47 research outputs found

    Reproductive outcomes after hysteroscopic metroplasty for women with dysmorphic uterus and recurrent implantation failure

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    The aim of this study was to assess the reproductive outcomes of women with recurrent implantation failure (RIF) after hysteroscopic metroplasty for dysmorphic uteri. Methods: This retrospective observational study included 190 women with a diagnosis of RIF. These patients were eligible for hysteroscopic metroplasty for dysmorphic uteri, including T-shaped uteri, between January 2008 and September 2015 at the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad (IVI) in Valencia, Spain. Results: The total clinical pregnancy rate, the live birth rate, and the abortion rate were 80.0% (152/190), 77.9% (147/190) and 8.9%, respectively. At 12 months, the clinical pregnancy rate was 76.3% (145/190) and at 6 months 50.5% (96/190). After the metroplasty, approximately 76% of all gravidities, were achieved during the first 12 months of follow-up. Within the first IVF cycle, pregnancy and live birth rates were 77.8% and 86.1%, respectively. The mean time to pregnancy was 6.5 months. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that hysteroscopic metroplasty improves pregnancy and live birth rates for women with a history of recurrent implantation failure and dysmorphic uterus. However, conclusions must be taken carefully as this is an observational study. A prospective, randomized and controlled study is necessary to support these results

    Novel and conventional embryo parameters as input data for artificial neural networks: an artificial intelligence model applied for prediction of the implantation potential

