34 research outputs found

    X-chromosome upregulation is driven by increased burst frequency

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    Ohno's hypothesis postulates that X-chromosome upregulation rectifies X-dose imbalance relative to autosomal genes, present in two active copies per cell. Here we dissected X-upregulation into kinetics of transcription, inferred from allele-specific single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNAseq) data from somatic mouse cells. We confirmed increased X-chromosome expression in female and male somatic cells, and remarkably found that the X-chromosome achieved upregulation by elevated burst frequencies. By monitoring differentiating female embryonic stem cells, we found that elevated burst frequency established on the active X-chromosome as X-inactivation occurred on the other allele. This provides mechanistic insights into X-chromosome upregulation.Ragnar Söderberg Foundation (M16/17)Swedish Research Council (2017-01062)Swedish Research Council (2017-01723)European Research Council (648842)Accepte

    An Evolutionarily Conserved Sexual Signature in the Primate Brain

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    The question of a potential biological sexual signature in the human brain is a heavily disputed subject. In order to provide further insight into this issue, we used an evolutionary approach to identify genes with sex differences in brain expression level among primates. We reasoned that expression patterns important to uphold key male and female characteristics may be conserved during evolution. We selected cortex for our studies because this specific brain region is responsible for many higher behavioral functions. We compared gene expression profiles in the occipital cortex of male and female humans (Homo sapiens, a great ape) and cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis, an old world monkey), two catarrhine species that show abundant morphological sexual dimorphism, as well as in common marmosets (Callithrix Jacchus, a new world monkey) which are relatively sexually monomorphic. We identified hundreds of genes with sex-biased expression patterns in humans and macaques, while fewer than ten were differentially expressed between the sexes in marmosets. In primates, a general rule is that many of the morphological and behavioral sexual dimorphisms seen in polygamous species, such as macaques, are typically less pronounced in monogamous species such as the marmosets. Our observations suggest that this correlation may also be reflected in the extent of sex-biased gene expression in the brain. We identified 85 genes with common sex-biased expression, in both human and macaque and 2 genes, X inactivation-specific transcript (XIST) and Heat shock factor binding protein 1 (HSBP1), that were consistently sex-biased in the female direction in human, macaque, and marmoset. These observations imply a conserved signature of sexual gene expression dimorphism in cortex of primates. Further, we found that the coding region of female-biased genes is more evolutionarily constrained compared to the coding region of both male-biased and non sex-biased brain expressed genes. We found genes with conserved sexual gene expression dimorphism in the occipital cortex of humans, cynomolgus macaques, and common marmosets. Genes within sexual expression profiles may underlie important functional differences between the sexes, with possible importance during primate evolution

    Female-biased expression of long non-coding RNAs in domains that escape X-inactivation in mouse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sexual dimorphism in brain gene expression has been recognized in several animal species. However, the relevant regulatory mechanisms remain poorly understood. To investigate whether sex-biased gene expression in mammalian brain is globally regulated or locally regulated in diverse brain structures, and to study the genomic organisation of brain-expressed sex-biased genes, we performed a large scale gene expression analysis of distinct brain regions in adult male and female mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study revealed spatial specificity in sex-biased transcription in the mouse brain, and identified 173 sex-biased genes in the striatum; 19 in the neocortex; 12 in the hippocampus and 31 in the eye. Genes located on sex chromosomes were consistently over-represented in all brain regions. Analysis on a subset of genes with sex-bias in more than one tissue revealed Y-encoded male-biased transcripts and X-encoded female-biased transcripts known to escape X-inactivation. In addition, we identified novel coding and non-coding X-linked genes with female-biased expression in multiple tissues. Interestingly, the chromosomal positions of all of the female-biased non-coding genes are in close proximity to protein-coding genes that escape X-inactivation. This defines X-chromosome domains each of which contains a coding and a non-coding female-biased gene. Lack of repressive chromatin marks in non-coding transcribed loci supports the possibility that they escape X-inactivation. Moreover, RNA-DNA combined FISH experiments confirmed the biallelic expression of one such novel domain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrated that the amount of genes with sex-biased expression varies between individual brain regions in mouse. The sex-biased genes identified are localized on many chromosomes. At the same time, sexually dimorphic gene expression that is common to several parts of the brain is mostly restricted to the sex chromosomes. Moreover, the study uncovered multiple female-biased non-coding genes that are non-randomly co-localized on the X-chromosome with protein-coding genes that escape X-inactivation. This raises the possibility that expression of long non-coding RNAs may play a role in modulating gene expression in domains that escape X-inactivation in mouse.</p

    Sex-specific Trans-regulatory Variation on the Drosophila melanogaster X Chromosome

