125 research outputs found

    The Dilemma of Indonesia Welfare State Challenge of Realizing Social Welfare in the Global Era

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    Globalization has placed Indonesia in a dilemma in creating the welfare of the people. Many legislations with liberal character are disallowed through the constitutional review by the constitutional court. The liberal character then becomes constraints for government to realize social welfare, thus harming the economic interest of people and contrary to the constitution (UUD 1945). Efforts to create welfare cannot be separated from state sovereignty in determining the economics welfare policy in the form of law. The State needs to adopt policies of recalibrating sovereignty to realize its objectives. Sovereignty is the essential requirement to be able to build pengayoman law character, ideology by Pancasila ideology and UUDNRI 1945. The legal substance of pengayoman law (protection and succor) will realize a balance between global interests and the interests of the nation. Pengayoman Law integrates the efficiency and freedom with fairness and welfare excellence. Also, the Pengayoman Law always opens the space to give a guarantee/partiality to the poor through social policies that are based on human dignity. Keywords: Welfare, Challenges, Globalization, Dilemm


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    ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) promotes the development and economic welfare in ASEAN nation. Indonesia, on the other side, accept it as a big chance of investment. Through investment, the government hopes to achieve economic development. Policies, regulation, even deregulation has been made for a friendly investment. But, there is no guaranteed investment will also bring social welfare. Regulation not only as a tool for investment but also to protect socio-economic rights of people's. As the example, the regulation made for protecting the local worker, or employment opportunities. The regulation also provided for protection and  empowerment for small and middle economies or the poverty alleviation.  This condition will be the dilemma for the government to balance the investment and to fulfill socio-economic rights at the same time. Truly are UUDNRI 1945 already formulate to solve this dilemma. We can learn from article 33 UUDNRI 1945, about the idea to keep it economic development work together in harmony with the will to fulfill socio-economic rights. This paper focuses on seeing how regulation consistence in fulfills socio-economic rights in AEC Free Trade, with the normative method through legislation, social, and economic approach, The research result describe the regulations used for facing AEC dominate by investment design and forgot about socio-economic rights

    Soberanía E Inseguridad Alimentaria En El Departamento Archipiélago De San Andrés Isla

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    El Departamento Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, situado en el mar Caribe, enfrenta desafíos en cuanto a soberanía e inseguridad alimentaria. La soberanía alimentaria implica el derecho de los pueblos, a decidir sobre su sistema alimentario y a producir, distribuir y consumir alimentos de manera justa y sostenible. El objetivo de la investigación se enfoca en la implementación de tecnologías energéticas en las Unidades de Producción Agropecuaria (UPAs), para fortalecer y promover la producción local y la soberanía alimentaria. La metodología cualitativa, a través del estudio de caso y la revisión bibliográfica. La recolección de los datos fue a través de las entrevistas directas a los productores utilizando dispositivos móviles para las evidencias. Los resultados revelaron una clara disparidad de género en la participación de las mujeres, la falta de acceso a tecnologías de información y comunicación y la necesidad de incentivos y recursos para la innovación en el sector agropecuario en la Isla. Se concluyó que es sumamente importante fortalecer la producción local de alimentos, mediante la promoción de políticas y aplicación de tecnología energética adecuada que impulsen la soberanía alimentaria

    Hukum dan Bahasa: Refleksi dan Transformasi Pemenuhan Hak Ekonomi, Sosial dan Budaya

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    The regulation of economic, social and cultural rights is always intertwined with language. Language is significant in the written dimension of legal protection and the legal fulfillment of rights. The text of the law is a commitment to fulfilling rights. Understanding the structure of the text is necessary to predict and reach the needs, as well as to fulfill the rights. States must be able to recognize legal texts that are aligned and responsive. These legal texts must favor the fulfillment of the civil rights through language that reflects and transforms elements of the economic, social, and cultural rights (ie. freedom, availability, accessibility, and conformity). Yet, it is often that the language in the legal text formulated is inconsistent and uncertain. Language as a tool of transformation can also become a tool that shackles. This issue requires an understanding of intertextuality, with respect to the text of the law. One strategy is to highlight the elements in legal texts: principles, standards, and concepts to enforce values and legal goals. This effort is intended to understand the various factors and relationships that affect the accuracy of meaning, and subsequently reflect on the purpose of formulating that legal text. The discovered weakness of the text can thus be reconstructed in responsive, progressive and communicative spaces and structures. Keywords: Language, Law Text, Reflection, Transformation, Socio-Economic and Cultural Right