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    [ES] Objetivo: Describir nuevas características de embriones capaces de predecir el potencial de implantación como datos de entrada para un modelo de red neuronal artificial (ANN). Diseño: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Entorno: Centro de FIV privado afiliado a la universidad. Paciente (s): Este estudio incluyó a 637 pacientes del programa de donación de ovocitos que se sometieron a transferencia de un solo blastocisto durante dos años consecutivos. Intervención (es): Ninguna. Principales medidas de resultado: La investigación se dividió en dos fases. La fase 1 consistió en la descripción y análisis de las siguientes características embrionarias en embriones implantados y no implantados: distancia y velocidad de migración pronuclear, diámetro del blastocisto expandido, área de masa celular interna y duración del ciclo celular del trofoectodermo. La fase 2 consistió en el desarrollo de un algoritmo ANN para la predicción de la implantación. Se obtuvieron resultados para cuatro modelos alimentados con diferentes datos de entrada. El poder predictivo se midió con el uso del área bajo la curva característica operativa del receptor (AUC). Resultado (s): De los cinco nuevos parámetros descritos, el diámetro expandido del blastocisto y la duración del ciclo celular del trofoectodermo tenían valores estadísticamente diferentes en los embriones implantados y no implantados. Después de que los modelos ANN fueron entrenados y validados mediante validación cruzada cinco veces, estos fueron capaces de predecir la implantación en los datos de prueba con AUC de 0,64 para ANN1 (morfocinética convencional), 0,73 para ANN2 (morfodinámica novedosa), 0,77 para ANN3 (morfocinética convencional þ morfodinámica novedosa) y 0,68 para ANN4 (variables discriminatorias de prueba estadística). Conclusión (es): Las nuevas características embrionarias propuestas afectan al potencial de implantación y su combinación con parámetros morfocinéticos convencionales es eficaz como datos de entrada para un modelo predictivo basado en inteligencia artificial.[EN] Objective: To describe novel embryo features capable of predicting implantation potential as input data for an artificial neural network (ANN) model. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: University-affiliated private IVF center. Patient(s): This study included 637 patients from the oocyte donation program who underwent single-blastocyst transfer during two consecutive years. Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): The research was divided into two phases. Phase 1 consisted of the description and analysis of the following embryo features in implanted and nonimplanted embryos: distance and speed of pronuclear migration, blastocyst expanded diameter, inner cell mass area, and trophectoderm cell cycle length. Phase 2 consisted of the development of an ANN algorithm for implantation prediction. Results were obtained for four models fed with different input data. The predictive power was measured with the use of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Result(s): Out of the five novel described parameters, blastocyst expanded diameter and trophectoderm cell cycle length had statistically different values in implanted and nonimplanted embryos. After the ANN models were trained and validated using fivefold cross validation, they were capable of predicting implantation on testing data with AUCs of 0.64 for ANN1 (conventional morphokinetics), 0.73 for ANN2 (novel morphodynamics), 0.77 for ANN3 (conventional morphokinetics thorn novel morphodynamics), and 0.68 for ANN4 (discriminatory variables from statistical test). Conclusion(s): The novel proposed embryo features affect the implantation potential, and their combination with conventional morphokinetic parameters is effective as input data for a predictive model based on artificial intelligence. ((c) 2020 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)Supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities CDTI (IDI-20191102), an Industrial Ph.D. grant (DIN2018-009911), and Agencia Valenciana de Innovacio (INNCAD00-18-009) to E.P. and M.M.Bori, L.; Paya-Bosch, E.; Alegre, L.; Viloria, T.; Remohí, J.; Naranjo Ornedo, V.; Meseguer, M. (2020). Novel and conventional embryo parameters as input data for artificial neural networks: an artificial intelligence model applied for prediction of the implantation potential. Fertility and Sterility. 114(6):1232-1241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.08.023S123212411146De Geyter, C., Calhaz-Jorge, C., Kupka, M. S., Wyns, C., Mocanu, E., Motrenko, T., … Goossens, V. (2018). 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Biology of Reproduction, 101(6), 1146-1154. doi:10.1093/biolre/ioz035Zaninovic, N., Irani, M., & Meseguer, M. (2017). Assessment of embryo morphology and developmental dynamics by time-lapse microscopy: is there a relation to implantation and ploidy? Fertility and Sterility, 108(5), 722-729. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2017.10.002Athayde Wirka, K., Chen, A. A., Conaghan, J., Ivani, K., Gvakharia, M., Behr, B., … Shen, S. (2014). Atypical embryo phenotypes identified by time-lapse microscopy: high prevalence and association with embryo development. Fertility and Sterility, 101(6), 1637-1648.e5. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2014.02.050Zhan, Q., Ye, Z., Clarke, R., Rosenwaks, Z., & Zaninovic, N. (2016). Direct Unequal Cleavages: Embryo Developmental Competence, Genetic Constitution and Clinical Outcome. PLOS ONE, 11(12), e0166398. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166398Goodman, L. R., Goldberg, J., Falcone, T., Austin, C., & Desai, N. (2016). Does the addition of time-lapse morphokinetics in the selection of embryos for transfer improve pregnancy rates? A randomized controlled trial. Fertility and Sterility, 105(2), 275-285.e10. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.10.013Desai, N., Ploskonka, S., Goodman, L., Attaran, M., Goldberg, J. M., Austin, C., & Falcone, T. (2016). Delayed blastulation, multinucleation, and expansion grade are independently associated with live-birth rates in frozen blastocyst transfer cycles. Fertility and Sterility, 106(6), 1370-1378. