207 research outputs found

    Analisis Rantai Pasokan Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Di Kota Manado Dan Kota Bitung

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    Indonesia merupakan negara maritim yang kaya akan potensi hasil lautnya. Namun demikian tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan tersebut masih belum optimal, baik untuk pemenuhan konsumsi ikan dalam negeri maupun pemenuhan permintaan ekspor. Pada provinsi Sulawesi Utara, terlebih khusus Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung yang merupakan daerah pesisir, mempunyai banyak kelompok nelayan tangkap yang mempunyai beragam rantai pasokan hasil tangkapan ikan.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana rantai pasokan hasil tangkapan ikan di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung serta melihat apakah terdapat perbedaan antara rantai pasokan hasil tangkapan ikan di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan data primer dari wawancara dan observasi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya perbedaan antara rantai pasokan hasil tangkapan ikan di Kota Manado dan Kota Bitung. Kelompok nelayan tangkap di Kota Manado lebih pada penjualan ikan langsung di pasar, pelelangan ataupun menjual tangkapan ikan di tempat kelompok nelayan. Sedangkan pada kelompok nelayan di Kota Bitung, peran pengumpul ikan sangat mempengaruhi rantai pasokan hasil tangkapan ikan

    Changing Trends in the Landscape of Patients Hospitalized With Acute Myocardial Infarction (2001 to 2011) (from the Worcester Heart Attack Study)

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    During the past several decades, new diagnostic tools, interventional approaches, and population-wide changes in the major coronary risk factors have taken place. However, few studies have examined relatively recent trends in the demographic characteristics, clinical profile, and the short-term outcomes of patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) from the more generalizable perspective of a population-based investigation. We examined decade long trends (2001 to 2011) in patient\u27s demographic and clinical characteristics, treatment practices, and hospital outcomes among residents of the Worcester metropolitan area hospitalized with an initial AMI (n=3,730) at all 11 greater Worcester medical centers during 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011. The average age of the study population was 68.5 years and 56.9% were men. Patients hospitalized with a first AMI during the most recent study years were significantly younger (mean age=69.9 years in 2001/2003; 65.2 years in 2009/2011), had lower serum troponin levels, and experienced a shorter hospital stay compared with patients hospitalized during the earliest study years. Hospitalized patients were more likely to received evidence-based medical management practices over the decade long period under study. Multivariable-adjusted regression models showed a considerable decline over time in the hospital death rate and a significant reduction in the proportion of patients who developed atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and ventricular fibrillation during their acute hospitalization. These results highlight the changing nature of patients hospitalized with an incident AMI, and reinforce the need for surveillance of AMI at the community level

    Ecological Diversity within Rear-Edge: A Case Study from Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica Willd

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    Understanding the ecology of populations located in the rear edge of their distribution is key to assessing the response of the species to changing environmental conditions. Here, we focus on rear-edge populations of Quercus pyrenaica in Sierra Nevada (southern Iberian Peninsula) to analyze their ecological and floristic diversity. We perform multivariate analyses using high-resolution environmental information and forest inventories to determine how environmental variables differ among oak populations, and to identify population groups based on environmental and floristic composition. We find that water availability is a key variable in explaining the distribution of Q. pyrenaica and the floristic diversity of their accompanying communities within its rear edge. Three cluster of oak populations were identified based on environmental variables. We found differences among these clusters regarding plant diversity, but not for forest attributes. A remarkable match between the populations clustering derived from analysis of environmental variables and the ordination of the populations according to species composition was found. The diversity of ecological behaviors for Q. pyrenaica populations in this rear edge are consistent with the high genetic diversity shown by populations of this oak in the Sierra Nevada. The identification of differences between oak populations within the rear-edge with respect to environmental variables can aid with planning the forest management and restoration actions, particularly considering the importance of some environmental factors in key ecological aspects.LIFE-ADAPTAMED: Protection of key ecosystem services by adaptive management of Climate Change endangered Mediterranean socioecosystems LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612H2020 project European Long-Term Ecosystem and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure (eLTER)European Research Council (ERC) 64703

    Structural and magnetic characterization of ordered Sr2LnSbO6 (Ln=rare earth) perosvkite

