409 research outputs found

    Exploring creative clusters using micro-geographic data

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    The paper focuses on the analysis of spatial clusters of creative industries in Slovakia using micro-geographic data. The notion of spatial clustering of creative industries is deeply embedded in the literature, showing that firms in creative industries tend to cluster mostly in large cities or directly in city centres. Recent improvements in geo-coded firm datasets resulted in re-discovery of sets of analytic techniques for identification of clusters based on distance metric. These techniques overcome the problems related with borders and scales. The paper starts with the theoretical background of creative industries, which are usually defined as a range of economic activities have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent which have a potential for job and wealth creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property (DCMS 2001). Later we present main arguments of spatial concentration of firms in creative industries and methodology for identifying clusters. In our analysis we analyse 46 434 firms from the INFOSTAT registry (2010), which were geo-coded by their address. We use Nearest Neighbour Analysis and Ripley K to test the spatial concentration of firms and Nearest Neighbour Hierarchical Spatial Clustering to find clusters of creative firms. Clusters of creative industries are rather small in size and very dense. The Ripley L index was between 6.64 and 12.55 km, which indicate the urban type clusters. Our analysis showed that 44.4 % of firms are clustered in totally 86 clusters. Most of the firms in creative industries are concentrated in Bratislava and Ko¹ice, which are two largest cities in Slovakia. Even that the micro-geographic locational analysis has still some limitation, this paper explores new promising ways of testing the spatial concentration of firms

    Failures in a Critical Infrastructure System

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    The purpose of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive overview of a critical infrastructure system, of failures and impacts that occur within it and of the resilience, which effectively reduces the risk of these impacts spreading on to dependent subsystems. The chapter presents a basic description of a critical infrastructure system and of the hierarchic arrangement of its subsystems and linkages between them. Critical infrastructure system failures, including their causes and impacts on dependent subsystems and on society as a whole, are presented in the following section. Particular focus is given to the propagation of impacts in a critical infrastructure system and the current approaches to their modeling. The chapter concludes by expounding on the resilience of critical infrastructure subsystems and its impact on the minimization of failures in critical infrastructure subsystems in circumstances involving emergencies

    Integrated Sensor Orientation on Micro Aerial Vehicles

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    Mapping with Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs whose weight does not exceed 5 kg) is gaining importance in applications, such as corridor mapping, road and pipeline inspections, or mapping of large areas with homogeneous surface structure, e.g. forest or agricultural fields. When cm-level accuracy is required, the classical approach of sensor orientation does not deliver satisfactory results unless a large number of ground control points (GCPs) is regularly distributed in the mapped area. This may not be a feasible method either due to the associated costs or terrain inaccessibility. This thesis addresses such issues by presenting a development of MAV platforms with navigation and imaging sensors that are able to perform integrated sensor orientation (ISO). This method combines image measurements with GNSS or GNSS/IMU (Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Measurement Unit) observations. This innovative approach allows mapping with cm-level accuracy without the support of GCPs, even in geometrically challenging scenarios, such as corridors. The presented solution also helps in situations where automatic image observations cannot be generated, e.g. over water, sand, or other surfaces with low variations of texture. The application of ISO to MAV photogrammetry is a novel solution and its implementation brings new engineering and research challenges due to a limited payload capacity and quality of employed sensors on-board. These challenges are addressed using traditional as well as novel methods of treating observations within the developed processing software. The capability of the constructed MAV platforms and processing tools is tested in real mapping scenarios. It is empirically confirmed that accurate aerial control combined with a state-of-the-art calibration and processing can deliver cm-level ground accuracy, even in the most demanding projects. This thesis also presents an innovative way of mission planning in challenging environments. Indeed, a thorough pre-flight analysis is important not only for obtaining satisfactory mapping quality, but photogrammetric missions must be carried out in compliance with state regulations

    Partizipation im Kirchenrecht

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    Als „komplexe Wirklichkeit, die aus menschlichem und göttlichem Element zusammenwächst“ (LG 8) ist die Kirche einerseits auf ein ewiges Ziel hin ausgerichtet, verfügt andererseits jedoch über in der Welt sichtbare Strukturen und Ämter. Während aufgrund der Taufe alle Gläubigen zur Gemeinschaft der Kirche dazugehören, ist das Thema Partizipation unter der Perspektive des Zugangs zu kirchlichen (Leitungs-)Ämtern sowie der Teilhabe der Laien oder Nicht-Kleriker an der Ausübung von Leitungsgewalt ein Thema der Diskussion und theologischen Forschung. Der nachfolgende Beitrag erläutert dazu die von der gegenwärtigen Rechtsordnung der Kirche vorgesehenen Teilhabemöglichkeiten. According to LG 8, the Church forms “a complex reality that coalesces from divine and human elements” and is directed toward eternal goals while being based upon structures and offices visible on earth. Whereas all Christian faithful belong to the communion of the Church by virtue of their baptism, the question of their participation through access to (governance) offices and cooperation in the exercise of power is the subject of discussion and theological research. This contribution explains which possibilities of participation are provided by the present canonical order of the Church