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    The X chromosome constitutes a unique genomic environment because it is present in one copy in males, but two copies in females. This simple fact has motivated several theoretical predictions with respect to how standing genetic variation on the X chromosome should differ from the autosomes. Unmasked expression of deleterious mutations in males and a lower census size are expected to reduce variation, while allelic variants with sexually antagonistic effects, and potentially those with a sex-specific effect, could accumulate on the X chromosome and contribute to increased genetic variation. In addition, incomplete dosage compensation of the X chromosome could potentially dampen the male-specific effects of random mutations, and promote the accumulation of X-linked alleles with sexually dimorphic phenotypic effects. Here we test both the amount and the type of genetic variation on the X chromosome within a population of Drosophila melanogaster, by comparing the proportion of X linked and autosomal trans-regulatory SNPs with a sexually concordant and discordant effect on gene expression. We find that the X chromosome is depleted for SNPs with a sexually concordant effect, but hosts comparatively more SNPs with a sexually discordant effect. Interestingly, the contrasting results for SNPs with sexually concordant and discordant effects are driven by SNPs with a larger influence on expression in females than expression in males. Furthermore, the distribution of these SNPs is shifted towards regions where dosage compensation is predicted to be less complete. These results suggest that intrinsic properties of dosage compensation influence either the accumulation of different types of trans-factors and/or their propensity to accumulate mutations. Our findings document a potential mechanistic basis for sex-specific genetic variation, and identify the X as a reservoir for sexually dimorphic phenotypic variation. These results have general implications for X chromosome evolution, as well as the genetic basis of sex-specific evolutionary change

    Sexually Dimorphic Gene Expression in the Mammalian Brain

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    In recent times, major advances have been made towards understanding sexual dimorphism in the brain on a molecular basis. This thesis summarises my modest contributions to these endeavours. Sexual dimorphisms are manifested throughout the spectrum of biological complexity, and can be studied by numerous approaches. The approach of this thesis is to explore sex-biased gene expression in mammalian somatic tissues. Paper I describes an evolutionarily conserved sexual gene expression pattern in the primate brain. Conserved sex-biased genes may underlie important sex differences in neurobiology. In Paper II, Y-chromosome genes expressed across several regions of the human male brain during mid-gestation are identified. Such genes may play male-specific roles during brain development. The studies of Papers III and IV explore sex-biased gene expression in several somatic tissues from mouse. The amount of genes with sex-biased expression varied in different brain regions. The striatum was particularly interesting, with an order of magnitude increase in the number of sex-biased genes as compared to the other included brain regions. Of potentially wider significance are my observations regarding the transcriptional regulation of domains that escape X-chromosome inactivation (XCI). Specifically, I provide the first evidence that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) transcribe together with protein-coding genes in XCI-escaping domains. This raises the possibility that lncRNAs mediate the transcriptional regulation of XCI-escaping domains. I also present evidence that the mouse X-chromosome has undergone both feminisation and de-masculinisation during evolution, as indicated by the sex-skewed regulation of genes on this chromosome. This finding is relevant for understanding the selective forces that shaped the mammalian X-chromosome. In the final chapter, Paper V, the generation of a novel transgenic mouse line, Gpr101-Cre, is described. Its progeny can be used for functional studies of striatum, a brain structure with major sexual dimorphism, as is further demonstrated in the Papers of this thesis

    Sexually Dimorphic Gene Expression in the Mammalian Brain

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    In recent times, major advances have been made towards understanding sexual dimorphism in the brain on a molecular basis. This thesis summarises my modest contributions to these endeavours. Sexual dimorphisms are manifested throughout the spectrum of biological complexity, and can be studied by numerous approaches. The approach of this thesis is to explore sex-biased gene expression in mammalian somatic tissues. Paper I describes an evolutionarily conserved sexual gene expression pattern in the primate brain. Conserved sex-biased genes may underlie important sex differences in neurobiology. In Paper II, Y-chromosome genes expressed across several regions of the human male brain during mid-gestation are identified. Such genes may play male-specific roles during brain development. The studies of Papers III and IV explore sex-biased gene expression in several somatic tissues from mouse. The amount of genes with sex-biased expression varied in different brain regions. The striatum was particularly interesting, with an order of magnitude increase in the number of sex-biased genes as compared to the other included brain regions. Of potentially wider significance are my observations regarding the transcriptional regulation of domains that escape X-chromosome inactivation (XCI). Specifically, I provide the first evidence that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) transcribe together with protein-coding genes in XCI-escaping domains. This raises the possibility that lncRNAs mediate the transcriptional regulation of XCI-escaping domains. I also present evidence that the mouse X-chromosome has undergone both feminisation and de-masculinisation during evolution, as indicated by the sex-skewed regulation of genes on this chromosome. This finding is relevant for understanding the selective forces that shaped the mammalian X-chromosome. In the final chapter, Paper V, the generation of a novel transgenic mouse line, Gpr101-Cre, is described. Its progeny can be used for functional studies of striatum, a brain structure with major sexual dimorphism, as is further demonstrated in the Papers of this thesis

