313 research outputs found

    Trayectoria intelectual de investigadores de la educación: la fecundidad del estudio de los memoriales académicos

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    O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma recente pesquisa realizada sobre o tema da constituição identitária, a educação, a memória e suas relações com as narrativas autobiográficas. Foram analisados doze memoriais apresentados em concursos para os mais altos cargos ou titulação da carreira universitária (livre-docência e titular), produzidos por professores ligados diretamente ou indiretamente aos estudos educacionais. Os memoriais examinados foram elaborados ao longo das últimas décadas por pesquisadores de duas diferentes gerações, selecionados com base nos seguintes critérios: expressão do pesquisador, diversidade em termos de formação, vinculação institucional e área de atuação. Buscou-se apreender elementos constitutivos próprios de uma identidade narrativa, bem como vozes sociais e polifônicas que perpassam esses relatos

    Autobiographical narratives and research on the constitution of subjectivity in the Vygostkian perspective

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    La investigación sobre la constitución de la subjetividad continúa siendo un tema relevante para la Psicología. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la pertinencia de explorar las narrativas autobiográficas como recurso metodológico para la comprensión de este proceso. La tesis defendida, anclada en los presupuestos de la psicología histórico-cultural en diálogo con otras perspectivas teóricas, es que, a través de esta alternativa teórico-metodológica, es posible investigar los diferentes dominios interrelacionados en los procesos de constitución de las subjetividades, como el obras de memoria, lenguaje y el carácter dinámico que establecen con las circunstancias históricas y culturales. Cuatro partes componen el texto: la primera explora los desafíos que implica investigar la subjetividad; el segundo, los aportes de la psicología vygotskiana a la comprensión del fenómeno; el tercero, la fecundidad de las narrativas como recursos metodológicos para el estudio de los procesos de subjetivación; en el último tema, se hacen consideraciones sobre algunos resultados de investigaciones realizadas a partir de las memorias escolares.A pesquisa sobre a constituição da subjetividade continua sendo um tema relevante para a Psicologia. Este estudo objetivou analisar a pertinência da exploração das narrativas autobiográficas como recurso metodológico para a compreeensão de tal processo. A tese defendida, ancorada nas premissas da psicologia histórico-cultural em diálogo com outras perspectivas teóricas, é que, por meio dessa alternativa teórico-metodológica, é possível investigar os diferentes domínios inter-relacionados nos processos de constituição das subjetividades, como os trabalhos da memória, da linguagem e o caráter dinâmico que estabelecem com as circunstâncias históricas e culturais. Quatro partes compõem o texto: a primeira explora os desafios envolvidos na pesquisa sobre a subjetividade; a segunda, as contribuições da psicologia vygotskiana para a compreensão do fenômeno; a terceira, a fecundidade das narrativas como recursos metodológicos para o estudo dos processos de subjetivação; no último tópico, são feitas considerações sobre alguns resultados de pesquisas realizadas a partir das memórias escolares.Research on the constitution of subjectivity continues to be a relevant topic for Psychology. This study aimed to analyze the relevance of exploring autobiographical narratives as a methodological resource for understanding this process. Anchored in the premises of historical-cultural psychology in dialogue with other theoretical perspectives, the defended thesis is that, through this theoretical-methodological alternative, it is possible to investigate the different interrelated domains in the processes of constitution of subjectivities, such as the works of memory, language and the dynamic character that they establish with historical and cultural circumstances. The text comprises four parts: the first explores the challenges involved in researching subjectivity; the second, the contributions of Vygotskian psychology to the understanding of the phenomenon; the third, the fecundity of narratives as methodological resources for the study of subjectivation processes. In the last topic, considerations are made about some results of research carried out from school memories

    Management ideologies and organizational spirituality: a typology

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    The topic of spirituality is gaining an increasing visibility in organization studies. It is our contention that every theory of organization is a theory of organizational spirituality. Based on Barley and Kundas 1992 Administrative Science Quarterly article, we discuss the evolution of management theories as spirituality theories. From such analysis, we suggest that there may be both a meaningful/liberating and an instrumental/exploitative side in the relationship between organizations and spirituality. Such a possibility is illustrated with a typology that advances four possible types of organizations regarding spirituality: the soulful organization, the holistic organization, the ascetic organization, and the professional organization. The expression of spirituality in each of these forms is discussed with the aim of contributing to a theoretically-based analysis of organizational spirituality.management ideologies, organizational spirituality, religion

    Exploring why portuguese companies expatriate, and portuguese expatriates accept international assignments

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    This study explores (1) the reasons that lead Portuguese companies to use expatriates and (2) the motivations that led the repatriates to accepting an international assignment. Semistructured interviews were carried out on 44 individuals (14 responsible for organizational management of the expatriates and 30 repatriates), in seven international companies based in Portugal, and analysis of the thematic content was conducted for data processing. Results suggest that the reasons that lead Portuguese companies to expatriating employees are connected to business needs and the control of international operations, while individual motivations are linked to personal and professional ambition, the will to serve the company and organizational pressure. We concluded that Portuguese companies, like most European companies, seem to develop a strategy of International Human Resources Management (IHRM) according to an ethnocentric approach, characteristic to companies in early stages of internationalization. Similarly, the main motivations of Portuguese repatriates are identical to those of other expatriates, though the will to serve the company seems to be more valued by Portuguese repatriates than by expatriates from other countries

