206 research outputs found

    Issues on the residents’ perceptions of the impacts of tourism development: the case-study of Guimarães

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    In recent years peripheral regions, such as Guimarães, in the Northwest of Portugal, has been experiencing the expansion of its tourism industry. This occurred, may be, as part of the wish felt by a large number of tourists of reaching “unspoilt†landscapes and more “authentical†experiences (Nepal, 2008). After the nomination by U.N.E.S.C.O., in 2001, of its historical centre as world heritage, the city of Guimarães is now in the process of hosting the 2012 European Capital of Culture. These recent facts helped to reinforce its external visibility and cultural significance and put it in the trail to become a more consolidated cultural tourism destination. This paper aims presenting a few results of a survey that envisaged capturing the Guimarães residents’ perceptions of tourism effects and attitudes regarding the tourists. The survey was implemented between January and March 2010 to a convenience sample of 540 inhabitants of the municipality of Guimarães. The results show that the Guimarães` residents keep a strong positive perception of the tourism benefits. The more or less favourable perception of tourism impacts the survey respondents kept are strongly correlated with some demographic features, such as age, gender and level of education. As expected, we got a more positive perception among the younger cohorts of age and the ones endowed with a higher level of education.

    Residents’ perceptions of tourism activity in a rural North-Eastern Portuguese community: a cluster analysis

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    The recognition of the role of tourism planners in seeking to contribute to local residents’ well-being by mitigating the potential costs of tourism development has been given more attention in the last decades. Several studies on the perception of positive or negative impacts, based on sustainability (namely the three pillars: economic, sociocultural and environmental) have been developed. However, the studies have been somewhat limited in terms of approaches, namely with respect to the contribution and participation of stakeholders. In this study, we attempted to use a bidirectional analysis of involvement and tourism knowledge to segment the residents and analyse their perception of the impacts. A total of 373 valid surveys were applied in a rural mountainous municipality (Boticas) during 2015 and 2016. In this municipality, tourism (activity) is an emergent activity. The results show that more informed and more involved residents have more positive perceptions of tourism than other groups, while less informed and less involved residents have more negative perceptions of it. The study contributes to increasing the knowledge about residents’ perceptions of tourism, adding the aspects of involvement, especially in rural areas. This type of proposal can be applied to any destination to help manage residents’ opinions and, consequently, their support of tourism development. Keywords: rural tourism; perceptions; segmentation; clusters; rural development; botica

    Residents’ perception of tourism: a systematic review from 1978 to 2019

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    Residents are crucial stakeholders in tourism development and their perceptions towards this activity have been studied since the 1970s. Since then, studies in this area have expanded considerably, including review papers. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate this evolution and to explore critically methodologies applied in studies about residents ́ perceptions towards tourism between 1978 and 2019 and published in the ten most impactful tourism journals according to the Scimago Journal Ranking (2018). In a total of 260 papers, the main results showed that Tourism Management was the journal with the largest number of papers published. Most studies were quantitative in nature and atheoretical. The Social Exchange Theory has been the theory most frequently applied to date. The papers focused on residents ́ perceptions, specifically in tourism destinations, natural areas, events and mega-events. New lines of research in future studies about this subject are suggested to provide new perspectives in this study area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acessibilidade física, funcional e económica aos cuidados de saúde

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    Mercado social y programas de VIH / SIDA en Ghana

