducted with owners and managers of companies in the food industry in Brazil through an online questionnaire and personal data gathering. The final sample consisted of 112 companies in southern and southeastern of Brazil. The data were first analyzed through descriptive statistics using SPSS software. Structural equation modeling by SMART PLS software was applied to test hypotheses.   Relevance: Whereas recent developments in the literature on the themes of market orientation, exploration and exploitation innovation strategies, two theoretical gaps were identified for the proposed study: (1) how much MO contributes to exploration and exploitation innovation strategies, and (2) how much MO contributes to organizational performance when companies use exploration and exploitation innovation strategies.   Results: The results of the study indicate that market-oriented companies can achieve both innovation strategies of exploration and innovation strategies of exploitation. Another finding indicates that market-oriented companies can improve their organizational performance by developing innovation strategies of exploration and innovation strategies of exploitation.   Theoretical contributions: The understanding of how much market knowledge, proceeding from MO, can contribute to product innovation strategies, technologies, and capabilities beyond existing and more incremental innovations. And, how such relationships promote organizational performance can contribute to the understanding of how much market-oriented firms need the resources investments in innovation strategies


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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue validar un modelo de las instalaciones universitarias y la calidad del servicio de la biblioteca como antecedentes del valor percibido y el efecto de éste sobre la satisfacción y la reputación de la universidad; así como el impacto de éstas sobre la lealtad a la institución. Se evalúan los efectos indirectos de las instalaciones y la calidad sobre la reputación y la satisfacción y del valor percibido en la lealtad con la universidad. Se desarrolló una investigación cuantitativa, explicativa y transversal a 701 alumnos de universidades en México; a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. El análisis se realizó a través de ecuaciones estructurales con SmartPLS3.0. Los resultados mostraron un efecto de las instalaciones universitarias y la calidad de la biblioteca hacia el valor percibido de la institución educativa; asimismo, se comprobó un efecto del valor percibido sobre la reputación de la universidad y la satisfacción con ella, mismos que a su vez impactan sobre la lealtad de los estudiantes. Los efectos indirectos fueron positivos y significativos. Los resultados contribuyen al conocimiento en el campo del marketing educativo, destacándose el papel de las instalaciones en el valor percibido de los estudiantes hacia la universidad y la repercusión estratégica de éste en la reputación y la satisfacción con la institución, ampliando la comprensión de los antecedentes de la lealtad a las universidades

    Proposition and Test of an Explanatory Model of Innovation Perception and It´s Consequences

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    Objective: To propose and test a theoretical model to measure the innovation perception and the intention to renew the consumer’s annuity of its members. Method: A survey was carried out with fans of soccer clubs from all over Brazil and a sample of 883 elements was obtained. Data were analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques and structural equations modeling, attempting to validate the proposed model at the level of the scales used and the nomological chain. Originality/Relevance: Model development for an innovation perception by consumer’s measurement, as well as the verification and test. This study provide club managers with information on the variables that impact the perception and behavior of the fans will lead to the clubs better strategic planning in the quest to make the club a profitable organization. Results: Tested model has shown that the benefits provided by the Fan Loyalty Program generate a innovation perception triggering the perception of this products values. Perceived innovation and value positively impact the member's satisfaction, which leads them to renew the program annuity. Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: the innovations incorporated in the sporting sector are new actions that have the need for a models establishment that can support the manager’s decision process. Researchers should establish a continuing effort to comprehend how the perception of innovative products impacts consumers, which is important to assess the innovative products diffusion, not only by their past behavior, but also by future behavior intention, one of the present study objects.Objective: To propose and test a theoretical model to measure the innovation perception and the intention to renew the consumer’s annuity of its members.   Method: A survey was carried out with fans of soccer clubs from all over Brazil and a sample of 883 elements was obtained. Data were analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques and structural equations modeling, attempting to validate the proposed model at the level of the scales used and the nomological chain.   Originality/Relevance: Model development for an innovation perception by consumer’s measurement, as well as the verification and test. This study provide club managers with information on the variables that impact the perception and behavior of the fans will lead to the clubs better strategic planning in the quest to make the club a profitable organization.   Results: Tested model has shown that the benefits provided by the Fan Loyalty Program generate a innovation perception triggering the perception of this products values. Perceived innovation and value positively impact the member's satisfaction, which leads them to renew the program annuity.   Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: the innovations incorporated in the sporting sector are new actions that have the need for a models establishment that can support the manager’s decision process. Researchers should establish a continuing effort to comprehend how the perception of innovative products impacts consumers, which is important to assess the innovative products diffusion, not only by their past behavior, but also by future behavior intention, one of the present study objects


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