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    The double perovskites A2LnMO6 (A = Sr2+ and Ba2+; Ln = trivalent lanthanide cation; M = pentavalent 4d or 5d transition elements) have been widely studied concerning their structure and properties [1]. If the Ln and M cations are ordered within the B-perosvkite sites the symmetry and size of the unit cell change when are compared to the ideal cubic aristotype. Woodward predicted 15 possible space groups for the ordered A2BB’O6 perovskites when the cation ordering and the octahedral tilting around the pseudo-cubic axes take place simultaneously [2]. The ordered double perovskites A2LnMO6 with only one of the two B-sites carrying magnetic moment, namely Ln, show a magnetic sublattice consisting of edge-sharing tetrahedral, which represents a frustrating magnetic geometry in three dimensions. More recently, the structure of double perovskites Sr2LnSbO6 (Ln= Dy, Ho, Gd, Y and In) has been investigated, and the monoclinic symmetry of the space group P21/n, with Ln and Sb elements ordered in the B-sites, was reported [3, 4]. We report the preparation of the whole family of double perovskites Sr2LnSbO6 (Ln = La-Lu), which crystallize with the P21/n space group, with lattice parameters p= a2a , p= a2b and p= a2c(β∼90 º), being the lattice parameter of the cubic aristotype. A progressive decreasing was observed in lattice parameters with the increasing of the atomic number of the Ln cation, according with the wellknown lanthanide contraction. pa Magnetic susceptibility measurements for this family of compounds reveal a paramagnetic behaviour in a very wide temperature range. From experimental spectroscopic data as well as from a semi-empirical estimation (Simple Overlap Model SOM [5]) of the crystal-field parameters corresponding to the point site symmetry of the magnetically active Ln, Oh, and using the wavefunctions associated with the energy levels obtained, the paramagnetic susceptibility and its evolution vstemperature is simulated according to the van Vleck formalism. The observed deviation from the Curie–Weiss behaviour at low temperature, very well reproduced in each case, reflects the splitting of the ground state of the corresponding Ln cation under the influence of the crystal field. Thus, magnetic frustration or cooperative interactions do not need to be considered to explain the mentioned low temperature deviation from the linearity of Curie-Weiss plots

    Documenting models and workflows: the next challenge in the field of ecological data management

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    Los modelos ecológicos se han convertido en una pieza clave de esta ciencia. La generación de conocimiento se consigue en buena medida mediante procesos analíticos más o menos complejos aplicados sobre conjuntos de datos diversos. Pero buena parte del conocimiento necesario para diseñar e implementar esos modelos no está accesible a la comunidad científica. Proponemos la creación de herramientas informáticas para documentar, almacenar y ejecutar modelos ecológicos y flujos de trabajo. Estas herramientas (repositorios de modelos) están siendo desarrolladas por otras disciplinas como la biología molecular o las ciencias de la Tierra. Presentamos un repositorio de modelos (ModeleR) desarrollado en el contexto del Observatorio de seguimiento del cambio global de Sierra Nevada (Granada-Almería). Creemos que los repositorios de modelos fomentarán la cooperación entre científicos, mejorando la creación de conocimiento relevante que podría ser transferido a los tomadores de decisiones.Ecological models have become a key part of this scientific discipline. Most of the knowledge created by ecologists is obtained by applying analytical processes to primary data. But most of the information underlying how to create models or use analytic techniques already published in the scientific literature is not readily available to scientists. We are proposing the creation of computer tools that help to document, store and execute ecological models and scientific workflows. These tools (called model repositories) are being developed by other disciplines such as molecular biology and earth science. We are presenting a model repository (called ModeleR) that has been developed in the context of the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory (Granada-Almería. Spain). We believe that model repositories will foster cooperation among scientists, enhancing the creation of relevant knowledge that could be transferred to environmental managers.El desarrollo de ModeleR ha sido financiado por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio de la Junta de Andalucía a través de la Red de Información Ambiental (REDIAM), gracias a un convenio llamado “Diseño y creación de un repositorio de modelos para la red de información ambiental de Andalucía”. A.J. Pérez-Luque agradece al MICINN por el contrato PTA 2011-6322-I

    Role of Motility and the \u3cem\u3eflhDC\u3c/em\u3e Operon in \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e MG1655 Colonization of the Mouse Intestine

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    Previously, we reported that the mouse intestine selected mutants of Escherichia coli MG1655 that have improved colonizing ability (M. P. Leatham et al., Infect. Immun. 73:8039-8049, 2005). These mutants grew 10 to 20% faster than their parent in mouse cecal mucus in vitro and 15 to 30% faster on several sugars found in the mouse intestine. The mutants were nonmotile and had deletions of various lengths beginning immediately downstream of an IS1 element located within the regulatory region of the flhDC operon, which encodes the master regulator of flagellum biosynthesis, FlhD4C2. Here we show that during intestinal colonization by wild-type E. coli strain MG1655, 45 to 50% of the cells became nonmotile by day 3 after feeding of the strain to mice and between 80 and 90% of the cells were nonmotile by day 15 after feeding. Ten nonmotile mutants isolated from mice were sequenced, and all were found to have flhDC deletions of various lengths. Despite this strong selection, 10 to 20% of the E. coli MG1655 cells remained motile over a 15-day period, suggesting that there is an as-yet-undefined intestinal niche in which motility is an advantage. The deletions appear to be selected in the intestine for two reasons. First, genes unrelated to motility that are normally either directly or indirectly repressed by FlhD4C2 but can contribute to maximum colonizing ability are released from repression. Second, energy normally used to synthesize flagella and turn the flagellar motor is redirected to growth

