
Comparison of medium frequency pulsed radar interferometer and correlation analysis winds, part 2


In order to test whether the chosen Doppler peaks represent localized scatters in motion, as opposed to some sort of integrated composite, an attempt was made to determine the change in position of single scatterers over a series of sequential records. A four-antenna system was employed which had 1 degree of freedom in phase. Due to limitations N-S linear transmission and E-W linear reception were used. The Doppler frequency peak selection criteria were that at least two of the four power spectra should have a local peak, and that normalized phase discrepancy, should be less than 0.3. The lack of success in tracking individual scatters seems to suggest a short lifetime. If this is the case, then the present experiment is not able to resolve the difference found between the correlation analysis true velocity and the interferometer value. On the other hand, it appears that the interferometer may be of some use in tracking waves

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