101 research outputs found

    Widespread and lateralized social brain activity for processing dynamic facial expressions

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    Dynamic facial expressions of emotions constitute natural and powerful means of social communication in daily life. A number of previous neuroimaging studies have explored the neural mechanisms underlying the processing of dynamic facial expressions, and indicated the activation of certain social brain regions (e.g., the amygdala) during such tasks. However, the activated brain regions were inconsistent across studies, and their laterality was rarely evaluated. To investigate these issues, we measured brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging in a relatively large sample (n = 51) during the observation of dynamic facial expressions of anger and happiness and their corresponding dynamic mosaic images. The observation of dynamic facial expressions, compared with dynamic mosaics, elicited stronger activity in the bilateral posterior cortices, including the inferior occipital gyri, fusiform gyri, and superior temporal sulci. The dynamic facial expressions also activated bilateral limbic regions, including the amygdalae and ventromedial prefrontal cortices, more strongly versus mosaics. In the same manner, activation was found in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and left cerebellum. Laterality analyses comparing original and flipped images revealed right hemispheric dominance in the superior temporal sulcus and IFG and left hemispheric dominance in the cerebellum. These results indicated that the neural mechanisms underlying processing of dynamic facial expressions include widespread social brain regions associated with perceptual, emotional, and motor functions, and include a clearly lateralized (right cortical and left cerebellar) network like that involved in language processing


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    既報1)において,殻状乾燥モデルに基づく乾燥速度式の設定および速度パラメータの算出方法について報告した。本報では,含水スポンジを仮想食品として考えて,乾燥実験を行ない,速度パラメータの算出をした。含水スポンジは,表面収縮をしなく殻状乾燥をするので,既報の各種の乾燥速度式を検討するのに都合のよい簡単なモデル体である。球,長い円柱および無限平板状の試料について検討した結果,つぎに示すような結論が得られた。 (1) ガス境膜および乾燥殻状部拡散律速をそれぞれ仮定して誘導された積分形1)から求められた速度パラメータhm (cm3-void/cm2・min)およびkm (cm3-void/cm・min)を用いた計算結果は,試料の重さω(g)対乾燥時間θ(min)の関係で得られた実験データを満足しなかった。この原因は,速度パラメータの相関性によるものであり,非線形最小二乗法を用いた同時計算が必要であることが分った。 (2) 本研究で使用した含水スポンジは,細孔径が大きく,長い円柱および無限平板状の試料においては,未乾燥核が水の凝集力によりそれぞれ楕円体および円盤体となり,殻状乾燥モデルを満足する実験データが得られなかった。このような試料の場合に対しては,球状についての実験が必要であることが分った。 (3) 球状の試料については,実験データをよく満足する速度パラメータhmおよびkmが得られた。従来の関係式から求められる各種の推算値と比較検討を行なった。理論的により意味のある速度パラメータを得て従来の値と比較検討をしていくためには,未乾燥核の温度変化を測定する実験などを行なっていくことが必要である。 本研究で示した方法で得られる乾燥速度式は,速度パラメータの意味が究明されていかない限り半理論式的なものであるが,当面する各種の乾燥装置の設計などに対しては簡単な取り扱いをしており有用なものである。In a previous paper, we studied the drying-rate equations based on the drying-shell models and the calculation methods of the rate parameters in the rate equations. In present paper, the rate parameters of the water-absorbing sponges which are considered as imagined fiber-foods, were determined for the sphere, the long-cylinder and the infinite-slab using a non-linear least square method. The imagined fiver-foods are simple samples which have no shrinkage of surface. The calculated values using the rate parameters obtained independently from the integrated equations did not agree with the observed values. Simulate calculations of the rate parameters using a non-linear least square method were necessary. The pore diameters of the sponges used in this study were not small and the water cores of the long-cylinder and the infinite-slab were transformed into ellipsoids and the disks. The calculated results for the long-cylinder and the infinite-slab did not agree with the observed values, but in the case of the sphere the results agreed. The rate parameters in this paper are merely experimental ones, but can be adopted satisfactorily for the design of various drying apparatuses

