526 research outputs found

    Preliminary studies on accelerator development program

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    A study was made of the Abramyan type accelerator using a scale model to investigate the resonant transformer principle and the beam induced voltages. The Abramyan technique of resonant transformer charging an accelerating gap was found to work very well. The circuit is quite simple, the components values are not critical, and only a low voltage primary capacitor and a single switch are needed to generate a high secondary voltage. (PMA

    D2=H+1/4{\mathsf D}^2={\mathsf H}+1/4 with point interactions

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    Let D{\mathsf D} and H{\mathsf H} be the self-adjoint, one-dimensional Dirac and Schr\"odinger operators in L2(R;C2)L^{2}(\mathbb{R};\mathbb{C}^{2}) and L2(R;C)L^{2}(\mathbb{R};\mathbb{C}) respectively. It is well known that, in absence of an external potential, the two operators are related through the equality D2=(H+14)1{\mathsf D}^2 = ({\mathsf H} + \frac{1}{4}){\mathbb 1}. We show that such a kind of relation also holds in the case of nn-point singular perturbations: given any self-adjoint realization D^\widehat {\mathsf D} of the formal sum D+∑k=1nγkδyk{\mathsf D}+\sum_{k=1}^{n}\gamma_{k}\delta_{y_{k}}, we explicitly determine the self-adjoint realization H^\widehat{\mathsf H} of H1+∑k=1n(αkδyk+βkδyk′){\mathsf H}{\mathbb 1}+\sum_{k=1}^{n}(\alpha_{k}\delta_{y_{k}}+\beta_{k}\delta'_{y_{k}}) such that D^2=H^+14{\widehat{\mathsf D}}^2 = \widehat{\mathsf H} + \frac{{\mathbb 1}}{4}. The found correspondence preserves the subclasses of self-adjoint realizations corresponding to both the local and the separating boundary conditions. The case on nonlocal boundary conditions allows the study of the relation D2=H+14{\mathsf D}^{2}={\mathsf H}+\frac14 for quantum graphs with (at most) two ends; in particular, the square of the extension corresponding to Kirchhoff-type boundary conditions for the Dirac operator on the graph gives the direct sum of two Schr\"odinger operators on the same graph, one with the usual Kirchhoff boundary conditions and the other with a sort of reversed Kirchhoff ones

    Multilevel measurements of surface temperature over undulating terrain planted to barley

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    A ground and aircraft program was conducted to extend ground based methods for measuring soil moisture and crop water stress to aircraft and satellite altitudes. A 260ha agricultural field in California was used over the 1977-78 growing season. For cloud free days ground based temperature measurements over bare soil were related to soil moisture content. Water stress resulted from too much water, not from lack of it, as was expected. A theoretical examination of the canopy air temperature difference as affected by vapor pressure deficit and net radiation was developed. This analysis shows why surface temperatures delineate crop water stress under conditions of low humidity, but not under high humidity conditions. Multilevel temperatures acquired from the ground, low and high altitude aircraft, and the Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) spacecraft were compared for two day and one night overpasses. The U-2 and low altitude temperatures were within 0.5 C. The HCMM data were analyzed using both the pre- and post-launch calibrations, with the former being considerably closer in agreement with the aircraft data than the latter

    Quality of Government and Well-being: An Empirical Analysis of 158 European Regions

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    The aim of the study is twofold: on the one hand, it assesses the association between well-being and the quality of government, on the other it evaluates the impact exerted on the same well-being by the different components into which the quality of government can be broken down. The analysis is conducted at the regional level. A composite indicator derived from OECD data on regional well-being is used to assess its association with the quality of government. The latter is measured using the European Quality of Government Survey Index (EQI) data. The EQI breaks down the quality of government into three key elements: the impartiality of administration, the quality of services provided and the degree of corruption. The association between well-being and quality of government is verified considering, at first, the EQI index as a whole, being the product of the three different components, and then separately considering its key elements.The results confirmed the existence of a strong positive association between well-being and the overall quality of government, as between the former and the single components of the EQI index. Furthermore, the same association is observed when the assessment is made on the whole sample, but also when subsamples are made, considering the geographical macro-area to which the regions belong

    La digitalizzazione a supporto del processo di implementazione del nuovo modello di assistenza territoriale della ASL di Sassari

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    L’emergenza pandemica ha accelerato l’adozione delle tecnologie digitali e il potenziamento dell’assistenza territoriale. Il contributo analizza come la ASL di Sassari stia gestendo il processo di digitalizzazione e innovazione dei servizi territoriali, sulla spinta del PNRR e secondo i criteri del DM 77/2022 e delle direttive regionali. Il caso studio è particolarmente rilevante in quanto l’azienda è chiamata a gestire massicci investimenti e profondi cambiamenti di sistema, all’interno di una fase estremamente complessa, derivante dalla riforma regionale in atto e dal conseguente disallineamento dei processi istituzionali, organizzativi e tecnologici. Il lavoro evidenzia come la ASL di Sassari si trovi davanti a una duplice sfida: implementare in modo efficace e rapido le strategie del PNRR, secondo un approccio top-down; sviluppare dal basso l’innovazione dei servizi territoriali collegati all’uso delle nuove tecnologie digitali e al nuovo modello di medicina di prossimità.The pandemic emergency has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies and the innovation of territorial assistance. The paper explores how the Sassari Health Care Organization (HCO) is managing the digitalization and community care reorganizational process, according to the Ministerial Decree 77/2022 criteria and regional directives. In the light of recent Sardinia health care system reform, Sassari HCO represents a relevant example of how the organization is called to manage the PNRR funds within an extremely complex context, deriving from the misalignment of institutional, organizational and technological processes. The case study highlights how Sassari HCO is facing with a double challenge: implementing effectively and quickly the PNRR strategic investments, according to top-down boost; developing, through a bottom-up approach, the innovation of its health services linked to new digital technologies and primary care design

    Airborne monitoring of crop canopy temperatures for irrigation scheduling and yield prediction

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    Airborne and ground measurements were made on April 1 and 29, 1976, over a USDA test site consisting mostly of wheat in various stages of water stress, but also including alfalfa and bare soil. These measurements were made to evaluate the feasibility of measuring crop temperatures from aircraft so that a parameter termed stress degree day, SDD, could be computed. Ground studies have shown that SDD is a valuable indicator of a crop's water needs, and that it can be related to irrigation scheduling and yield. The aircraft measurement program required predawn and afternoon flights coincident with minimum and maximum crop temperatures. Airborne measurements were made with an infrared line scanner and with color IR photography. The scanner data were registered, subtracted, and color-coded to yield pseudo-colored temperature-difference images. Pseudo-colored images reading directly in daily SDD increments were also produced. These maps enable a user to assess plant water status and thus determine irrigation needs and crop yield potentials
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