52 research outputs found

    Study of new procedures of elaboration of alkalitreated green table olives, not fermented, preserved by heat treatments

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    Two new procedures for the elaboration of alkali-treated green table olives, without fermentation, preserved by sterilization or pasteurization were studied. In each case, the aim was to obtain a product with good quality and guaranteed safety. In the sterilized product, it was demonstrated that by including a pitting step during elaboration, a product was obtained with both flavour and texture similar to those of «green ripe olives», but without the need to apply an excessive number of washes. Alkalizing agents added to the packing solution negatively affected the organoleptic olive properties. In case of the pasteurized product, a pitting step during elaboration was also demonstrated to be effective in improving olive flavour. Fruit texture was not significantly affected by this step. Both herbal extracts and monosodium glutamate added to the packing solution successfully masked the «cooked» flavour of olives associated with pasteurisation.En el presente trabajo se han estudiado dos nuevos procedimientos para la elaboración de aceitunas verdes tratadas con álcali no fermentadas, conservadas por esterilización o pasterización, con el objetivo de obtener, en cada caso, un producto de calidad adecuada y de total garantía en cuanto a seguridad. En el producto esterilizado, se demostró que la inclusión de una etapa de deshuesado durante la elaboración conseguía un sabor y textura similares a las aceitunas denominadas "green ripe olives", pero sin necesidad de aplicar un excesivo número de lavados. Sin embargo, la adición de agentes alcalinizantes afectó negativamente a las características organolépticas de este producto. En el caso del producto pasterizado, el deshuesado del fruto consiguió también una notable mejora del sabor sin afectar significativamente a la textura. La adición de extractos de hierbas aromáticas o de glutamato monosódico a la salmuera de envasado enmascaró el característico sabor a "cocinado" de las aceitunas pasterizadas.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación AGL2003-03552 financiado por la CICYT-FEDER.Peer reviewe

    El modelo de interdependencia actor-pareja en el estudio de la agresión y la victimización en la pareja: un estudio empírico de 361 díadas

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    Studies of intimate partner violence (IPV) have generally focused on only one partner. Although this has allowed advances in scientific knowledge on the causes of IPV, currently recent literature is demanding the need to study both members of the couple. Methodologically, the study of dyads requires the use of appropriate statistical techniques to avoid possible systematic biases (for example, type I error due to dependence of observations). We used the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model to study aggression and victimization in 361 heterosexual couples of young adults. The results indicated, on the one hand, that self-reported mutual aggression was found in more than 50% of the couples. On the other hand, we found that participants’ victimization was largely predicted by their own aggressive behavior towards the other member of the couple. While this result suggests the existence of a victim-offender overlap, it may also hide an upwards victimization scores bias: when participants are aggressive toward their partners, they may bias their victimization scores upwards to justify their levels of aggression (“I was aggressive because I felt victimized”).Los estudios sobre la violencia de pareja (en inglés IPV) generalmente han centrado sus análisis sólo en uno de los miembros. Aunque esto ha permitido avanzar en el conocimiento de las causas de la IPV, la literatura reciente ha señalado la necesidad de estudiar a los dos miembros de la pareja. Metodológicamente el estudio de las parejas requiere el uso de técnicas estadísticas apropiadas para evitar posibles sesgos sistemáticos (por ejemplo, error tipo I debido a la dependencia de las observaciones). En este estudio utilizamos el modelo de interdependencia actorpareja para el estudio de la agresión y la victimización en 361 parejas jóvenes heterosexuales de jóvenes adultos. Los resultados indicaban, por una parte, que había agresión mutua autoinformada en más de la mitad de las parejas. Por otro lado, encontramos que el principal predictor de la victimización de los participantes fue su propio comportamiento agresivo hacia el otro miembro de la pareja. Este resultado sugiere que la víctima y el agresor son la misma persona. Sin embargo, también puede ocultar un posible sesgo al alza de las puntuaciones de victimización: cuando los participantes son agresivos con sus parejas, pueden sesgar al alza sus puntuaciones de victimización para justificar sus niveles de agresión (“Fui agresivo porque me sentí victimizado”).Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España MINECO-PSI2016-77484-P y PID2019-104116GB-I0

    Elaboración de aceitunas de mesa

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    Table olives are one of the main pickled products prepared throughout the world. Spain is the first producing and exporting country. In general, any processing method aims to remove the natural bitterness of this fruit, caused by the glucoside oleuropein. The most common types of preparation are: Spanish Style Green, Natural Black and Black (Ripe) Olives (darkened by oxidation). In this paper the three elaboration processes are summarized, reviewing the current situation of the different phases of the production process for each one.Las aceitunas de mesa son uno de los principales encurtidos que se preparan actualmente a nivel mundial. España es el primer país productor y exportador. El objetivo de cualquier proceso de elaboración es eliminar el amargor natural de los frutos debido a la presencia de la oeuropeína. Los tipos de preparaciones más importantes son: Verdes Estilo Español, Negras Naturales y Negras (ennegrecidas por oxidación). En el presente trabajo se resumen los tres procesos de elaboración, revisándose la situación actual del conocimiento en cada una de las fases de los distintos procesos productivo