    Suprapatellar cyst: diagnostic and therapeutic possibillities

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    Suprapatelarna burza nalazi se između tetive m. kvadricepsa i distalnoga dijela natkoljenične kosti, a razvija se prije rođenja kao zasebni sinovijalni prostor proksimalno od zgloba koljena. Unatoč tome što anatomija dobro opisuje i definira supratatelarnu burzu i njezinu komunikaciju sa zglobnom šupljinom koljena, činjenica je da se u praksi ta zglobna šupljina i sinovijalna burza ipak smatraju jednim sinovijalnim prostorom, a granica između njih najčešće je više ili manje izražen sinovijalni nabor poznat kao suprapatelarna sinovijalna plika. Do petoga mjeseca fetalnog života između šupljine koljenskoga zgloba i suprapatelarne burze postoji poprečni suprapatelarni septum koji kasnije perforira i involuira, tako da se uspostavlja normalna komunikacija između šupljine burze i koljena. Jedan manji dio embrionalnog septuma kasnije može zaostati kao više ili manje izražena suprapatelarna plika. U slučaju kada suprapatelarna plika ima mali otvor s ventilnim mehanizmom ili u slučaju kompletnoga septuma, burza postaje odvojeni prostor, te potencijalno mjesto za razvoj cistične formacije, odnosno suprapatelarne ciste. U stručnoj literaturi za ovu rijetku patologiju spominju se i sinonomi kao što su suprapatelarna sinovijalna cista, suprapatelarni burzitis ili antefemoralna cista. U dijagnostici, pojedini autori koristili su ultrazvuk, artrografiju, scintigrafiju i kompjuteriziranu tomografiju. Međutim, magnetska rezonancija je u literaturi prepoznata kao “zlatni standard“ u dijagnostici cista oko koljena, upravo radi mogućnosti prikaza cistične prirode lezije, njezinoga odnosa prema drugim anatomskim strukturama, te radi utvrđivanja ostale patologije koljena. U pogledu liječenja, većina cisti oko koljena u djece nestaje spontano, te bi one općenito trebale biti liječene konzervativnim tretmanom koji obuhvaća aspiraciju i aplikaciju kortikosteroida. Operacijsko liječenje rezervirano je za velike suprapatelarne ciste koje ne reagiraju na konzervativno liječenje, odnosno one s nespecifičnim sinovitisom ili hemoragijom unutar ciste, s boli i ograničenim opsegom pokreta ili s udruženom intraartikularnom patologijom. Iako se po dostupnoj literaturi suprapatelarna cista kao iznimno rijetka patologija koljena može liječiti i otvorenom ekstirpacijom, možemo istaknuti da se može učinkovito i sigurno liječiti i artroskopskom dekompresijom uz ranu fizikalnu terapiju, bez recidiva i uz brzi funkcionalni oporavak pacijenta.The suprapatellar bursa is located between the quadriceps tendon and femur, and it develops before birth as a separate synovial compartment proximal to the knee joint. Even though the anatomy describes and defines the suprapatellar bursa and its communication with the knee joint cavity very well, the fact is that in practice joint cavity and suprapatellar bursa are still considered as one synovial area, and the border between them is a more or less expressed synovial fold also known as the suprapatellar plica. By the fifth month of fetal life, there is a suprapatellar septum between the knee joint cavity and suprapatellar bursa which later perforates and involutes in a way that a normal communication between the cavity of bursa and knee is established. A small portion of the embryonic septum can later lag as more or less expressed suprapatellar plica. In the case when the suprapatellar plica has a small communication with the valve mechanism or in the case of complete septum, the bursa becomes a separate compartment and potential place for suprapatellar cyst development. In literature, thereare synonyms for this kind of pathology such as suprapatellar synovial cyst, suprapatellar bursitis or antefemoral cyst. In diagnosis, some authors have used ultrasound, arthrography, scintigraphy and computed tomography. However, in literature, the MRI is recognized as the “gold standard” in diagnosis of knee cysts because of its ability to show the cystic nature of the lesion, its relationship with other anatomic structures, as well as to establish whether other knee pathologies are present. Considering treatment possibilities, the majority of cysts around the knee in children resolve spontaneously and should be treated conservatively covering aspiration and the application of corticosteroids. Surgical treatment is reserved for large cysts with unspecific synovitis, or with hemorrhage inside the cyst, with pain and limited range of motion, or with associated intra-articular pathology. Although, according to the available literature, the suprapatellar cyst as a very rare knee pathology is treated by an open excision. In conclusion, we can point out that it can also be effectively and safely treated by arthroscopic decompression without recurrence and followed by a fast and functional recovery of the patient

    Rapid resolution of femoral head osteonecrosis after rotational acetabular osteotomy

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    The natural history of osteonecrosis of the femoral head is generally thought to be one of progressive deterioration if no intervention is undertaken. However, it is unknown whether surgical intervention is beneficial for patients with a small region of osteonecrosis. We observed rapid improvement of MRI findings after rotational acetabular osteotomy (RAO) was performed in a young patient with osteonecrosis of the femoral head. The band-like low signal area on T2-weighted images almost resolved by six months after surgery. He returned to work as an electrician by six months after surgery. Early surgical intervention such as RAO that alters the mechanical force acting on the necrotic region of the femoral head may accelerate the recovery of osteonecrosis and the improvement of symptoms

    産後うつとボンディングの関連の経産による変化: 子どもの健康と環境に関する全国調査からの経時的な結果より

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    富山大学・富医薬博乙77号・土田 暁子・2020/11/25関連論文Tsuchida A, Hamazaki K, Matsumura K, Miura K, Kasamatsu H, Inadera H; Japan Environment and Children\u27s Study (JECS) Group. Changes in the association between postpartum depression and mother-infant bonding by parity: Longitudinal results from the Japan Environment and Children\u27s Study. J Psychiatr Res. 2019 Mar;110:110-116. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.11.022. Epub 2018 Nov 28. PMID: 30616158.富山大

    Memory Box

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    'Memory Box' is the second artwork created by Nathan Cohen and Reiko Kubota as part of their contribution to the Kakenhi funded Olfactory Art and Science Research Group project. (See also: Viola Odorata exhibited in Kyoto, June 2017). 'Memory Box' was shown in the Maison du Japon, Paris, in October 2017 as part of the Natsukashii: souvenirs olfactifs a(p)portes exhibition. The Viola Odorata display included a number of different elements that were combined to reveal connections between memory, narrative and smell, and this is evolved on a more intimate scale with the creation of this Memory Box

    Viola Odorata

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    An olfactory art installation shown as part of the Petite Balade exhibition at the Forum Kyoto gallery in Kyoto, Japan. This is the first presentation by the group of international artists engaged in an olfactory art and science research project funded by KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research). The exhibiting artists are: Yasuaki Matsumoto (Japan), Yoko Iwasaki and Takumi Tsukahara (Japan), Boris Raux (France), Ansiqi Li (China), Reiko Kubota and Nathan Cohen (UK)

    Unconscious Affective Responses to Food

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    Affective or hedonic responses to food are crucial for humans, both advantageously (e.g., enhancing survival) and disadvantageously (e.g., promoting overeating and lifestyle-related disease). Although previous psychological studies have reported evidence of unconscious cognitive and behavioral processing related to food, it remains unknown whether affective reactions to food can be triggered unconsciously and its relationship with daily eating behaviors. We investigated these issues by using the subliminal affective priming paradigm. Photographs of food or corresponding mosaic images were presented in the peripheral visual field for 33 ms. Target photos of faces with emotionally neutral expressions were then presented, and participants rated their preferences for the faces. Eating behaviors were also assessed using questionnaires. The food images, relative to the mosaics, increased participants' preference for subsequent target faces. Furthermore, the difference in the preference induced by food versus mosaic images was positively correlated with the tendency to engage in external eating. These results suggest that unconscious affective reactions are elicited by the sight of food and that these responses contribute to daily eating behaviors related to overeating

    Detection of sentinel lymph node with a novel near-infrared fluorescence spectrum system and indocyanine green fluorescence in patients with early breast cancer : First clinical experience

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    Background: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) for early breast cancer is common, and many studies have re-ported its usefulness with indocyanine green (ICG). However, in the case of sentinel lymph node (SNs) identi-fication using ICG, it is difficult to accurately identify the fluorescence signal of SNs through the skin because of the weakening of the signal due to the intervening tissue thickness. In this study, we examined whether fluo-rescence spectroscopy can detect weaker fluorescence signals and accurately identify SNs that have accumulated ICG.Methods: Six women with early breast cancer and clinically confirmed negative axillae were recruited. The periareolar region was subcutaneously injected with ICG (1 ml, 5 mg/mL). The identification rate of SNs in the skin was studied using the novel fluorescence spectroscopy (LumifinderTM, ADVANTEST, Tokyo, Japan).Results: LumifinderTM was able to identify 100% of SNs in the skin (6/6 patients). In addition, for SNs identifi-cation in deeper axillary areas, pressing the probe tip against the body surface allows clearer fluorescence observation.Conclusion: Novel fluorescence spectroscopy (LumifinderTM) may overcome the problem of SLNB using ICG for breast cancer