17 research outputs found

    Radio Di Kawasan Perbatasan Indonesia Dalam Centering the Margin

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    Kawasan perbatasan Indonesia banyak mengalami blank spot layanan informasi sehingga siaran yang menghubungkan warganegara dan pemerintah tidak tersampaikan dengan baik. Padahal, keberadaan media di perbatasan sangat strategis sebagai penyedia informasi yang merefl eksikan dinamika lokal, mengartikulasikan kepentingan daerah sehingga dapat didengar oleh pusat. Harapannya, artikulasi tersebut dapat memberi warna pada dinamika sosial, politik, ekonomi, dan budaya di tanah air. Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana radio di wilayah perbatasan memberikan kontribusi dalam peran centering the margin, yakni membawa aspirasi di perbatasan guna ñ€Ɠmemusatkan yang pinggirñ€

    MOESM5 of Evaluation of the accuracy of imputed sequence variant genotypes and their utility for causal variant detection in cattle

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    Additional file 5: Table S1. Significantly associated variants at five fat percentage QTL. Variants located on chromosomes 5, 6, 11, 16 and 19 with P values less than 2.1 × 10−9. The positions of the variants correspond to the UMD3.1 assembly of the bovine genome. The substitution effects (beta, standard error of beta) are given for the alternative allele. The R2 value is the estimated accuracy of imputation from Minimac

    Chromosomal partitioning of the phenotypic variance.

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    <p>The grey and blue bars indicate the fraction of phenotypic variance attributed to a particular chromosome and QTL region, respectively. The triangles represent the cumulative proportion of phenotypic variance attributable to the 30 chromosomes.</p

    Proportion of phenotypic variance attributable to the twelve identified QTL regions.

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    <p>A 5 Mb interval centred on the most significantly associated SNP was considered as QTL-region.</p><p>The genomic relationship matrix for each QTL was built based upon SNPs within the 5 Mb interval.</p><p>The proportion of phenotypic variance explained was then estimated with the effects off all chromosomes and QTL fitted simultaneously.</p

    The most significantly associated SNP for each of the twelve identified QTL regions for ambilateral circumocular pigmentation in the Fleckvieh breed.

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    <p>The SNPs are arranged according to their physical position based on the UMD3.1 assembly of the bovine genome. The P values were obtained by using a variance components based approach to account for population stratification.</p

    The effect of 14 significantly associated SNPs on the proportion of daughters with ambilateral circumocular pigmentation.

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    <p>3579 Fleckvieh animals are grouped according to the number of alleles that predispose to ambilateral circumocular pigmentation (ACOP). The blue boxplots represent the proportion of daughters with ACOP for each group. The grey bars indicate the number of sires with an increasing number of predisposing alleles.</p

    Manhattan plot of association of 658,385 SNPs with the proportion of daughters with ambilateral circumocular pigmentation in 3579 bulls of the Fleckvieh breed.

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    <p>The chromosomes are separated with alternating colours. Orange and red dots indicate chromosome-wide and genome-wide (P<7.59×10<sup>−8</sup>) significantly associated SNPs, respectively. The vertical axis is truncated for P values below -log10(10–41). Twelve identified QTL regions are indicated with arrows and gene identifiers.</p

    Assessment of fresh semen quality.

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    <p>Fresh semen quality of 203 FV bulls. The mean and standard deviation is presented based on an average of 53 ejaculates per bull. The age of the bulls at semen collection ranged from 1.11 to 2.49 years. Semen quality parameters were kindly provided by Bayern Genetik GmbH (<a href="http://www.fleckvieh.de" target="_blank">http://www.fleckvieh.de</a>).</p

    Effect of the subfertility-associated haplotype on male reproductive ability.

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    <p>The boxplots display the male reproductive ability (MRA) of 7962 artificial insemination bulls as a function of copies of the subfertility-associated haplotype. The reproductive performance of heterozygous bulls (N = 1068) is normal, whereas MRA is <−20 for homozygous bulls (N = 40).</p