    Role of Motility and the \u3cem\u3eflhDC\u3c/em\u3e Operon in \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e MG1655 Colonization of the Mouse Intestine

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    Previously, we reported that the mouse intestine selected mutants of Escherichia coli MG1655 that have improved colonizing ability (M. P. Leatham et al., Infect. Immun. 73:8039-8049, 2005). These mutants grew 10 to 20% faster than their parent in mouse cecal mucus in vitro and 15 to 30% faster on several sugars found in the mouse intestine. The mutants were nonmotile and had deletions of various lengths beginning immediately downstream of an IS1 element located within the regulatory region of the flhDC operon, which encodes the master regulator of flagellum biosynthesis, FlhD4C2. Here we show that during intestinal colonization by wild-type E. coli strain MG1655, 45 to 50% of the cells became nonmotile by day 3 after feeding of the strain to mice and between 80 and 90% of the cells were nonmotile by day 15 after feeding. Ten nonmotile mutants isolated from mice were sequenced, and all were found to have flhDC deletions of various lengths. Despite this strong selection, 10 to 20% of the E. coli MG1655 cells remained motile over a 15-day period, suggesting that there is an as-yet-undefined intestinal niche in which motility is an advantage. The deletions appear to be selected in the intestine for two reasons. First, genes unrelated to motility that are normally either directly or indirectly repressed by FlhD4C2 but can contribute to maximum colonizing ability are released from repression. Second, energy normally used to synthesize flagella and turn the flagellar motor is redirected to growth

    Fruticultura orgánica en el trópico: Situación y ejemplos de Mesoamérica

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    La situación en la fruticultura orgánica de Mesoamérica no es fácil a cualificar y cuantificar. Indudablemente existen áreas certificadas sin embargo faltan datos exactos. En otra manera muchos campesinos cultivan frutas y vegetales sin el uso de fertilizantes inorgánicos y sin aplicaciones de pesticidazas por falta de insumos propios. Este estudio esta basado en ejemplos y practicas conocidas y trata a reflejar filosofías practicas del campesinado y las fortalezas y debilidades correspondientes. De lo mas énfasis se ha dedicado al chayote en Costa Rica y México, a la pitahaya en Nicaragua, a la papaya en el Estado Tabasco y al mango, rambutan y caña de azúcar en el estado Chiapas, México, y a las huertas familiares en Cuba. Resultados de una encuesta entre consumidores reflejan el interés para consumir productos orgánicos, establecer la interacción agricultores-consumidores como parte del proceso de desarrollo agroecológico y fortalecer la educación de los consumidores y productores en los aspectos agroecológicos y de salud

    Control repetitivo impar de alto orden de un rectificador monofásico: operación a frecuencia variable

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    Controlled rectifiers are electronic power devices aimed at reducing the harmonic pollution in electrical networks caused by the power conversion process. The main goal is to obtain a sinusoidal shape current in phase with the voltage network. Although Proportional Integral controllers are widely used for the current control loop, they do not provide high performance results. On the contrary, Resonant and Repetitive Control are techniques with remarkable results on this area. However, their main drawback is the lost of performance due to frequency changes in the exogenous signal. In this work, the implementation of an Odd Harmonic High Order Repetitive Controller is proposed for the rectifier current loop. The odd harmonic characteristic of this compensator makes possible to obtain a computational burden that is very similar to the one obtained by conventional repetitive controllers with the advantage of increase the robustness against frequency variations. Experimental results show the high performance obtained even when the network frequency does not match the designed nominal frequency.Los rectificadores de potencia controlados son dispositivos utilizados con el fin de minimizar la contaminación armónica producida en las redes eléctricas durante el proceso de conversión de la potencia. El objetivo es obtener una corriente de entrada sinusoidal en fase con el voltaje de la red. Aunque es extenso el uso del control Proporcional Integral en el lazo de corriente, no es posible lograr altos desempeños con estos compensadores. Por otro lado, el Control Repetitivo y el Control Resonante son técnicas mediante las cuales se logran resultados excepcionales. La desventaja de estas estrategias de control es la gran pérdida de desempeño en el sistema cuando la frecuencia de lared se desvía de su valor nominal. En este artículo, se propone el uso de un Controlador Repetitivo Impar de Alto Orden para el lazo de corriente del rectificador. Este controlador se diseña para obtener una señal sinusoidal de corriente y rechazar los armónicos impares introducidos en el sistema. Al atacar sólo los armónicos impares, el costo computacional de su implementación resulta muy similar al del controlador repetitivo convencional, con la ventaja de proporcionar robustez ante cambios en la frecuencia de la red. Los resultados experimentales muestran el alto desempeño del compensador aún cuando la frecuencia de la red se desvía del valor nominal de diseño

    LIFE Adaptamed Layman’s Report. Action E13. LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612

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