15,116 research outputs found

    Biodegradable polymeric fiber structures in tissue engineering

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    Tissue engineering offers a promising new approach to create biological alternatives to repair or restore function of damaged or diseased tissues. To obtain three-dimensional tissue constructs, stem or progenitor cells must be combined with a highly porous three-dimensional scaffold, but many of the structures purposed for tissue engineering cannot meet all the criteria required by an adequate scaffold because of lack of mechanical strength and interconnectivity, as well as poor surface characteristics. Fiber-based structures represent a wide range of morphological and geometric possibilities that can be tailored for each specific tissue-engineering application. The present article overviews the research data on tissue-engineering therapies based on the use of biodegradable fiber architectures as a scaffold


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    The purpose of this paper is to study some of the factors that affect the shear strength of Single Lap Joints (SLJ). Based in work conditions for different applications, tests were made in order to define the influence of geometry and temperature on the strength of SLJ under shear load. The adhesive used to make the joints was the epoxy adhesive ARC858 and it was tested under temperatures ranging between 21°C and 70°C and overlap length of 12.5mm and 18.75mm. Results of those tests showed that shear strength increased due to geometry with an overlap of 18.75mm and a great shear strength loss ranging from 30°C to 50°C. The failure mechanism was adhesive failure

    On the determination of the spin of the black hole in Cyg X-1 from X-ray reflection spectra

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    The spin of Cygnus X-1 is measured by fitting reflection models to Suzaku data covering the energy band 0.9-400 keV. The inner radius of the accretion disc is found to lie within 2 gravitational radii (r_g=GM/c^2) and a value for the dimensionless black hole spin is obtained of 0.97^{+0.014}_{-0.02}. This agrees with recent measurements using the continuum fitting method by Gou et al. and of the broad iron line by Duro et al. The disc inclination is measured at 23.7^{+6.7}_{-5.4} deg, which is consistent with the recent optical measurement of the binary system inclination by Orosz et al of 27+/-0.8 deg. We pay special attention to the emissivity profile caused by irradiation of the inner disc by the hard power-law source. The X-ray observations and simulations show that the index q of that profile deviates from the commonly used, Newtonian, value of 3 within 3r_g, steepening considerably within 2r_g, as expected in the strong gravity regime.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Design of nano- and microfiber combined scaffolds by electrospinning of collagen onto starch-based fiber meshes : a man-made equivalent of natural extracellular matrix

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    Mimicking the structural organization and biologic function of natural extracellular matrix has been one of the main goals of tissue engineering. Nevertheless, the majority of scaffolding materials for bone regeneration highlights biochemical functionality in detriment of mechanical properties. In this work we present a rather innovative construct that combines in the same structure electrospun type I collagen nanofibers with starchbased microfibers. These combined structures were obtained by a two-step methodology and structurally consist in a type I collagen nano-network incorporated on a macro starch-based support. The morphology of the developed structures was assessed by several microscopy techniques and the collagenous nature of the nanonetwork was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. In addition, and especially regarding the requirements of large bone defects, we also successfully introduced the concept of layer by layer, as a way to produce thicker structures. In an attempt to recreate bone microenvironment, the design and biochemical composition of the combined structures also envisioned bone-forming cells and endothelial cells (ECs). The inclusion of a type I collagen nano-network induced a stretched morphology and improved the metabolic activity of osteoblasts. Regarding ECs, the presence of type I collagen on the combined structures provided adhesive support and obviated the need of precoating with fibronectin. It was also importantly observed that ECs on the nano-network organized into circular structures, a three-dimensional arrangement distinct from that observed for osteoblasts and resembling the microcappillary-like organizations formed during angiogenesis. By providing simultaneously physical and chemical cues for cells, the herein-proposed combined structures hold a great potential in bone regeneration as a man-made equivalent of extracellular matrixK. Tuzlakoglu and M. I. Santos thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for their Ph.D. scholarship (SFRH/BD/8502/2002 and SFRH/BD/13428/2003). This work was partially supported by FCT Foundation for Science and Technology, through funds from the POCTI and/or FEDER programs and by the European Union funded STREP Project HIPPOCRATES (NMP3-CT-2003-505758). This work was carried out under the scope of the European NoE EXPERTISSUES (NMP3-CT-2004-500283). Work developed under the cooperation agreement between UM-3B's research group and the Hospital de S. Marcos, Braga. The authors thank to L. Goreti Pinto for her help on confocal microscopy studies

    Incorporation of a sequential BMP-2/BMP-7 delivery system into chitosan-based scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