    Estudio de nuevos procedimientos de elaboración de aceitunas verdes tratadas con álcali, no fermentadas, conservadas mediante tratamientos térmicos

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    Two new procedures for the elaboration of alkali-treated green table olives, without fermentation, preserved by sterilization or pasteurization were studied. In each case, the aim was to obtain a product with good quality and guaranteed safety. In the sterilized product, it was demonstrated that by including a pitting step during elaboration, a product was obtained with both flavour and texture similar to those of «green ripe olives», but without the need to apply an excessive number of washes. Alkalizing agents added to the packing solution negatively affected the organoleptic olive properties. In case of the pasteurized product, a pitting step during elaboration was also demonstrated to be effective in improving olive flavour. Fruit texture was not significantly affected by this step. Both herbal extracts and monosodium glutamate added to the packing solution successfully masked the «cooked» flavour of olives associated with pasteurisation.En el presente trabajo se han estudiado dos nuevos procedimientos para la elaboración de aceitunas verdes tratadas con álcali no fermentadas, conservadas por esterilización o pasterización, con el objetivo de obtener, en cada caso, un producto de calidad adecuada y de total garantía en cuanto a seguridad. En el producto esterilizado, se demostró que la inclusión de una etapa de deshuesado durante la elaboración conseguía un sabor y textura similares a las aceitunas denominadas «green ripe olives», pero sin necesidad de aplicar un excesivo número de lavados. Sin embargo, la adición de agentes alcalinizantes afectó negativamente a las características organolépticas de este producto. En el caso del producto pasterizado, el deshuesado del fruto consiguió también una notable mejora del sabor sin afectar significativamente a la textura. La adición de extractos de hierbas aromáticas o de glutamato monosódico a la salmuera de envasado enmascaró el característico sabor a “cocinado” de las aceitunas pasterizadas

    The effectiveness of hip interventions in patients with low-back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Producción CientíficaLow-back pain (LBP) may be directly or indirectly related to impairments from the hip joint. To evaluate the effectiveness of hip interventions on pain and disability in patients with LBP in the short-, medium-, and long-term. A total of 2581 studies were screened. Eight were included in the meta-analysis involving 508 patients with LBP. The results provided very low certainty that both hip strengthening and hip stretching improved pain (MD = -0.66; 95% CI -0.86, -0.48; I2:0%) (MD = -0.55; 95% CI -1.02, -0.08) and disability (SMD = -0.81; 95% CI -1.53, -0.10; I2: 80%) (SMD = -1.03; 95% CI -1.82, -0.25) in the short-term, respectively. No benefits were found in the medium- or long-term. The risk of bias, heterogeneity, and imprecision of the results downgraded the level of evidence

    Impact of a primary care training program on the prevention and management of unhealthy alcohol use: A quasi-experimental study.

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    Objective: To assess the impact of a training program targeted to Primary Care (PC) professionals on the acquisition of communication skills, attitudes, and knowledge about the prevention and management of unhealthy alcohol use. Methods: A quasi-experimental, pre- and post-intervention study was performed in PC centers of Cordoba (Spain). Family doctors, residents and nurses participated in the study. The intervention was based on a motivational interviewing training program, which consisted in a workshop on learning skills, attitudes and knowledge about the alcohol management. PC providers were videotaped with a standardized patient in order to check the clinical and communication competencies acquired. A descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis was carried out (p<0.05). Results: PC providers’ communication skills and attitudes showed significant improvements in the variables studied (p<0.001), as well as in the clinical interview evaluation parameters. Conclusion: The present study reveals the impact of a training program targeted to PC professionals on communication skills, attitudes, and knowledge about the prevention and management of patients with unhealthy alcohol use. Practice implications: Training activities targeted to PC providers represent a valuable strategy to improve communication skills, attitudes and knowledge of these professionals in their clinical practice.pre-print200 K

    Effectiveness of motivational interviewing to improve therapeutic adherence in patients over 65 years old with chronic diseases: A cluster randomized clinical trial in primary care.