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    El propósito de este estudio es analizar algunas de las tendencias del VIH/SIDA en Ghana (África) y las intervenciones como la integración del Objetivo 6 de Desarrollo del Milenio y la noción de cómo el marketing social ha llegado a definirse y utilizarse para influir en el cambio de comportamiento. Al ser un estudio epistemológico, nos basamos en los métodos cualitativos principalmente utilizando el análisis de las obras publicadas y los informes. La respuesta al VIH/SIDA en Ghana puede ser resumido de la promoción de políticas, promoción, y un entorno propicio. Otras respuestas son la mitigación de los impactos sociales, culturales, legales y económicos del VIH/SIDA y el comportamiento de comunicación de mensajes de cambio, así como a proporcionar tratamiento, atención y realización de investigación, vigilancia, seguimiento y evaluación del VIH/SIDA. Dentro de los cinco años de la implementación de los ODM, Ghana estuvo a punto de alcanzar meta de los ODM, pero la tendencia de la prevalencia sufrió un duro revés, aunque el ODM 6 que se puede lograr si los esfuerzos son potencialmente sostenidos

    Reproductive health as a gendered indicator of well-being : the case of ‘infertility’

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    Reproduction of human beings is also the reproduction of social relationships that constitutes a multidimensional process, in which biological but also emotional, cultural, economic aspects play a determinant role on the construction of the life cycle of the individuals. Therefore, the capacity of reproduction may be an essential ingredient of the experience and sense of well-being, mediated by gendered inequalities and sexual differences. During the last decades, deep cultural, economical and political transformations have intensified the changing of the demographic scenarios. The generalization of the access to modern contraception has created a diverse range of possibilities of ‘management’ of the reproductive careers. Along with the growing delay of the decision of having the first child, especially from the part of the women that are integrated on the market of paid work, having at least one child became a central point of the life of the modern families. But what happens when couples face infertility? Modern medicine is making impressive advances on what refers to assisted conception techniques, which in several countries have been the subject of intense public discussion and debate. Social sciences – and particularly the feminist studies – have been contributing to the debate by analysing the socio-cultural dilemmas that are being raised in the context of new reproductive techniques, in addition to difficult ethical, personal, moral and political questions. But very few studies are examining the phenomenon of infertility, maybe due to several obstacles that are created when researchers try to identify and contact the individuals and couples that are experiencing the infertile condition. Drawing on the making of qualitative interviews to couples who were unable to carry on the project of having a biological child (focusing on the woman’s experiences and feelings) and who have undergone assisted conception procedures, this paper examines the concept of «reproductive health», perceived as something which evokes gender differences and that may be understood as an essential indicator of the perceptions and evaluations of well being and of ‘living life’ from the part of the individuals and of the families.COST - EU Framework Programme Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) POCTI/DEM/44483/200

    O legado de Guimarães Capital Europeia da Cultura de 2012: a leitura dos residentes e dos visitantes

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    COMPETE 2020, Portugal 202, FEDER, FCTEste trabalho tem o apoio financeiro do Projeto Lab2PT – Laboratório de Paisagens, Património e Território – AUR/04509 e da FCT através de fundos nacionais e quando aplicável do cofinanciamento do FEDER, no âmbito dos novos acordos de parceria PT2020 e COMPETE 2020 – POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007528info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Da definição à avaliação de projetos de Educação Ambiental. Um estudo centrado nos 2º e 3º ciclos do ensino básico em Portugal

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    O presente artigo insere-se numa investigação iniciada em 2013 para responder aos seguintes objetivos: posicionar os projetos de Educação Ambiental (EA) implementados nos 2º e 3º ciclos do Ensino Básico (EB) por referência às diretrizes apontadas pela Organização das Nações Unidas; identificar o enfoque temático e os fatores que estão na origem da seleção dos projetos de EA para os 2º e 3º ciclos do EB; caracterizar as práticas de avaliação dos projetos de EA aplicados nos 2º e 3º ciclos do EB; conceber uma metodologia de avaliação de projetos de EA para ser utilizada nos 2º e 3º ciclos do EB. Em termos de fontes primárias está a ser aplicado um inquérito por questionário estruturado com questões abertas e fechadas. Até ao momento foi realizada uma breve análise dos contributos da Geografia e das pesquisas já desenvolvidas além das ações governamentais e não governamentais relativas à Educação Ambiental direcionadas para o Ensino Básico em Portugal