77 research outputs found
A critical look at the role of the bare parameters in the renormalization of Phi-derivable approximations
We revisit the renormalization of Phi-derivable approximations from a
slightly different point of view than the one which is usually followed in
previous works. We pay particular attention to the question of the existence of
a solution to the self-consistent equation that defines the two-point function
in the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism and to the fact that some of the
ultraviolet divergences which appear if one formally expands the solution in
powers of the bare coupling do not always appear as divergences at the level of
the solution itself. We discuss these issues using a particular truncation of
the Phi functional, namely the simplest truncation which brings non-trivial
momentum and field dependence to the two-point function.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure
2PI renormalized effective action for gauge theories
We show how to perform renormalization in the framework of the 2PI effective
action for abelian gauge theories. In addition to the usual renormalization
conditions one needs to incorporate new ones in order to remove non-transverse
UV divergences in the truncated two- and four-photon functions. The
corresponding counterterms are allowed by gauge symmetry, in-medium independent
and suppressed with respect to the accuracy of the truncation.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the proceedings of Strong and Electroweak
Matter 2006, BNL, New-York, May 200
2PI effective action for gauge theories: Renormalization
We discuss the application of two-particle-irreducible (2PI) functional
techniques to gauge theories, focusing on the issue of non-perturbative
renormalization. In particular, we show how to renormalize the photon and
fermion propagators of QED obtained from a systematic loop expansion of the 2PI
effective action. At any finite order, this implies introducing new
counterterms as compared to the usual ones in perturbation theory. We show that
these new counterterms are consistent with the 2PI Ward identities and are
systematically of higher order than the approximation order, which guarantees
the convergence of the approximation scheme. Our analysis can be applied to any
theory with linearly realized gauge symmetry. This is for instance the case of
QCD quantized in the background field gauge.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. Uses JHEP3.cl
Deconfinement transition in SU(N) theories from perturbation theory
We consider a simple massive extension of the Landau-DeWitt gauge for SU()
Yang-Mills theory. We compute the corresponding one-loop effective potential
for a temporal background gluon field at finite temperature. At this order the
background field is simply related to the Polyakov loop, the order parameter of
the deconfinement transition. Our perturbative calculation correctly describes
a quark confining phase at low temperature and a phase transition of second
order for and weakly first order for . Our estimates for the
transition temperatures are in qualitative agreement with values from lattice
simulations or from other continuum approaches. Finally, we discuss the
effective gluon mass parameter in relation to the Gribov ambiguities of the
Landau-DeWitt gauge.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
Two-loop study of the deconfinement transition in Yang-Mills theories: SU(3) and beyond
We study the confinement-deconfinement phase transition of pure Yang-Mills
theories at finite temperature using a simple massive extension of standard
background field methods. We generalize our recent next-to-leading-order
perturbative calculation of the Polyakov loop and of the related background
field effective potential for the SU(2) theory to any compact and connex Lie
group with a simple Lie algebra. We discuss in detail the SU(3) theory, where
the two-loop corrections yield improved values for the first-order transition
temperature as compared to the one-loop result. We also show that certain
one-loop artifacts of thermodynamical observables disappear at two-loop order,
as was already the case for the SU(2) theory. In particular, the entropy and
the pressure are positive for all temperatures. Finally, we discuss the groups
SU(4) and Sp(2) which shed interesting light, respectively, on the relation
between the (de)confinement of static matter sources in the various
representations of the gauge group and on the use of the background field
itself as an order parameter for confinement. In both cases, we obtain
first-order transitions, in agreement with lattice simulations and other
continuum approaches.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figure
Yang-Mills correlators at finite temperature: A perturbative perspective
We consider the two-point correlators of Yang-Mills theories at finite
temperature in the Landau gauge. We employ a model for the corresponding
Yang-Mills correlators based on the inclusion of an effective mass term for
gluons. The latter is expected to have its origin in the existence of Gribov
copies. One-loop calculations at zero temperature have been shown to agree
remarkably well with the corresponding lattice data. We extend on this and
perform a one-loop calculation of the Matsubara gluon and ghost two-point
correlators at finite temperature. We show that, as in the vacuum, an effective
gluon mass accurately captures the dominant infrared physics for the magnetic
gluon and ghost propagators. It also reproduces the gross qualitative features
