21 research outputs found

    Postoperative recovery : development of a multi-dimensional questionnaire for assessment of Recovery

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    This thesis aims to present a multi-dimensional instrument for self-assessment of progress in postoperative recovery. The author employs different research paradigms and methodologies to achieve this aim. Walker and Avant’s approach to concept analysis was used to examine the basic elements of postoperative recovery (Study I). The analysis identified different recovery dimensions and developed a theoretical definition showing postoperative recovery to be an energy-requiring process of returning to normality and wholeness, defined by comparative standards. Fourteen patients and 28 staff members participated in individual and focus group interviews aimed at describing patient and staff experiences of patient recovery (Study II). The essence of the postoperative recovery process was described as a desire to decrease unpleasant physical symptoms, reach a level of emotional wellbeing, regain functions, and re-establish activities. In Study III, 5 dimensions and 19 items were identified as a part of the operationalization process of the concept postoperative recovery. Fifteen staff members and 16 patients participated in the evaluation of content validity. On average, 85% of the participants considered the items as essential to the recovery process. In a test run of the questionnaire, 14 of 15 patients considered the questionnaire to be easy to understand and easy to complete. Twenty-five patients participated in the evaluation of intra-patient reliability. Percentage agreement (PA), systematic disagreement (RP, RC), and individual variability (RV) between the two assessments were calculated. PA measures ranged from 72% to 100%. The observed disagreement could be explained mainly by systematic disagreement. In total, 158 patients participated in the evaluation of construct validity, the ability to discriminate between groups, and the investigation of important item variables (Study IV). A rank-based statistical method for evaluation of paired, ordered categorical data from rating scales was used to evaluate consistency between the assessments of the Postoperative Recovery Profile (PRP) questionnaire and a global recovery scale. The number of months needed by participants to be regarded as fully recovered was studied by means of recovery profiles displayed by the cumulative proportion of recovered participants over time. A ranking list based on the participant’s appraisal of the five most important item variables in the PRP questionnaire was compiled to illustrate the rank ordering of the items. In comparing the assessments from the PRP questionnaire and the global recovery scale, 7.6% of all possible pairs were disordered. Twelve months after discharge 73% in the orthopaedic group were regarded as fully recovered, compared to 51% of the participants in the abdominal group (95% CI: 6% to 40%). The pain variable appeared among the top five most important items on eight measurement occasions, of eight possible, in both study groups. In conclusion, the PRP questionnaire was developed and support was given for validity and reliability. The questionnaire enables one to evaluate progress in postoperative recovery

    Striving for a balance between leading and following the patient and family – nurses’ strategies to facilitate the transition from life-prolonging care to palliative care: an interview study

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    Abstract Background The transition from life-prolonging to palliative care (PC) can be challenging often characterized by psychical, physiological, social and existential changes. Knowledge of how to support the patient and family in this specific care phase is lacking, and this area needs to be further explored. The aim of this study was to investigate strategies that registered nurses (RNs) use to ease the transition from life-prolonging care to PC for patients with incurable disease. Methods The study has a descriptive design. Fourteen RNs working in a specialized PC unit were interviewed. The data were analysed using content analysis. Results The RNs’ strategies can be described under the categories “Getting to know the patient and creating a relationship”, “Providing support”, “Adapting to individuals’ needs” and “Enabling conversations”. Conclusion The findings show that the RNs in this population used strategies that not only took time but also required knowledge about the transition process and required the ability to identify and meet patients’ and families’ unique needs. Patients’ difficult and exposed situation needs to be addressed through a structured follow-up after informing about the change from life-prolonging care to PC. RNs have a unique role of supporting both the patient and the family in the transition from life-prolonging care to PC for patients with incurable disease

    Tensions in learning professional identities - nursing students' narratives and participation in practical skills during their clinical practice : An ethnographic study

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    Background: Clinical practice is a pivotal part of nursing education. It provides students with the opportunity to put the knowledge and skills they have acquired from lectures into practice with real patients, under the guidance of registered nurses. Clinical experience is also essential for shaping the nursing students' identity as future professional nurses. There is a lack of knowledge and understanding of the ways in which students learn practical skills and apply knowledge within and across different contexts, i.e. how they apply clinical skills, learnt in the laboratory in university settings, in the clinical setting. The aim of this study was therefore to explore how nursing students describe, and use, their prior experiences related to practical skills during their clinical practice. Methods: An ethnographic case study design was used. Fieldwork included participant observations (82 h), informal conversations, and interviews (n = 7) that were conducted during nursing students' (n = 17) clinical practice at an emergency department at a university hospital in Sweden. Results: The overarching theme identified was "Learning about professional identities with respect to situated power". This encompasses tensions in students' learning when they are socialized into practical skills in the nursing profession. This overarching theme consists of three sub-themes: "Embodied knowledge", "Divergent ways of assessing and evaluating knowledge" and "Balancing approaches". Conclusions: Nursing students do not automatically possess the ability to transfer knowledge from one setting to another; rather, their development is shaped by their experiences and interactions with others when they meet real patients. The study revealed different ways in which students navigated tensions related to power differentials. Reflecting on actions is a prerequisite for developing and learning practical skills and professional identities. This highlights the importance of both educators' and the preceptors' roles for socializing students in this process

    Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) after total hip- and knee replacement surgery evaluated by the Postoperative Recovery Profile questionnaire (PRP) : improving clinical quality and person-centeredness

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    Rationale and aims: The importance of evaluating postoperative recovery with consideration to the patient’s perspective has been emphasized. The aim of this study was to demonstrate how the recovery-specific Postoperative Recovery Profile (PRP) questionnaire can be used to evaluate patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) after hip- and knee replacement in the enhancement of clinical quality and the person-centeredness of clinical services. Method: Patients undergoing primary total knee- and hip replacement were eligible for this longitudinal follow-up study. The participants completed the PRP questionnaire on repeated occasions. In this paper, data from Day 3 and Month 1 after discharge were used. The change in recovery, between the two measurement occasions, on item-, dimensional- and global levels, both for each patient and for the group, were evaluated. Results: A total number of 75 patients were included. One month after discharge the median PRP score was 13 (partly recovered) out of 19. Recovery changes towards lower levels of problems/difficulties were shown in both item-, dimensional- and global levels of recovery month 1 after discharge, as compared with Day 3. The group of patients was homogenous in change. Conclusions: We demonstrated that the PRP questionnaire can be used to evaluate postoperative recovery after hip- and knee replacement surgery on item-, dimensional- and global levels. Data from each recovery level can be useful for quality development and in informing increases in the person-centeredness of clinical services. The global population scores can be used to evaluate treatment effect on a group of patients. It can also be used to define endpoints in follow-up studies

    Parenthood in transition : Somali-born parents' experiences of and needs for parenting support programmes

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    BACKGROUND: Pre- and post-migration trauma due to forced migration may impact negatively on parents' ability to care for their children. Little qualitative work has examined Somali-born refugees' experiences. The aim of this study is to explore Somali-born refugees' experiences and challenges of being parents in Sweden, and the support they need in their parenting. METHODS: A qualitative descriptive study was undertaken. Data were collected from four focus group discussions (FGDs) among 23 Somali-born mothers and fathers living in a county in central Sweden. Qualitative content analysis has been applied. RESULTS: A main category, Parenthood in Transition, emerged as a description of a process of parenthood in transition. Two generic categories were identified: Challenges, and Improved parenting. Challenges emerged from leaving the home country and being new and feeling alienated in the new country. In Improved parenting, an awareness of opportunities in the new country and ways to improve their parenting was described, which includes how to improve their communication and relationship with their children. The parents described a need for information on how to culturally adapt their parenting and obtain support from the authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Parents experienced a process of parenthood in transition. They were looking to the future and for ways to improve their parenting. Schools and social services can overcome barriers that prevent lack of knowledge about the new country's systems related to parenthood. Leaving the home country often means separation from the family and losing the social network. We suggest that staff in schools and social services offer parent training classes for these parents throughout their children's childhood, with benefits for the child and family

    Qualitative study showed that a culturally tailored parenting programme improved the confidence and skills of Somali immigrants

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    AIM: Parenting programmes tailored to immigrant parents have been reported to improve the mental health of the children and parents, as well as parents' sense of competence in parenting. However, research on parents' experiences of programmes tailored to their needs is scarce. This qualitative study aimed to describe Somali parents' experiences of how a culturally sensitive programme affected their parenting. METHODS: The study was conducted in a middle-sized city in Sweden in 2015. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 50 participants two months after they took part in a parenting support programme. Inductive and deductive qualitative content analyses were used. RESULTS: A light has been shed was a metaphor that emerged from the analysis and that captured the knowledge the parents gained from the parenting system in Sweden. Parents gained confidence in their parenting role and became emotionally aware of their child's social and emotional needs and how to respond to them. Holding the sessions in the participant's native language was important for the parents' participation and acceptance of the programme. CONCLUSION: Parenting programmes should be tailored to the specific needs of the participants and cultural sensitivity should be factored into programmes to attract immigrant parents. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Ladnaan - att mÄ bra : En utvÀrdering av ett riktat stöd till somaliska förÀldrar i BorlÀnge Kommun