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.07.1095Aguilar, J., Rubio, I., Muñoz, E., Pellicer, A., & Meseguer, M. (2016). Study of nucleation status in the second cell cycle of human embryo and its impact on implantation rate. Fertility and Sterility, 106(2), 291-299.e2. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.03.036Rubio, I., Kuhlmann, R., Agerholm, I., Kirk, J., Herrero, J., Escribá, M.-J., … Meseguer, M. (2012). Limited implantation success of direct-cleaved human zygotes: a time-lapse study. Fertility and Sterility, 98(6), 1458-1463. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.07.1135Desai, N., Ploskonka, S., Goodman, L. R., Austin, C., Goldberg, J., & Falcone, T. (2014). Analysis of embryo morphokinetics, multinucleation and cleavage anomalies using continuous time-lapse monitoring in blastocyst transfer cycles. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 12(1), 54. doi:10.1186/1477-7827-12-54Ebner, T., Höggerl, A., Oppelt, P., Radler, E., Enzelsberger, S.-H., Mayer, R. B., … Shebl, O. (2017). Time-lapse imaging provides further evidence that planar arrangement of blastomeres is highly abnormal. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 296(6), 1199-1205. doi:10.1007/s00404-017-4531-5Azzarello, A., Hoest, T., Hay-Schmidt, A., & Mikkelsen, A. L. (2017). Live birth potential of good morphology and vitrified blastocysts presenting abnormal cell divisions. 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Morphokinetic parameters as a source of information concerning embryo developmental and implantation potential. Ginekologia Polska, 87(10), 677-684. doi:10.5603/gp.2016.0067Motato, Y., de los Santos, M. J., Escriba, M. J., Ruiz, B. A., Remohí, J., & Meseguer, M. (2016). Morphokinetic analysis and embryonic prediction for blastocyst formation through an integrated time-lapse system. Fertility and Sterility, 105(2), 376-384.e9. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.11.001Petersen, B. M., Boel, M., Montag, M., & Gardner, D. K. (2016). Development of a generally applicable morphokinetic algorithm capable of predicting the implantation potential of embryos transferred on Day 3. Human Reproduction, 31(10), 2231-2244. doi:10.1093/humrep/dew188Meseguer, M., Herrero, J., Tejera, A., Hilligsoe, K. M., Ramsing, N. B., & Remohi, J. (2011). The use of morphokinetics as a predictor of embryo implantation. Human Reproduction, 26(10), 2658-2671. doi:10.1093/humrep/der256Liu, Y., Chapple, V., Feenan, K., Roberts, P., & Matson, P. (2016). Time-lapse deselection model for human day 3 in vitro fertilization embryos: the combination of qualitative and quantitative measures of embryo growth. Fertility and Sterility, 105(3), 656-662.e1. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.11.003VerMilyea, M. D., Tan, L., Anthony, J. T., Conaghan, J., Ivani, K., Gvakharia, M., … Shen, S. (2014). Computer-automated time-lapse analysis results correlate with embryo implantation and clinical pregnancy: A blinded, multi-centre study. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 29(6), 729-736. doi:10.1016/j.rbmo.2014.09.005Basile, N., Vime, P., Florensa, M., Aparicio Ruiz, B., García Velasco, J. A., Remohí, J., & Meseguer, M. (2014). The use of morphokinetics as a predictor of  implantation: a multicentric study to define and validate an algorithm for embryo selection. Human Reproduction, 30(2), 276-283. doi:10.1093/humrep/deu331Aparicio-Ruiz, B., Romany, L., & Meseguer, M. (2018). Selection of preimplantation embryos using time-lapse microscopy in in vitro fertilization: State of the technology and future directions. Birth Defects Research, 110(8), 648-653. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1226Barrie, A., Homburg, R., McDowell, G., Brown, J., Kingsland, C., & Troup, S. (2017). Preliminary investigation of the prevalence and implantation potential of abnormal embryonic phenotypes assessed using time-lapse imaging. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 34(5), 455-462. doi:10.1016/j.rbmo.2017.02.011Campbell, A., Fishel, S., Bowman, N., Duffy, S., Sedler, M., & Hickman, C. F. L. (2013). Modelling a risk classification of aneuploidy in human embryos using non-invasive morphokinetics. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 26(5), 477-485. doi:10.1016/j.rbmo.2013.02.006Desai, N., Goldberg, J. M., Austin, C., & Falcone, T. (2018). Are cleavage anomalies, multinucleation, or specific cell cycle kinetics observed with time-lapse imaging predictive of embryo developmental capacity or ploidy? Fertility and Sterility, 109(4), 665-674. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2017.12.025Amir, H., Barbash-Hazan, S., Kalma, Y., Frumkin, T., Malcov, M., Samara, N., … Ben-Yosef, D. (2018). Time-lapse imaging reveals delayed development of embryos carrying unbalanced chromosomal translocations. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 36(2), 315-324. doi:10.1007/s10815-018-1361-8Del Carmen Nogales, M., Bronet, F., Basile, N., Martínez, E. M., Liñán, A., Rodrigo, L., & Meseguer, M. (2017). Type of chromosome abnormality affects embryo morphology dynamics. Fertility and Sterility, 107(1), 229-235.e2. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.09.019Dyer, S., Chambers, G. M., de Mouzon, J., Nygren, K. G., Zegers-Hochschild, F., Mansour, R., … Adamson, G. D. (2016). 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Examining the efficacy of six published time-lapse imaging embryo selection algorithms to predict implantation to demonstrate the need for the development of specific, in-house morphokinetic selection algorithms. Fertility and Sterility, 107(3), 613-621. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.11.014Coticchio, G., Mignini Renzini, M., Novara, P. V., Lain, M., De Ponti, E., Turchi, D., … Dal Canto, M. (2017). Focused time-lapse analysis reveals novel aspects of human fertilization and suggests new parameters of embryo viability. Human Reproduction, 33(1), 23-31. doi:10.1093/humrep/dex344Aguilar, J., Motato, Y., Escribá, M. J., Ojeda, M., Muñoz, E., & Meseguer, M. (2014). The human first cell cycle: impact on implantation. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 28(4), 475-484. doi:10.1016/j.rbmo.2013.11.014Barberet, J., Bruno, C., Valot, E., Antunes-Nunes, C., Jonval, L., Chammas, J., … Fauque, P. (2019). 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    Characterization of the Alpha-Beta and Martensitic Transformations en the Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Alloy

