6 research outputs found

    The spectacle of the poor. Or: ‘Wow!! Awesome. Nice to know that people care!’

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    On the night of 14 November 2012, a police officer of the New York Police Department encountered a homeless person while performing his duties around Times Square. He gave him a pair of boots and while doing so, he was photographed by a tourist. The photo was posted on Facebook, receiving in a few days more than 1.6 million visits. The paper unfolds the reasons why this particular image and story have gone, as the media has put it, ‘viral’. The paper investigates the spaces that have emerged in the media elongation of DePrimo's practice of care and, introducing the notion of ‘spectacle of the poor’, it argues that this specific case simplifies the dominant western framings around matter of ‘caring for the poor’. The political and cultural consequences of these framings are investigated, and reflections on how to tackle them provided.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14649365.2014.91674

    Effect of biofuel- and lube oil-originated sulfur and phosphorus on the performance of Cu-SSZ-13 and V2O5-WO3/TiO2 SCR catalysts

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    Two different SCR catalysts, V2O5-WO3/TiO2 and Cu-SSZ-13, were exposed to biodiesel exhausts generated by a diesel burner. The effect of phosphorus and sulfur on the SCR performance of these catalysts was investigated by doping the fuel with P-, S-, or P + S-containing compounds. Elemental analyses showed that both catalysts captured phosphorus while only Cu-SSZ-13 captured sulfur. High molar P/V ratios, up to almost 3, were observed for V2O5-WO3/TiO2, while the highest P/Cu ratios observed were slightly above 1 for the Cu-SSZ-13 catalyst. Although the V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst captured more P than did the Cu-SSZ-13 catalyst, a higher degree of deactivation was observed for the latter, especially at low temperatures. For both catalysts, phosphorus exposure resulted in suppression of the SCR performance over the entire temperature range. Sulfur exposure, on the other hand, resulted in deactivation of the Cu-SSZ-13 catalyst mainly at temperatures below 300-350 \ub0C. The use of an oxidation catalyst upstream of the SCR catalyst during the exhaust-exposure protects the SCR catalyst from phosphorus poisoning by capturing phosphorus. The results in this work will improve the understanding of chemical deactivation of SCR catalysts and aid in developing durable aftertreatment systems

    Hydroconversion of model Fischer‑Tropsch wax over noble metal/silica-alumina catalysts

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    Synthetic fuels produced using the Fischer-Tropsch technology will play an important role in the future of the transportation sector. The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) allows converting synthesis gas (CO + H2) into fuels of outstanding quality. The synthesis gas can be obtained from different carbon sources: natural gas, coal and biomass. In order to maximize the yield of middle distillates, the process is carried out in two main steps: the FT-synthesis that produces long-chain hydrocarbons (waxes) and a hydrocracking step, to selectively convert the waxes into fuels. Diesel produced by this process is characterized by excellent combustion properties and reduced harmful tailpipe emissions compared to conventional diesel. Due to the growing interest in synthetic fuel production, from the industry and the academia, and to the peculiar characteristics of the Fischer-Tropsch products, research in hydrocracking has received renewed attention. Catalysts for the hydrocracking of long-chain paraffins have been the subject of the present work, which is the summary of four scientific publications. Noble metals supported on acid carriers have been compared, especially for what regards the mechanisms through which hydrocracking proceeds. The catalysts were synthesized and characterized by various techniques, including N2 physisorption, H2 chemisorption, TEM, pyridine adsorption FTIR, ammonia TPD, etc. It was shown that catalytic activity is mainly dependent on the acid support used; that selectivity is strongly dependent on conversion, high conversion favoring highly branched cracking products. Two main reaction routes were observed: bifunctional hydrocracking and hydrogenolytic cracking. Platinum-containing catalysts showed high selectivity towards the latter, while palladium/silica-alumina behaved as pure bifunctional catalysts. Catalyst deactivation was investigated and initial sintering of metal particles was observed. Coking was also a cause of deactivation. Formation of coke deposits was highly dependent on the metal loading of the catalysts. Metal loading also influenced catalyst selectivity, especially in the case of platinum/silica-alumina catalysts. Monofunctional hydrogenolysis on the platinum particles, superimposed to the bifunctional mechanism was observed. This route increased selectivity towards linear hydrocarbons and methane, with increasing amounts of platinum. The specific rate of hydrogenolysis was constant for different loadings of platinum on the same acid silica-alumina support. Using a different, less acid, support negatively affected the hydrogenolytic activity of the platinum catalytic sites. It was concluded that metal-support interactions might play an important role in the catalytic properties of platinum surfaces. This work has contributed to increasing the knowledge about hydrocracking of long-chain alkanes and pointed out some features that might have practical interest in the application of this technology to synthetic-fuel production.Syntetiska drivmedel tillverkade genom Fischer-Tropsch teknologin kommer i framtiden att ha en betydande roll för transportsektorn. Fischer-Tropsch syntesen (FTS) möjliggör omvandling av syntesgas (CO + H2) till högkvalitativa brĂ€nslen. Syntesgasen kan erhĂ„llas frĂ„n olika kolkĂ€llor: naturgas, kol och biomassa. För att maximera utbytet av medeldestillat, utförs processen i tvĂ„ huvudsteg: FT-syntes som producerar lĂ„nga kolvĂ€ten (vaxer) och ett hydrokrackning steg, för att selektivt omvandla vaxerna till brĂ€nslen. Diesel som produceras med denna process kĂ€nnetecknas av utmĂ€rkta förbrĂ€nningsegenskaper och ger upphov till minskade utslĂ€pp av skadliga Ă€mnen jĂ€mfört med vanlig diesel. PĂ„ grund av det vĂ€xande intresset för syntetiska brĂ€nslen, bĂ„de frĂ„n industrin och den akademiska vĂ€rlden, och av de speciella egenskaperna hos Fischer-Tropsch-produkter, har forskningen i vĂ€tekrackning fĂ„tt förnyad uppmĂ€rksamhet. Ämnet för detta arbete, som Ă€r en sammanfattning av fyra vetenskapliga publikationer, Ă€r katalysatorer för hydrokrackning av lĂ„ngkedjiga paraffiner. Ädelmetaller uppburna pĂ„ sura bĂ€rare har jĂ€mförts, sĂ€rskilt vad gĂ€ller vĂ€tekrackningsmekanismer. Katalysatorerna preparerades och karaktĂ€riserades med hjĂ€lp av olika tekniker, bland andra N2 fysisorption, H2 kemisorption, TEM, pyridin adsorption FTIR, ammoniak TPD, etc. Det visade sig att den katalytiska aktiviteten Ă€r frĂ€mst beroende av surheten hos bĂ€rarmaterialet, att selektivitet Ă€r starkt beroende av omsĂ€ttningen, dĂ€r hög omsĂ€ttning gynnar flergrenade krackningsprodukter. TvĂ„ huvudsakliga reaktionsvĂ€gar observerades: bifunktionell vĂ€tekrackning och hydrogenolytisk crackning. Platinakatalysatorer visade hög selektivitet mot det senare, medan katalysatorer med palladium pĂ„ kiseloxid-aluminiumoxid upptrĂ€dde som rena bifunktionella katalysatorer. Katalysatordeaktivering undersöktes och sintring av metallpartiklar observerades. Koksning var ocksĂ„ en orsak till deaktivering. Koksbildning var starkt beroende av metallhalten i katalysatorerna. Metallhalten pĂ„verkade ocksĂ„ selektivitet, sĂ€rskilt för platina-kiseloxid-aluminiumoxidkatalysatorer. Monofunktionellt hydrogenolys pĂ„ platinapartiklarna, observerades utöver den bifunktionella mekanismen. Med denna reaktionsvĂ€g ökade selektivitet mot linjĂ€ra kolvĂ€ten och metan, med ökande platinahalter pĂ„ katalysator. Den specifika reaktionshastigheten för hydrogenolys var konstant för olika platinahalter pĂ„ en sur kiseloxid-aluminiumoxidbĂ€rare. Den hydrogenolytiska aktiviteten hos platina katalytiska sĂ€ten pĂ„verkas negativt nĂ€r en mindre sur bĂ€rare anvĂ€ndes. Slutsatsen var att interaktioner mellan metallen och bĂ€raren kan spela en viktig roll för de katalytiska egenskaperna hos platina ytor. Detta arbete har bidragit till att öka kunskapen om vĂ€tekrackning av lĂ„ngkedjiga alkaner och pĂ„pekade vissa funktioner som kan ha praktiskt intresse vid tillĂ€mpningen av denna teknik för produktionen av syntetiska brĂ€nslen.QC 20131007</p