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    FolkhĂ€lsomyndigheten har finansierat ett samarbetsprojekt mellan BorlĂ€nge kommun och Högskolan Dalarna för att anpassa och implementera ett förĂ€ldrastödsprogram till somaliska förĂ€ldrar, samt att mĂ€ta effekten av denna intervention avseende förĂ€ldrars och barns psykiska hĂ€lsa. Studien började med en explorativ delstudie med syfte att samla kunskap om vad somaliska förĂ€ldrar upplever som utmanande i sitt förĂ€ldraskap i Sverige, vilket behov av förĂ€ldrastöd de behöver samt hur ett sĂ„dant stöd ska vara utformat. Studien genomfördes med hjĂ€lp av fokusgruppsintervjuer med 23 förĂ€ldrar (15 mammor och 8 pappor) boende i BorlĂ€nge. Resultatet visade att förĂ€ldrarna upplevde en rad utmaningar i sin nya livssituation och i sitt förĂ€ldraskap i nya landet. De beskrev skillnader i synsĂ€tt pĂ„ barnuppfostran och förĂ€ldraskap mellan hemlandet och Sverige och efterstrĂ€vade dĂ€rför att kulturanpassa sitt förĂ€ldraskap. Resultaten frĂ„n denna studie samt en genomgĂ„ng av forskning kring förĂ€ldrastöd lĂ„g till grund för valet av förĂ€ldrastödsprogram samt ett samhĂ€llsorienterande tillĂ€gg till programmet.   MĂ„lgrupp för studien var förĂ€ldrar med barn i Ă„ldrarna 11-16 Ă„r och som upplevde stress i sitt förĂ€ldraskap. FörĂ€ldrarna erbjöds sammanlagt 16 timmars utbildning fördelat pĂ„ 12 trĂ€ffar (10 timmar Connect förĂ€ldrastöd + 6 timmar samhĂ€llsorienterande tillĂ€gg). Effekten av förĂ€ldrastödet undersöktes genom en randomiserad kontrollerad studie dĂ€r totalt 120 förĂ€ldrar ingick. De preliminĂ€ra resultaten visar att deltagande förĂ€ldrars barn har förbĂ€ttrats signifikant i subskalorna ”socialt” och ”skola”. Dessutom minskade barnens oro, somatiska problem, sociala problem och brytande av regler.   FörĂ€ldrarna var nöjda med interventionen. De upplevde att de fĂ„tt en ökad kunskap om hur socialtjĂ€nstens arbete fungerar och fĂ„tt förtroende för deras arbete kring barn och unga. Över hĂ€lften av förĂ€ldrarna upplevde sig mer sĂ€kra i sin förĂ€ldraroll och att deras relation med barnen hade förbĂ€ttrats.   Genom en processutvĂ€rdering av implementeringen av förĂ€ldrastödet har framgĂ„ngsfaktorer för genomförandet avförĂ€ldrastödsprogrammet studerats. Resultatet visade att de olika strategier som vidtagits vid rekrytering av förĂ€ldrar och implementering av interventionen har varit lyckade. Exempel pĂ„ sĂ„dana strategier har varit att projektmedarbetarna som rekryterat till förĂ€ldrastödet har varit av Somaliskt ursprung, kursen har getts pĂ„ somaliska men framförallt att förĂ€ldrastödet utgick ifrĂ„n förĂ€ldrarnas upplevda behov.Ladnaan - att mĂ„ br

    Development of a questionnaire to measure patient-reported postoperative recovery : content validity and intra-patient reliability

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    Aims and objectives. In this study we describe the development of a short, easy-to-use questionnaire to measure postoperative recovery and evaluate its content validity and intra-patient reliability.   The questionnaire is designed to evaluate the progress of postoperative recovery and the long-term follow-up of possible effects of interventions during recovery. Method. The study involved four steps. 1) A conceptualisation and item definitions were based on a theoretical framework and a description of patients' postoperative recovery from the perspective of patients, registered nurses and surgeons. 2) Content validity of items was tested through expert judgements. 3) A test run of the questionnaire was performed to confirm its feasibility and workload requirement. 4) The stability of the questionnaire was evaluated through intra-patient reliability assessment. Results. As a result of the operationalisation process of the concept postoperative recovery, five dimensions (physical symptoms, physical functions, psychological, social, activity) and 19 items were identified. Each item was formulated as a statement in the questionnaire. Content validity was judged to be high. After the pre-test of the questionnaire a revision with refinements in the layout was made. The vast majority of items showed a high level of intra-patient reliability. Conclusion. Based on a theoretical framework and empirical data, we developed a short and easy-to-use tentative questionnaire to measure patient-reported postoperative recovery. Initial support for content validity was established. The vast majority of items showed a high level of test-retest reliability.Part of thesis: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-7731</p