697 research outputs found

    Mobile Phone Based Indoor Mapping

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    We presented a mobile phone scanning solution that offers a workflow for scanning not only small spaces, where drift can be neglected, but also larger spaces where it becomes a major accuracy issue. The LiDAR and image data is combined to build 3D representations of indoor spaces. The paper does focus on the drift compensation for larger scans on the mobile phone by using AutoTags detections. We show that those can also be used to combine scans from multiple independent scans

    Oxygen Buffering in High Pressure Solid Media Assemblies: New Approach Enabling Study of fO2 from IW-4 to IW+4.5

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    Oxygen fugacity is an intensive parameter that controls some fundamental chemical and physical properties in planetary materials. In terrestrial magmas high fO2 promotes magnetite stability and low fO2 causes Fe-enrichment due to magnetite suppression. In lunar and asteroidal basalts, low fO2 can allow metal to be stable. Experimental studies will therefore be most useful if they are done at a specific and relevant fO2 for the samples under consideration. Control of fO2 in the solid media apparatus (piston cylinder multi-anvil) has relied on either sliding sensors or graphite capsule buffering, which are of limited application to the wide range of fO2 recorded in planetary or astromaterials. Here we describe a new approach that allows fO2 to be specified across a wide range of values relevant to natural samples

    Temperament theory and congregation studies: different types for different services?

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    Temperament theory and psychological type theory provide a tool for assessing and interpreting the profile of church congregations. In this study the profiles of the three congregations (Ns = 43, 110, 43) at one Anglican church (given the pseudonym of Holy Trinity Church) are situated against the normative profile generated by the congregations at 140 Anglican churches (N = 3302). The data demonstrate that normative profile attracts a high proportion of the Epimethean Temperament at 72%. The two morning services at Holy Trinity Church replicated the profile at 65% and 74%. The evening service, however, attracted a significantly lower proportion of the Epimethean Temperament (47%) with a corresponding significantly higher proportion of the Apollonian Temperament. These findings support the view that individual churches are able to offer diverse provisions that generate congregations with distinctively different psychological profiles

    Congregational bonding social capital and psychological type : an empirical enquiry among Australian churchgoers

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    This study explores the variation in levels of bonding social capital experienced by individual churchgoers, drawing on data generated by the Australian National Church Life Survey, and employing a five-item measure of church-related bonding social capital. Data provided by 2065 Australian churchgoers are used to test the thesis that individual differences in bonding social capital are related to a psychological model of psychological types (employing the Jungian distinctions). The data demonstrated that higher levels of bonding social capital were found among extraverts (compared with introverts), among intuitive types (compared with sensing types) and among feeling types (compared with thinking types), but no significant differences were found between judging types and perceiving types

    Mitigating systematic error in topographic models for geomorphic change detection: Accuracy, precision and considerations beyond off‐nadir imagery

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and structure-from-motion photogrammetry enable detailed quantification of geomorphic change. However, rigorous precision-based change detection can be compromised by survey accuracy problems producing systematic topographic error (e.g. 'doming'), with error magnitudes greatly exceeding precision estimates. Here, we assess survey sensitivity to systematic error, directly correcting topographic data so that error magnitudes align more closely with precision estimates. By simulating conventional grid-style photogrammetric aerial surveys, we quantify the underlying relationships between survey accuracy, camera model parameters, camera inclination, tie point matching precision and topographic relief, and demonstrate a relative insensitivity to image overlap. We show that a current doming-mitigation strategy of using a gently inclined ( 0 center dot 3 m, representing accuracy issues an order of magnitude greater than precision-based error estimates. For higher-relief topography, and for nadir-imaging surveys of the lower-relief topography, systematic error was <0 center dot 09 m. Modelling and subtracting the systematic error directly from the topographic data successfully reduced error magnitudes to values consistent with twice the estimated precision. Thus, topographic correction can provide a more robust approach to uncertainty-based detection of event-scale geomorphic change than designing surveys with small off-nadir camera inclinations and, furthermore, can substantially reduce ground control requirements. (c) 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Low-mass e+e- pair production in 158 A GeV Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS, its dependence on multiplicity and transverse momentum

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    We report a measurement of low-mass electron pairs observed in 158 GeV/nucleon Pb-Au collisions. The pair yield integrated over the range of invariant masses 0.2 < m < 2.0 GeV is enhanced by a factor of 3.5 +/- 0.4 (stat) +/- 0.9 (syst) over the expectation from neutral meson decays. As observed previously in S-Au collisions, the enhancement is most pronounced in the invariant-mass region 300-700 MeV. For Pb-Au we find evidence for a strong increase of the enhancement with centrality. In addition, we show that the enhancement covers a wide range in transverse momentum, but is largest at the lowest observed pt.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys.Lett.

    e+e--pair production in Pb-Au collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon

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    We present the combined results on electron-pair production in 158 GeV/n {Pb-Au} (s\sqrt{s}= 17.2 GeV) collisions taken at the CERN SPS in 1995 and 1996, and give a detailed account of the data analysis. The enhancement over the reference of neutral meson decays amounts to a factor of 2.31±0.19(stat.)±0.55(syst.)±0.69(decays)\pm0.19 (stat.)\pm0.55 (syst.)\pm0.69 (decays) for semi-central collisions (28% σ/σgeo\sigma/\sigma_{geo}) when yields are integrated over m>m> 200 MeV/c2c^2 in invariant mass. The measured yield, its stronger-than-linear scaling with NchN_{ch}, and the dominance of low pair ptp_t strongly suggest an interpretation as {\it thermal radiation} from pion annihilation in the hadronic fireball. The shape of the excess centring at mm\approx 500 MeV/c2c^2, however, cannot be described without strong medium modifications of the ρ\rho meson. The results are put into perspective by comparison to predictions from Brown-Rho scaling governed by chiral symmetry restoration, and from the spectral-function many-body treatment in which the approach to the phase boundary is less explicit.Comment: 39 pages, 40 figures, to appear in Eur.Phys.J.C. (2005

    Semi-Hard Scattering Unraveled from Collective Dynamics by Two-Pion Azimuthal Correlations in 158 A GeV/c Pb + Au Collisions

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    Elliptic flow and two-particle azimuthal correlations of charged hadrons and high-pTp_T pions (pT>p_T> 1 GeV/cc) have been measured close to mid-rapidity in 158A GeV/cc Pb+Au collisions by the CERES experiment. Elliptic flow (v2v_2) rises linearly with pTp_T to a value of about 10% at 2 GeV/cc. Beyond pTp_T\approx 1.5 GeV/cc, the slope decreases considerably, possibly indicating a saturation of v2v_2 at high pTp_T. Two-pion azimuthal anisotropies for pT>p_T> 1.2 GeV/cc exceed the elliptic flow values by about 60% in mid-central collisions. These non-flow contributions are attributed to near-side and back-to-back jet-like correlations, the latter exhibiting centrality dependent broadening.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters, 4 pages, 5 figure

    Recent results from Pb-Au collisions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon obtained with the CERES spectrometer

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    During the 1996 lead run time, CERES has accumulated 42 million events, corresponding to a factor of 5 more statistics than in 1995 and 2.5 million events of a special photon-run. We report on the results of the low-mass e+^+e^--pair analysis. Since the most critical item is the poor signal-to-background ratio we also discuss the understanding of this background, in absolute terms, with the help of a detailed Monte Carlo simulation. We show preliminary results of the photon analysis and summarize the results of the hadron analysis preliminarily reported on already at QM'97Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Proceedings of the XIV Int. Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions,Quark Matter 99, Torino, Italy, May 10 - 15, 199