191 research outputs found

    La mise en scène des cultures urbaines sur la plage de Copacabana à Rio de Janeiro (Brésil) : vers une politique du sensible sur un espace public

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    International audienceThis urban ethnography study deals with understanding how different actors take possession of the beach as a field of possibilities, through the planning of future mega-events (such as the Football World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Summer Games in 2016). Artists that one can meet on the beach negotiate their stands location and try to acquire legitimacy on this world-famous space of Copacabana beach. While carefully including the sensory dimension of trade practices in the economy of the beach, this paper will above all be focused on the political nature of the sensitive. It will deal with the logics begetting the political sense that invests these cultural activities, thus establishing one of the possible significance of pieces, speeches, practices, by definition unfolded


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    L'échange est loin de se réduire à la production de la valeur économique. Ainsi, pour pouvoir échanger, il faut savoir échanger, ce qui demande un savoir-faire original, fait tantôt de politesse et d'échanges convenus (compétence de civilité), tantôt de "tchatche" et de bagout (compétence du bonimenteur), tantôt de capacité à tisser des réseaux solides et sûrs et à mobiliser les ressources à travers la mobilité même. Dans les pays du sud, la figure du marchand ambulant, qui évolue stratégiquement à l'intérieur des espaces urbains, mais aussi sur des espaces transfrontaliers, en est la preuve dans les villes de la Guyane française et du nord du Brésil


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    Notre propos est une invitation à réfléchir aux activités formelles/informelles dans les espaces urbains. A Lisbonne, la Place Martim Moniz - et à Rio de Janeiro, la plage de Copacabana - seront explorées, à partir de nos travaux de recherches empiriques. Nous avons revisité nos terrains pour montrer que la vie quotidienne dans ces deux villes mêlent étroitement l'informel et le formel et cela dans des proportions parfois, difficiles à évaluer mais en tous les cas, significatives selon le moment, le lieu et le type d'activités que de nombreux citadins pratiquent. Nous souhaitons commencer à construire une démarche comparative pour analyser le processus d'informalité dans deux contextes différents. Mots-clés: espace public, formalité, informalité, micro géographies quotidienne

    Como praticar etnografia nas margens e fronteiras das cidades?

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    O artigo visa debater a influência das margens no processo de urbanização das cidades a partir de alguns estudos de casos na Guiana Francesa, no Norte do Brasil (Macapá e Belém do Pará) e Nordeste (Recife-PE) colocados em perspectiva com trabalhos empíricos mais recentes desenvolvidos na metrópole do Rio de Janeiro, e numa cidade média do estado do Rio de Janeiro: Campos dos Goytacazes. Como abordar as cidades através das suas margens e como interferem diferentes lógicas de poder será o fio condutor de nossa proposta. As margens remetem a outros conceitos, tais como interstícios, fronteiras. A reflexão sobre as margens como elaboração de um objeto de pesquisa antropológica questiona as categorias e categorizações: margens, marginalização, fronteiras, rural/urbano, público/privado nas cidades brasileiras, o que também sugere essa outra pergunta: com que abordagem metodológica estudar as margens? Que significa fazer etnografia nas margens das cidades e do Estado ?This article aims to discuss the influence of margins in the process of urbanization of cities from some case studies in French Guiana, in northern Brazil (Macapa and Belem do Para) and Northeast (Recife-PE) placed in perspective with empirical work more recent developed in the metropolis of Rio de Janeiro, and an average city in the state of Rio de Janeiro: Campos dos Goytacazes. How to approach the cities through their margins, and as interfere different logics of power will be the main thread of our proposal. The margins refer to other concepts, such as interstices, borders. Reflecting on the margins as drafting a anthropological research object question categories and categorizations: margins, marginalization, border, rural / urban, public / private in Brazilian cities, which also suggests that other question: what methodological approach to study the margins? That means doing ethnography on the edges of cities and the state

    A la rencontre des vendeurs ambulants et autres informels. Mobilités et réseaux dans la fabrication de la ville

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    Tome 1 Parcours rédigé fin 2011 soutenance le 27 mars 2012 en anthropologie urbaineThis work Habilitation à diriger des recherches is an approach of the city through the practices of travelling tradesmen and other street vendors (service providers, artists, inhabitants of spontaneous districts). How does one become - street vendors of the corner of the street or on the beach? Of what these vendors or people receiving benefits are - they pilot and which - they teach me on the city? Which are the stakes (territorial, social and commercial) to which these street vendors take part? Lastly, how spaces of trade of the street, the beach transform - they into collective places where appear urban competences? My various work aims at giving an account of this questioning. My interest for the city goes, with the wire of the urban investigations, to question the territories and the thin borders between formal and informal practices.Cette habilitation s'inscrit dans une approche de la ville et dans la ville à travers les pratiques de commerçants ambulants et autres informels (prestataires de services, artistes, habitants de quartiers spontanés). Comment devient -on vendeur du coin de la rue ou à la plage ? De quoi ces vendeurs ou prestataires sont -ils témoins et que m'apprennent -ils sur la ville? Quels sont les enjeux (territoriaux, sociaux et commerciaux) auxquels ces vendeurs de rue participent ? Enfin, de quelle manière les espaces de commerces de la rue, de la plage ou de l'habitat se transforment -ils en lieux collectifs où se révèlent des compétences urbaines ? Mes différents travaux visent à rendre compte de ce questionnement. Mon intérêt pour la ville va, au fil des enquêtes urbaines, interroger les territoires et les frontières ténues entre pratiques formelles et informelles

    Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from cow, ewe and goat dairy artisanal farmhouses

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    Lactic acid bacteria collected from artisanal farmhouses were characterized using a polyphasic approach. Phenotypic methods including biochemical assays, ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and 16S rDNA sequence analysis were performed. This approach provides accuracy for identification, and helps to avoid the loss of natural biodiversity including potentially valuable strains


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    International audienceThis paper analyzes citizen's practices and discourses in the Rio de Janeiro metropolis, considering these citizens as eventual or effective customer of the street vendors. It aims at understanding the mercantile dimension of the day-to-day mobilities from a comparative ethnological approach of two spaces of the city: the market of Uruguaiana and the beach of Copacabana.Cet article examine les pratiques et les discours de citadins de la métropole de Rio de Janeiro, clients éventuels ou attitrés des vendeurs ambulants. Nous proposons de réfléchir sur la dimension marchande des déplacements du quotidien à partir d'une ethnographie comparée de deux espaces de la ville : le marché Populaire d'Uruguaiana et la plage de Copacabana


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    Este artículo propone una lectura comparativa de diferentes espacios urbanos en la Guyana francesa y en la Amazonia Brasilera a través de las múltiples actividades económicas informales, desarrolladas en el lugar por los habitantes, en su mayor parte inmigrantes de otras regiones o de otros países. El tema de reflexión tratado en el artículo converge con el de mi laboratorio de investigación, (GRAL- Groupe de Recherche sur L'Amerique Latine, UMR 5135 Universidad de Toulouse Le Mirail) y concierne la identificación de la ciudad por parte de sus habitantes. Mi trabajo de campo en las ciudades de la Guyana francesa y mis observaciones más recientes del Estado de Amapa al Norte de Brasil, me servirán de ilustración para identificar, observar y describir la entrada progresiva en el mundo urbano.

    Increased migration of olfactory ensheathing cells secreting the Nogo receptor ectodomain over inhibitory substrates and lesioned spinal cord

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    Abstract Olfactory ensheathing cell (OEC) transplantation emerged some years ago as a promising therapeutic strategy to repair injured spinal cord. However, inhibitory molecules are present for long periods of time in lesioned spinal cord, inhibiting both OEC migration and axonal regrowth. Two families of these molecules, chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans (CSPG) and myelin-derived inhibitors (MAIs), are able to trigger inhibitory responses in lesioned axons. Mounting evidence suggests that OEC migration is inhibited by myelin. Here we demonstrate that OEC migration is largely inhibited by CSPGs and that inhibition can be overcome by the bacterial enzyme Chondroitinase ABC. In parallel, we have generated a stable OEC cell line overexpressing the Nogo receptor (NgR) ectodomain to reduce MAI-associated inhibition in vitro and in vivo. Results indicate that engineered cells migrate longer distances than unmodified OECs over myelin or oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein (OMgp)-coated substrates. In addition, they also show improved migration in lesioned spinal cord. Our results provide new insights toward the improvement of the mechanisms of action and optimization of OEC-based cell therapy for spinal cord lesion.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU2012-32617), the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR2014-1218), La Caixa Obra Social Foundation, and the Basque Foundation of Health and Innovation Research (BIO12/AL/004) to JADR. RG was supported by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI11-00075) and work in FW’s lab was supported by grants from the Dirección General de Ciencia y Tecnologia-DGCYT-(SAF2012-39148-C03-01), and EU-FP7-2009-(CT222887), as well as an institutional grant from the ‘Fundación ArecesPeer Reviewe


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    Este artículo propone una lectura comparativa de diferentes espacios urbanos en la Guyana francesa y en la Amazonia Brasilera a través de las múltiples actividades económicas informales, desarrolladas en el lugar por los habitantes, en su mayor parte inmigrantes de otras regiones o de otros países. El tema de reflexión tratado en el artículo converge con el de mi laboratorio de investigación, (GRAL- Groupe de Recherche sur L'Amerique Latine, UMR 5135 Universidad de Toulouse Le Mirail) y concierne la identificación de la ciudad por parte de sus habitantes. Mi trabajo de campo en las ciudades de la Guyana francesa y mis observaciones más recientes del Estado de Amapa al Norte de Brasil, me servirán de ilustración para identificar, observar y describir la entrada progresiva en el mundo urbano.