    The effect of the gear parameters to the noise of transmission

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    This paper deals with the investigation of the particular gearbox parameters’ effect on the noise of transmission. First, a single stage gearbox is designed and manufactured in order to validate input and results of the whole methodology. Second, the dynamic model is built for the single stage gearbox and each step is validated by an experiment. After well corresponding to the measurement, an additional simulation is performed to verify the influence. The impact of torque amount, imbalance position, backlash size, and torsion stiffness of each part is mainly investigated. The used method is able to determine the impact of each modification, thus it can be useful at the design phase and also during measurement or investigation of a real problem

    Ein Mikroflugzeug zur genauen Kartierung ohne Passpunkte am Boden

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    Diese Studie soll das Potential von Navigationstechnologien aufzeigen. Diese Tech­ nologien werden zur Bestimmung der Position und der Ausrichtung von Mikrodroh­ nensystemen (Micro Aerial Vehicle, MAV) genutzt, deren Gewicht 5kg nicht über­ schreitet. Diese MAVs sind sehr flexibel und können sich in unwirtlichen oder für den Menschen unzugänglichen Umgebungen fortbewegen. Die mangelnde Präzision in der Positionsbestimmung und der eigenen Ausrichtung verringert den Wert der von diesen MAVs aufgenommenen Bilder. Dieses Defizit beschränkt ihren Einsatz auf die indirekte Georeferenzierung. [Cette étude vise à démontrer le potentiel de technologies de navigation. Ces tech- nologies servent à déterminer la position et la direction de systèmes de microdrones (Micro Aerial Vehicle, MAV) dont le poids ne dépasse pas 5kg. Ces MAV sont très flexibles et capables de se mouvoir dans des environnements rudes et inaccessibles pour l’homme. La précision manquante de la détermination de la position et de sa propre direction diminue la valeur des images prises par ces MAV. Ce déficit limite leur utilisation à un géoréférencement indirecte.

    UAV Sensor Orientation with Pre-calibrated Redundant IMU/GNSS Observations: Preliminary Results

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    In unserem Beitrag stellen wir eine Drohne vor, welche für eine hochpräzise Kartographie mit Positions- und Orientierungssensoren ausgestattet ist. Der Einsatz der Sensoren als absolute und relative Messung kann die Genauigkeit des Mappings erhöhen, falls die Sensoren korrekt kalibriert sind. Dies zeigen wir an einem Fallbeispiel, in dem eine Blockstruktur beflogen wurde, in welcher Passpunkte (Ground Control Points) nur lokal angelegt wurden. Eine redundante Sensor-Konfiguration zeigt dann auf, wie gut und genau die Kalibrierung und dessen Resultat sind

    Converged Security and Information Management System as a Tool for Smart City Infrastructure Resilience Assessment

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    Current research on smart cities is primarily focused on the area of applicability of information and communication technologies. However, in the context of a multidisciplinary approach, it is also necessary to pay attention to the resilience and converged security of individual infrastructures. Converged security represents a particular security type based on a selected spectrum of certain convergent security types of, assuming the creation of a complementary whole. Considering the outputs of the analysis of security breaches manifestations, this kind of security makes it possible to detect emerging security breaches earlier (still in the symptom stage), thus providing a more efficient and targeted solution suitable for building smart city infrastructure. In its essence, the article refers to the practical application of the converged security theoretical principles presented in the publication to a functional sample, deployed and tested in practical conditions in context of selected smart city infrastructure protection and resilience. Considering the nature of the practical application, the convergence of a wider spectrum of smart security alarm systems in the resilience assessment context is defined. In the beginning, the general principles of security/safety and the need for their convergence are presented. In this context, the mathematical model called Converged Resilience Assessment (CRA) method is presented for better understanding. Subsequently, Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems are described as a technological concept that can be used for resilience assessment. The most beneficial part is the structural, process, and functional description of the Converged Security and Information Management System (CSIM) using the concept of smart security alarm systems converged security

    Detection of crop properties by means of hyperspectral remote sensing from a micro UAV

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    Aerial hyperspectral remote sensing technologies provide effective methods for the exploration and study of plant and crop properties. In this study a custom made hexacopter was equipped with a small scale hyperspectral imaging (HSI) camera capable of measuring 16 bands in the visible range of the light. From single HSI images geo-rectified and registered maps were calculated and a selection of spectral indices (SI’s) calculated from the provided data. The SI´s were correlated to crop traits such as leaf nitrogen (Nconc), chlorophyll (CHLtot)and total pigment concentration (Pigmtot), canopy cover (CC) and leaf area index (LAI), measured in the field. The relationships to Nconc and CHLtot are discussed in detail with respect to measurement constraints, such as the interrelationships to LAI and application for precision farming or breeding experiments