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    A Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–6Mo (wt.%) alloy has been subjected to different thermal treatments of solution and aging leading to different amounts and distribution of untransformed _-phase, _-phase and martensite. In order to study the _-phase transformation, and thus to evaluate its kinetic behaviour, its characteristics and its influence in subsequent transformations, dilatometric analysis tests, metallographic studies, hardness, and conductivity measurements have been performed

    Evaluation of a possible association between estradiol and progesterone levels and ectopic pregnancy in low risk women undergoing IVF/ICSI

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    Introduction: Several independent risk factors of Ectopic Pregnancy (EP) have been described to date. Nevertheless, estradiol and progesterone have not been related to ectopic pregnancy, although there is biological rationale to think about them as possible candidates. Our aim was to correlate the incidence of EP with levels of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4), measured on two days (hCG day, and seven days later (hCG+7)), including the differences and ratios of these concentrations, between the two time-points. Material and methods: Retrospective cohort study of 578 patients undergoing fresh embryo transfer after IVF (100 cycles), ICSI (508 cycles) and IVF/ICSI (64 cycles) without risk of EP, between January 2005 and December 2015. We evaluated EP incidence (10 ectopic pregnancies) in fresh embryo transfers according to estradiol and progesterone levels on hCG day (hCGd) and seven days later (hCG+7) and their variation between both. The proportions were compared using the chi-square test or Fisher's exact test and the means were compared using T-test or ANOVA. To determine the accuracy of each studied variable receiver-operating curves were built. Results: We identified a trend towards an increased risk of EP as progesterone levels rose on hCGd (p=0.020) and an association of progesterone values >1.89ng/ml on hCGd with EP (OR 6.8). An increased risk of EP when the difference of estradiol between hCGd and hCG+7 was either 745pg/mL (p=0.001) was also found. ROC analysis only resulted significant for a moderate/good predictive ability for progesterone values on hCGd (AUC: 0.694). Discussion: We conclude that these measurements are sufficient to identify patients at a high risk of EP. These hormone levels on specific days, leading us to define proper strategies to prevent EP risks in IVF. Further studies should design to prove this hypothesis

    Concentration of glutathione and expression of glutathione peroxidases 1 and 4 in fresh sperm provide a forecast of the outcome of cryopreservation of human spermatozoa

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    Oxidative stress imbalance potentially leads to damage of the structure of the cell and macromolecules such as plasma membrane components, proteins, and DNA. The plasma membrane of the sperm cell, which has high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, renders it particularly sensitive to free radical–mediated attacks. The freezing and subsequent thawing of sperm is a physically stressful process carried out during routine procedures in assisted reproduction techniques, which results in a highly variable and unpredictable reduction in the number of motile sperm cells. Subsequently, oxidative status can positively or negatively affect the motility, viability, and fertilizing capacity of thawed sperm. These effects are counteracted by various oxidative defense enzymes and anti-oxidants such as glutathione peroxidase isoforms GPx1 and GPx4, glutathione reductase (GR), and cellular glutathione (reduced) (GSH). In this way, oxidative status could represent a predictive marker of sperm quality following the freeze-thaw process. This study was based on 56 human sperm samples. We observed direct positive and negative relationships between the postthaw motile sperm recovery rate and GPx1 and GPx4 expression and activity, on the one hand, and GSH concentrations, on the other. No correlation was found between this recovery rate and GR or basic semen parameters. Predictive values clearly demonstrate that, among the molecules analyzed, the most accurate diagnoses result when analyses are conducted for GPx1 and GPx1 messenger RNA expression, GPx1 and GPx4 enzymatic activity, and GSH concentration. In conclusion, a reserve of glutathione, together with GPx expression, is necessary to eliminate free radicals using GSH or a like structural protein and seems to be essential for a good postthaw recovery. These molecules can be employed as indicators of postthaw sperm quality.Meseguer Anastasio, Manuel Francisco, [email protected] ; Simon Valles, Carlos Antonio, [email protected] ; Remohi Gimenez, Jose Alejandro, [email protected]