    Sexually Dimorphic Gene Expression in the Mammalian Brain

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    In recent times, major advances have been made towards understanding sexual dimorphism in the brain on a molecular basis. This thesis summarises my modest contributions to these endeavours. Sexual dimorphisms are manifested throughout the spectrum of biological complexity, and can be studied by numerous approaches. The approach of this thesis is to explore sex-biased gene expression in mammalian somatic tissues. Paper I describes an evolutionarily conserved sexual gene expression pattern in the primate brain. Conserved sex-biased genes may underlie important sex differences in neurobiology. In Paper II, Y-chromosome genes expressed across several regions of the human male brain during mid-gestation are identified. Such genes may play male-specific roles during brain development. The studies of Papers III and IV explore sex-biased gene expression in several somatic tissues from mouse. The amount of genes with sex-biased expression varied in different brain regions. The striatum was particularly interesting, with an order of magnitude increase in the number of sex-biased genes as compared to the other included brain regions. Of potentially wider significance are my observations regarding the transcriptional regulation of domains that escape X-chromosome inactivation (XCI). Specifically, I provide the first evidence that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) transcribe together with protein-coding genes in XCI-escaping domains. This raises the possibility that lncRNAs mediate the transcriptional regulation of XCI-escaping domains. I also present evidence that the mouse X-chromosome has undergone both feminisation and de-masculinisation during evolution, as indicated by the sex-skewed regulation of genes on this chromosome. This finding is relevant for understanding the selective forces that shaped the mammalian X-chromosome. In the final chapter, Paper V, the generation of a novel transgenic mouse line, Gpr101-Cre, is described. Its progeny can be used for functional studies of striatum, a brain structure with major sexual dimorphism, as is further demonstrated in the Papers of this thesis

    Elevated Expression of <em>H19</em> and <em>Igf2</em> in the Female Mouse Eye

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    <div><p>The catalogue of genes expressed at different levels in the two sexes is growing, and the mechanisms underlying sex differences in regulation of the mammalian transcriptomes are being explored. Here we report that the expression of the imprinted non-protein-coding maternally expressed gene <i>H19</i> was female-biased specifically in the female mouse eye (1.9-fold, p = 3.0E−6) while not being sex-biased in other somatic tissues. The female-to-male expression fold-change of <i>H19</i> fell in the range expected from an effect of biallelic versus monoallelic expression. Recently, the possibility of sex-specific parent-of-origin allelic expression has been debated. This led us to hypothesize that <i>H19</i> might express biallelically in the female mouse eye, thus escape its silencing imprint on the paternal allele specifically in this tissue. We therefore performed a sex-specific imprinting assay of <i>H19</i> in female and male eye derived from a cross between <i>Mus musculus</i> and <i>Mus spretus</i>. However, this analysis demonstrated that <i>H19</i> was exclusively expressed from the maternal gene copy, disproving the escape hypothesis. Instead, this supports that the female-biased expression of <i>H19</i> is the result of upregulation of the single maternal. Furthermore, if <i>H19</i> would have been expressed from both gene copies in the female eye, an associated downregulation of Insulin-like growth factor 2 (<i>Igf2</i>) was expected, since <i>H19</i> and <i>Igf2</i> compete for a common enhancer element located in the <i>H19/Igf2</i> imprinted domain. On the contrary we found that also <i>Igf2</i> was significantly upregulated in its expression in the female eye (1.2-fold, p = 6.1E−3), in further agreement with the conclusion that <i>H19</i> is monoallelically elevated in females. The female-biased expression of <i>H19</i> and <i>Igf2</i> specifically in the eye may contribute to our understanding of sex differences in normal as well as abnormal eye physiology and processes.</p> </div

    Sex-specific imprinting assay of <i>H19</i>. A.

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    <p>RFLP experimental design. DNA sequencing of C57BL/6 and SD7 confirmed an SD7-specific BglI restriction site located within <i>H19</i> exon 5. p11, p12 and p13 designate the locations of the RFLP primers listed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0056611#pone-0056611-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>. <b>B.</b> Confirmation of SD7-specificity of the BglI restriction. PCR products of <i>H19</i> amplified from BL6 and SD7 gDNA (using primers p12 and p13) digested with BglI, and an undigested SD7 sample. <b>C.</b> Imprinting assay of <i>H19</i> in male and female mice. PCR products of <i>H19</i> amplified from eye cDNA derived from three F1 males (M1-3) and three F1 females (F1-3) of the ♂C57BL/6×♀SD7 cross (using primers p11 and p13) digested with BglI. Controls for the paternal (C57BL/6) and maternal (SD7) allele, and negative controls for the PCR are shown to the right.</p