601 research outputs found

    Analysis of Lacustrine Deltaic Sedimentation in the Green River Formation, Southern Uinta Basin, Utah. (Volumes I and II).

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    Detailed lithofacies analysis of over 4,500 m of measured sections of most of the Eocene portion of the fluvial and lacustrine Green River Formation in the south-central Uinta Basin documents twelve lithofacies: Sa (nonsinuous trunk streams), Sb (meandering delta distributary channels), Sc (amalgamated delta mouth bars), Sd (regressive deltaic sandsheets), Se (overbank and shallow-lacustrine sandsheets), Sf (crevasse channels and splays), C (passively-filled abandoned channels), Mg (subaqueous mudflats), Mr (subaerial mudflats), L (lake-margin carbonate flats), and Ia and Ib (open-lacustrine deposits). The lower half of the study section consists of the carbonate marker unit (130 m) and the overlying Sunnyside delta interval (375 m), which record marginal-lacustrine sedimentation along the southern shore of Lake Uinta within and adjacent to a large, fluvially-dominated lacustrine delta informally named the Sunnyside delta. Meandering delta distributary channels on the delta plain cannibalized most delta mouth bars. Shallow water depths in the southern half of the Lake Uinta attenuated waves and wave-generated currents, thereby preventing the development of shoreface ravinement, beaches, barriers, or significant siliciclastic bars. Evaporative pumping on subaerially-exposed mudflats produced brines which altered detrital clay minerals to analcime. The combination of moderately high local subsidence and variations in lake volume produced low amplitude (less than 12 m) fluctuations in relative lake level which, due to the gentle gradient of the delta plain, produced shifts in shoreline position on the order of 40-50 km. During periods of rapid relative lake level rise most siliciclastic sediment was trapped upstream, resulting in the development of extensive, but thin, transgressive shallow-lacustrine carbonates. The regressive portion of each depositional cycle consists of upper and lower delta plain, shallow-nearshore lacustrine, and relatively rare delta front deposits. The upper half of the study section consists of the transitional interval (200 m), which records a major, but gradual, expansion and deepening of the lake and the overlying upper member (300 m), which consists of dark mudstone and dolostone and relatively rare hummocky cross-stratified storm deposits produced by combined flows and nearshore-lacustrine sandbodies that accumulated in a generally quiet, but not necessarily very deep, relatively siliciclastic-poor, open-lacustrine setting

    Locally Adaptive Nonparametric Binary Regression

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    A nonparametric and locally adaptive Bayesian estimator is proposed for estimating a binary regression. Flexibility is obtained by modeling the binary regression as a mixture of probit regressions with the argument of each probit regression having a thin plate spline prior with its own smoothing parameter and with the mixture weights depending on the covariates. The estimator is compared to a single spline estimator and to a recently proposed locally adaptive estimator. The methodology is illustrated by applying it to both simulated and real examples.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    Boolean networks synchronism sensitivity and XOR circulant networks convergence time

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    In this paper are presented first results of a theoretical study on the role of non-monotone interactions in Boolean automata networks. We propose to analyse the contribution of non-monotony to the diversity and complexity in their dynamical behaviours according to two axes. The first one consists in supporting the idea that non-monotony has a peculiar influence on the sensitivity to synchronism of such networks. It leads us to the second axis that presents preliminary results and builds an understanding of the dynamical behaviours, in particular concerning convergence times, of specific non-monotone Boolean automata networks called XOR circulant networks.Comment: In Proceedings AUTOMATA&JAC 2012, arXiv:1208.249

    Uji Antibakteri Jamur Endofit Dari Tumbuhan Mangrove Sonneratia Alba Yang Tumbuh Di Perairan Pantai Tanawangko