    Number needed to freeze: cumulative live birth rate after fertility preservation in women with endometriosis

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    Research question: How does the number of oocytes used affect the cumulative live birth rate in endometriosis patients who had their oocytes vitrified for fertility preservation (FP)? Design: Retrospective observational study including data from 485 women with endometriosis who underwent FP from January 2007 to July 2018. Survival curves and Kaplan-Meier plots were used to analyse the cumulative live birth rate (CLBR) according to the number of vitrified oocytes used. Data were stratified according to age, stage of the disease and ovarian surgery prior to FP (operated vs. non-operated). Endometriosis curves were compared to plots developed using elective fertility preservation (EFP) patients as control group. Log-rank, Breslow and Tarone-Ware tests were used to compare the survival curves. Results: The CLBR increased as the number of oocytes used per patient rose, reaching 89.5% (95% CI=80.0-99.1) using 22 oocytes. Higher outcomes were observed in young women (≤35 y. vs. >35 y). In the younger group, the CLBR was 95.4% (95% CI=87.2-103.6) using ~20 oocytes vs. 79.6% (95% CI=58.1-101.1) in older women (P<0.05). No statistical differences were observed in overall calculations and according to age when the CLBR was compared between operated and non-operated women (NS). Comparable outcomes were also observed in stages I-II vs. III-IV (NS). The mean age was higher in EFP patients (37.2 ± 4.9 vs. 35.7 ± 3.7; P<0.05). The outcome was better in the endometriosis group as compared to EFP (P<0.05): a CLBR of 89.5% (80.0-99.1) vs. 59.9% (51.4-68.6) when 22 oocytes were used (P<0.05). However, the difference was milder when fewer oocytes were used in both groups. When comparisons were made between age-matching groups, no statistical differences were observed (NS). Conclusion: The probability of live birth increases as the number of oocytes used rises in patients with endometriosis, but better outcomes were observed among young women. Neither the stage of the disease nor prior surgical excision of ovarian endometrioma were related to success. No statistical differences in age matching groups were observed when comparing to EFP patients. The information provided herein may be of interest to both patients and treating physicians for counselling purposes

    The influence of oxygen concentration during embryo culture on obstetric and neonatal outcomes: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial.