    Satisfaction towards human resources practices and repatriates’ retention: an empirical examination in the portuguese companies context

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    This paper examines the relationship between the level of satisfaction towards Human Resources Management practices among repatriates and the decision to remain on the home company after expatriation. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews of 28 Portuguese repatriates who remain and 16 organisational representatives from eight companies located in Portugal. The results show that (1) compensation system during the international assignment; (2) permanent support during the international assignment and; (3) recognition upon the return of the work and effort of expatriates during the international assignment are the most important HRM practices for promoting satisfaction among repatriates. Moreover, it is at repatriation phase that repatriates show higher dissatisfaction with HRM support. These findings will be discussed in detail and implications and suggestions for future research will be proposed as well

    Insights into the Genetics and Signaling Pathways in Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a complex disease with a significant impact in today’s world. Studies have emphasized the crucial role of genetics in DM, unraveling the distinction of monogenic diabetes from the most common types that have been recognized over the years, such as type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). A literature search was carried out to scrutinize the subtypes of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), as well as the connection between the recognized genetic and molecular mechanisms responsible for such phenotypes. Thus far, 14 subtypes of MODY have been identified. Here, the authors review the pathophysiological and molecular pathways in which monogenic diabetes genes are involved. Despite being estimated to affect approximately 2% of all T2DM patients in Europe, the exact prevalence of MODY is still unknown, enhancing the need for research focused on biomarkers. Due to its impact in personalized medicine, a follow-up of associated complications, and genetic implications for siblings and offspring of affected individuals, it is imperative to diagnose the monogenic forms of DM accurately. Currently, advances in the genetics field has allowed for the recognition of new DM subtypes, which until now were considered to be slight variations of the typical forms. New molecular insights can define therapeutic strategies, aiming for the prevention, correction, or at least delay of β-cell dysfunction. Thus, it is imperative to act in the close interaction between genetics and clinical manifestations to improve diagnosis and individualize treatment.publishersversionpublishe

    Dos desafios para a psicologia histórico-cultural à reflexão sobre a pesquisa nas ciências humanas: entrevista com Pablo del Río

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    The text presents compelling reflections of Pablo del Río Pereda, a renowned Spanish professor of Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madri, editor and reviewer (along with Amelia Álvarez) of the Collection Obras Escogidas by Lev Vygotsky Semienovitch, and president of Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje (FIA). Considered one of the main scholars responsible for the dissemination of Vygotsky's work in the Western world, Pablo del Río is highly respected in the international academic scene as an expert and interpreter of the so-called cultural-historical psychology. Along this line, he has developed and coordinated major research projects at various universities and institutions, such as Universidad Complutense de Madri (Grupo GOMEL), Universidad de Salamanca (Centro Tecnológico de Diseño Cultural) and Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje itself. He directs Laboratorio de Investigación Cultural (LIC) and Master Oficial Universitario en Investigación Aplicada a Medios de Comunicación. The interview was conducted in August 2012. On the one hand, Pablo del Río's account expresses his solid training, erudition and experience as a psychology researcher. On the other hand, it reveals the profile of a restless intellectual and critic, who is able to analyze with rigor and openness the vicissitudes of our time. Thus, the reflections presented here offer rich resources for the debate on the current challenges for psychology and the humanities in general.O texto apresenta reflexões instigantes de Pablo del Río Pereda, renomado professor espanhol da Faculdade de Humanidades, Comunicação e Documentação da Universidade Carlos III de Madri, editor e revisor (em conjunto com Amelia Álvarez) da Coleção Obras Escogidas, de Lev Semienovitch Vigotski, e presidente da Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje (FIA). Considerado um dos principais responsáveis pela divulgação dos trabalhos de Vigotski no mundo ocidental, Pablo del Río é muito respeitado no cenário acadêmico internacional pelo fato de ser um profundo conhecedor e intérprete da chamada psicologia histórico-cultural. Nessa linha, tem desenvolvido e coordenado importantes projetos de investigação em diversas universidades e instituições, como a Universidade Complutense de Madri (Grupo GOMEL), a Universidade de Salamanca (Centro Tecnológico de Diseño Cultural) e a própria Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje. Atualmente dirige o Laboratorio de Investigación Cultural (LIC) e o Master Oficial Universitario en Investigación Aplicada a Medios de Comunicación. A entrevista foi realizada em agosto de 2012. Por um lado, o relato de Pablo del Río expressa a solidez de sua formação, sua erudição e sua experiência como investigador da psicologia; por outro, revela o perfil de um intelectual inquieto e crítico, capaz de analisar com rigor e abertura as vicissitudes de nosso tempo. Assim, as reflexões apresentadas oferecem ricos subsídios para o debate acerca dos desafios atuais da psicologia e das ciências humanas de modo geral