of the electric gluon propagator. In particular, we find a slight nonmonotonous
behavior of the Debye mass as a function of temperature, however not as
pronounced as in existing lattice results. A more quantitative description of
the electric sector near the deconfinement phase transition certainly requires
another physical ingredient sensitive to the order parameter of the transition.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures ; Published version (PRD
Yang-Mills correlators across the deconfinement phase transition
We compute the finite temperature ghost and gluon propagators of Yang-Mills
theory in the Landau-DeWitt gauge. The background field that enters the
definition of the latter is intimately related with the (gauge-invariant)
Polyakov loop and serves as an equivalent order parameter for the deconfinement
transition. We use an effective gauge-fixed description where the
nonperturbative infrared dynamics of the theory is parametrized by a gluon mass
which, as argued elsewhere, may originate from the Gribov ambiguity. In this
scheme, one can perform consistent perturbative calculations down to infrared
momenta, which have been shown to correctly describe the phase diagram of
Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions as well as the zero-temperature
correlators computed in lattice simulations. In this article, we provide the
one-loop expressions of the finite temperature Landau-DeWitt ghost and gluon
propagators for a large class of gauge groups and present explicit results for
the SU(2) case. These are substantially different from those previously
obtained in the Landau gauge, which corresponds to a vanishing background
field. The nonanalyticity of the order parameter across the transition is
directly imprinted onto the propagators in the various color modes. In the
SU(2) case, this leads, for instance, to a cusp in the electric and magnetic
gluon susceptibilities as well as similar signatures in the ghost sector. We
mention the possibility that such distinctive features of the transition could
be measured in lattice simulations in the background field gauge studied here.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures; published versio
2PI functional techniques for abelian gauge theories
We summarize our recent work [1-3] concerning the formulation of
two-particle-irreducible (2PI) functional techniques for abelian gauge field
theories.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of SEWM08, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
26-29 August 200
Ward Identities for the 2PI effective action in QED
We study the issue of symmetries and associated Ward-like identities in the
context of two-particle-irreducible (2PI) functional techniques for abelian
gauge theories. In the 2PI framework, the -point proper vertices of the
theory can be obtained in various different ways which, although equivalent in
the exact theory, differ in general at finite approximation order. We derive
generalized (2PI) Ward identities for these various -point functions and
show that such identities are exactly satisfied at any approximation order in
2PI QED. In particular, we show that 2PI-resummed vertex functions, i.e.
field-derivatives of the so-called 2PI-resummed effective action, exactly
satisfy standard Ward identities. We identify another set of -point
functions in the 2PI framework which exactly satisfy the standard Ward
identities at any approximation order. These are obtained as field-derivatives
of the two-point function \bcG^{-1}[\phi], which defines the extremum of the
2PI effective action. We point out that the latter is not constrained by the
underlying symmetry. As a consequence, the well-known fact that the
corresponding gauge-field polarization tensor is not transverse in momentum
space for generic approximations does not constitute a violation of (2PI) Ward
identities. More generally, our analysis demonstrates that approximation
schemes based on 2PI functional techniques respect all the Ward identities
associated with the underlying abelian gauge symmetry. Our results apply to
arbitrary linearly realized global symmetries as well.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure
Two-particle irreducible effective action approach to nonlinear current conserving approximations in driven systems
Using closed-time path two-particle irreducible coarse-grained effective
action (CTP 2PI CGEA) techniques, we study the response of an open interacting
electronic system to time-dependent external electromagnetic fields. We show
that the CTP 2PI CGEA is invariant under a simultaneous gauge transformation of
the external field and the full Schwinger-Keldysh propagator, and that this
property holds even when the loop expansion of the CTP 2PI CGEA is truncated at
arbitrary order. The effective action approach provides a systematic way of
calculating the propagator and response functions of the system, via the
Schwinger-Dyson equation and the Bethe-Salpeter equations, respectively. We
show that, due to the invariance of the CTP 2PI CGEA under external gauge
transformations, the response functions calculated from it satisfy the
Ward-Takahashi hierarchy, thus warranting the conservation of the electronic
current beyond the expectation value level. We also clarify the connection
between nonlinear response theory and the WT hierarchy, and discuss an example
of an ad hoc approximation that violate it. These findings may be useful in the
study of current fluctuations in correlated electronic pumping devices.Comment: 30 pages. Accepted for publication in JPC
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