7 research outputs found

    Dual Adaptation and Adaptive Generalization of the Human Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex

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    In two experiments, we examined the possibility that the human vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is subject to dual adaptation (the ability to adapt to a sensory rearrangement more rapidly and/or more completely after repeated experience with it) and adaptive generalization (the ability to adapt more readily to a novel sensory rearrangement as a result of prior dual adaptation training). In Experiment 1, the subjects actively turned the head during alternating exposure to a visual-vestibular rearrangement (target/head gain = 0.5) and the normal situation (target/head gain = 0.0). These conditions produced both adaptation and dual adaptation of the VOR but no evidence of adaptive generalization when tested with a target/head gain of 1.0. Experiment 2, in which exposure to the 0.5 gain entailed externally controlled (i.e., passive) whole body rotation, resulted in VOR adaptation but no dual adaptation. As in Experiment 1, no evidence of adaptive generalization was found

    "Erkennen, was ich anfangs nicht gesehen habe": Die Fallanalyse als Denk- und Schreibwerkzeug für die Professionalisierung von Lehrer*innen

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    Im vorliegenden Artikel stellen wir ein Instrument vor, das in einem Entwicklungs- und Forschungsprojekt mit dem Ziel konzipiert wurde, mithilfe einer angeleiteten Fallanalyse Praxis und Theorie in der Lehrer*innenbildung stärker zu vernetzen. Ausgehend von der Bedeutung der fallspezifischen Anwendung von Wissen für die Professionalisierung von Lehrpersonen wurde ein Denk- und Schreibmodell entwickelt, das diesen Prozess konkretisiert und rückmeldet. Sogenannte „Bedeutungsvolle Lernereignisse“ (BeLe) werden in einem Lerntagebuch mit der Hand notiert, und in weiterer Folge werden ausgewählte „Geschichten“ zu „Fällen“ für das Prozessportfolio bestimmt. In diesem wird der gewählte Fall prozesshaft analysiert, und es wird versucht, Schlussfolgerungen auf ihre mögliche Übertragbarkeit zu prüfen. Der Bericht gibt einen Einblick in konzeptionelle hochschuldidaktische Überlegungen, stellt die entwickelten unterschiedlichen Instrumente vor und fasst einige zentrale Ergebnisse aus der begleitenden Forschung zur Entwicklung zusammen

    Future extreme events in European climate: an exploration of regional climate model projections

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    This paper presents an overview of changes in the extreme events that are most likely to affect Europe in forthcoming decades. A variety of diagnostic methods are used to determine how heat waves, heavy precipitation, drought, wind storms, and storm surges change between present (1961-90) and future (2071-2100) climate on the basis of regional climate model simulations produced by the PRUDENCE project. A summary of the main results follows. Heat waves - Regional surface warming causes the frequency, intensity and duration of heat waves to increase over Europe. By the end of the twenty first century, countries in central Europe will experience the same number of hot days as are currently experienced in southern Europe. The intensity of extreme temperatures increases more rapidly than the intensity of more moderate temperatures over the continental interior due to increases in temperature variability. Precipitation - Heavy winter precipitation increases in central and northern Europe and decreases in the south; heavy summer precipitation increases in north-eastern Europe and decreases in the south. Mediterranean droughts start earlier in the year and last longer. Winter storms - Extreme wind speeds increase between 45°N and 55°N, except over and south of the Alps, and become more north-westerly than cuurently. These changes are associated with reductions in mean sea-level pressure, leading to more North Sea storms and a corresponding increase in storm surges along coastal regions of Holland, Germany and Denmark, in particular. These results are found to depend to different degrees on model formulation. While the responses of heat waves are robust to model formulation, the magnitudes of changes in precipitation and wind speed are sensitive to the choice of regional model, and the detailed patterns of these changes are sensitive to the choice of the driving global model. In the case of precipitation, variation between models can exceed both internal variability and variability between different emissions scenario