    Descontaminación y recuperación de la fuente hídrica La Canelo vereda El Remolino del municipio de Curillo-Caquetá

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    Se diseña una propuesta de proyecto ambiental con el objetivo de concientizar a la comunidad de Remolinos donde se encuentra ubicada la quebrada la Canelo pensando en disminuir la contaminación para la conservación y recuperación de la fuente hídrica de la comunidad se Remolino del municipio de Curillo Caquetá En aras de proteger esta fuente hídrica de la contaminación, que sucede mediante desechos orgánicos y residuos sólidos provenientes de los herbicidas y plaguicidas que utilizan los habitantes para controlar la maleza y la plaga de sus cultivos, sin mencionar la tala de bosques indiscriminada. Es de anotar que cuando se contaminan la tierra y el agua, también podemos tener problemas en la contaminación del suelo con la presencia de compuestos químicos elaborados por el hombre u otra alteración al ambiente natural del mismo. El agua de los ríos contaminados que se use en los riegos de los cultivos, daña las frutas y verduras que nos sirven de alimento. Pensando en esta problemáticas entonces se presenta esta solución a las dificultades creadas por el hombre, en materia de contaminación hídrica en la localidad de Remolinos, específicamente en la quebrada la Canelo Inicialmente, serán realizadas visitas de campo a la zona de estudio, esto con el fin de identificar los principales factores que posiblemente estén contaminando y a su vez disminuyendo el cauce de esta fuente hídrica, y plantear las posibles soluciones.An enviromental Project proposal is designed with the aim of raisng in the Remolinos community where the Canelo creek is located, thinkint of rewducing pollution for the conservation and recovery of the wáter source of the Remolino community in the municipality of Curillo Caquetá. In order to protct this wáter source from contamination, which occurs through organic waste and solid residue from hervicides and pesticedes use by residents to control weeds and pests on their crops, not to mention indiscriminate felling of forests. It should be noted that when land and wáter are contaminanted, we can also have problems in soil contamination with the presence of chemical compounds made by mano r other alterations to its natural environment. The wáter of the polluted rivers that is used in the irrigation of the crops, damages the fruits and vegetables that do not serve as food. Thinkint about this problm then this solution is presented to the difficulties created by man, in terms of wáter pollution in the town of Remolinos, specifically in the Canelo creek. Initially, field visits will be made to the study area, this in order to identify the main factors that are possibly polluting and in turn reducing the course of this water source, and propose possible solutions

    Angiotensin II type 1/adenosine A2A receptor oligomers: a novel target for tardive dyskinesia

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    Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a serious motor side effect that may appear after long-term treatment with neuroleptics and mostly mediated by dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs). Striatal D2R functioning may be finely regulated by either adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) or angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1R) through putative receptor heteromers. Here, we examined whether A2AR and AT1R may oligomerize in the striatum to synergistically modulate dopaminergic transmission. First, by using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer, we demonstrated a physical AT1R-A2AR interaction in cultured cells. Interestingly, by protein-protein docking and molecular dynamics simulations, we described that a stable heterotetrameric interaction may exist between AT1R and A2AR bound to antagonists (i.e. losartan and istradefylline, respectively). Accordingly, we subsequently ascertained the existence of AT1R/A2AR heteromers in the striatum by proximity ligation in situ assay. Finally, we took advantage of a TD animal model, namely the reserpine-induced vacuous chewing movement (VCM), to evaluate a novel multimodal pharmacological TD treatment approach based on targeting the AT1R/A2AR complex. Thus, reserpinized mice were co-treated with sub-effective losartan and istradefylline doses, which prompted a synergistic reduction in VCM. Overall, our results demonstrated the existence of striatal AT1R/A2AR oligomers with potential usefulness for the therapeutic management of TD