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    The aim of this study was to develop a 3-D construct carrying an inherent sequential growth factor delivery system. Poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanocapsules loaded with bone morphogenetic protein BMP-2 and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) nanocapsules loaded with BMP-7 made the early release of BMP-2 and longer term release of BMP-7 possible. 3-D fiber mesh scaffolds were prepared from chitosan and from chitosan–PEO by wet spinning. Chitosan of 4% concentration in 2% acetic acid (CHI4–HAc2) and chitosan (4%) and PEO (2%) in 5% acetic acid (CHI4– PEO2–HAc5) yielded scaffolds with smooth and rough fiber surfaces, respectively. These scaffolds were seeded with rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). When there were no nanoparticles the initial differentiation rate was higher on (CHI4–HAc2) scaffolds but by three weeks both the scaffolds had similar alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels. The cell numbers were also comparable by the end of the third week. Incorporation of nanoparticles into the scaffolds was achieved by two different methods: incorporation within the scaffold fibers (NP–IN) and on the fibers (NP–ON). It was shown that incorporation on the CHI4–HAc2 fibers (NP–ON) prevented the burst release observed with the free nanoparticles, but this did not influence the total amount released in 25 days. However NP–IN for the same fibers revealed a much slower rate of release; ca. 70% released at the end of incubation period. The effect of single, simultaneous and sequential delivery of BMP-2 and BMP-7 from the CHI4–HAc2 scaffolds was studied in vitro using samples prepared with both incorporation methods. The effect of delivered agents was higher with the NP–ON samples. Delivery of BMP-2 alone suppressed cell proliferation while providing higher ALP activity compared to BMP-7. Simultaneous delivery was not particularly effective on cell numbers and ALP activity. The sequential delivery of BMP-2 and BMP-7, on the other hand, led to the highest ALP activity per cell (while suppressing proliferation) indicating the synergistic effect of using both growth factors holds promise for the production of tissue engineered bone.This project was conducted within the scope of the EU FP6 NoE Project Expertissues (NMP3-CT-2004-500283). We acknowledge the support to PY through the same project in the form of an integrated PhD grant. We also would like to acknowledge the support from Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) through project METUNANOBIOMAT (TBAG 105T508)

    Comparação da eficiência de fontes de fósforo na produção de arroz de terras altas.

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    O arroz de terras altas é importante componente dos sistemas de produção na região do Cerrado do Brasil. A deficiência de fósforo é um dos fatores limitantes na produção das culturas nessa região. Foi conduzido um ensaio em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de avaliar fontes de fósforo na produção de arroz de terras altas. Foram utilizadas seis fontes de P, i. e. Superfosfato simples (SFS), superfosfato simples policote (SFSP), superfosfato triplo (SFT), superfosfato triplo policote SFTP), fosfato monoamômico (FMA) e fosfato monoamômicopolicote (FMAP). As doses de P utilizados foram 50, 100, 200 e 400 mg kg-1 + testemunha. Houve resposta significativa e quadrática à aplicação de fontes de P na produção de grãos. Baseado na produção máxima, as fontes de P foram classificadas na ordem de fosfato monoamômicopolicote> superfosfato simples = fosfato monoamômico>superfosfatosimples policote > superfosfato triplo > superfosfato triplo policote

    Production and characterization of chitosan fibers and 3-D fiber mesh scaffolds for tissue engineering applicattions

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    This study reports on the production of chitosan fibers and 3-D fiber meshes for the use as tissue engineering scaffolds. Both structures were produced by means of a wet spinning technique. Maximum strain at break and tensile strength of the developed fibers were found to be 8.5% and 204.9 MPa, respectively. After 14 d of immersion in simulated body fluid (SBF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and inductively coupled plasma emission (ICP) spectroscopy analyses showed that a bioactive Ca-P layer was formed on the surface of the fibers, meaning that they exhibit a bioactive behavior. The samples showed around 120% max. swelling in physiological conditions. The pore sizes of 3-D chitosan fiber mesh scaffolds were observed to be in the range of 100-500 m by SEM. The equilibrium-swelling ratio of the developed scaffolds was found to be around 170% (w/w) in NaCl solution at 37 °C. Besides that, the limit swelling strain was less than 30%, as obtained by mechanical spectroscopy measurements in the same conditions. The viscoelastic properties of the scaffolds were also evaluated by both creep and dynamic mechanical tests. By means of using short-term MEM extraction test, both types of structures (fibers and scaffolds) were found to be non-cytotoxic to fibroblasts. Furthermore, osteoblasts directly cultured over chitosan fiber mesh scaffolds presented good morphology and no inhibition of cell proliferation could be observed.FCT Foundation for Science and Technology, through funds from the POCTI and/or FEDER programmes

    Conjugation of fibroin and starch to chitosan for increasing cell proliferation capacity

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    [Excerpt] In this study, chitosan conjugates with starch and fibroin were produced for increasing degradability in the presence of physiological enzymes and cell proliferation capacities of biomaterials. The degradation profile was monitored over prolonged time periods and characterization of chemical changes during degradation periods were investigated by spectroscopic methods. Various ratios of starch, fibroin and chitosan (%, (weight/weight)) were prepared. The in vitro cell culture studies were conducted to evaluate biocompatibility and proliferation capacities of conjugate materials. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigation of osteoblast response to biodegradable bacterial cellulose scaffolds

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    [Excerpt] Aim of this project is to investigate the ability of bacterial cellulose (BC) and oxidized Bacterial cellulose (OBC) use as a scaffold in tissue engineering. Bacterial cellulose was produced with being provided optimum conditions from Acetobacter xylinus. BC was transformed dialdehyde cellulose (DAC) as biodegradable form by treating with periodate. Oxidation was carried out in aqueous solution at 508C in the dark for 24 hours. The mole-to-mole ratio of sodium metaperiodate to anhydroglucose repeat unit (AGU) of cellulose was 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio