30,974 research outputs found

    The influence of turbulence on the structure and propagation of enclosed flames

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    Although it has long been established that burning rates can be appreciably increased by turbulence, the actual extent of this increase and the precise mechanism involved are still far from clear. The object of the present research was to examine the effects of turbulence on burning velocity and on the physical structure of the flame surface under flow conditions similar to those experienced in turbojet afterburner systems

    Comparison of medium frequency pulsed radar interferometer and correlation analysis winds, part 2

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    In order to test whether the chosen Doppler peaks represent localized scatters in motion, as opposed to some sort of integrated composite, an attempt was made to determine the change in position of single scatterers over a series of sequential records. A four-antenna system was employed which had 1 degree of freedom in phase. Due to limitations N-S linear transmission and E-W linear reception were used. The Doppler frequency peak selection criteria were that at least two of the four power spectra should have a local peak, and that normalized phase discrepancy, should be less than 0.3. The lack of success in tracking individual scatters seems to suggest a short lifetime. If this is the case, then the present experiment is not able to resolve the difference found between the correlation analysis true velocity and the interferometer value. On the other hand, it appears that the interferometer may be of some use in tracking waves

    Wisconsin Branch

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    Towards Proper Motions in the Local Group

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    Key and still largely missing parameters for measuring the mass content and distribution of the Local Group are the proper motion vectors of its member galaxies. The problem when trying to derive the gravitational potential of the Local Group is that usually only radial velocities are known, and hence statistical approaches have to be used. The expected proper motions for galaxies within the Local Group, ranging from 20 to 100 ÎĽ\muas/yr, are detectable with VLBI using the phase-referencing technique. We present phase-referencing observations of bright masers in IC~10 and M33 with respect to background quasars. We observed the H2_2O masers in IC10 three times over a period of two months to check the accuracy of the relative positions. The relative positions were obtained by modeling the interferometer phase data for the maser sources referenced to the background quasars. The model allowed for a relative position shift for the source and a single vertical atmospheric delay error in the correlator model for each antenna. The rms of the relative positions for the three observations is only 0.01 mas, which is approximately the expected position error due to thermal noise. Also, we present a method to measure the geometric distance to M33. This will allow re-calibration of the extragalactic distance scale based on Cepheids. The method is to measure the relative proper motions of two H2_2O maser sources on opposite sides of M33. The measured angular rotation rate, coupled with other measurements of the inclination and rotation speed of the galaxy, yields a direct distance measurement.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium, Ros, E., Porcas, R.W., Zensus, J.A. (eds.), MPIfR, Bonn, Germany (2002); Also availabe http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/abrunthaler/brunthal01.p

    Simulated Galactic methanol maser distribution to constrain Milky Way parameters

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    Using trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions of masers associated with massive young stars, the Bar and Spiral Structure Legacy (BeSSeL) survey has reported the most accurate values of the Galactic parameters so far. The determination of these parameters with high accuracy has a widespread impact on Galactic and extragalactic measurements. This research is aimed at establishing the confidence with which such parameters can be determined. This is relevant for the data published in the context of the BeSSeL survey collaboration, but also for future observations, in particular from the Southern Hemisphere. In addition, some astrophysical properties of the masers can be constrained, notably the luminosity function. We have simulated the population of maser-bearing young stars associated with Galactic spiral structure, generating several samples and comparing them with the observed samples used in the BeSSeL survey. Consequently, we checked the determination of Galactic parameters for observational biases introduced by the sample selection. Galactic parameters obtained by the BeSSeL survey do not seem to be biased by the sample selection used. In fact, the published error estimates appear to be conservative for most of the parameters. We show that future BeSSeL data and future observations with Southern arrays will improve the Galactic parameters estimates and smoothly reduce their mutual correlation. Moreover, by modeling future parallax data with larger distance and, thus, greater relative uncertainties for a larger numbers of sources, we found that parallax-distance biasing is an important issue. Hence, using fractional parallax uncertainty in the weighting of the motion data is imperative. Finally, the luminosity function for 6.7 GHz methanol masers was determined, allowing us to estimate the number of Galactic methanol masers.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Language edition include

    Singular del Pezzo fibrations and birational rigidity

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    A known conjecture of Grinenko in birational geometry asserts that a Mori fibre space with the structure of del Pezzo fibration of low degree is birationally rigid if and only if its anticanonical class is an interior point in the cone of mobile divisors. The conjecture is proved to be true for smooth models (with a generality assumption for degree 3). It is speculated that the conjecture holds for, at least, Gorenstein models in degree 1 and 2. In this article, I present a (Gorenstein) counterexample in degree 2 to this conjecture.Comment: This is essentially a more detailed version of the second section of arXiv:1310.5548. To appear in the proceedings of the conference 'Groups of Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry', held in Trento, Italy, 201

    Prompting reflection and learning in career construction counseling

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    Adopting the overall framework provided for an international inquiry into career counseling interventions, this article reports on a qualitative study into the efficacy of a relatively new approach to practice in England. Using career construction interviews as the counseling intervention, research involving two adult participants was undertaken. Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) was used to explicate the perceptions and understandings of both the participants and the counselor in the process. Outcome analysis framed the approach used to making sense of the data collected. Two contrasting responses were immediately evident from participants in the counseling intervention: one positive and one negative. The use of the IPR process enabled an understanding of the value of a structured process of reflection. Overall, the approach used was found to be of value to both participants, but in different ways

    Radio signatures of solar energetic particles during the 23rd solar cycle

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    We present the association rates between solar energetic particles (SEPs) and the radio emission signatures in the corona and IP space during the entire solar cycle 23. We selected SEPs associated with X and M-class flares from the visible solar hemisphere. All SEP events are also accompanied by coronal mass ejections. Here, we focus on the correlation between the SEP events and the appearance of radio type II, III and IV bursts on dynamic spectra. For this we used the available radio data from ground-based stations and the Wind/WAVES spacecraft. The associations are presented separately for SEP events accompanying activity in the eastern and western solar hemisphere. We find the highest association rate of SEP events to be with type III bursts, followed by types II and IV. Whereas for types III and IV no longitudinal dependence is noticed, these is a tendency for a higher SEP-association rate with type II bursts in the eastern hemisphere. A comparison with reports from previous studies is briefly discussed.Comment: http://adsabs.harvard.edu.ezproxy.obspm.fr/abs/2013CEAB...37..541
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