217 research outputs found

    The simulation of ionospheric conditions for space vehicles

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    Plasma wind tunnel to simulate ionospheric conditions for space vehicle

    Modeling and Analysis of Power Processing Systems

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    The feasibility of formulating a methodology for the modeling and analysis of aerospace electrical power processing systems is investigated. It is shown that a digital computer may be used in an interactive mode for the design, modeling, analysis, and comparison of power processing systems

    Multi-kilowatt modularized spacecraft power processing system development

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    A review of existing information pertaining to spacecraft power processing systems and equipment was accomplished with a view towards applicability to the modularization of multi-kilowatt power processors. Power requirements for future spacecraft were determined from the NASA mission model-shuttle systems payload data study which provided the limits for modular power equipment capabilities. Three power processing systems were compared to evaluation criteria to select the system best suited for modularity. The shunt regulated direct energy transfer system was selected by this analysis for a conceptual design effort which produced equipment specifications, schematics, envelope drawings, and power module configurations

    Dynamics and Ethics of Comprehensive Preimplantation Genetic Testing. A Review of the Challenges

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic testing of preimplantation embryos has been used for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS). Microarray technology is being introduced in both these contexts, and is to be expected that also whole genome sequencing of blastomeres will become possible. The amount of extra information such tests will yield may prove to be beneficial for embryo selection, but also raise various ethical issues. We present an overview of the developments and an agenda-setting exploration of the ethical issues. METHODS: The paper is a joint endeavour by the presenters at an explorative 'campus meeting' organized by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in cooperation with the department of Health, Ethics & Society of the Maastricht University (The Netherlands). RESULTS: The increasing amount and detail of information that new screening techniques such as microarrays and whole genome sequencing offer does not automatically coincide with an increasing understanding of the prospects of an embryo. From a technical point of view, the future of comprehensive embryo testing may go together with developments in preconception carrier screening. From an ethical point of view, the increasing complexity and amount of information yielded by comprehensive testing techniques will lead to challenges to the principle of reproductive autonomy and the right of the child to an open future, and may imply a possible larger responsibility of the clinician towards the welfare of the future child. “Smart combinations” of preconception carrier testing and embryo testing may solve some of these ethical questions but could introduce others. CONCLUSION: As comprehensive testing techniques are entering the IVF clinic, there is a need for a thorough rethinking of traditional ethical paradigms regarding medically assisted reproduction.This article was written by Dr Ainsley Newson during the time of her employment with the University of Bristol, UK (2006-2012). Self-archived in the Sydney eScholarship Repository with permission of Bristol University, Sept 2014

    Energy- and flux-budget (EFB) turbulence closure model for the stably stratified flows. Part I: Steady-state, homogeneous regimes

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    We propose a new turbulence closure model based on the budget equations for the key second moments: turbulent kinetic and potential energies: TKE and TPE (comprising the turbulent total energy: TTE = TKE + TPE) and vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum and buoyancy (proportional to potential temperature). Besides the concept of TTE, we take into account the non-gradient correction to the traditional buoyancy flux formulation. The proposed model grants the existence of turbulence at any gradient Richardson number, Ri. Instead of its critical value separating - as usually assumed - the turbulent and the laminar regimes, it reveals a transition interval, 0.1< Ri <1, which separates two regimes of essentially different nature but both turbulent: strong turbulence at Ri<<1; and weak turbulence, capable of transporting momentum but much less efficient in transporting heat, at Ri>1. Predictions from this model are consistent with available data from atmospheric and lab experiments, direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large-eddy simulation (LES).Comment: 40 pages, 6 figures, Boundary-layer Meteorology, resubmitted, revised versio

    Decoupling of superconducting layers in magnetic superconductor RuSr_{2}GdCu_{2}O_{8}

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    We propose the model for magnetic properties of the magnetic superconductor RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8}, which incorporates the theory of the superconducting/ferromagnetic multilayers. The transition line Td(h)T_{d}(h), on which the Josephson coupled superconducting planes are decoupled, i.e. jc(Td)=0% j_{c}(T_{d})=0, is calculated as a function of the exchange energy hh. As the result of this decoupling a nonmonotonic behavior of magnetic properties, like the lower critical field Hc1H_{c1}, Josephson plasma frequency, etc. is realized near (or by crossing) the Td(h)T_{d}(h) line. The obtained results are used in analyzing the newly discovered antiferromagnetic ruthenocuprate RuSr2_{2}GdCu2_{2}O8_{8} with possible weak ferromagnetic order in the RuO planes.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figs embede

    Structural and electrical transport properties of superconducting Au{0.7}In{0.3} films: A random array of superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) Josephson junctions

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    The structural and superconducting properties of Au{0.7}In{0.3} films, grown by interdiffusion of alternating Au and In layers, have been studied. The films were found to consist of a uniform solid solution of Au{0.9}In{0.1}, with excess In precipitated in the form of In-rich grains of various Au-In phases (with distinct atomic compositions), including intermetallic compounds. As the temperature was lowered, these individual grains became superconducting at a particular transition temperature (Tc), determined primarily by the atomic composition of the grain, before a fully superconducting state of zero resistance was established. From the observed onset Tc, it was inferred that up to three different superconducting phases could have formed in these Au{0.7}In{0.3} films, all of which were embedded in a uniform Au{0.9}In{0.1} matrix. Among these phases, the Tc of a particular one, 0.8 K, is higher than any previously reported for the Au-In system. The electrical transport properties were studied down to low temperatures. The transport results were found to be well correlated with those of the structural studies. The present work suggests that Au{0.7}In{0.3} can be modeled as a random array of superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) Josephson junctions. The effect of disorder and the nature of the superconducting transition in these Au{0.7}In{0.3} films are discussed.Comment: 8 text pages, 10 figures in one separate PDF file, submitted to PR

    Щодо утворення сімейств атомарних радіальних базисних функцій

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    Наведено схему побудови сімейств атомарних радіальних базисних функцій, які є нескінченно диференційовними фінітними розв'язками функціонально-диференціальних рівнянь, породжених операторами Лапласа та Гельмгольца.The scheme of building a family of atomic radial basis functions which are infinitely differentiable finite solutions of the functional-differential equations containing the Laplace and Helmholtz operators is introduced

    A Generalized Allosteric Mechanism for cis-Regulated Cyclic Nucleotide Binding Domains

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    Cyclic nucleotides (cAMP and cGMP) regulate multiple intracellular processes and are thus of a great general interest for molecular and structural biologists. To study the allosteric mechanism of different cyclic nucleotide binding (CNB) domains, we compared cAMP-bound and cAMP-free structures (PKA, Epac, and two ionic channels) using a new bioinformatics method: local spatial pattern alignment. Our analysis highlights four major conserved structural motifs: 1) the phosphate binding cassette (PBC), which binds the cAMP ribose-phosphate, 2) the “hinge,” a flexible helix, which contacts the PBC, 3) the β2,3 loop, which provides precise positioning of an invariant arginine from the PBC, and 4) a conserved structural element consisting of an N-terminal helix, an eight residue loop and the A-helix (N3A-motif). The PBC and the hinge were included in the previously reported allosteric model, whereas the definition of the β2,3 loop and the N3A-motif as conserved elements is novel. The N3A-motif is found in all cis-regulated CNB domains, and we present a model for an allosteric mechanism in these domains. Catabolite gene activator protein (CAP) represents a trans-regulated CNB domain family: it does not contain the N3A-motif, and its long range allosteric interactions are substantially different from the cis-regulated CNB domains