    Apolipoprotein E polymorphism influences orthotopic liver transplantation outcomes in patients with hepatitis C virus-induced liver cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is responsible for a chronic liver inflammation, which may cause end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. Apolipoprotein E (protein: ApoE, gene: APOE), a key player in cholesterol metabolism, is mainly synthesized in the liver and APOE polymorphisms may influence HCV-induced liver damage. AIM: To determine whether APOE alleles affect outcomes in HCV-infected patients with liver cirrhosis following orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). METHODS: This was a cohort study in which 179 patients, both genders and aged 34-70 years, were included before or after (up to 10 years follow-up) OLT. Liver injury severity was assessed using different criteria, including METAVIR and models for end-stage liver disease. APOE polymorphisms were analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The APOE3 allele was the most common (67.3%). In inflammation severity of biopsies from 89 OLT explants and 2 patients in pre-transplant, the degree of severe inflammation (A3F4, 0.0%) was significantly less frequent than in patients with minimal and moderate degree of inflammation (≤ A2F4, 16.2%) P = 0.048, in patients carrying the APOE4 allele when compared to non-APOE4. In addition, a significant difference was also found (≤ A2F4, 64.4% vs A3F4, 0.0%; P = 0.043) and (A1F4, 57.4% vs A3F4, 0.0%; P = 0.024) in APOE4 patients when compared to APOE3 carriers. The fibrosis degree of the liver graft in 8 of 91 patients and the lack of the E4 allele was associated with more moderate fibrosis (F2) (P = 0.006). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the E4 allele protects against progression of liver fibrosis and degree of inflammation in HCV-infected patients

    Immunogenicity of personalized dendritic-cell therapy in HIV-1 infected individuals under suppressive antiretroviral treatment:interim analysis from a phase II clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: We developed a personalized Monocyte-Derived Dendritic-cell Therapy (MDDCT) for HIV-infected individuals on suppressive antiretroviral treatment and evaluated HIV-specific T-cell responses. METHODS: PBMCs were obtained from 10 HIV(+) individuals enrolled in trial NCT02961829. Monocytes were differentiated into DCs using IFN-α and GM-CSF. After sequencing each patient’s HIV-1 Gag and determining HLA profiles, autologous Gag peptides were selected based on the predicted individual immunogenicity and used to pulse MDDCs. Three doses of the MDDCT were administered every 15 days. To assess immunogenicity, patients’ cells were stimulated in vitro with autologous peptides, and intracellular IL-2, TNF, and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production were measured in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cells. RESULTS: The protocol of ex-vivo treatment with IFN-α and GM-CSF was able to induce maturation of MDDCs, as well as to preserve their viability for reinfusion. MDDCT administration was associated with increased expression of IL-2 in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cells at 15 and/or 30 days after the first MDDCT administration. Moreover, intracellular TNF and IFN-γ expression was significantly increased in CD4(+) T-cells. The number of candidates that increased in vitro the cytokine levels in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells upon stimulation with Gag peptides from baseline to day 15 and from baseline to day 30 and day 120 after MDDCT was significant as compared to Gag unstimulated response. This was accompanied by an increasing trend in the frequency of polyfunctional T-cells over time, which was visible when considering both cells expressing two and three out of the three cytokines examined. CONCLUSIONS: MDDC had a mature profile, and this MDDCT promoted in-vitro T-cell immune responses in HIV-infected patients undergoing long-term suppressive antiretroviral treatment. Trial registration NCT02961829: (Multi Interventional Study Exploring HIV-1 Residual Replication: a Step Towards HIV-1 Eradication and Sterilizing Cure, https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02961829, posted November 11th, 2016) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12981-021-00426-z