    Effect of metal loading on activity, selectivity and deactivation behavior of Pd/silica-alumina catalysts in the hydroconversion of n-hexadecane

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    Bifunctional catalysts consisting of palladium on amorphous silica-alumina with different metal loadings (0 wt% to 1.2 wt%) were compared in the hydrocracking/hydroisomerization of n-hexadecane. The reaction conditions were: pressure = 30 bar; temperature = 310 degrees C; hydrogen-to-hexadecane feed molar ratio = 10. Metal loading was found to have a remarkable influence on the initial deactivation rate, which could be related to the formation of carbonaceous deposits. The dependence of activity on the metal-acid site ratio was the typical one for bifunctional hydrocracking where, after reaching a threshold value, the catalytic activity does not appreciably increase with increasing metal loading. On the Pd-containing catalysts, the methane space-time-yield showed a strong dependence on conversion, but no clear relationship with metal surface area, indicating that the formation of methane might not proceed by purely metal-catalyzed hydrogenolysis.QC 20140213. Updated from accepted to published.</p

    Chemical aging of Cu-SSZ-13 SCR catalysts for heavy-duty vehicles – Influence of sulfur dioxide

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    Selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides is an efficient technique for emission abatement in heavy-duty vehicles. Cu-SSZ-13 SCR catalysts are more active than vanadium-based catalysts at low temperatures, but are more sensitive to deactivation by sulfur. Consequently, there is a need to study poisoning by sulfur for this catalyst material. This experimental investigation focuses on the effect of sulfur on the low-temperature performance of Cu-SSZ-13 SCR catalysts. The effect of sulfur exposure temperature, and the influence of the NO2/NOx ratio, are considered and two different regeneration temperatures are compared. In addition, catalyst samples from an engine-aged catalyst are evaluated. The SO2 exposure temperature is shown to have an important impact on the deactivation of the Cu-SSZ-13 catalyst. The lowest sulfur exposure temperature (220 \ub0C) results in the most severe deactivation, while the highest temperature during sulfur exposure (400 \ub0C) results in the lowest degree of deactivation. This was found to be related to the amount of sulfur on the catalyst. Additionally, SO2 exposure was shown to decrease the N2O selectivity. The engine-aged catalyst has a decreased performance in terms of both decreased activity and increased N2O selectivity. For this catalyst, impurities from fuel and engine-oil can play a role in the deactivation. Different deactivation mechanisms are seen for the laband engine-aged catalysts