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    STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: A secondary analysis of a previous randomized controlled trial assessing clinical pregnancy outcomes was carried out. This analysis included 1125 consecutive oocyte donation cycles utilizing ICSI or IVF and Day 3 embryo transfers between November 2009 and April 2012. The whole cohort of donated oocytes from patients who agreed to participate in the study were randomly allocated (1:1 ratio) to a reduced O2 tension group (6% O2) or an air-exposed group (20% O2) based on a computergenerated randomization list. Fresh and vitrified oocytes were used for oocyte donation. Only those pregnancies with a live birth at or beyond 24 weeks of gestation were included. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: Day 3 embryos were cultured in an atmosphere of 5.5% CO2, 6% O2, 88.5% N2 versus a dual gas system in air. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: From the eligible 1125 cycles, 564 were allocated to the 6% O2 group and 561 cycles to the 20% O2 group. However, 50 and 62 cycles did not reach embryo transfer in the 6% and 20% O2 groups, respectively. No differences were found between 6% O2 and atmospheric O2 tension in the number of livebirths per embryo transfer (mean § SD, 0.5 § 0.7 versus 0.5 § 0.7), pregnancy complications or neonatal outcomes. Both groups (6% and atmospheric O2) had similar single and twin delivery rates (40.8% versus 38.1% and 10.7% versus 12.3%, respectively). Preterm delivery rates and very preterm delivery rates (10.80% versus 13.24% and 1.25% versus 2.94%, respectively), birthweight (3229 § 561 g versus 3154 § 731 g), low birthweight (2.92% versus 2.45%), birth height (50.18 § 2.41 cm versus 49.7 § 3.59 cm), head circumference (34.16 § 1.87 cm versus 33.09 § 1.85 cm) and 1 min Apgar scores (8.96 § 0.87 versus 8.89 § 0.96) were also similar between 6% and atmospheric O2 groups, respectively. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: The number of liveborns finally analyzed is still small and not all obstetric and neonatal variables could be evaluated. Furthermore, a small proportion of the obstetric and neonatal data was obtained through a questionnaire VC The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: [email protected] Human Reproduction, Vol.0, No.0, pp. 1-14, 2020 doi:10.1093/humrep/deaa152 One reason for the lack of effect of oxygen concentration on pregnancy outcome could be the absence of trophectoderm cells at cleavage stage, which may make Day 3 embryos less susceptible to hypoxic conditions. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: Nowadays many IVF laboratories use a more physiological oxygen concentration for embryo culture. However, the benefits of using low oxygen concentration on both laboratory and clinical outcomes during embryo culture are still under debate. Furthermore, long-term studies investigating the effect of using atmospheric O2 are also needed. Gathering these type of clinical data is indeed, quite relevant from the safety perspective. The present data show that, at least in egg donation cycles undergoing Day 3 embryo transfers, culturing embryos under atmospheric oxygen concentration seems not to affect perinatal outcome

    Utilización de antimicrobianos en los hospitales públicos de Andalucía: 1995-1996

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    Objetivo. Describir el consumo de antiinfecciosos en los hospitales públicos de Andalucía durante los años 1995 y 1996. Establecer las diferencias cuali y cuantitativas en el consumo, cuando se expresa en DDD o DDPs. Método. Se estudió el consumo de antimicrobianos mediante el cálculo de las DDDs y DDPs/100 estancias-día, siguiendo básicamente la clasificación ATC. Se analizó la utilización para el conjunto de los hospitales y por tipo de hospital (regional, de especialidades y comarcal), valorándose los grupos terapéuticos y antimicrobianos más utilizados mediante una clasificación descendente en consumo. Resultados. En ambos años participaron 27 de 31 hospitales (87,1%). El consumo total en DDD/100 Est.-día fue de 73,67 y 75,17 y en DDPs/100 Est.-día fue de 64,61 y 65,39. El 80% de la utilización se concentra en penicilinas, cefalosporinas, quinolonas y aminoglucósidos. Destaca un 24% de aumento interanual en las quinolonas. Amoxicilinaclavulánico es el antibiótico con una mayor utilización en los dos años: 9,84 y 11,93 DDDs/100 Est.-día. La diferencia en el consumo global resultó ser un 12,6% más baja si se expresa en DDP.Objetive. To describe the consumption of anti-infectious agents in public hospitals of Andalucia, Spain, in 1995 and 1996. To establish qualitative and quantitative differences in consumption expressed as DDD and PDD. Method. Antimicrobial consumption was calculated by DDD and PDD/100 hospital days following the ATC classification. An analysis was made of drug use by the overall group of hospitals and by the type of hospital (regional, specialty, and local). Therapeutic groups and the most frequently used antimicrobial agents were analyzed by a descending classification of consumption. Results. In the two years of the study, 27 of 31 (87.1%) hospitals participated. Overall consumption by DDD/100 hospital days was 73.67 and 75.17 and by PDD/100 hospital days, 64.61 and 65.39. Eighty percent of the drugs used were penicillins, cephalosporins, quinolones and aminoglycosides. An interannual increase of 24% in quinolone use was noteworthy. Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid was the antibiotic most often used in both years: 9.84 and 11.93 DDD/100 hospital days. The difference in overall consumption was 12.0%, with a lower PDD