6 research outputs found

    Pricing and reimbursement mechanisms for advanced therapy medicinal products in 20 countries

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    Introduction: Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products are a type of therapies that, in some cases, hold great potential for patients without an effective current therapeutic approach but they also present multiple challenges to payers. While there are many theoretical papers on pricing and reimbursement (P&R) options, original empirical research is very scarce. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive international review of regulatory and P&R decisions taken for all ATMPs with centralized European marketing authorization in March 2022.Methods: A survey was distributed in July 2022 to representatives of 46 countries.Results: Responses were received from 20 countries out of 46 (43.5%). 14 countries reimbursed at least one ATMP. Six countries in this survey reimbursed no ATMPs.Conclusion: Access to ATMPs is uneven across the countries included in this study. This arises from regulatory differences, commercial decisions by marketing authorization holders, and the divergent assessment processes and criteria applied by payers. Moving towards greater equality of access will require cooperation between countries and stakeholders, for example, through the WHO Regional Office for Europe’s Access to Novel Medicines Platform

    What is the best approach to adopt for identifying the domains for a new measure of health, social care and carer-related quality of life to measure quality-adjusted life years? Application to the development of the EQ-HWB

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    Economic evaluation combines costs and benefits to support decision-making when assessing new interventions using preference-based measures to measure and value benefits in health or health-related quality of life. These health-focused instruments have limited ability to capture wider impacts on informal carers or outcomes in other sectors such as social care. Sector-specific instruments can be used but this is problematic when the impact of an intervention straddles different sectors.An alternative approach is to develop a generic preference-based measure that is sufficiently broad to capture important cross-sector outcomes. We consider the options for the selection of domains for a cross-sector generic measure including how to identify domains, who should provide information on the domains and how this should be framed. Beyond domain identification, considerations of criteria and stakeholder needs are also identified.This paper sets out the case for an approach that relies on the voice of patients, social care users and informal carers as the main source of domains and describes how the approach was operationalised in the ‘Extending the QALY’ project which developed the new measure, the EQ-HWB (EQ health and wellbeing instrument). We conclude by discussing the strengths and limitations of this approach. The new measure should be sufficiently generic to be used to consistently evaluate health and social care interventions, yet also sensitive enough to pick up important changes in quality of life in patients, social care users and carers

    The EQ Health and Wellbeing: Overview of the Development of a Measure of Health and Wellbeing and Key Results

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    Objectives: Existing measures for estimating quality-adjusted life-years are mostly limited to health-related quality of life. This article presents an overview of the development the EQ Health and Wellbeing (EQ-HWB), which is a measure that encompasses health and wellbeing. Methods: Stages: (1) Establishing domains through reviews of the qualitative literature informed by a conceptual framework. (2) Generation and selection of items to cover the domains. (3) Face validation of these items through qualitative interviews with 168 patients, social care users, general population, and carers across 6 countries (Argentina, Australia, China, Germany, United Kingdom, United States). (4) Extensive psychometric testing of candidate items (using classical, factor analysis, and item response theory methods) on > 4000 respondents in the 6 countries. Stakeholders were consulted throughout. Results: A total of 32 subdomains grouped into 7 high-level domains were identified from the qualitative literature and 97 items generated to cover them. Face validation eliminated 36 items, modified 14, and added 3. Psychometric testing of 64 items found little difference in missing data or problems with response distribution, the conceptual model was confirmed except in China, and most items performed well in the item response theory in all countries. Evidence was presented to stakeholders in 2 rounds of consultation to inform the final selection of items for the EQ-HWB (25-item) and the short version of EQ-HWB (9-items). Conclusions: EQ-HWB measures have been developed internationally for evaluating interventions in health, public health, and social care including the impact on patients, social care users, and carers

    The Future of Precision Medicine : Potential Impacts for Health Technology Assessment

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    Objective Precision medicine allows health care interventions to be tailored to groups of patients based on their disease susceptibility, diagnostic or prognostic information or treatment response. We analyse what developments are expected in precision medicine over the next decade and consider the implications for health technology assessment (HTA) agencies. Methods We perform a pragmatic review of the literature on the health economic challenges of precision medicine, and conduct interviews with representatives from HTA agencies, research councils and researchers from a variety of fields, including digital health, health informatics, health economics and primary care research. Results Three types of precision medicine are highlighted as likely to emerge in clinical practice and impact upon HTA agencies: complex algorithms, digital health applications and ‘omics’-based tests. Defining the scope of an evaluation, identifying and synthesizing the evidence and developing decision analytic models will more difficult when assessing more complex and uncertain treatment pathways. Stratification of patients will result in smaller subgroups, higher standard errors and greater decision uncertainty. Equity concerns may present in instances where biomarkers correlate with characteristics such as ethnicity, whilst fast-paced innovation may reduce the shelf-life of guidance and necessitate more frequent reviewing. Discussion Innovation in precision medicine promises substantial benefits to patients, but will also change the way in which some health services are delivered and evaluated. As biomarker discovery accelerates and AI-based technologies emerge, the technical expertise and processes of HTA agencies will need to adapt if the objective of value for money is to be maintained