596 research outputs found

    Balanced data assimilation for highly-oscillatory mechanical systems

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    Data assimilation algorithms are used to estimate the states of a dynamical system using partial and noisy observations. The ensemble Kalman filter has become a popular data assimilation scheme due to its simplicity and robustness for a wide range of application areas. Nevertheless, the ensemble Kalman filter also has limitations due to its inherent Gaussian and linearity assumptions. These limitations can manifest themselves in dynamically inconsistent state estimates. We investigate this issue in this paper for highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems with a dynamical behavior which satisfies certain balance relations. We first demonstrate that the standard ensemble Kalman filter can lead to estimates which do not satisfy those balance relations, ultimately leading to filter divergence. We also propose two remedies for this phenomenon in terms of blended time-stepping schemes and ensemble-based penalty methods. The effect of these modifications to the standard ensemble Kalman filter are discussed and demonstrated numerically for two model scenarios. First, we consider balanced motion for highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems and, second, we investigate thermally embedded highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems. The first scenario is relevant for applications from meteorology while the second scenario is relevant for applications of data assimilation to molecular dynamics

    Photosynthetic Capacity within the Phantom Gas Field Project

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    Anthropogenic noise has proven detrimental to organisms like bats, owls, and certain other species whose hunting or navigation success is affected by unnatural sound. However, few studies have quantified the effects of noise pollution across multiple trophic levels. Our study is quantifying the impacts of human noise on insect abundance and herbivory, and plant physiology, using experimental noise stations compared to quiet control sites in the sagebrush steppe southwest of Boise, Idaho. I am measuring variation in leaf chlorophyll fluorescence and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Both of these measurements are indirect measurements of photosynthetic capacity. We hypothesized that shrubs in “noise ON” sites will have increased insect abundance and herbivory (leaf damage), and thus declines in photosynthetic capacity, due to decreased predation on insects by birds and bats at these sites. Preliminary data suggest that photosynthetic capacity is slightly less at noise ON sites compared to control sites

    Uma proposta de auditoria das rotinas da divisão de registros acadêmicos da instituição de ensino superior particular, como parte integrante da auto-avaliação proposta pelo SINAES

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    Orientador: Blenio Cesar Severo PeixeMonografia(Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Auditoria IntegralResumo: Uma Instituição de Ensino Superior e composta por diversas áreas que contribuem para o produto final que é o profissional capacitado para atuar no mercado de trabalho. Até 2003, o Ministério da Educação desenvolvia um trabalho de acompanhamento do desempenho acadêmico para atestar a qualidade do ensino das instituições das condições infra-estruturais. Em abril de 2004 foi criado o SINAES que visa analisar, subsidiar, recomendar, propor critérios e estratégias para a reformulação dos processos e políticas de avaliação do ensino superior. Segundo censo de julho de 2005, as organizações educacionais totalizavam 2.074 instituições particulares, o que torna o mercado bastante competitivo, obrigando os gestores realizarem revisões constantes em seus métodos políticos e diretrizes, que atendam as exigências da sociedade. Diante deste contexto, o desafio e verificar se a Divisão de Registros Acadêmicos contribui com informações precisas, em tempo real, para a tomada de decisão. A proposta e identificar, através da auditoria de processos, quais são as falhas e as ações corretivas, a fim de aferir a continuidade das melhorias, de tal forma que se possa assegurar a qualidade da informação em conformidade com as orientações do MEC e o regimento da IES. Adaptando a metodologia DEQ/AUDEQ de Antonio de Loureiro Gil, propõe-se uma auditoria para os procedimentos acadêmicos, identificando ações de não-conformidade, fornecendo subsídios para correção e melhorias contínuas dos processos. O estudo de caso viabilizou a identificação dos processes executados pela Divisão de Registros Acadêmicos, considerados relevantes para a gestão da organização. A análise documental, observação in loco e a colaboração dos funcionários envolvidos nos processos, propiciou os registros das rotinas e o entendimento dos processos. As informações coletadas foram transformadas em tabelas e mensuradas, resultando desta análise a identificação dos pontos de falhas, as recomendações para atingir as metas definidas e as sugestões para ações de melhoria contínua dos processos. Somente uma ação conjunta entre o gestor e o auditor garantira resultados satisfatórios, visando maximizar o desempenho e minimizar as falhas