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) in improving medication adherence in older patients being treated by polypharmacy. Methods: Cluster randomized clinical trial in 16 primary care centers with 27 health care providers and 154 patients. Thirty-two health care providers were assigned to an experimental (EG) or control group (CG). Interventions: MI training program and review of patient treatments. Providers in the EG carried out MI, whereas those in the CG used an “advice approach”. Three follow-up visits were completed, at 15 days and at 3 and 6[0] months. Medication adherence in both groups was compared (p<0.05). Results: Patients recruited: 70/84 (EG/CG). Mean age: 76 years; female: 68.8%. The proportion of subjects changing to adherence was 7.6% higher in the EG (p<0.001). Therapeutic adherence was higher for patients in the EG (OR=2.84), women (OR=0.24) and those with high educational levels (OR=3.93). Conclusion: A face-to-face motivational approach in primary care helps elderly patients with chronic diseases who are being treated by polypharmacy to achieve an improved level of treatment adherence than traditional strategies of providing information and advice. Practice Implications: MI is a patient-centered approach that can be used to improve medication adherence in primary care.pre-print152 K

    Training health providers to address unhealthy alcohol use in primary care: a cross-sectional, multicenter study.

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    Background: Health professionals’ training is a key element to address unhealthy alcohol use in Primary Care (PC). Education about alcohol use can be effective in improving PC provider’s knowledge and skills addressing alcoholrelated problems. The aim of the study was to evaluate the training of health professionals to address unhealthy alcohol use in PC. Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study was performed. Location: PC centres of the Spanish National Health System (SNHS). Participants: Family physicians, residents and nurses completed an online questionnaire that inquired about their training (none, basic, medium or advanced), knowledge and preventive practices aimed at reducing unhealthy alcohol use. The study population was recruited via random sampling, stratified by the regions of the SNHS’s PC centre, and by email invitation to members of two Spanish scientific societies of Family Medicine. Results: A total of 1760 professionals participated in the study. Sixty-seven percent (95% CI: 67.5–71.8) reported not having received specific training to address unhealthy alcohol use, 30% (95% CI: 27.4–31.7) reported having received basic training, and 3% (95% CI: 2.3–4.0) medium/advanced training. The training received was greater in younger providers (p < 0.001) who participated in the PAPPS (Preventive Activities and Health Promotion Programme) (p < 0.001). Higher percentages of providers with intermediate or advanced training reported performing screening for unhealthy alcohol use (p < 0.001), clinical assessment of alcohol consumption (p < 0.001), counselling of patients to reduce their alcohol intake (p < 0.001) or to abstain, in the cases of pregnant women and drivers (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Our study reveals a low level of training among Spanish PC providers to address unhealthy alcohol use. A higher percentage of screening, clinical assessment and counselling interventions aimed at reducing unhealthy alcohol use was reported by health professionals with an intermediate or advanced level of training.post-print565 K

    Prevalence of hazardous alcohol use among Spanish primary care providers

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    Background: Alcohol use by health care professionals is one of the potential factors that may affect the prevention of hazardous drinking in Primary Care (PC). The objective of the study was to estimate the prevalence of hazardous alcohol use by PC professionals and assess the existing relationship between socio-demographic and occupational variables of PC professionals and their alcohol use. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational, multicenter study was performed. Location: PC sites of the Spanish National Health Care System (NHS). Participants: Physicians and nurses, who completed an online questionnaire intended to identify the pattern of hazardous alcohol use through the AUDIT-C test. The study population was recruited through random sampling stratified by regions of the PC sites in the NHS. The primary measurements: Frequency of alcohol use, number of drinks containing alcohol on a typical day, frequency of six or more drinks on one occasion. Results: One thousand seven hundred sixty professionals completed the questionnaire. Hazardous alcohol use was detected in 27.80% (95% CI: 25.5–29.7) of PC providers. The prevalence of hazardous alcohol use was higher in males (34.2%) [95% CI: 30.4–37.6] and professionals aged 56 years or over (34.2%) [95% CI: 28.2–40.2]. The multiple logistic regression analysis revealed a higher hazardous use in males (OR = 1.52; 95% CI: 1.22–1.90), PC physicians (OR = 1.42; 95% CI: 1.01–2.02) and professionals with more time worked (OR = 1.03; 95% CI: 1.01–1.05). Conclusion: Our study shows the current prevalence of hazardous alcohol use among Spanish PC providers, revealing a higher percentage of hazardous alcohol use in healthcare professionals compared to the Spanish general population. Further interventions are required to increase the awareness of negative consequences derived from alcohol use among PC professionals and its impact on the clinical settingThe study has been financed by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC, Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria) through the Francesc Borrell Scholarship in the year 2018 and has been awarded with the 1st Prize for the best Research Project in Primary Care by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria) in the year 2018. Also, this publication has been financed by one of the PhD scholarships, SEMERGEN, 2018