828 research outputs found

    Open borders, closed minds: the discursive construction of national identity in North Cyprus

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    The article investigates the discursive construction of a Turkish Cypriot national identity by the newspapers in North Cyprus. It questions the representation and reconstruction processes of national identity within the press and examines the various practices employed to mobilize readers around certain national imaginings. Using Critical Discourse Analysis, the article analyses news reports of the opening of border crossings in Cyprus in 2003, based on their content, the strategies used in the production of national identity and the linguistic means employed in the process. In this way, the nationalist tendencies embedded in news discourses, as well as discriminatory and exclusive practices, are sought out

    On-chip analysis of atmospheric ice-nucleating particles in continuous flow

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    Ice-nucleating particles (INPs) are of atmospheric importance because they catalyse the freezing of supercooled cloud droplets, strongly affecting the lifetime and radiative properties of clouds. There is a need to improve our knowledge of the global distribution of INPs, their seasonal cycles and long-term trends, but our capability to make these measurements is limited. Atmospheric INP concentrations are often determined using assays involving arrays of droplets on a cold stage, but such assays are frequently limited by the number of droplets that can be analysed per experiment, often involve manual processing (e.g. pipetting of droplets), and can be susceptible to contamination. Here, we present a microfluidic platform, the LOC-NIPI (Lab-on-a-Chip Nucleation by Immersed Particle Instrument), for the generation of water-in-oil droplets and their freezing in continuous flow as they pass over a cold plate for atmospheric INP analysis. LOC-NIPI allows the user to define the number of droplets analysed by simply running the platform for as long as required. The use of small (∼100 μm diameter) droplets minimises the probability of contamination in any one droplet and therefore allows supercooling all the way down to homogeneous freezing (around −36 °C), while a temperature probe in a proxy channel provides an accurate measure of temperature without the need for temperature modelling. The platform was validated using samples of pollen extract and Snomax®, with hundreds of droplets analysed per temperature step and thousands of droplets being measured per experiment. Homogeneous freezing of purified water was studied using >10 000 droplets with temperature increments of 0.1 °C. The results were reproducible, independent of flow rate in the ranges tested, and the data compared well to conventional instrumentation and literature data. The LOC-NIPI was further benchmarked in a field campaign in the Eastern Mediterranean against other well-characterised instrumentation. The continuous flow nature of the system provides a route, with future development, to the automated monitoring of atmospheric INP at field sites around the globe

    Explaining effervescence: Investigating the relationship between shared social identity and positive experience in crowds

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    We investigated the intensely positive emotional experiences arising from participation in a large-scale collective event. We predicted such experiences arise when those attending a collective event are (1) able to enact their valued collective identity and (2) experience close relations with other participants. In turn, we predicted both of these to be more likely when participants perceived crowd members to share a common collective identity. We investigated these predictions in a survey of pilgrims (N = 416) attending a month-long Hindu pilgrimage festival in north India. We found participants’ perceptions of a shared identity amongst crowd members had an indirect effect on their positive experience at the event through (1) increasing participants’ sense that they were able to enact their collective identity and (2) increasing the sense of intimacy with other crowd members. We discuss the implications of these data for how crowd emotion should be conceptualised

    Ice nucleating properties of the sea ice diatom <i>Fragilariopsis cylindrus</i> and its exudates

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    In this study, we investigated the ice nucleation activity of the Antarctic sea ice diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus. Diatoms are the main primary producers of organic carbon in the Southern Ocean, and the Antarctic sea ice diatom F. cylindrus is one of the predominant species. This psychrophilic diatom is abundant in open waters and within sea ice. It has developed several mechanisms to cope with the extreme conditions of its environment, for example, the production of ice-binding proteins (IBPs) and extracellular polymeric substances known to alter the structure of ice. Here, we investigated the ice nucleation activity of F. cylindrus using a microfluidic device containing individual sub-nanolitre (∼90 µm) droplet samples. The experimental method and a newly implemented Poisson-statistics-based data evaluation procedure applicable to samples with low ice nucleating particle concentrations were validated by comparative ice nucleation experiments with well-investigated bacterial samples from Pseudomonas syringae (Snomax®). The experiments reveal an increase of up to 7.2 ∘C in the ice nucleation temperatures for seawater containing F. cylindrus diatoms when compared to pure seawater. Moreover, F. cylindrus fragments also show ice nucleation activity, while experiments with the F. cylindrus ice-binding protein (fcIBP) show no significant ice nucleation activity. A comparison with experimental results from other diatoms suggests a universal behaviour of polar sea ice diatoms, and we provide a diatom-mass-based parameterization of their ice nucleation activity for use in models.</p

    Social relations in crowds: recognition, validation and solidarity

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    Social identity research on crowds demonstrates how cognitive self-definition as a crowd member results in conformity to identity-relevant norms. Less research addresses the social-relational changes within a crowd and how these impact collective experience positively. The present study investigates these processes at a month-long mass gathering in India. Analysis of 37 interviews with participants attending the annual Magh Mela pilgrimage evidences the concept of shared identity as underpinning their understanding of this mass gathering. Moreover, a theoretically-derived thematic analysis of these interviews shows the value of the analytic concepts of recognition, validation, and solidarity in illuminating the ways in which social relations in the crowd were experienced and contributed to the experience of the event. Through exploring the multi-dimensional nature of relational connectedness in crowds we contribute to an understanding of crowd experience and group processes

    From mindless masses to small groups: Conceptualizing collective behavior in crowd modeling.

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    Computer simulations are increasingly used to monitor and predict behavior at large crowd events, such as mass gatherings, festivals and evacuations. We critically examine the crowd modeling literature and call for future simulations of crowd behavior to be based more closely on findings from current social psychological research. A systematic review was conducted on the crowd modeling literature (N = 140 articles) to identify the assumptions about crowd behavior that modelers use in their simulations. Articles were coded according to the way in which crowd structure was modeled. It was found that 2 broad types are used: mass approaches and small group approaches. However, neither the mass nor the small group approaches can accurately simulate the large collective behavior that has been found in extensive empirical research on crowd events. We argue that to model crowd behavior realistically, simulations must use methods which allow crowd members to identify with each other, as suggested by self-categorization theory