    The murine nuclear orphan receptor GCNF is expressed in the XY body of primary spermatocytes

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    AbstractWe have studied the expression of the nuclear orphan receptor GCNF (germ cell nuclear factor) on the mRNA and protein level in pubertal and adult mouse testes. We show by Northern and Western blot analyses and by in situ hybridization that GCNF is expressed in spermatocytes and round spermatids of adult mouse testis suggesting that GCNF may be a transcriptional regulator of spermatogenesis. Since the GCNF protein is accumulated in the XY body of late pachytene spermatocytes, it may be involved in transcriptional inactivation of sex chromosomes

    Quantum Dynamics of Solitons in Strongly Interacting Systems on Optical Lattices

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    Mean-field dynamics of strongly interacting bosons described by hard core bosons with nearest-neighbor attraction has been shown to support two species of solitons: one of Gross-Pitaevskii (GP-type) where the condensate fraction remains dark and a novel non-Gross-Pitaevskii-type (non-GP-type) characterized by brightening of the condensate fraction. Here we study the effects of quantum fluctuations on these solitons using the adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method, which takes into account the effect of strong correlations. We use local observables as the density, condensate density and correlation functions as well as the entanglement entropy to characterize the stability of the initial states. We find both species of solitons to be stable under quantum evolution for a finite duration, their tolerance to quantum fluctuations being enhanced as the width of the soliton increases. We describe possible experimental realizations in atomic Bose Einstein Condensates, polarized degenerate Fermi gases, and in systems of polar molecules on optical lattices

    Increased Volume and Function of Right Auditory Cortex as a Marker for Absolute Pitch

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    Absolute pitch (AP) perception is the auditory ability to effortlessly recognize the pitch of any given tone without external reference. To study the neural substrates of this rare phenomenon, we developed a novel behavioral test, which excludes memory-based interval recognition and permits quantification of AP proficiency independently of relative pitch cues. AP- and non-AP-possessing musicians were studied with morphological and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography. Gray matter volume of the right Heschl's gyrus (HG) was highly correlated with AP proficiency. Right-hemispheric auditory evoked fields were increased in the AP group. fMRI revealed an AP-dependent network of right planum temporale, secondary somatosensory, and premotor cortices, as well as left-hemispheric "Broca's” area. We propose the right HG as an anatomical marker of AP and suggest that a right-hemispheric network mediates AP "perception,” whereas pitch "labeling” takes place in the left hemispher

    Primary motor cortex activation and lateralization in patients with tumors of the central region

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    AbstractHemispheric lateralization is a frequently encountered phenomenon of cortical function. It describes the functional specialization of a region on one side of the brain for a given task. It is well characterized in motor and sensory, as well as language systems and becomes more and more known for various cognitive domains. While in the adult healthy brain hemispheric lateralization is mostly set, pathological processes may lead to cortical reorganization. In these cases neuroplasticity of the corresponding region in the non-dominant hemisphere seems to play an important role. In a previous study we investigated language associated regions in right-handed patients with frontal and temporal tumors of the left hemisphere. We observed a marked change of language lateralization in these patients towards the non-dominant hemisphere as measured by functional MRI (Partovi et al., 2012).In the present study we evaluated activation and lateralization of cortical motor areas in patients with tumors of the central region. BOLD fMRI was performed during unilateral voluntary movements of the contralesional hand in 87 patients. Individual correlations of measured BOLD-signals with the model hemodynamic reference function were determined on a ROI basis in single subjects and compared to those of 16 healthy volunteers. In volunteers the strongest activation is usually found in the M1 hand representation contralateral to the movement, while a weaker homotopic co-activation is observed in ipsilateral M1 (Stippich et al., 2007a). In the patient group our results show significant changes of motor activations, ranging from a reduction of M1 lateralization to equalization of M1 activations or even inversion of M1 lateralization during contralesional movements. This study corroborates in a large patient group the idea that lesions affecting M1 may lead to functional reorganization of cortical motor systems and in particular equalize hemispheric lateralization. However, it is not yet clear whether these changes are only an epiphenomenon or indeed reflect an attempt of recovery of brain function