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    Jamur endofit merupakan jamur yang hidup di dalam jaringan tumbuhan tanpa memperlihatkan timbulnya penyakit pada tumbuhan tersebut. Pengujian antibakteri menggunakan metode Kirby-Bauer yang dimodifikasi. Jamur yang memperlihatkan aktivitas antibiotik yang kuat dikultivasi statis dalam media nasi selama 10 hari Induksi bakteri S. aureus dilakukan pada isolat yang menunjukkan aktivitas tertinggi. Tujuan pemberian bakteri pada kultur yaitu memicu jamur untuk menghasilkan senyawa tertentu melalui jalur biosintesis senyap (Silence Biosynthetic Pathway) pada jamur tersebut. Proses inkubasi dihentikan dengan cara maserasi dengan menambahkan etanol 96 % ke dalam kultur selama 24 jam. selanjutnya dipartisi dengan pelarut etil asetat, n-heksan, etanol dan air untuk memperoleh fraksi n-heksan, etanol dan air. Tiap fraksi ini diuji kembali aktivitas antibiotiknya dengan menggunakan metode tersebut di atas. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh sembilan isolat jamur dari mangrove S. alba. Lima isolat menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri S.aureus dan E. coli Tiga isolat akar (PTWSAA1.1, 1.2 dan 1.3) menunjukkan aktivitas yang kuat terhadap kedua bakteri uji. Ketiga isolat jamur dikultivasi statis dalam media nasi dilanjutkan dengan ekstraksi dan partisi. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri tiap fraksi ketiga isolat jamur memperlihatkan hanya fraksi etanol yang menunjukkan aktivitas penghambatan, Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa senyawa aktif antibakteri dari ketiga jamur endofit merupakan senyawa yang bersifat semipolar

    Impact study design

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    Precise design of impact studies carried out in interaction with WP2 and WP

    Variable Selection and Model Averaging in Semiparametric Overdispersed Generalized Linear Models

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    We express the mean and variance terms in a double exponential regression model as additive functions of the predictors and use Bayesian variable selection to determine which predictors enter the model, and whether they enter linearly or flexibly. When the variance term is null we obtain a generalized additive model, which becomes a generalized linear model if the predictors enter the mean linearly. The model is estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation and the methodology is illustrated using real and simulated data sets.Comment: 8 graphs 35 page

    Substansi anti bakteri dari jamur endofit pada mangrove Avicennia marina

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    Mangrove merupakan suatu  tumbuhan yang kaya akan senyawa bioaktif. Senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat dalam bagian-bagian mangrove tidak selalu berasal dari tanaman mangrove itu sendiri, melainkan  dari organisme lain yang mensintesis senyawa bioaktif di dalam bagian mangrove.  Dengan demikian ada kemungkinan terdapat jamur atau bakteri endofit yang hidup atau tinggal di tumbuhan mangrove dan berperan sebagai penghasil bioaktif yang sebenarnya.  Telah diisolasi enam isolat jamur endofit asal mangrove Avicennia marina yang tumbuh di Peariran Pantai tasik Ria, kabupaten Minahasa. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kirby-Bauer yang dimodifikasi. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini terdapat isolat jamur endofit dari mangrove Avicennia marina.  Hanya 2 isolat jamur endofit yaitu A.M.D. 1.1.1. dan 1.1.2. yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri B. megaterium dan E. coli.  Analisis mikroskopik dari kedua isolat berdasarkan bentuk miselium mengindikasikan kedua isolat  ini yaitu Aspergillus cf. flavus dan Talaromyces sp. Ekstrak kedua isolat jamur kemudian fraksinasi dan  diperoleh 3 fraksi yaitu fraksi air, etanol dan n-heksan.  Dari ketiga fraksi semuanya memiliki aktivitas antibakteri.  Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa senyawa dari isolat jamur endofit bersifat polar,semi polar dan non polar.  Hasil spektrofotometri menunjukkan bahwa senyawa antibakteri dari isolat jamur strain Aspergillus cf. flavus dan Talaromyces spmerupakan senyawa yang berbeda. Fraksi aktif dari strain Aspergillus cf. flavus dan Talaromyces spterdapat pada fraksi n-heksan, etanol dan air. Ketiga fraksi ini memiliki perbedaan pola serapan U