    Experiences of homeless families in parenthood: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative evidence

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    The objective of this systematic review was to identify the available qualitative data and to develop a framework to address the life experiences of homeless families in parenthood. The research was performed in the PubMed and CINAHL Complete databases, for works published in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Studies that included qualitative data, or both qualitative and quantitative data, were considered for this research. A total of 358 articles were obtained, of which 37 were assessed for eligibility, and 26 were rejected. In the end, 11 studies were selected. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Qualitative Research was used. These studies were conducted mostly in the United States, in temporary/transitional shelters for nuclear or single-parent families (led by women) in a homeless situation. In this context, the area which arose as the more relevant one was mental health, followed by the social studies. Two types of dimensions emerged from the results: mediating dimensions (which include the categories “Insecurity”, “Lack of Privacy”, “Isolation”, “Stigma” and “Disempowerment”) that are responsible for difficulties related to education, and behavioural changes in both the parents and the children; and supporting dimensions (which include the categories “Context as a Facilitator”, “Relationship with Others” and “Parents’ and children’s Self”) that lead to motivation, as well as the acquisition of strategies by the parents, to resolve parenting issues. This research helps expand nursing knowledge and presents a synthesis of the life experiences of homeless families in parenthood. Nursing can respond to the vulnerable population, due to its predominant role in promoting their health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A New Type of Thermoalkalophilic Hydrolase of Paucimonas lemoignei with High Specificity for Amorphous Polyesters of Short Chain-length Hydroxyalkanoic Acids

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    A novel type of hydrolase was purified from culture fluid of Paucimonas (formerly Pseudomonas) lemoignei. Biochemical characterization revealed an unusual substrate specificity of the purified enzyme for amorphous poly((R)-3-hydroxyalkanoates) (PHA) such as native granules of natural poly((R)-3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) or poly((R)-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHV), artificial cholate-coated granules of natural PHB or PHV, atactic poly((R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate), and oligomers of (R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) with six or more 3HB units. The enzyme has the unique property to recognize the physical state of the polymeric substrate by discrimination between amorphous PHA (good substrate) and denatured, partially crystalline PHA (no substrate). The pentamers of 3HB or 3HV were identified as the main products of enzymatic hydrolysis of native PHB or PHV, respectively. No activity was found with any denatured PHA, oligomers of (R)-3HB with five or less 3HB units, poly(6-hydroxyhexanoate), substrates of lipases such as tributyrin or triolein, substrates for amidases/nitrilases, DNA, RNA, casein, N-alpha-benzoyl-l-arginine-4-nitranilide, or starch. The purified enzyme (M(r) 36,209) was remarkably stable and active at high temperature (60 degrees C), high pH (up to 12.0), low ionic strength (distilled water), and in solvents (e.g. n-propyl alcohol). The depolymerase contained no essential SH groups or essential disulfide bridges and was insensitive to high concentrations of ionic (SDS) and nonionic (Triton and Tween) detergents. Characterization of the cloned structural gene (phaZ7) and the DNA-deduced amino acid sequence revealed no homologies to any PHB depolymerase or any other sequence of data banks except for a short sequence related to the active site serine of serine hydrolases. A classification of the enzyme into a new family (family 9) of carboxyesterases (Arpigny, J. L., and Jaeger, K.-E. (1999) Biochem. J. 343, 177-183) is suggested